现代大学英语中级写作(上)_Unit 2

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(giving instructions),3) To explain how something happened. (giving the history),Contemporary,College English,大学英语,现代,What are the major types of Process Analysis?,1) Directive process analysis which is aimed at how to do or make something.,2) Informative process analysis which is aimed at explaining how something is done/works or how something took place/happened.,Contemporary,College English,大学英语,现代,Major types of Process Analysis,Directional,(,Instructional,) process analysis (,指令性过程分析,) gives step-by-step instructions to help readers carry out a process how to run a computer program, how to write an outline, for example.,Informational,process analysis (,信息性过程分析,) explains a process to help readers understand how something happens or how something operates how ants are reproduced (,繁殖,), how I became a videoholic (,录像迷,), for instance.,Contemporary,College English,大学英语,现代,How to write a good process paper?,Clearly state your purpose,and if necessary, provide necessary background information in the introduction of your paper.,Arrange the steps in logical order,.,Make sure,not to leave out any critical steps.,Contemporary,College English,大学英语,现代,How to write a good process paper?,Use transitional words or phrases,such as first, second, meanwhile, after this, next, then, when you finish, finally, etc. to help your readers to follow the process.,Conclude the analysis,by briefly reviewing the major steps in the process, or by reinforcing the thesis, or by summarizing the results of the process or by explaining its significance, but a short process paper may not need a formal conclusion.,Contemporary,College English,大学英语,现代,Organization of a process paper,Contemporary,College English,大学英语,现代,Introduction,Body,Conclusion,Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,Step 4,Types of process analysis,1.Instructional,2.Informational,1,.,How to apply for a student loan,2. How the computer was invented,3,.,How the mobile phone works,4,.,How to Read,Fast,5. What to do when you are trapped in fire,Unit 2,Task 1 Activity 1,Study the following Process Analyses and point out their strengths and weaknesses of each.,I have several suggestions to offer to help you buy fine clothes at reasonable prices.,I usually follow the following procedures to reduce exam-related anxieties.,Task 1 Activity 1,Unit 2,No mistakes,Questions to think about,Is this a directive or informative process analysis?,It is an informative process analysis giving the history of Liquid Paper.,What is the central idea of the essay? Is the thesis statement presented or implied?,The central idea is how Liquid Paper was invented and how it became a big business.,The thesis statement is implied.,Task 1 Activity 2,Unit 2,No mistakes,Questions to think about,How does the essay open?,It opens with some background infromation about the woman who invented Liquid Paper.,How were the stages of the process presented? Do you think they are covered logically?,They were presented in chronological order.,Yes,,,I think they are.,How does the process analysis end?,It ends with a remark about the worth of the business when the owner sold it.,Task 1 Activity 2,Unit 2,Outline,Introduction,(Paras.1-2): background information,Bette Nesmiths family and her job,;,Her problemhow to correct typing errors on the job.,Body,(Para.3-8): stages of how Bette invented her product and its development,1) Bette concocted a fluid and for five years used it to paint over her typing errors.(Para.3),2) Five years later,she began to give the fluid to her friends who demanded it.(Para.4),3) She began to sell the fluid,but the sales were small.(Para.5-6),4) She paid a chemist to develop a faster-dyeing formula and worked hard to promote her product. (Para.7),5) Finally her product, Liquid Paper,,,became popular. (Para.8),Conclusion,(Para.9): The success of Liquid Paper and Bettes selling of her company for,47.5 million,Task 1 Activity 2,Unit 2,Assignments,Write a process analysis essay of about 250 words one one of the following topics:,1. How to form a good study habit at college,2. How you celebrate a special occasion in your family,3. How you spend on weekends/holidays,Make sure to include a thesis statement before you state the process.,Thank you for your attention!,


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