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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Washington Irving(1783-1859),华盛顿,欧文,“Rip Van Winkle”,(,瑞普,凡,温克尔,),Portrait of Washington Irving,I. Life,Irvings birthplace: New York City,Family background: a rather wealthy merchant family.,Education: reading widely in English literature at home; studying law but showing more interest in literature,Traveling experience: in Europe from 1804-1805,Sojourn in Europe for 17 years.,II. Literary Achievements,1809:,A History of New York,纽约外史,1820:,The Sketch Book,of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.,见闻札记,in which two folktales: “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”(,睡谷传奇,) stand out as world classics.,1822: Bracebridge Hall,布雷斯勃列奇庄园,1824: Tales of a Traveller ,游客谈,1835: A Tour of the Prairies,大草原游记,III. Style,graceful, refined, fluent and dignified,优雅流畅,Humorous,幽默,sentimental, romantic,浪漫感伤,IV. Position and contribution,The first American author to win international recognition,The first prose stylist of American romanticism.,His writing marked the beginning of American romanticism.,He not only provided a young,nation with humorous, fictional accounts of the colonial past but also helped create an American mythology which is made up of stories about the American past so widely read as to be familiar to nearly every American.,Now hes chiefly remembered as the author of “Rip Van Wrinkle” and “The legend of Sleepy,Hollow”.,V. Rip Van Winkle,Adapted from a German folktale, put on some American color(set in American history and ground, creating American characters).,It views a striking contrast between the independent United States and the former British colony from the eye of a native inhabitant after his 20-year sleep.,Plot Summary,Set in the years before and after the Revolution war, the story “Rip Van Wrinkle” relates the titular protagonists supernatural sleep of 20 years and his puzzlement over the changes effected by the establishment of US as a new nation. Rip Van Wrinkle, a hen-packed, good-natured, good-for-nothing man, lives a peaceful life in the Pre-independent America. In an escape from his shrew wife, he meets some ghosts in the mountains, drinks their alcohol, and falls into a sleep that lasts 20 years.,When he wakes up, he finds himself in a transformed society. Most people in his generation have died, leaving him nearly unidentified. Together with the death of the older generation is the demise of tradition and old life style that Wrinkle was comfortable with. The political jargons, the bustling spirit of the new nation is incomprehensible to him. Through the eyes of Wrinkle, a rough sketch of the American society after independence is seen in perspective.,Themes,Dealing with change,VI. Questions for Discussion,What kind of person is Rip