第三讲 语言理解与翻译对等

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,语言理解与翻译对等,1,提纲,意义的七种类型,语言的理解,翻译中的对等关系,作业,2,词义的七种类型,概念意义(,Conceptual Meaning,),词的基本意义;词典中收录的意义;稳定性、明确性和有限性;理解一致,语言交际功能的基础。,联想意义(,Association Meaning,),内涵意义(,Connotative Meaning,),语境中所隐含的文化背景信息;相同概念可有不同内涵,译文需表达出内涵意义,社会意义(,Social Meaning,),社会环境中语言使用的意义,感情意义(,Affective Meaning,),人们表达感情或态度的意义,联想意义(,Reflected Meaning,),通过与同一个词语的另一意义的联想来传递的意义,搭配意义(,Collocative Meaning,),通过经常与之同时出现的词语的联想来传递的意义,主题意义(,Thematic Meaning,),通过信息的组织方式(语序、强调手段等)多传递的意义,3,Please try to translate the following two paragraphs into Chinese, and think over the differences betweenthem.,Five,teenagers were loitering on the corner. As their raucous laughter cut through the air, we noticed their sloppy black leather jackets and their greasy dyed hair. They slouched against a building with cigarettes dangling contemptuously from their mouths.,Five youngsters stood on the corner. As the joy of their laughter filled the air, we noticed their smooth loose-fitting jackets and the gleam of their colorful hair. They relaxed against a building smoking evenly on cigarettes that seemed almost natural in their seriousyoung mouths.,4,通过了解文本信息和背景知识,努力揣摩作者的意图,把握好作者的口吻,最终用恰当的方式表达出来。,联想意义的把握首先离不开对概念意义的准确理解,译者在理解概念意义时,对于没有把握的词语一定要查,英英词典,。,如,raucous,在英汉词典中大多解释为“沙哑的、粗声的”;而英英词典的解释为“,unpleasant loud and harsh,”。因此“,raucous laughter,”翻译为“粗野的笑声”比“沙哑的笑声”更贴近原文的意义。,一,个词语的概念意义往往有很多,须结合语境找出最恰当的意义,5,Para. A,Five teenagers were,loitering on the corner,. As their,raucous,laughter cut through the air, we noticed their,sloppy,black leather jackets and their,greasy dyed hair,. They slouched against a building with cigarettes dangling contemptuously from their mouths,.,五,个小青年懒散地站在街角,粗野的笑声刺破了空气中的宁静。我们注意到,他们身穿黑色皮夹克,看上去邋里邋遢,染色的头发油乎乎的。他们懒洋洋地斜靠着大楼,嘴里叼着烟卷,一副蔑视一切的样子,。,Sloppy-loose fitting so as to be casual and comfortable: a big sloppy sweater(,没有任何贬义,),Five youngsters stood on the corner. As the,joy of their laughter,filled the air, we noticed their smooth loose-fitting jackets and,the gleam of their colorful hair,. They relaxed against a building smoking,evenly,on cigarettes that seemed almost natural in their,serious,young,mouths.,五个年轻人站在街角,欢乐的笑声荡漾在空中。我们注意到,他们穿着光滑而宽松的皮夹克,发色各异,闪闪发光。他们轻松的依靠着大楼,不紧不慢地吸着烟,香烟衔在口中,显得悠闲自得。,6,Exercise,She shook his hand and went upstairs.,她跟他握了一下手,就上楼了。,Mary writes a good hand.,玛丽的字写得不错。,His hand is out.,他的技能荒疏了。,My hands are tied.,我的权力极其有限。,The hands of a clock tell the time.,钟表的指针能够指示时间。,The company was short of hands.,那家公司缺少人手。,We have the situation well in hand.,我们能把握好局势。,I had no hand in the matter.,我跟这件事毫无关系。,Give me a hand.,帮我一下。,They give the film star a big hand.,他们热烈鼓掌欢迎这位电影明星。,7,翻译中的对等,百分之百的对等很难达到,译文在展示原文意义及内涵方面,普遍存在增加、减少或歪曲的情况。,没,种语言都有特定的民族历史、民族文化和民族心理背景,不同语言之间在语言结构、思维方式和表达等方面存在差异。好的译文不过是原文的最佳近似,译者的终极目标只是不断贴近这一最佳近似。,8,红,Red,的其他意义,红的其他意义,red,RED,?