part 2 The English Countryside 英国乡村

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Part II Reading Activities,Text illustration,Comprehension work,Language work,The,Coltwolds,科茨沃尔德丘陵,ktswuld,The,Cotswolds,in the heart of England is an area of outstanding beauty and famous picturesque villages made from the golden local stone. It is an area rich in history and one of the most popular regions of England to explore. From Stratford upon Avon in the North, to the beautiful Roman city of Bath in the South, the Cotswold journey takes you through magical little villages and places that have remained untouched and immaculately preserved throughout the ages.,Reading and Language Activities,Pre-reading tasks,Studying the following words and phrases; select the ones that can be applied to describe the views in your places; and imagine which of them can be used to describe the English countryside.,bush,rivers,meadow lawn coast,beach the wilderness footpath,brook,valley lowland upland cliffs,stream,landscape rural pasture rice-paddy,cultivated land,Highland,My Heart is,on the,highland,lowland,The structure of the text,Aspects,Characteristics,location,homestead,Activities,Mill wheels,Lowlands such as a valley with a church,Usually built on a farm, sheltered by ample,Trees, with a small river not far away.,Children can take a bath; adults can go fishing;,Families can gather watercress or grow osiers,For basket weaving.,Not used any more, but men gather there,to watch views, relax.,Text,Essential adjective,1.,absolutely necessary; indispensable:,Discipline is essential in an army.,2.,pertaining to or constituting the essence of a thing.,Synonyms,fundamental, basic, inherent, intrinsic, vital,Antonyms,incidental, extraneous, extrinsic; accidental.,At home,a.,in ones own house or place of residence,b. in a situation familiar to one; at ease:,She has a way of making everyone feel at home.,也许只是因为这个岛国的自然地势,绝大多数英国人感觉生活在低地比生活在高地要舒适的多,The popular idea of an English,village,is of one in a valley,where it can be,overlooked,from the hills,clustered,about its ancient church,; and similarly, the general conception of a,farm,in this country is of more or less commodious homestead in a valley,sheltered by ample trees,with,broad fields,like open hands,stretched out,to receive the sun, and a,river,flowing,not far away.,Gather around,a.,to,some extent; somewhat:,She seemed more or less familiar with the subject.,b.,about,; in substance; approximately; basically:,We came to more or less the same conclusion.,spacious and convenient; roomy:,a commodious apartment.,incommodious,1. to extend over a distance or area or in a particular direction:,The forest stretches out for miles.,2. t,o extend the hand or to reach, as for something.,He stretched out for the apples but was in vain.,人们心目中常有的英国乡村是在低谷里,从山上可以俯瞰它的,全貌,房子簇拥在古老的教堂周围;同样,这个国家的人们对,农场的普遍概念也是低谷地里宽敞的家园,绿树成荫。广阔的,田野延伸开去,就像张开的手掌接受普照的阳光,不远处还有,潺潺的河流。,For the most part,with respect to the greatest part; on the whole; generally; usually; mostly:,They are good students, for the most part.,Intimatelyin a close manner,They are intimately known for that.,We feel closely associated with them,.,它们令我们感到倍加亲切。,Certainly they are not the kind about which national songs are composed, as in the case of the Rhine or the Danube or the Volga; but at least they are the kind in which boys cab bathe and in which (even today) a farm-hand can tickle an occasional trout.,rain,莱茵河(源出瑞士境内的阿尔卑斯山,贯穿西欧多国),dnju:b,多瑙河(欧洲南部河流),vl,伏尔加河(欧洲第一大河),As in the case ofjust like,Some students are clever but lazy, as in,the case of Tom and Mike,。,Compose: comprise, consist of, constitute,Concrete is composed of cement, sand,and gravel mixed with water.,England, Scotland and Wales compose,the island of Great Britain.,当然,它们不像莱茵河、多瑙河、伏尔加河那样,,有许多民族歌曲为之传唱,但至少它们能够让男,孩在里面洗澡,直至今天还能让农夫享受偶然,在里面抓到鲑鱼的惬意。,Permit of allow as possible, admit (,fml,),The facts permit of no other explanation.,Such rivers,insignificant as they may be, influence the lives of those who live near them n the most subtle and sensuous way.,这些河流不管是多么不重要,却在极不经意地而又心旷神怡地影响着周围居民的生活。,Pa 2,Cotswolds,kts,wuldz,科茨沃尔德,此地古香古色,充满诗情画意。,In front of my garden a,meadow,itself a garden of cowslips in spring and a haunt of bee-,orchises,that fell with the swaths of grass in summer ,dipped down to the Severn valley.,Stretched towards,A place,Of,我花园前面的草场一直向下延伸到塞文河。,春天它就是一座长满黄九轮草的花园,而,夏天则是一个开满了对叶兰好去处,但,兰花会在青草被刈后香消玉殒。