Van Wrinkle? How do you understand his laziness?,How about his wife?,What changes occur to the village? Compare the different situations in the village for Rip Van Winkle before and after his 20-year sleep. What does the writer intend to convey through these changes? (or what are the themes of the story?),How does the author create humor in the story?,Character analysis- Rip Van Winkle,carefree, happy-go-lucky, taking life easy,a,lazy farmer who loathes all profitable labor,a hen-pecked husband; an irresponsible head of his family,a good-natured, well-oiled neighbor, ready to help others,His pre-industrial work ethics: work for fun, work for interest, work to help,VS,mainstream, commonsense work ethics: work as a,means,of,living,in,exchange,for,profit (,harvest,salary, or,betterment,of,economic,conditions,),出于爱好,悦己利他,VS,谋生手段,换取利益,A man who belongs to the pre-industrial past, who is a misfit in the changed society.,Character analysisDame Van Wrinkle,A shrew, termagant wife, hard-working, responsible, woman. She is just the very opposite of her husband profit-driven, cold to social relationship,She stands for the mainstream commonsensical work ethics of the new Americawork for profit, work for success.,They represent two types of Americans. One takes life easy, cares little about material gains, and prefers to be left alone. The other is diligent, ambitious for better and more, aggressive and material-oriented. In our coming readings, we will meet these types again.,Themes,a story about change (,变革,),changes in the village,:,a small inn VS Union Hotel, a,rickety,building with broken,gaping,windows, decorated by Washingtons portrait.,change in the life style: peace, harmony, stablity in the past VS a busy, bustling, disputatious tone.,Political ideals of Democracy, and human rights seem to come true but they actually divide society into party groups, fill society with power scramble, and make society less tolerant,(,consider the groups angry treatment with Rip after he expressed his loyalty to the King.,Change in base of identity: social relationship VS money, position or party affiliation.,Authors conservative attitude: Rips bewilderment over the changes suggest the authors mild critique at the overriding optimism of the new nation.,A story of escape,Rips hatred of profitable labor, his escape from duty, his preference for an idle life may strike a responsive chord from the reader. No one can deny that idleness is part of human nature, and that theres always a deep felt desire to escape from responsibility. Rips story might be taken as a literary expression of that desire for escape.,Humor,Analyze how Irving creates humor.,Irving created humor by the way he said things: 1)He delighted in making ironic remarks which say just the opposite of what he meant.,(,eg.P12. a termagan wife may be considered a torerable blessing; if so, Rip was thrice blessed.,),2) He used dignified words to produce a half-mocking effect,.