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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,信息检索与文献阅读,(化学,0701-0702,),2009,年,9,月,3,日,第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读,(,20,学时),第二部分 英文阅读材料,(,12,学时),第三部分 信息检索,(,16,学时),第一章 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学,第二章 原子、分子和离子,第三章 气态,第四章 热化学,第五章 有机化合物和基团的命名,第六章,无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分,析化学和生物化学化学术语,第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读(,20,学时),第二部分 英文阅读材料(,12,学时),第一章 松香酸度的标准测试方法,第二章,族半导体制备的新方法:,InP,纳米晶,的超声化学合成,第三章 分子离子材料的计算机模拟,第四章 销售合同,第五章 专利说明书,第六章 透射,Laue,法的,X,射线衍射,第三部分 信息检索(,16,学时),第一章 信息检索基础,第二章 超星图书馆,第三章 中国期刊网,第四章 维普,第五章 工程索引(,Ei,),第六章 美国化学文摘(,CA,),第七章 专利,教材和参考书:,1,、,魏高原,,化学专业基础英语知识(,I,)(,Introductory Chemistry Speciality English,),,北京大学出版社,,2004,。,2,、,Reading Materials (,自编讲义,),。,3,、,陈英,科技信息检索(第二版),科学出版社,,2005,。,4,、,万锡仁,,Information Retrieval and Related Reading Materials,,(待出版)。,5,、,美, Philip Ball,著,魏高原等注释,,化学专业基础英语(,II,),,北京大学出版社,,2001,。,课堂教学内容安排,第一节课,教学要求说明,词汇预习,课文阅读理解,第二节课,课文阅读理解(续),答疑,布置课后作业,课堂书面练习,Chapter 1,Chemistry as a Quantitative Science and a Science of Matter,第一章 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学,一、教学要求,掌握:,1,、化学测量中基本数字、单位和有,效数字的运算规则;,2,、原子结构、,原子与元素以及物质的概念;,3,、有,关专业英语词汇。,熟悉:化学变化的本质。,了解:原子结构测定的经典实验。,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions,),swamp,沼泽地,rusting,生锈,curiosity,好奇心,irritation,刺激,疼痛,rotten (rot),腐烂的,a multitude of,许多的,大量的,mixture,混合物,quantitative,定量的,accumulate,积聚,堆积,physical property,物理性质,significant figure,有效数字,instrument,仪器,analytical balance,分析天平,random error,随机误差,precision,精密度,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),systematic error,系统误差,accuracy,精确性,ambiguous,(,ambiguity,),含糊不清的,decimal point,小数点,arithmetic,算术,算法,round to,把,四舍五入,addition and subtraction,multiplication and division,scientific notation,科学记数法,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),metric system,米制,discipline,学科,atmosphere,大气压,dimensional method,量纲法,conversion factor,转换因子,figure out,推断,atom and element,原子和元素(单质),abbreviation,缩写,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),Aluminum Al Carbon C,Nitrogen N Silicon Si,Arsenic As Chlorine Cl,Oxygen O Sulfur S,Bromine Br Chromium Cr,Phosphorus P Uranium U,Calcium Ca Hydrogen H,Platinum Pt Zinc Zn,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),Antimony Sb,Copper Cu,Gold Au,Iron Fe,Lead Pb,Mercury Hg,Potassium K,Silver Ag,Sodium Na,Tin Sn,Tungsten W,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),nucleus,(,nuclei,),原子核,proton,质子,neutron,中子,football stadium,足球场,marble,大理石,石,子,atomic number,原子序数,mass number,质量数,pure substance,纯净物,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),isotope,同位数,homogeneous,均匀的,solution,溶液,intermingle,混合,heterogeneous,非均匀的,microscope,显微镜,solute,溶质,transition,转变,二、 词汇,(New words and expressions),Length (l) meter ( or metre) m,Mass (m) kilogram kg,Time (t) second s,Electric current (I) ampere A,Temperature (T) kelvin K,Luminous intensity (I,v,) candela (,新,),烛光,(,光度单位,) cd,发光强度,Amount of substance (n) mole mol,SI Derived Physical Quantities and Units,Quantity (symbol) Name of Unit (symbol) Derived Unit,Area (A) square meter m,2,Volume (V) cubic meter m,3,Density (,) kilogram per cubic meter kg/m,3,Velocity (u) meter per second m/s,Pressure (p) pascal (Pa) kg/(m.s,2,),Energy (E) joule (J) (kg.m,2,)/s,2,Frequency (v) hertz (Hz) 1/s,Quantity of electricity (Q) coulomb (C) A . s,Electromotive force (E) volt (V) (kg.m,2,)/(A.s,3,),电动势,Force(F) newton (N) kg.m/s,2,Prefixes for Multiples and Fractions of SI Units,Decimal Location Prefix Prefix Symbol,10,12,tera T,10,9,giga G,10,6,mega M,10,3,kilo k,10,2,hecto h,10 deka da,0.1 deci d,10,-2,centi c,10,-3,milli m,10,-6,micro,10,-9,nano n,10,-12,pico P,10,-15,femto f,10,-18,atto .,渺,(,微微微,毫尘,) a,三、课文的阅读理解,学生阅读课文,510,分钟,教师指定学生逐段朗读课文,并翻译成中文,教师及时评讲。