罗苗苗 (精读4until4paragraph8)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,I climbed back down from the rock. In the distance, I,spotted,a couple approaching. Your first thought is :nutcase?,Spo,t :,vt.,to see or,notice,suddenly,when it is,not easy,to do so.,看见,,发现,(not used in the progressive tenses),Eg:I finally,spotted,my friend in the crowd.,But then I noticed,.,the man,was pulling the woman to the other side of him, so that he would be between her and me when we passed.,T,he woman stopped,and the man,jerked,her forward,authoritatively,.,authoritative,:,adj.,1.showing that you expect people to,obey and respect,you 命令式的,Eg:an authoritative tone of voice(命令式的口气),2.,sth.that you can trust and respect,as true and correct,权威的,可信的,Eg:the most authoritative book on the subject,1,As they got closer, I could see that he was tall and skinny,wearing a plaid shirt and black,horn-rimmed,glasses; she was a blonde,and looked determinedly at the ground,her face,rigid,.,(,appositive,),Horn-rimmed glasses,:having plastic frames that look as though they are made of horn. 仿角质眼镜架的,rigid,:,avj. 1.,(of rules,methods,etc.)very strict and not easy to change (规则、方法等,),死板的;僵硬的,eg:,the schedule was too rigid.,2.,(of a person) not willing to change their ideas or behaviors (人,),固执的;一成不变的,eg:,rigid attitude,固执的态度,3.,(,of an object or substance,),stiff or difficult to move or bend,(物质或物体)坚硬的,僵直的,eg:,the woman sat upright, her body rigid with fear.,那女人直挺挺地坐着,吓得浑身发僵。,rigidly,adv.,死板地;固执地。,rigidity,n.,死板,固执,2,Jerk:,(vt,vi),to pull something,suddenly and roughly,.急拉,拽,Eg :She jerked open the car door and got out,.,她猛地打开车门从车里钻了出来。,Jerk out,:,(formal),to say something quickly and nervously 结结巴巴地说,Noun:(informal),someone,especially a man,who is stupid. 笨蛋,3,当他们走近时,我可以看到那个男人又高又瘦,穿着花格呢衬衫,带着黑色的角质镜架的眼镜,女人是个金发女郎,双眼直直地盯着地面,脸绷得紧紧的。,4,


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