=,红,9,pink,ruby,cognac,tiger lily,rosy,mahogany,rust,洋红,橙红,褐红,淡红,嫣红,深红,粉红,“,红,”的语义场,Red,的语义场,10,有关“红”与“,red”,之间的对比,红茶,black,tea,红糖,brown,sugar,红眼,pinkeye,红眼,(,妒忌,) green-eyed,红薯,sweet potato,红脸,blush,红小豆,adzuki bean,红松,Korean,pine,红细胞,Erythrocyte,(,hematid,),红,痣,port-wine,mark,红柳,rose willow,红木,bloodwood,(pad auk,),红宝石,rubine,(,ruby,),红灯区,night spot,(,red-light district,),红豆,jumby,bean,红辣椒,cayenne pepper,红粘土,adamic earth,红,面颊,ruddy cheeks,红娘,matchmaker,红榜,honour,roll,红豆,love,pea,红利,dividend,红运,good,luck,11,12,英汉字词的五种对应,(一),完全对等,意义与所指范围均相等:,A=B,Marxism=,马克思主义,Aspirin,=,阿斯匹林,WTO=,世界贸易组织,Contract=,合同,Bill of Exchange=,汇票,Letter of Credit=,信用证,13,英汉字词的五种对应(二),2.,多词同义(,One word with multiple equivalents of the same meaning,),wife,:媳妇、老伴、夫人、爱人、妻子,3.,一词多义(,One word with several equivalents of different meaning,),carry:,搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧,.,走:,walk, saunter, amble, stride, trudge, shamble, prance, scamper, clump, tiptoe .,羊:,sheep, goat, ram, ewe, lamb,14,英汉字词的五种对应(三),4.,包含对等,(,combine two or more existing words in target language,),罪:,crime,,,offence,Cousin,:堂兄,堂弟,堂姐,堂妹,表兄,表弟,表姐,表妹,5.,无对等词语(,Words without equivalents,),clock-watcher:,总是看钟等下班的人,rubberneck: someone who looks around at something, especially,something such as an accident while he is driving past - used to show disapproval (,伸着脖子左顾右盼的好奇者,),阴:,(in Chinese thought) the soft inactive female principle or force in the world,阳:,(in Chinese thought) the strong active male principle or force in the world,(目不识)丁,: (not know ones) ABC,精气神 风水 太极拳 干打垒 八卦 围棋 海选,词义辨析:,credit,1) He got all the credit for the discovery.,他,由于这项发现而获得各种荣誉。,2) The ledger shows 300 pounds on the debit side and 50 pounds on the credit side.,从分类帐上可以看出,发生金额借方,300,英镑,贷方,50,英镑。,3) The availability of cheap long term credit would help small businesses.,低息,长期贷款可以扶持小型企业。,4) They sold grain on credit during time of famine.,饥荒,季节,他们则赊销粮食。,5) How much do I have to my credit?,我们,的银行户头上还有多少存款?,6) They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade.,他们,的生意信誉已荡然无存。,7) They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China, London.,他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关的信用证。,两个词之间的互译要看具体语境,他们之间不存在绝对的对等!,15,Exercise,And I want beauty in my life. I have seen beauty in a sunset and in the spring woods and in the eyes of divers women.,我希望生命如夏花般灿烂。无论是远眺夕阳西下,还是漫步春日林荫,抑或潜入蔚蓝海洋,我都能发现美的存在。,我还想让我的生命拥有美丽。曾经,在一次落日中,在春天的树林里,在跳水女将的双眸中,我看到过美。,我希望生活中有美。我曾在落日余晖、春日树林和女人的眼中看见过,美。,我渴望自己的生命之美。我领略过落日余晖的美景,春日林中绿色的风情,风姿各异女人的眼神。,16,Exercise,and when we meet it is with,conscious reservations,and much manufactured talk.,故见面时或吞吞吐吐,或尽说套话。,每当大家再次相遇,寒暄中夹杂着言不由衷。,吞吞吐吐,:形容有话不直说或说话有顾虑,想说又不敢说的样子(,汉大成语大词典,,汉语大词典出版社,,1996,年版第,811,页),So in talking with my kids the other night about their own experience, I began by taking the high road. Being the curious and enlightened dad that I was when they were little, I actually had,conscious reservations,about lying to the kids about Santa. I started explaining how I had never really told them there was one, and had always said simply that I really enjoyed “thinking that there was a guy named Santa.”,(Published,on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 by The Providence Journal /Americans Unwilling to Face Reality/ by John R.,MacArthur),17,Exercise,I want my life, the only life of which I am assured, to have symmetry or, in default of that, at least to acquire some clarity. Surely it is not asking very much to wish that my personal conduct be intelligible to me! Yet it is forbidden to know for what purpose this universe was intended, to what end it was set a-going, or why I am here, or even what I had preferably