,Chapter 2 Chemistry as a Quantitative Science and a Science of Matter,作为定量科学和物质科学的化学,2.1 Introduction,Every object in the world around you can be described in terms of chemistry.,Many events that you can see occurring in nature involve chemical changes,:,the changing color of the leaves in the fall, the transformation of a pond into a swamp,沼泽地, the rusting,生锈,of iron.,Curiosity,好奇心,about what can be observed in the world has led to the study of chemistry.,Lets describe what is seen in one specific chemical change. Two substances are involved.,One is a black powdery solid.,The other is a colorless liquid that causes irritation,刺激,疼痛,if spilled on the skin.,If some of the black solid is placed in a container and the liquid slowly added, things happen.,The black solid begins to dissolve.,The solution that is formed is not black, but very pale green.,At the same time, a gas begins to bubble out of the solution.,And the air is filled with a terrible smell, like that of rotten,腐烂的,eggs.,What,a multitude of adj.,许多的,大量的,questions can be asked here.,What are these substances?,Why did the black solid dissolve?,What was formed in its place?,How much of the liquid does it take to dissolve all of the black solid?,How much of the gas can be produced?,How long did the change take?,Will events speed up if we heat the mixture?,If so, by how much per degree of temperature?,Notice how many of the questions are quantitative ones.,Observation and measurement both play vital roles in answering the questions of chemistry.,A chemical change is not completely understood until it is understood quantitatively-in terms of measurements and numbers,.,Our understanding of chemistry is tested by making measurements.,If a prediction is made based on what we think we understand,and if the prediction is shown to be correct by obtaining the predicted numbers in a quantitative test,we have greater confidence in our understanding.,In studying chemistry you will be presented with facts accumulated during hundreds of years of observation and measurement.,You will also learn how the principles of chemistry are used to explain what has been observed.,To test your understanding of chemical principles, you will solve problems,frequently problems that utilize the results of measurements of physical properties.,2.2 Numbers in Physical Quantities,(,物理量中的数字,),Measurement and Significant Figures,(,测量和有效数字,),(1) The result of measuring a physical property is expressed by a numerical value together with a unit of measurement, for example,180 pounds 91 kilograms,(2) Exact numbers are numbers with no uncertainty;,they arise (,产生,)by directly counting,whole item,s,or by definition.,Numbers that result from measurements are never exact.,There is always some degree of uncertainty due to experimental errors:,limitations of the measuring instrument, variations in how each individual makes measurements, or other conditions of the experiment.,(3) Significant figures in a number include all of the digits that are known with certainty, plus the first digit to the right that has an uncertain value. For example, the uncertainty in the mass of a powder sample, i.e.,(也就是,即),3.1267g, as read from an analytical balance,”, is 0.000 lg.,(4) Errors in measurement:,(,4,)测量误差,(i) Random errors which,result from uncontrolled variables in an experiment,and,affect precision,-the reproducibility of the results of a measurement;,(ii) Systematic errors which,can be assigned,分配,指派,to definite causes,and,affect accuracy,-,the closeness to the true result of a measurement or an experiment.,(1) The number of significant figures is found by counting from left to right,beginning with the first nonzero digit and ending with the digit that has the uncertain value, e.g.,(举例来说),454(3) 0. 296(3) 7.31 (3),0. 