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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The death penalty should be existent in China!,The time to abolish the death penalty is only when people enjoy an universal feeling of happiness!,Do you have this kind of feeling?,1,、,The reasons for the death penalty to be existent,The product of social development,Human rights,National and social security,Necessary and reasonable,1)、The,abolition of the death penalty is not adapt to the national conditions,of China,.,Low level of civilization,Economy and reform is not consistent,Numerous unharmonious factors,2)、Determined,by the development of,the,death penalty culture of China.,A long history of the death penalty,The dynastic rules, the Republic era and the PRC era,Justify capital punishment on the grounds of retribution, deterrence,“a life for a life” “killing one to warn a hundred” “killing a chicken to warn a monkey”,3)、The,religious believes play a great role in the abolition of the death penalty.,Buddhism,Everyone fears punishment; everyone fears death, just as you do. Therefore you do not kill or cause to be killed.”,Christianity,Seeing punishment as a form of,revenge,and as contrary to Christs message of,forgiveness,.,4)、The,death penalty has the greatest deterrence.,An extreme means to solve social contradictions, such as war.,5),、,The death penalty has been used as a tool to suppress crime and maintain social order.,It is necessary to preserve social order.,6),、,The abolition of death penalty is against the publics opinion.,I think no man has rights above others, especially over their lives. It is because the law, the judges and the judicial system can never be flawless.,2010/3/21(Taiwan),Its a secret in mainland.80%,2,、,Human rights and the death penalty,Basic right of human,Curb criminalities,Not contradictory,Life is equal, since you deprive of the lives of others illegally, your life should be deprived of.,Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.,Barry Goldwater,3,、,We are not alone,The United States, Japan still retain the death penalty.,Poland,、,Switzerland,、,Russia,Life is so beautiful, cherish your life!,Do not commit crimes, or you will get punished!,Thank you!,


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