(eg. P25 having assumed a tenfold austerity of brow, demanded of the unknown culprit),3) He was also fond of exaggerating the seriousness of situations.,(description of the crest-fallen dog at the sight of Dame Van Wrinkle. P15),Appendix: translation on some key par.s and sentences,P13. 1,st,par.,瑞普,-,凡,-,温克尔性格中有一大缺点:不喜任何赚钱的活计。这种不喜不是因为他缺乏恒心、不够勤勉所致。他愿意整天坐在湿漉漉的岩石上,举着又粗又重的鱼竿,一言不发地垂钓溪上。即使无一尾鱼咬钩,他也从不丧气。他也愿意肩扛猎枪,花费数个小时,穿林涉泽,翻山越岭,只为猎得几只松鼠野鸽。他从不拒绝帮助邻居,哪怕是干最粗最累的活儿。要有筛谷壳、扎石篱这类农村游戏活动,他总是冲在最前边。村里的妇女也常使唤他跑跑腿,或做一些她们的丈夫不愿意做的小活计。总而言之,除了自各儿的事情外,别人家的事瑞普都乐意管。至少家庭责任,收拾农场,他觉得这样的活儿绝对做不来。,p.14, 1,st,par.,然而,瑞普,-,凡,-,温克尔天生一个傻乎乎的乐天派,性格圆通,随遇而安。他吃好吃差无所谓,只要得来全不费工夫。他宁肯守着一毛钱挨饿,也不愿劳神费力去挣一块钱。要是由着他的性子,他会非常心安理得地虚度一生。可是他老婆在他耳朵边不停地数落他,说他游手好闲,对家庭漠不关心,这个家快给他毁了。从早到晚,她唠叨个没完。他说的每句话,做的每件事,定会招徕她一顿臭骂。瑞普对付他那长舌老婆,倒是有个办法,这个办法用多了。已经成了一个习惯。他耸耸肩、摇摇头、翻翻眼、一言不发。然而,这又引来老婆的一番新的怒骂。于是,瑞普欣然缴械投降,夺门而去。,P15. 1,st,par. And 2,nd,par.,瑞普,-,凡,-,温克尔,的,婚,姻生活,,随着岁月的推移,麻烦越来越多。尖刻脾性不会随着年龄的增加而沉稳,凌厉的唇舌只会在日复一日的磨砺中愈加锋利。有很长一段时间,当凡,-,温克尔太太的唠叨迫使他出门时,他还能跑到由村中的贤达、哲人、闲人组成的小团体那里求的一点安慰。他们总在村里的小酒馆前的长凳上聚会,酒馆挂着英王乔治三世的肖像,很容易辨认。在漫长的夏天里,他们常常坐在树荫下,没完没了地讲讲村人的闲话,说些让人打盹的无聊故事。偶尔,他们中有人碰巧搞到一张过路游客扔下来的旧报纸,这时他们的讨论就会深奥起来,值得政治家掏钱来听。他们一脸肃穆地听着小学校长德瑞克,-,凡,-,巴梅尔拿腔拿调地朗读报纸内容,德瑞克个头不高,行动敏捷,很有学问,即便词典里最长的词也难他不倒。然后他们会露出满腹学问的样子讨论几个月前发生的新闻。,众人发表的高见完全由尼古拉斯德维达裁决,他是村里的,年纪最大的,,也是酒馆的主人,他从早到晚坐在门口,随着太阳的位置稍稍挪动座位,,总是,坐在树荫下,邻居们,甚至可以根据他坐的位置,判断,时辰,准确度较,日冕,不差半分,。,P23. last Par.,他匆匆赶到村酒馆,在那里他打发过许多闲散时刻。可是酒馆也不复存在了,取而代之的是一幢摇摇晃晃的大木楼,窗户很大,一些业已破损,塞上旧衣帽权作遮蔽。门头上面印着;,“,联合酒店,乔纳森,-,督利特尔所有。,”,早先安静的荷兰小酒馆前那颗遮风挡阳的大树也不见了踪迹,现在耸立着一根柱子,顶着一顶红睡帽似的东西,,呼啦啦,飘着一面旗帜,旗帜上有着奇怪的星啊条呀组成的图案,一切都透着古怪,让人,无法,理解。但瑞普认得标牌上的画像;那是乔治国王的红脸庞,他在下面不知静静地抽过多少袋烟斗。可就连这画像也明显地与先前不同。陛下的红色上衣变成了蓝色,,手,中握着剑而不是王杖,头上戴的是尖顶帽子。画像下面有一行大字:华盛顿将军。,和以往一样,门口有一群人,但瑞普谁也不认识。人们的性格似乎都变了,到处忙忙碌碌、慌慌张张、争争闹闹的样子,完全没有了以前他所熟悉那种的恬淡平和、闲适安宁。,。,可是这些人都不在,他倒,是看到了一个,瘦瘦的家伙,气势咄咄逼人,口袋塞满传单,高声谈论公民权,-,选举,-,国会议员,-,自由等等天书般的新词,搞得温克尔,愈发,糊涂,。,P25. 1,st,par.,一听到这句话,众人愤怒地喊道,,“,托利党!间谍!流亡分子!把他抓起来!把他轰走!,”,那个样子自负的人费了好大的工夫才让大家平静下来,然后眉头拧成再也严肃不过的样子逼问不知名的罪人为什么来这儿,他来找谁?可怜的瑞普低声下气地向他保证他绝无恶意,他来这里只是为了寻找和个以前常坐在客栈前面的邻居。一听到这句话,众人愤怒地喊道,,“,托利党!间谍!流亡分子!把他抓起来!把他轰走!,”,那个样子自负的人费了好大的工夫才让大家平静下来,然后眉头拧成再也严肃不过的样子逼问不知名的罪人为什么来这儿,他来找谁?可怜的瑞普低声下气地向他保证他绝无恶意,他来这里只是为了寻找和个以前常坐在客栈前面的邻居。,P12. Line 8-,然而,,瑞普的血液里没有,保存,多少祖先的尚武精神。我已经说了,他是一个朴素单纯,性格温和的家伙。此外他还是一个善良的邻居,也是一个在老婆面前唯唯诺诺的妻管严。也许正因老婆的管束才养成了他和顺的性情,让他处处受,欢迎,。家有悍妇的男人往往在外一团和气,容易妥协。他们的脾性无疑早在家庭苦难的熊熊炼炉中锻造得柔顺绵软。世上所有教人耐心受苦美德的布道相加,其威力也不抵一场枕边训话。故而,从某种程度上讲,妻子辣悍不仅可以原谅,还算得上是上天的赐福,按这一道理,瑞普,-,范,-,温克尔的福气何止三倍。,P11.,沿哈德逊河逆流而上的人们,一定能记得卡兹基尔群山的模样。那是阿帕拉契亚山脉的一支,雄踞于河的西岸,山峦高大挺拔,俯瞰着周围的乡间。季节的每一次更替,天气的每一次变化,甚至一天中每个不同的时辰,都变换着群山那神奇的色调和形状。四下里的家庭主妇都把这群山当作最好的气压计。天气晴朗稳定时,群山一片青蓝,傍晚的天际映出它们伟岸的轮廓;可有的时候,虽然其他地方并无云彩,山顶上却会聚起一大片灰色的水汽,在落日余辉照耀下,像辉煌的皇冠一般闪闪发亮。,


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