00846(3) 10.7(3) 1520(3),1520. (4),N.B., (Lat.),注意,(nota bene) ,Zeros,at the end of a number given without a decimal point,present,a problem,because they are ambiguous.,In general, we recommend,推荐,that such terminal zeros (should) be assumed to be not significant.,The ambiguity is removed if a decimal point,小数点,is given; then all the zeros preceding the decimal point are significant,后跟,宾语,从句,中的谓语常用“(,should+,),动词,原形”结构的,动词,.,坚持(,insist,),命令(,order,,,command,),建议(,suggest,,,propose,,,advise,,,recommend,),,.,(2) Ex.,(,Example,例如,例子),How many significant figures are in the numbers,(a) 57, (b) 82.9, (c)340, (d) 700. , (e)10. 000, (f) 0.000002, (g) 0.0402, and (h) 0. 04020?,3. Arithmetic Using Significant Figures (,利用有效数字的计算,),(1) Addition and subtraction:,Round,the answer,to,the place,(before or after the decimal point),with the greatest uncertainty, e.g.,(2) Multiplication and division: Round the answer to the same number of significant figures as in the number with the fewest significant figures, e.g. ,例如,(exempli gratia),(23.2)(0. 1257) = 2.91624 = 2.92,(3) Ex. Perform the following calculation and express the answer to the proper number of significant figures.,4. Scientific Notation,(记数法,),(Exponential Notation) (,科学记数法,),(1) In standard scientific notation the significant figures of a number are retained,保持,保留,in a factor between 1 and 10 and,the location of the decimal point is indicated by a power of 10, e.g.,0. 0063 = 6.3 10,-3,900,000,000 = 9 10,8,(2) Arithmetic Using Scientific Notation (,使用科学记数法计算,),2.3 Units of Measurement (,测量单位,),1. Systems of Measurement,(测量单位制),(1),The weight of,an Englishman = 14 stone(,英石,,14 pounds) (89 kilograms),an American = 180 pounds (82 kilograms),(2) Metric system:,米制,devised by the French National Academy of Sciences in 1793.,米制:,1793,年由法国国家科学院提出,(3) SI system n.,国际单位制,(for Systeme International):,adopted by the,International Bureau of Weights and Measures,国际计量局,in 1960,it is a revision and extension of the metric system.,Scientists and engineers throughout the world in all disciplines are now being urged,迫切要求,to use only the SI system of units.,(4) Equivalence between units (The equivalences marked by * are exact):,2. Units of Measurement in Chemistry,(,化学的测量单位,),Length: 1,= 10,-10,m = 0. 1 nm,Volume: 1 mL(milliliter=millilitre) = 10,-3,L = 1 cm,3,(centimeters),Mass and Weight: Both the SI and metric systems rely on the gram, and the multiples and fractions of the gram, as the units for mass,作为质量的单位,.,Strictly speaking, weight should be expressed in units of force,.,In practice, however, the distinction between weight and mass is often ignored.,Expressions such as weigh out 30 grams of this material”, or How many grams does that sample weigh? are often used.,Density: g/cm3 = g/mL,Temperature:,There are three temperature scales:,the SI scale, measured in Kelvin units;,the Celsius or centigrade scale, measured in degrees Celsius (,);,and the Fahrenheit scale, measured in degrees Fahrenheit (,).,= (,+40)(5/9)-40,=(,+40)(9/5)-40,K=,+273.15,Heat and energy:,1 cal(calorie,卡路里,) = 4.184 J,Force and pressure:,1N = 1kg m.s,-2,1Pa= 1N/m,2,= 1kg/(m.s,2,),The units for pressure include atmospheres (atm), bars (bar), pounds per square,inch (psi, n.,磅,/,平方英寸,), torr (Torr torr,托(真空度单位),), and millimeters of mercury (mmHg).,2. 4 The Dimensional Method and Problem Solving,(,量纲法和问题的求解,),1. The Dimensional Method,(,量纲法,),(1) The numerical value of a measurement should always be expressed together with the correct unit.,In a problem, units are multiplied, divided, and cancelled exactly as numbers would be.,If the problem is correctly set up and worked, it should produce an answer in the correct units.,2. Conversion Factors (,转换因子,),(1) The conversion of a physical quantity from one unit to another is done with conversion factors derived from the numerical relationship between the two units.,Choosing the correct conversion factor allows the cancellation of the unwanted units.,Conversion factors or physical constants should include a sufficient number of significant figures so as not to affect the uncertainty of the answer.,(If a conversion factor is an exact number it can be treated as having as many significant figures as needed.),3. A Problem-Solving Method,(1) To solve a problem, first make sure that you understand exactly what is known and what is unknown.,Then try to figure out,(推断),how the knowns and unknowns in the problem are connected,. Pay special attention to units and conversions.,In setting up the problem and solving it, check to see if the answer emerges in the correct units.,Make sure to obey the rules for the correct number of significant figures in the answer.,Finally, see if the answer seems reasonable.,四、答疑,一般情况下,争对学生提出的问题进行个别答疑。