三年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《In my room》第2课时 牛津上海版(三起) (共22张PPT)

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三年级上册英语课件-Unit 9《In my room》第2课时 牛津上海版(三起) (共22张PPT)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,10/16/2019,#,Unit 9,第课时,三年级,Review,Magic eyes,Guess,Is this ?,Yes, it is./No, it isnt.,Are these .? Yes, they are./No, they arent.,Review,Free talk,Look, this is my book.,This is my bag.,请像老师一样,介绍几样自己的物品。,Look, this is my .,Free talk,Who are they?,Look and answer,Alices mum,Alices dad,Alice,Read the sentences,This is my bed.,These are my books.,This is my bed.,These are my books.,Do you know?,介绍自己的物品,可以用句型:,This is my,某物品,.,These are my,某些物品,.,当所指物品是,单数,时,用“,This is,my ,”。,当所指物品是,复数,时,用“,These are my ,”。,Read the sentences,Are these your rulers, Alice?,Yes, they are.,Thank you, Mum.,Yes, it is.,Thank you, Alice.,Is this your pen, Dad?,陈述句变一般疑问句:,1.,be,动词提前;,2.,当句子中有第一人称时,需要将第一人称变为第二人称;,3.,句号变问号。,This is my pen.,Is this your pen?,These are my rulers.,Are these your rulers?,I,变为,you,,,my,变为,your,Do you know?,Role,play,在小组内,练习对话并表演出来。,Alice: _ my bed.,Fill in the blanks,This is,Alice: _ my books.,These are,Mrs Wang: _ your rulers, Alice?,Alice: _ Thank you, Mum.,Are these,Yes, they are.,Fill in the blanks,Alice: _ your pen, Dad?,Mr Wang: _ Thank you, Alice.,Is this,Yes, it is.,Fill in the blanks,老师说一个单数句子,学生说相应的复数句子。,Listen and say,These are my books.,This is my book.,五人一组,每,人,拿出自己的两件文具或其他物品,将所有物品放在一起,然后小组内学生轮流拿起一样东西,通过提问来找出物品的主人。,物归原主,A:,(,Pick a long pencil,),Is this your pencil, .?,B: No, it isnt. My pencil is short.,A: Is this your pencil, .?,C: Yes, it is. Thank you.,选词填空。,(,1,),This is _ book.,Yes, this is my book.,(,2,),_ is a blackboard.,_ are desks and chairs.,(,3,),This pen is nice. _ ruler is long.,_ pencils are short.,your,This,These,This,These,this these you I my your,(,4,),_ room is small. Your room is big.,(,5,),_ am a girl. _ hair is long.,(,6,),_ bed is nice.,Thank _.,选词填空。,My,Your,you,I,My,this these you I my your,按要求改写下列句子。,1.,These are my books.,(,改为一般疑问句,,作,肯定回答,),_ _ _ books?,Yes, _ _.,2.,Hes Joe.,(,改为一般疑问句,,作,否定回答,),_ _ Joe?,No, he _.,3.,These are beautiful pens.,(,改为单数句,),_ _ _ beautiful pen.,Are,Is,This,these,your,they,are,he,isnt,is,a,Summary,介绍自己的物品,:,This is my / These are my ,确认是不是对方的物品,:,Is this your ? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.,Are these your .? Yes, they are./No, they arent.,Homework,1.,听录音,跟读单词。,2.,抄写单词:,4,遍英语,,1,遍汉语。,3.,预习,Listen and say,。,


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