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22,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Click to edit Master title style,Breakthrough Technologies, Inc.,6,执行中的成功因素,Success Factors in Six Sigma Implementation,Steve Zinkgraf,Sigma Breakthrough Technologies,概述,Overview,科特的领导变化蓝图,Kotters Leading Change Roadmap,每一步的基准,Benchmarks for each step,领导层执行蓝图,Leadership Implementation Roadmap,总结,Conclusions,科特的8个程序,Kotters Eight Stage Process,要有急迫感,Establish a sense of urgency,产生领导性的合作,Create a guiding coalition,规划远景和策略,Develop a vision and strategy,交流变化远景,Communicate the change vision,赋予职员自由行动的空间,Empower employees for broad-based action,取得短期盈利,Generate short-term wins,巩固盈利,制造更多的机会,Consolidate gains and produce more change,固定新方法,Anchor new approaches in the culture,第一步:要有紧迫感,Step 1: Establish a sense of urgency,要素,Elements,调查市场竞争实体,Examine market and competitive realities,识别危机,潜在危机和机会,Identify crises, potential crises or major opportunities,附加,Pluss,要有积极的紧迫感,Positive sense of urgency created: Allied Signal and GE,设定宏伟的税收、收入和生产力目标,Set revenue, income, productivity targets aggressively,责任清晰,Accountability clear,要有高层领导,Senior leadership always present,Deltas,没有紧迫感,No sense of urgency created ,没有责任心,no accountability,缺乏高层领导,Absence of senior leadership,没有领导性的责任来理解变化,No commitment of leadership to understand change,第二步:产生领导性的合作,Step 2: Create a Guiding Coalition,要素,Elements,集中力量领导团体改变,Put together a group with enough power to lead change,让该团体像一个小组一样的合力工作,Get the group to work together as a team,附加,Pluss,联合信号由责任清晰的冠军小组开始,AlliedSignal starts with group of Champions with clear accountability,每月执行理事转变为6 委员会,Exec Council becomes Six Sigma Council every month,Polaroid charters champion group,冠军要有强烈的职务能力,专业知识和可行性,Champions identified with strong position power, expertise and/or credibility - Meet monthly,对先进的车间赋予重要责任并进行培训,Heavy commitment to up-front workshops and training,Deltas,冠军的职务能力差,Champions have poor positional power,没有建立正常的合作,No formal coalition established,没有给予先进的车间相应的责任和培训,Poor commitment to up-front workshops and training,对结果没有分清责任,No clear accountability for results,第三步:计划远景和策略,Step 3: Develop a vision and strategy,要素,Elements,创造远景指导改变工作,Create a vision to help direct the change effort,为该远景展开策略,Develop strategies for that vision (alignment),附加,Pluss,制作简单明确的远景,Vision simple and clear,6,应与有力的行为相联系,Six Sigma clearly linked to strong performance,Maytag/ Invensys combine Six Sigma with,Lean Manufacturing,清楚的角色引导合并,Clear role for guiding coalition,远景的策略目标结构,Goal trees used to link strategy to vision,Deltas,没有远景被开发,计划只是培训计划,No vision developed - program is a training program,没有急迫感支持远景,No sense of urgency to support the vision,用6 来检查,Doing Six Sigma to check,a box,第四步:交流变化远景,Step 4: Communicate the change vision,Elements,使用每一种可能的途径不断交流远景和策略,Use every vehicle possible to constantly communicate vision and strategies,引导员工所期望的合并模型行为,Guiding coalition models behavior expected of employees,Pluss,AlliedSignal,and GE,和通用公司展示了他们强有力的沟通,demonstrate aggressive communication - communicate until you puke!,清楚的、早期的沟通计划,Clear and early communication plan,用于沟通的很多论坛,Many forums used to communicate,Deltas,没有沟通计划6 成为一种秘密计划,No communication plan - Six Sigma becomes a stealth program,只在高层沟通没有低层沟通,Communicated at upper levels but not at the lower levels,在承诺与沟通中看不到领导行为,Leadership not visible in their commitment and communication,第五步:赋予员工广阔的行动空间,Step 5: Empower employees for broad-based action,要素,Elements,扫除障碍,Remove obstacles,改变破坏变化远景的系统,Change systems that undermine change vision,要有承担危险的勇气,Encourage risk taking,Pluss,冠军与领导积极参与6 项目的选择、定范围、定制度,Champions