七年级下册第六单元第一话题SectionA ppt

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 Our Local Area,Topic1,Is there a computer in your study?,Section A,学 习 目 标 : (,2,分钟),1,、学习,There is / are,句型。,2,、学习表示方位的介词短语。,3,、能简单讨论自己的家。,自 学 指 导:一,1,、,听对话,1a ,找出其中的介词。,(,3,分钟),to,、,on,、,in,、,next to,Questions:,1. Where is Janes bedroom?,2. Where is her study?,3. Is there a computer in her study?,Its on the second floor.,Its next to her bedroom,.,Yes, there is.,2,、自己阅读,1a,,并回答一下问题:,(,5,分钟),3,、找出重点词组:(,3,分钟),welcome to,on the second floor,next to my bedroom,In your study,have a look,a moment later,come in,so many,on the shelf,欢迎到,在二楼,紧挨着我的卧室,在你的书房里,看一看,一会之后,进 来,这么多,在书架上,come upstairs,上 楼,4,、找出重点句型:(,3,分钟),1,、,You have a nice garden .,2,、,There is a study next to my bedroom .,3,、,Is there a computer in your study ?,Yes , there is .,4,、,Why not come upstairs and have a look ?,1b Work alone,This is Janes home. Her bedroom is _ the second floor. There _,a study _ her bedroom. There is,a _,in her study. There _ many _,on the shelves. She _ a nice study.,on,next to,is,are,books,has,computer,自学指导:二(,2,分钟),独立完成,1b,A,A,B,C,D,G,E,2a Look, listen and,match . (3,分钟,),A. bedroom,B. study,C. kitchen,D. dining room,E. living room,F. garden,G. bathroom,on the second floor,on the first floor,F,2b Pair,work,(,5,分 钟),Example:,A: Where is the living room?,B: Its on the first floor.,A: Is there a study on the first floor?,B: No, there isnt. Its on the second,floor.,A: Are there any books in the study?,B: Yes, there are.,3 Pair,work,(,5,分钟),Example:,A: Where is your father?,B: Hes in front of the house.,A: Whats he doing?,B: Hes cleaning the car.,Exercises,用,be,动词填空。(,4,分钟),1. There,a pen in my hand.,2. There,some juice in the glass.,3.,there a study on the second floor?,4. There,some books on the shelf.,5. There,61 students in our class.,6.,there any apples in the kitchen?,is,is,Is,Are,are,are,Exercises,1.Why not,home and watch TV?,A. go B. to go C. going,2. Is there a clock next to the photo?,.,A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isnt.,3.There is a bedroom,the second floor.,A. on B. at C. in,4. May I have a look,your pen?,A. for B. after C. at,单项选择(,6,分钟),A,A,B,C,Exercises,5. There is a big tree _ my _.,A. in the front of family,B. in front of family,C. in front of house,D. in the front of house,6. _ there a book and three pens on the desk?,A. Is B. Are C. Have D. Has,C,A,welcome to,on the second floor,next to my bedroom,In your study,have a look,a moment later,come in,so many,on the shelf,欢迎到,在二楼,紧挨着我的卧室,在你的书房里,看一看,一会之后,进来,这么多,在书架上,come upstairs,上楼,汉 译 英 (,2,分钟),There be,句型,:,某地有某人或某物,There be,名词 某地,is,可数名词单数或不可数名词,are,可数名词复数,变一般疑问句,把,be,动词提前,Sum up,Homework,1. Remember the new words in,Section A.,2. Read the dialog in 1a.,3. Make five sentences, using,There is/are,The end.,


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