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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Departures,入殓师,泷田洋二郎,男, 生于,1955,年,12,月,4,日,日本富山,星座: 射手座,作品: 入殓师(,2008,),阿修罗城之瞳,(2005),阴阳师,2 (2003),壬生义士传,(2003),阴阳师,(2001),秘密,(1999),获得奖项:第,32,届加拿大蒙特利尔国际电影节最高大奖,第,81,届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片奖,第,81,届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片,日本电影旬报年度最佳影片,第,32,届加拿大蒙特利尔国际电影节最高大奖,第,63,届每日映画大奖获得日本电影大奖,第,32,届日本学院奖,第,29,届香港电影金像奖最佳亚洲电影,Daigo Kobayashi is a devoted cellist in an orchestra that has just been dissolved and now finds himself without a job. Daigo decides to move back to his old hometown with his wife to look for work and start over.,内容简介:,He answers a classified ad entitled Departures thinking it is an advertisement for a travel agency only to discover that the job is actually for a Nokanshi or encoffineer, a funeral professional who prepares deceased bodies for burial and entry into the next life.,While his wife and others despise the job, Daigo takes a certain pride in his work and begins to perfect the art of Nokanshi, acting as a gentle gatekeeper between life and death, between the departed and the family of the departed.,经典语录,50000 100000 300000. There is real big difference. Is glued on the left, followed by metal decorative engraving on both sides, the most expensive is made of Cypress. Different materials and decoration. Yes, although burning is the same, lie in the inside, too, the last thing people buying, is decided by the others. Feel a bit ironic.,Come on come on! Always feel sad, and efforts in order to die, and ultimately die, dont have to work so hard. Is the law of nature, which was born this way,Make cold people back to life and give him eternal beauty. It should be cool, precise, and with gentle emotion, in each moment, to bid farewell to old friends. Quiet, all moves are so beautiful.,After a sigh, it began to recall the past. Death may be a door, gone is not the end, but beyond, walked down a ride, as the door. I, as a janitor (cremation Division), lots of people out the door here. With that, be careful on the road always goodbye.,Thats my wife, died 5 years ago. Husband and wife respectively, will one day because of the death, people who have been left behind is painful . Get her all dressed up and send her away. She is my first guest. After her death I started to do the job. This, this has to say. Organisms survive by eating other creatures, right. They are different (pot), dont want to die, I want to eat it. Eat it, nice to just go.,影片线索,大提琴,Contact cello beginning in kindergarten that Kobayashi as a professional, has deep feelings on the violin, which led to thoughts of mother, her mothers death, Kobayashi Kobayashi on the show in a foreign country when her mother profoundly guilty became an Embalmer first contact when the coffin and body guilt and longing for his mother reached the status of the outbreak and had to took comfort in his wife,小林从幼儿园开始联系大提琴以致作为一项职业,对提琴有着深厚感情,继而引发出对妈妈的思念,在母亲去世时小林在国外演出让小林对母亲深怀愧疚,成为入殓师时第一次接触棺材,尸体时对母亲的愧疚和思念达到了爆发的状态,不得不在妻子身上得到慰藉,石头,Stone is Kobayashi Kobayashi left the only father he left home. Six Kobayashi on his fathers face did not impress, but the rock is the fathers blessing. Large, heavy stone highlighted the fatherly love that heavy and tough. Father abandoned after Kobayashi and his mother heard from until death came, Kobayashi hate for her father because his father was six years old when his father was found in the hands of the small, smooth stone get outbreaks. In his fathers final holding time is guilt and longing for the wife and children. Finally Kobayashi diluted by tear all that hate and resentment.,石头是小林离家的父亲给小林留下的唯一东西。六岁的小林对父亲的面孔没有留下印象但是那块石头是父亲对他的一份祝福。大而沉重的石头凸显了父爱的那份沉重和坚韧。父亲抛弃小林和母亲后杳无音信,直到最后死讯传来,小林对父亲的恨因为在父亲手里发现了六岁时给父亲的那块小而光滑的石头得到暴发。在父亲最后的时间里紧紧抓住的就是对妻、子的愧疚和思念。最后小林的泪水稀释了一切恨和怨。,入殓,In Japan this ritual was the last respect and pay homage to the dead, dignified, and dogma is filled with reverence for life. Also reflects the movies discussion of life and death,。,在日本这种仪式是对死者的最后的尊重和祭奠,庄重而教条的动作充满了对生命的敬畏。也反应了电影对生与死的讨论,。,如何面对死亡,In ones life through relatives of the dead is a lucky and happy experiences with grief. Flesh and blood to deep separation if you have no experience, you will not get a chance to ponder what life is; if you have no experience of what had been very close to them and you are in at the moment two of the worlds sense of separation, you will not be able to use another angle to look into everything you have now. Separation of life and death with loved ones, let us have a special ability, is the ability to communicate with the other world. That ability to get through the thoughts and memories created. This ability to think highly of yourself to the universe of your life is hard won, your lifes hardships and setbacks, you end the fleeting. As the coffin companys President says: every day we are in contact with the body, the food we eat is some kind of end of life on the body, we expel bodily substance can also be seen as a part of our body. But were going to extend their lives must consume other life-bearing body, this is a the transmission of life. ”,Therefore, we should hold for every dead thing in an Honorable manner, because it continues your lives lost, it enriches the meaning of your life gone. Therefore, we should cherish every living creatures, because of them, just to have you.,结尾,因此,我们应当对每个逝物抱以尊重的态度,因为它的逝去延续了你的生命,它的逝去丰富了你人生的意义。因此,我们应当珍惜每个鲜活的生命,因为有了他们,才能够有你。,Thank you for watching,


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