and leaders active in Six Sigma project selection, scoping and chartering,项目与策略和远景相关,Projects are clearly linked to strategy and vision,领导层要经常下车间,Leadership attends intense (2-4 day workshops),强有力的预期培训计划并有相应的体系追踪结果,Aggressive training plan with expectations and systems to track results,清楚的支持6 项目和计划的领导层,Clear leadership support of Six Sigma projects and programs,建立标准体系来核实结果,Metrics Systems establish to verify results,领导层通过现场咨询来支持项目,Leadership supports projects with onsite consulting,Step 5: Empower employees for broad-based action,Elements,扫除障碍,Remove obstacles,改变破坏变化远景的系统,Change systems that undermine change vision,要有承担危险的勇气,Encourage risk taking,Deltas,没有领导层的承诺加强车间管理和培训,No leadership commitment to intense workshops and training,没有涉及计划选择,Little involvement in project selection,没有相应的跟踪项目,No project tracking,6,被视为是好的培训计划,Six Sigma viewed as a nice training program,几乎没有现场项目来作支持,Little onsite project support given,举例:策略计划,Example: Projects for Each Strategy,提高过程可靠性,Improve Process Reliability,增加容量,Increase Capacity,减少操作成本,Reduce Operating Costs,文化交流,Transform the Culture,策略,Strategies,减少50未作计划的停工期,Decrease unplanned Downtime by 50%,提高10没有资本的生产容量,Improve capacity by 10% with no capital,减少25,COPQ,Decrease COPQ by 25%,把6 方法使用到商业中,Deploy Six Sigma into Businesses,-,增加冷却器的容量,DCS,软件升级,Increase chiller capacity - DCS Software upgrade,-,增加丙三醇含量,Increase Glycerol capacity -,凤凰安全启动,Phoenix safe startup -,氢化容量,Hydrogenation capacity -,最优化干燥过程,Optimize drying process,-,Smog HBT Copq,-,自动包装,Automate packaging area -,丙三醇线产量,Yield on Glycerol line,-,培训黑带和绿带,Train BBs and GBs -,执行追踪项目软件,Implement project tracking software,目标,Goals,计划,Projects,Step 6:,产生短期盈利,Generate short-term wins,Elements,先期盈利计划,Plan for early wins,产生盈利,Create the wins,对获胜者给予明显的承认和奖励,Visibly recognize and reward the winners,Pluss,领导层集中于第一次的成功,Leadership focuses on first wave success,用清楚的高级的领导层来表达正式的识别仪式,Formal recognition ceremonies with clear presence of senior leadership,清楚的、强有力的回报和识别标准,Clear and aggressive reward and recognition standards,财政支持来建立商业影响,Financial support to establish business impact,在6 培训开始后46个月内的结果,Results in 4-6 months after Six Sigma training begins (in $ Millions),Deltas,没有建立责任义务,No accountability established,花了,12,个月多才达到合理的结果,More than 12 months to achieve reasonable results,财政支持不明显,Financial support not apparent,Step 7:,巩固收获,产生更多的变化,Consolidate gains and produce more change,Elements,变化体系不符合远景,Change systems that dont fit the vision,雇佣、提升、发展执行变化的员工,Hire, promote and develop people who will implement the change,用新计划、主题和变化代理来进行新的过程,Reinvigorate the new process with new projects, themes and change agents,Pluss,让合格的人进来开始此程序,Qualified people brought in to kick start the program,宏伟的大黑带发展计划通常是一种新的角色,Aggressive Master BB development programs - usually a new role,严谨的建立和追踪清楚的商业标准,Clear business metrics established and tracked religiously,在6 中,提升与成功相联,Promotions are clearly linked to success in Six Sigma,计划在一定范围内逐渐加强,Projects are escalated in scope,6,被强烈的适用于公司的其他领域,Six Sigma is moved aggressively into other areas of the company (ops, product development, admin, etc.),明显的巨大财政支持,Heavy financial support apparent,Step 7:,巩固收获,产生更多的变化,Consolidate gains and produce more change,Elements,变化体系不符合远景,Change systems that dont fit the vision,雇佣、提升、发展执行变化的员工,Hire, promote and develop people who will implement the change,用新计划、主题和变化代理来进行新的过程,Reinvigorate the new process with new projects, themes and change agents,Pluss,冠军们面对面的检查项目,Face-to-face project reviews by Champions,Deltas,计划停止,Program stagnates,内部专家没有得到发展,Internal experts not developed,计划结果没有一步步按照标准追踪,Program results not carefully