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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,非谓语动词的时态、语态,主动语态,时态 不定式 动名词 分词,一般时,to do doing doing,进行时,to be doing,完成时,to have done having done having done,被动语态,一般时,to be done being done done,进行时,being done,完成时,to have been done having been done having been done,1,动名词时态、语态的用法,1.动名词的一般形式表示一般性动作 ,(即是不明确过去,现在或,将来的动作 )或是与谓语动词同时发生的动作,We are interested in climbing mountains I prefer singing to dancing,2 如果强调动名词的完成时,要用完成形式,I regret having taken her advice. He was praised for having,passed the exam .,3 当一个动名词逻辑上的主语是该动名词的承受者,这个动名词要,用被动形式,He entered the room without being seen,He remembered being taken to Beijing when he was a child,4 如果动名词表示的动作 发生在谓语动词之前,要用完成形式,He is proud of having been sent to work in Tibet .,Tom regretted not having been invited to the party.,2,不定式时态、语态的用法,1.,不定式的动作与谓语动词同时发生时,用一般时态,He wanted to see you,2.,强调不定式的动作正在进行时,用进行时态,When I came in ,he pretended to be reading a book,He is said to be writing a novel,3.,强调 不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生时,用不定式完成时,He is said to have written a novel . Im so glad to have seen you .,The ground is so wet ,It must have rained last night,不定式被动语态的用法.,A, 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式的承受者时,用被动语态,She asked to be sent to work in Tibet (宾语),The book is said to have been translated into English ( 或叫合,It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here (主 语),3,句子的主语是不定式的逻辑主语,尽管不定式与被修饰词是被,动关系,也还要用主动语态,1, Give him some book to read Do you have any clothes to wash ?,“Do you have any clothes to be washed?” asked the maid,2, S +be+easy difficult hard pleasant interesting exciting ,comfortable +to do,This question is easy to answer The boy is difficult to teach,3, The house is to let The manager is to blame .The reason is,not far to seek .,4There be,句型中,主动形式或被动形式均可但有时含意不同,There is nothing to do now (we have nothing to do now ),现在没事干,There is nothing to be done now (we can do nothing now ),现在没什,么办法,There is nothing to see (nothing is worth seeing ),没有东西值得看,There is nothing to be seen,看不见有什么东西,4,分词时态、语态的用法,如果强调分词表示的动作 发生在谓语动词之前,要用完成形式,。,Not having finished his homework ,Tom was made to stay at school .,Having closed all the windows ,I went home,Having been invited to the party ,Tom was very happy .,分词所表示的动作与谓语动词同时发生。分词与其逻辑主语的关,系时被动的,要用被动语态,1.Looking out of the window, I can see many cars and buses.,2.Seen from the top of Dragon Tower, Harbin looks more beautiful.,3.The teacher came in, _many students.(follow),4.The teacher came in, _by many students.(follow),following,followed,如果强调分词表示的动作正在进行时,要用分词的进行时态。,1.,Being repaired, the building is forbidden to enter.,2. The house,being built now,is a Hope Project School.,3.,Passing by the accident scene, I saw the man,badly hurt,being,carried onto an ambulance.,5,Task:,complete the following sentences,1.“(你有衣服要洗吗)?the maid asked.,2._(没有完成作业),Tom was forbidden to watch TV.,3._(正在刷油漆), the house was not allowed to enter.,4._(被邀请参加舞会), Mary felt excited.,5.The difficult maths problem _(很难算出).,6.She was angry for _(没有被邀请)to the ball.,7.The thief stole into the store_(没人看到),8.The flat _(出租),9.The man who was on duty that day _(应受谴责),10.They were proud of _(被派往西藏去工作),11.When the teacher came in, Tom _(假装再看书),12.Ni Ping is said _(写了一本名叫“日子”的书),13.Song Dandan is said _(在写一本叫“月子”的书),14._(从窗户往外看), I can see many tall buildings.,15._(从山顶往下看), the city looks more beautiful.,16._(他有很多活要干).Dont bother him.,17._(他有很多活要干) and you can go ,too.,Do you have any clothes to be washed,Not having finished his homework,Being painted,Not having been invited to the ball,is difficult to work out,not having been invited,without being seen,is to let,is to blame,having been sent to work in Tibet,pretended to be reading,to have written a book called “The Days”,to be writing a book named “ The Months”,Looking out of the window,Seen from top of the hill,He has a lot of work to do,He has a lot of work to be done,6,二、不省“to”的情况,(1)在used to be going to mean to ought to plan totry towould like,to would love to hope to want to下列句子中,to 通常都得留,Eg:He doesnt get up early ,but he used to,can you work out this maths problem ? -Ill try to,(2)在 be +adj (如:glad, happy, pleased, anxious, willing, ready)等,此后保留to,Eg:-Would you like to join us in the game? - Id love to,3.在ask, advise, allow, permit, persuade, tell, wish 等词的复合结构,中to通常保留,Eg:Do the experiment as your teacher tells you to,4.