八年级英语上册 unit 8单元课件 人教新目标版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,How was your school trip?,did some cleaning,went shopping,read a book,cooked dinner,babysat my nephew,The rules of the past form,1,play,ed,work,ed,want,ed,need,ed,2,decide,d,live,d,improve,d,3,carry-carr,ied,study-stud,ied,worryworr,ied,5,go,went,have-,had,see-,saw,eat,ate,buy,bought,take,took,win,won,hang-,hung,4,stop- stop,ped,shop- shop,ped,plan- plan,ned,1、四人一组,分别介绍自己的上周末活动。,2、比一比谁的周末活动最精彩。,Whose weekend is the most colorful?,shark,seal,sea horse,starfish,octopus,dolphin,a,qua,rium,水族馆,Sam was on school trip last Sunday. He went to,the,aquarium. What did he do ? Can you guess?,go to the aquarium by subway,see some seals and sharks,hang out闲逛 with his friends,take photos,buy souvenirs纪念品,meet Yao Ming and get his autograph(亲笔签名),take the bus back to school,A: Where did he go last Sunday? B,A: What did he see there? B,A: Were there any sea horses? B,A: Who did he hang out with? B,A: Did he take any photos? B,A: What did he buy? B,A: Who did he meet? B,A: How did he go back to school? B,考考你!,go to the aquarium by subway,see some seals and sharks,hang out闲逛 with his friends,take photos,buy souvenirs纪念品,meet Yao Ming and get his autograph(亲笔签名),take the bus back to school,A:Did Sam go to the zoo?,B:No,he didnt.He went to the ,A:Were there any seals?,B:Yes,there were.,A:Did he meet Jake Dean?,B:No,he met,A: Where did Sam go last.,B: He went the aquarium.,A: What did he see there ?,B:He saw some seals and.,A:Who did he hang out with?,B:,Listening Practice,A: So, Tina, what _ did you do?,B: You wont believe it, but I _ Jake Dean.,A: Jake Dean, the famous_? You really met him?,B: Yes! Hes making a movie at the _.,A: Wow. Did you get his _?,B: No, I didnt. Laura did. But I _ his photo.,Here it is.,A: Wow. _ there other actors there?,B: No, we only saw Jake. Look, heres Toby.,He _ a prize in the Gift Shop.,A: Did you win that hat?,B: No, I didnt. I _ it.,else,met,actor,aquarium,autograph,took,Were,won,bought,Who has a good memory?,谁的记忆力好?,Visitors Center,Class 9,First,and,Then,After that,After lunch,Finally,school,At the end of the day,写作沙龙,假设你上周去了动物园,请你根据图片,以 “My Unforgettable school trip为题,,写一篇短文。,What did you learn in this class?,The rules of the past form:,Did you do?,Were /Was there ?,What did you ?,Where did he?,Who did she?,Goodbye!,


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