,Those far blue ridges might be hidden by mist or cloud from time to time; but,seldom,was,there,a day when I could not clearly follow the course of the river to its wide, muddy estuary.,Occasionally,Path or movement,河道,远方那些蓝色的山脊偶而会隐匿于云雾之中,,但很少有哪一天会看不清那,小河流向宽阔、多泥的河道。,Year in and year out, the Severn was part of my view; it was even part of my consciousness.,The writer was so familiar with the views of the river, and therefore, the landscape tended to be part of his consciousnessthat is he is able to see the views with his mind eyes.,Comprehension work,Where do the majority of the English people live?,Lowlands,2. What are the attractions of an English village?,It is situated in a valley, overlooked by the hills, clustered about an ancient church, with a river nearby, mills, animals such as swallows, birds, plants on weirs such as watercress, osiers, children playing along the banks, men leaning on weirs watching birds flying across the river, gardens in front of a cottage, pastures near around,3. What are the differences in rivers between England and other European countries?,England: small and insignificant,No national songs are composed,4. What does the last sentence in the text means?,The writer was so familiar with the views of the river, and therefore, the landscape tended to be part of his consciousnessthat is he is able to see the views with his mind eyes.,2. Language work. A,1. subjects, course, ample,2. stretch out, overlook, lowland,3. valley, clustered, occupations,4. homestead, sheltered,5. farm-hands, haunt,6. influenced, subtle, consciousness,B. Rewrite the sentences,When we live in the country, we had,a commodious house.,Each individuals contribution to the fund seemed,insignificant, but the total sum was very large indeed.,Many women in the countryside still carry on such,homely,crafts as making jam and weaving baskets.,I could not fully understand the lecture because the speaker made a number of,subtle,distinctions.,5. A poet often has the ability to convey to his readers,his own sensuous experiences,.,6. When the birds were set free, they flew out of the cage and looked,very much,at home,in the trees.,7. The rainforest in this tropical area is,for,the most part,dark and wet.,8. The new software,permits,faster processing of data by the computer.,c. Word Study,Essentially:,fundamentally, vitally,More or less,: basically, somewhat,Judged by,: according to, based on,In the case of,: as far as,sb,is concerned,anes,bad results were due to her illness, but in the case of John/ in Johns case, no such excuse is possible.,on the one hand, on the other handfor one thing, for another,from time to time,occasionally, accidentally,She was born in US, but she is essentially more Chinese or English.,Richard is essentially a soft, caring person, although he looks quite tough.,John is essentially more a scholar than a politician.,After the accident, she became more or less handicapped and lost her job in the factory.,The new students seems more or less familiar with the subject, so let him join the discussion.,The children in the mountainous village grow up more or less in freedom.,Judged by national standards, the so-called “Great Hotel” is only a small inn.,Judged by modern moral standards,Songjiangs,reconciliation with the government is sensible in some aspects.,Judged by Chinese standards, these rivers are only small creeks.,Some new scientific advances may have unpleasant side effects, as in the case of unclear radioactivity.,Some big rivers are often regarded as the origins of human civilization, as in the case of the Yellow River and the Nile.,Many scientific discoveries come out in dreams, as in the case of the sewing machine.,Walking down the road, we can see sharply contrasting views, tall and new buildings on the one hand, old and shabby houses on the other.,Looking out of the window, you can see snowy mountains on the one hand and an icy river on the other.,Going through the students writing, the teacher discovered how creative the students were on the one hand, but how poor their basic writing skills were on the other.,Nobody would mind the lecture being interrupted with interesting questions from time to time.,We would stop and ask for directions form time to time, as we were in a new city.,The white sails of the fishing boats are obscured form time to time by mist and cloud.,


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