do while here. It vaguely seems to me that I am expected to perform an allotted task, but as to what it is I have no notion. And indeed, what have I done hitherto, in the years behind me? There are some books to show as increment, as something which was not anywhere before I made it, and which even in bulk will replace my buried body, so that my life will be to mankind no loss materially. But the course of my life, when I look back, is as orderless as a trickle of water that is diverted and guided by every pebble and crevice and grass-root it encounters. I seem to have done nothing with pre-meditation, but rather, to have had things done to me. And for all the rest of my life, as I know now, I shall have to shave every morning in order to be ready for no more than this!,18,I want my life, the only life of which I am assured, to have symmetry or, in default of that, at least to acquire some clarity. Surely it is not asking very much to wish that my personal conduct be intelligible to me! Yet it is forbidden to know for what purpose this universe was intended, to what end it was set a-going, or why I am here, or even what I had preferably do while here. It vaguely seems to me that I am expected to perform an allotted task, but as to what it is I have no notion. And indeed, what have I done hitherto, in the years behind me? There are some books to show as increment, as something which was not anywhere before I made it, and which even in bulk will replace my buried body, so that my life will be to mankind no loss materially. But the course of my life, when I look back, is as orderless as a trickle of water that is diverted and guided by every pebble and crevice and grass-root it encounters. I seem to have done nothing with pre-meditation, but rather, to have had things done to me. And for all the rest of my life, as I know now, I shall have to shave every morning in order to be ready for no more than this!,19,20,译文一,我愿此生,我唯一确知的此生,能和谐地度过;若此愿不遂,至少也该活得有几分清醒。希望自己之所作所为能被自己了解,这肯定不算要求过分。不过有些奥秘却不容你去了解,诸如宇宙弘旨之所在,乾坤归宿在何方,我为何置身于此间,于此间该做何事等。我隐约觉得此生被指望去履行一项既定使命,但这是项什么使命,我却一无所知。而且真正说来,我在过去的岁月里又有过什么作为呢?有那么几本书可显示为生命之赢余,可显示为在我创作其之前这世间未曾有过的东西,其体积甚至可置换我入土后的那副躯壳,从而使我生命之结束不致给人类造成物质损失。但当回首往昔,我发现自己的生命历程就像溪流之蜿蜒漫无定向,触石砄草根则避而改道,遇岩缝土隙则顺而流之。我似乎做任何事都未经事先考虑,而是任凭事务来摆布自己。且据我眼下所知,在我的整个余生,我每日清晨得剃须也仅仅是为了翌日清晨得剃须。,21,我愿此生,我唯一确知的此生,能和谐地度过;若此愿不遂,至少也该活得有几分清醒。希望自己之所作所为能被自己了解,这肯定不算要求过分。不过有些奥秘却不容你去了解,诸如宇宙弘旨之所在,乾坤归宿在何方,我为何置身于此间,于此间该做何事等。我隐约觉得此生被指望去履行一项既定使命,但这是项什么使命,我却一无所知。而且真正说来,我在过去的岁月里又有过什么作为呢?有那么几本书可显示为生命之赢余,可显示为在我创作其之前这世间未曾有过的东西,其体积甚至可置换我入土后的那副躯壳,从而使我生命之结束不致给人类造成物质损失。但当回首往昔,我发现自己的生命历程就像溪流之蜿蜒漫无定向,触石砄草根则避而改道,遇岩缝土隙则顺而流之。我似乎做任何事都未经事先考虑,而是任凭事务来摆布自己。且据我眼下所知,在我的整个余生,我每日清晨得剃须也仅仅是为了翌日清晨得剃须。,22,译文二,我愿此生,我唯一确知的此生,充满和谐之美;如若不能,至少也要活个几分明白。渴望明鉴自身行为绝对不是奢望,然而宇宙万物的终极走向却是人类的感知禁区,人们无从知晓其行驶方向。换言之,个体的我不知自己为何在此,甚至不知在此该做何事。冥冥之中,我似乎肩负着某种使命,而这使命究竟为何物我又浑然不知。的确如此,回想逝去的岁月我做过些什么?不过是写了一些书,增加了自己的权重,借以张显着没有我的劳作那些书则不会存在,将其堆放一处足以等同我葬入墓穴的遗体,我生命的物质形态也由此永留尘世。回望人生足迹,恰似一股涓涓细流,一颗石子、一道裂缝乃至一段草根,无不逆转或引领着那无序蜿蜒的细流。我做事似乎从未三思而行,而是任凭客观环境的摆布。现在我已明白,如果在我的有生之年,依然有何事需要提前准备,那便是日复一日的清晨剃须!,23,我愿此生,我唯一确知的此生,充满和谐之美;如若不能,至少也要活个几分明白。渴望明鉴自身行为绝对不是奢望,然而宇宙万物的终极走向却是人类的感知禁区,人们无从知晓其行驶方向。换言之,个体的我不知自己为何在此,甚至不知在此该做何事。冥冥之中,我似乎肩负着某种使命,而这使命究竟为何物我又浑然不知。的确如此,回想逝去的岁月我做过些什么?