,1.,Translate the technical terms in the text into,Chinese by referring to relevant dictionaries.,2.,(Page17-18 ) 01( (a),(b),(e),(k) );03( (a),(c) );07,3.,Translate this text into Chinese.,五、课后作业,Exercises,01 Perform the following calculations and express the answers in the proper number of significant figures.,(a),423.1+0.256+100,(b),52. 987+9.3545+6.12,(e),14. 000/6.1,(k),(6.0+9.57+0.61)(1.113),03 Perform the following calculations and express the answer in standard scientific notation:,(6.05710,3,) + 9.35,(c) (4.5110,-3,)/ (8.7810,4,),07 The mass of an empty container is 66. 734 g. The mass of the container filled with water is 91. 786 g.,Calculate the volume of the container using a density of 1. 0000 g/cm3 for water. A piece of metal was added to the empty container and the combined mass was 87. 807 g.,(b) Calculate the mass of the metal. The container with the metal was filled with water and the mass of the entire system was 105. 408 g.,(c) What mass of water was added?,(d) What volume of water was added?,(e) What is the volume of the metal?,(f) Calculate the density of the metal?,01 Perform the following calculations and express the answers in the proper number of significant figures.,(a),423.1+0.256+100=500,(b),52. 987+9.3545+6.12=68.46,(c),14. 3920-4.4=10.0,(d),(5183)(2.2)=,(,11402.6,),=11000(,有两位有效数字,),(e),14. 000/6.1=2.3,(f),(6.11)(,)=19.2,(g),(14.3)(60)=(858)=900 (60,有一位有效数字,),(h),1020/1.2=850,(,2,位),(i),(3.2)(454)/(8. 6214)=,(,168.51,),=170,(k),(6.0+9.57+0.61)(1.113)=18.0,(l),(2.93)(14.7)+(1203)(0. 0296)+(9.38)(5.2)=(127.4558)=127,03 Perform the following calculations and express the answer in standard scientific notation:,(a) (6.05710,3,) + 9.35=6.06610,3,(b) (2.3510,-14,) - (7.110,-15,) =1.64 10,-14,(c) (4.5110,-3,)/ (8.7810,4,) = 5.1410,- 8,(d) (1812)(1492)/1979 = 1.36610,3, (7.3310,-3,)+(4.2910,1,)/(5.8810-,3,)+(4.2910,1,),=1.00,(f) (5 km)(14.6)=(73) = 7 10,1,km (1,位,),预习内容:,复习内容:,1,、复习和整理本课文的专业词汇;,2,、本课文的全文翻译。,Chapter 2,Atoms, Molecules, and Ions,六、课堂练习,swamp,rusting,curiosity,irritation,rotten,a multitude of,mixture,quantitative,1,、翻译下列词汇:,accumulate,physical property,significant figure,instrument,analytical balance,random error,precision,systematic error,accuracy,ambiguous,(,ambiguity,),decimal point,arithmetic,round to,addition and subtraction,multiplication and division,scientific notation,metric system,discipline,atmosphere,dimensional method,conversion factor,figure out,atom and element,abbreviation,Aluminum Carbon,Nitrogen Silicon,Arsenic Chlorine,Oxygen Sulfur,Bromine Chromium,Phosphorus Uranium,Calcium Hydrogen,Platinum Zinc,Antimony,Copper,Gold,Iron,Lead,Mercury,Potassium,Silver,Sodium,Tin,Tungsten,nucleus,(,nuclei,),proton,neutron,football stadium,marble,atomic number,mass number,pure substance,isotope,homogeneous,solution,intermingle,heterogeneous,microscope,solute,transition,Length (l) meter ( or metre) m,Mass (m) kilogram kg,Time (t) second s,Electric current (I) ampere A,Temperature (T) kelvin K,Luminous intensity (I,v,) candela (,新,),烛光,(,光度单位,) cd,发光强度,Amount of substance (n) mole mol,Prefixes for Multiples and Fractions of SI Units,Decimal Location Prefix Prefix Symbol,10,12,tera T,10,9,giga G,10,6,mega M,10,3,kilo k,10,2,hecto h,10 deka da,0.1 deci d,10,-2,centi c,10,-3,milli m,10,-6,micro,10,-9,nano n,10,-12,pico P,10,-15,femto f,10,-18,atto .,渺,(,微微微,毫尘,) a,


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