3-2 词语的翻译-语言语境

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第三章 词语翻译(2),1,Polysement(多义词),Synonym(同义词),Word Choice,2,Polysemey,1. 我们找个安静点的,地方,好好聊聊。,Lets find a quiet,place,where we can have a good talk.,Lets find,somewhere,quiet so we can have a good talk.,2. 箱子里已经没有,地方,了。,There is no more,space,in the chest.,There is no,room,left in the chest.,3. 你希望留在部队还是到,地方,上去?,Do you wish to stay in the army or to transfer to a,civilian unit,?,Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a,non-military unit,?,3,4. 我国的一项基本国策是,发展,乡镇企业。,Its part and parcel of our national policy to,develop,enterprises in villages and towns.,It is an integral part of our national policy to,promote the growth of,township and village enterprises.,5. 我们要根据形势的,发展,来调整政策。,We must make adjustment in our policy in response to,changes,in the situation.,We have to adjust our policy to the,changing,situation.,4,6. 请大家,积极,参与单位的体制改革。,Everyone is called on to take an,active,part in the systematic reform of ones work unit.,You are all encouraged to play an,active,role in the systematic reform of our unit.,7. 他总是以,积极,态度处理各种问题。,He takes a,positive,attitude in dealing with all kinds of problems.,He approaches various problems with a,positive,frame of mind.,5,8. 请别,客气,.,Please dont,stand on ceremony,.,Please dont be so,polite,.,Please,make yourself at home,.,Please dont,bother,. Please, we dont want to put you to trouble.,9. 他,客气,而冷淡地接待了我们.,He received us,politely,but coolly.,He received us,with civility,but no warmth.,He received us with cool,politeness.,He received us with,polite,indifference.,6,10. 对他这种人就是不能,客气,.,You cannot afford to,go soft,on a man like him.,You must not be too,soft,when dealing with someone like him.,You must,be tough,with people like him.,Dont,give in easily,when dealing with someone like him.,7,11.他说自己才疏学浅,这只不过是中国人的,客气,罢了.,He says that he is a man of little learning and talent. That is merely self-depreciation, considered as,politeness,by the Chinese.,When he says he has little learning or talent, he is only being,modest,in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness.,By describing himself as lacking in talent and learning, he is only being,modest,like a typical Chinese.,He describes himself as incompetent and unlearned. That is merely typical Chinese,modesty,.,8,Synonym,同义词的区分,General/Specific,Degree (Deep/Shallow),Coverage (wide/narrow),Abstract/Concrete,9,农业,是国民经济的基础.(广义),这些年来,我国的,农业,林业畜牧业和渔业都得到了相应的发展.(狭义),我们要破除迷信,解放,思想,.,当前我们应努力克服个人主义和享乐主义各种错误,思想,.,他那八十高龄的母亲已于上月,去世,. (褒义),臭名昭著的麦卡锡终于,一命呜呼,哀哉!(贬义),10,3. Word Choice,1.词汇的感情色彩,注意词义的广狭,注意词义的轻重,注意词义的褒贬,注意词义的强弱,2.词汇的文体色彩,3.词语的搭配,11,美丽,美丽、好看、漂亮、中看、受看、入眼、顺眼、英俊、俊俏、俊美、绝色、冰肌玉骨、面如冠玉、花容月貌、国色天香、秀色可餐、倾国倾城等。,12,死亡,亡、卒、陨、崩、亡故、过世、仙逝、归西、牺牲、献身、永别、没了、完蛋、毙命、送命、暴卒、阵亡、夭折、早逝、升天、坐化、羽化、圆寂、回老家、玩儿完、粉身碎骨、溘然长逝、寿终正寝、呜呼哀哉、驾鹤西游、百年之后、三长两短、以身许国、马革裹尸、玉殒香,13,先交代我自己吧。我是个算命先生。我也卖过酸枣、落花生,什么,的,那可是先前的事了。现在我在街上,摆挂摊,,,好了呢,,一天也,抓弄个,三毛五毛的。,老伴儿,早死了,儿子拉洋车。我们爷儿俩住着柳家大院的一间北房。,First, a few words about myself. Im a fortune-teller. Once I was a vender of sour dates, ground-nuts and,what not,. But that was ages ago. Now I keep a fortune-tellers stall on the side-walk and can,scrape up,three or five dimes a day at best. My,old gal,had long,kicked up her heels,. My sons a,rickshaw-boy,.Thats,who he is,. We two, father and son, hang our hats at a south-facing room in the lius compound.,14,


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