tracked via metrics,6,被视为是额外的工作,Six Sigma projects seen as extra work that detracts from,day-to-day ops,Step 8: Anchor new approaches in the culture,Elements,通过顾客和生产力集中行为产生更好的表现,Create better performance through customer and productivity focuses behavior,连接改变和成功的关系,Articulate the connections between change and success,发展意味着保证领导层的发展和成功,Develop means to insure leadership development and succession,Pluss,顾客在培训中的表现和培训中顾客数据的使用,Customers show up at training and customer data used in training,早期结果调节文化差异,Early results leveraged into culture change,在6 中,个人变化与表现密切相关,Personnel changes are clearly linked to performance in Six Sigma,黑带,绿带和大黑带在领导层呈阶梯状上升,BBs, GBs and MBBs move up ladder to leadership positions quickly,人们积极的进行6 的培训,People actively pursue Six Sigma training,执行新的体系来支持6,New systems implemented to support Six Sigma,年度报告清楚的反应6 的效果,Annual reports clearly reflect impact of Six Sigma,Step 8:,在文化中确定新方法,Anchor new approaches in the culture,Elements,通过顾客和生产力集中行为产生更好的表现,Create better performance through customer and productivity focuses behavior,连接改变和成功的关系,Articulate the connections between change and success,发展意味着保证领导层的发展和成功,Develop means to insure leadership development and succession,Deltas,生意还是照常进行如果6 消失,没有人会注意到,Business as usual - if Six Sigma disappeared, no one would notice,提升与6 活动无关,Promotions not linked to Six Sigma activities,没有大黑带的内部资源的发展支持计划,No development of MBB internal resources to support program,从一个黑带到另一个黑带,体系和领导方式几乎没有什么变化,Few changes in systems and leadership style from one Wave of BBs to the next,学生常在培训中表现出对小的计划定义模糊,Students consistently show at training with poorly defined, small projects,Example of using Metrics to Drive the Program,(Actual Q3 Metrics for a $4B Business),Simple Summary of Q3 Metrics,长期计划追踪,Long-term Program Tracking,Six Sigma begins,$37.4MM less in COPQ,29% Increase in Capacity,13% Increase in Rolled Yield,Real Results in the First Year,领导蓝图,用战略性计划阐明蓝图,建立生产力基线厂家、范围,基于价值、资源、,reg,d、,时间的优先项目,选择导入领导层的重点项目,责任检查:业务和个人,选择正确的项目,选择培训合适的人员,展开执行改善计划,操作精通管理,维持获利,确保正确的领导和所属,展开培训计划,致力于培训和应用,确保后备支持的来源,测量过程,分析过程,改善过程,控制过程,经常检查,扫除障碍,检核真实的业务影响(财政),持续沟通进步,与行为管理和,R&R,联系起来,执行有效控制计划,以过程为中心的定期行为培训,每季度检查系统的有效性,不断识别和推出新计划,过程输出,:,编号,过程输入,:,战略性年度业务目标,现行开展计划,Actual Deployment Plan,Mar 15 ,行政业务小组概述,Executive Business Team Overview,Apr 12-14 ,公司业务小组,Company Business Team Workshop (Officers and Key Directors),Apr 21 ,选择冠军,Select Champions (Business Team),Apr 27 - May 28 - Site Assessments,Jun 2-4 ,冠军车间,Champion Workshop,Jun 24 ,选择项目并排出优先级,Select and prioritize projects,Jul 1 ,选择黑带和图表项目,Select BBs and charter projects,Jul 30 ,最终项目/黑带评审,Final project/BB review,Aug 1 ,推出黑带培训,Launch BB training,Lomega,赢得了,Dell,公司颁发的最好的供应商的称号,Iomega Wins Dell Most Improved Supplier Award,ROY, Utah-(BUSINESS WIRE)-April 15, 1999lomega,公司今天宣布被,Dell,授予最好的供应商奖,因为它在整个98年度及时供货,质量又好,提供最好的顾客服务。,Iomega Corporation (NYSE: IOM) today announced that it was awarded the,Most Improved Supplier Award,by Dell Computer Corporation for its on-time delivery of high-quality Zip(R) drives and best-in-class customer service during 1998.,Marty Garvin, vice president, procurement, Dell, states, “lomega,公司一直都在为顾客提供最好的服务,Iomega is clearly committed to providing,best-in-class service to customers,.”,“,通过模拟生产和6 过程改善原则的采用的实施,,lomega,已经在生产和分销过程取得了实质性的改善。”,Through implementation of virtual manufacturing and adoption of the,Six Sigma process improvement principles, Iomega has made significant improvements to the Companys manufacturing and distribution processes,“ said Scott Flaig,主运作员,chief operating officer, Iomega Corporation.,


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