不过是写了一些书,增加了自己的权重,借以张显着没有我的劳作那些书则不会存在,将其堆放一处足以等同我葬入墓穴的遗体,我生命的物质形态也由此永留尘世。回望人生足迹,恰似一股涓涓细流,一颗石子、一道裂缝乃至一段草根,无不逆转或引领着那无序蜿蜒的细流。我做事似乎从未三思而行,而是任凭客观环境的摆布。现在我已明白,如果在我的有生之年,依然有何事需要提前准备,那便是日复一日的清晨剃须!,Assignment,篇章翻译,China on the Catwalk: Between Economic Success and Nationalist Anxiety,要求:,1,)两人一组,分别完成文章的翻译;,2,)翻译的同时写“译者注”,标明自己翻译过程中的难点和解决方法、方案等;,3,)互换译文,进行修改和评价;,4,)根据同学的修改意见,修改自己先前的译文,5,)撰写 “,Reflection Journal,”,字数不限,提交:,1,)初次翻译的译文(带有“译者注”与同学的修改和建议)(提交时间,:,2012-10-11,),2,)二次修改过的终稿与“,Reflection Journal,” (提交时间,:,2012-10-18,),24,China on the Catwalk: Between Economic Success and Nationalist Anxiety,By Antonia Finnane,From,The China Quarterly, September,2005,Chinas,economic success has not been matched by recognition of Chinese fashion design on the world stage. One reason for this lies in the obstacles posed by the existing hierarchy of fashion capitals, which has proved notoriously difficult to subvert. Yet the Chinese fashion industry is also bedeviled by problems of its own. A high degree of national self-consciousness on the world stage is evident in national fashion shows featuring rather predictable pastiches of Chinese culture.,In 2002, Pierre Cardin was questioned about who was likely to lead the international fashion scene in the 21st century. He responded with heartening words for Chinese fashion designers. “I was sure Chinese fashion will become very strong,” he said. “I know so much talent in China, maybe it will become one of the leading countries in the world for couture.” He concluded, however, on a cautious note: “fashion is not about nationalities, its just talent,.”,The latter observation begs questions about the semiotics of international fashion, and particularly about the signifying power of place names. Designs emanating from Paris, New York, London, Milan and Tokyo come with tags announcing their credentials. The cities lend their culture cachet to both established and emerging designers. This is especially true of Paris, a place so closely identified with fashion as to have become a by-word for it. Western reports on fashion in China routinely sound a note of surprise and discovery, as though Chinese people were still to be seen wearing Mao suits. “Fashion craze sweeps through a new China,” announced the International Herald Tribune early in 2003, and “Chinese buy into the beauty myth,” trumpeted Melbournes The Age a year later. A quarter of century after the beginning of the reform era, it would appear, China is still “new”.,This newness is nothing very new. “New” China had been appearing on the horizon since the turn of the 20th century, and a fashion industry was apparent in Shanghai at least by the 1920s. It was characterized by mechanized textile production, advertising through billboards and newspapers, the proliferation of pictorial magazines, the emergence of the graphic artist as fashion designer,,,promotion of retail outlets, competition between local and foreign products, and fashion parades. It is possible to speak of “fashions” in China before this time, but in the 1920s activities surrounding the production and consumption of clothing became systemically linked to the point where a fashion industry can be said to exist. (426 words),25,


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