不定式的否定形式后保留to,Eg:He wanted to quiz school and I advised him not to,注:to 后若是主动词have 或 be时,必须保留。,Eg:-Sorry, I didnt finished doing my home work.,-You ought to have,Our school is no longer what it used to be,7,Wh-+to do,结构,1,作主语,When to start How to go there Where to go Who to do it,has not been decided .,2,宾语。,在discover ,find out ,know ,see ,show ,understand 等动词后,,不直接用不定式作宾语,必须用wh-+to 结构 ,在下列词中也带这,种结构, decide ,learn ,remember ,forget ,wonder,I dont know when to start who to do it how to do it where to go whether to do it,3,表语,The problem is when to start it who to do it how to go there,where to go,4,状语,。She was at a loss (as to )what to do 她不知如何是好,5,同位语,: I have no idea which one to take 我不知道该拿哪个,注:why (not) do ,8,Task:,complete the following sentences,1._(什么时候动身)is still undecided.,2.The problem is _(去哪)?,3.I dont know _(选择哪一个),4.Do you understand _(如何操纵这台电脑)?,5._(谁适合这项工作) is still unknown.,6.I have no idea _(为什么不去北京),7. Youd,better _(不要忘记过去),8.I would rather starve to death _(也不去乞讨),9. _(我宁愿考试不及格)rather than cheat in the exam,10. No one supported me at the meeting, so _(我只得放弃),11.What I want to do is _(帮你提高英语),12.I could do nothing in the world _(只能在词在等一小时),13.-Would you like to come to my birthday party?,- -_(我很想去),but Im too busy.,14. Our school _(已不是以前的老样子了),15.My hometown _(还是以前的老样子),16.He attempted to quiz his job and _(我们都劝他不要),When to start off,where to go,which one to choose,how to run the computer,Who to be fit for the job,why not go to Beijing.,not forget the past,rather than go begging,Id rather fail to pass,I cannot but give up,help you improve your English,but wait here for another hour,Id love to,is no longer what it used to be,is what is was before,we all advised him not to,9,非谓语动词的复合结构,一不定式的复合结构 for sb to do sth,1,作主语:,Its easy for us to remember a few new words,2,作宾语:,I find it impossible for Tom to pass the exam .,3,作表语:,This is for you to decide,4,定语:,I have a lot of work for you to do,5,状语:,The box is too heavy for me to take,二、分词的复合结构(词/代词(主格)+分词),在句中多用来作,状语,He fell to the ground ,nose bleeding,He came into the room ,hair tied back .,三、动名词的复合结构(名词或代词的所有格+ doing),1,作主语:,Marys coming late made her teacher angry,Its no use your telling me not to worry,2,作宾语:,Mother insisted on my brothers going to college,Would you mind my opening the door?,注:在口语中,动名词前的代词可用宾格,名词也可不用所有格,3,作表语:,What is troubling us is their not having enough money,10,With 结构,With + 名词或代词(宾格)+ 名词(短语),+ 不定式(短语),+现在分词(短语),+过去分词(短语),+介词短语,+形容词(短语),+副词(短语),He came into the room with Tom and Jane his classmates,with a lot of work to do,with his nose bleeding.,with his hair tied at the back.,with a pair of sun glasses on his nose.,with his face red with cold,with nothing on.,Do you know the boy ?,11,分词和不定式的独立成分,分词或分词短语作独立成份(作状语或插入语),strictly speaking ,generally speaking ,frankly speaking ,judging by,From, broadly speaking talking of , considering , supposing,Taking into consideration,Strictly speaking, this sentence is wrong .,Judging by the facts , Tom told us the truth .,The house cost him, roughly speaking, 200,000 dollars,不定式或不定式短语作独立成份(状语或插入语),to tell (you )the truth, to be, honest, to be frank, to be exact,to be brief to begin with, to start with, to do him justice,(说句对他公道的话),To tell you the truth, I do want to learn English well.,To be frank, you have probably done wrong to her.,To do him justice, he is quite fit for the job.,12,Task:,complete the following sentences,1._(马丽迟到了)made her teacher quite angry.,2._(时间允许), Ill go with you to the park.,3. Its easy _(我们学好英语),4.,I find it impossible_(汤姆按时完成作业).,5.This is_(有你来告诉汤姆),6.I have many letters _(要珍妮来写),7.The box is too heavy_( 我抬不起来),8._(跟你说实话吧), I dont like English,9._(严格地讲), this sentence is wrong.,10._(说句对他公道的话), he is not to blame,11._(考虑到他的能力),he did the work fairly well.,12._(绿色信号灯给过后), cars and buses began to move.,13.He climbed over the fence, _(手里拿着刀).,14.He went to the post office _(要买几张邮票),15.He went out of the post office _(买了几张邮票),16.Tom came into the room, _(手被绑在背后),Marys coming late to school,Time permitting,for us to learn English well,for Tom to complete his homework in tim.,for you to tell Tom,for Jane to write,for me to carry,To tell you the truth,Strictly speaking,To do him justice,Take his ability into consideration,Green signals given,sword in hand,with a few stamps to buy,with a few stamps bought,hands tied at the back,13,


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