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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 15 Popular youth culture Unit 16 Finding jobs,记 忆 重 现,考 点 梳 理,重点单词,考纲单词,starve, eager, recent,新课标单词,acknowledge, possess, vacant, occupation, instant, assess, flexible, worthwhile,重点词组,fit in with sb. / sth., in touch with, up to date, send off, such. that., straight away, due to, a good knowledge of, hold back,重点句型,1. It seems likely that.,2. 句子中的替代:名词性替代;动词性替代;从句性替代。,3. I really feel. Im having a great time doing it.,4. Time to have fun and relax.,考 点 识 记,一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词,1. _ adj. 值得的,2. _ vi. 挨饿;饿死,3. _ vt. 承认;告知已收到;为.表示感谢,4. _ vt. 拥有;具有,5. _ adj. 未占用的;空着的,6. _ n. 职业;占据,7. _ adj. 立即的;速溶的,8. _ vt. 评价;估价,9. _ adj. 热切的;渴望的;热心的,10. _ adj. 灵活的;有弹性的,二、 选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确,straight away, fit in (with), due to, in touch with, up to date, hold back, send off, recent, a good knowledge of, starve,11. The flight was cancelled _ the bad weather.,12. Please make sure that these parcels are _ at once.,13. The teacher is happy to see that his students are _ for new knowledge.,14. To continue the conversation, she tried her best to _ her anger.,15. Though he has never done this job before, I am sure he will _ .,16. She is a good accountant and has _ the Japanese language.,17. Her mother told her to come home _ after school.,18. She wears clothes that are right _ to attend her best friends wedding.,19. He has been to many foreign countries during _ years.,20. Wherever you go, you should keep _ your parents.,三、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子,21. _ (他的意见总是起作用) in the Board of Directors.,22. Should first aid training _ (是每个市民都需要的)?,23. My parents _ (赞同我的选择).,24. He was too absorbed in his own business _ (以至于怠慢了客人).,25. Dont look down upon that old man. He is a history professor who _ (拥有智慧).,Key:,1. worthwhile 2. starve 3. acknowledge 4. possess 5. vacant,6. occupation 7. instant 8. assess 9. eager 10. flexible 11. due to,12. sent off 13. starving 14. hold back 15. fit in,16. a good knowledge of 17. straight away 18. up to date 19. recent,20. in touch with 21. His opinions always count,22. be required for every citizen 23. approve of my choice,24. to make his guests welcome 25. is possessed of great intelligence,点 睛 讲 练,考点 1,. acknowledge vt.,承认;告知收到; 注意到了;道谢,【典型例句】,1. The world acknowledges the work of millions of people who give their time to help others. 全世界都要对那些贡献出时间帮助别人的数百万志愿者表示感谢。,2. As soon as the results of the vote were announced the Prime Minister acknowledged defeat. 选举结果一宣布, 首相承认他在选举中失败了。,3. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us. 我们衷心感谢每一位帮助我们的人所付出的努力。,【用法提示】,1. acknowledge sth. 承认某事;感谢.,2. acknowledge that-clause 承认某事,3. acknowledge sb. / sth. (as / to be) 承认某人 / 某事为.,4. acknowledge doing 承认,5. be acknowledged as 被公认为,【比较辨析】 acknowledge, admit, recognize,作“承认”讲,三者的主要区别是:acknowledge 着重指公开承认某一事实或接受某一原则作为约束力或权利。recognize指正式承认具有某一特殊身份、地位、权力、义务或某一事实存在的合法性。 admit指屈服于外界压力或受判断力驱使而不得不承认,较 acknowledge 不情愿意味强。 如:It is now generally acknowledged that he was innocent. 现在大家普遍认为他是无辜的。 I admit I made a mistake. 我承认我犯了一个错误。,【及时训练】,根据句意用acknowledge 的适当形式完成下列句子。,1. 我们必须感谢他对我们公司的服务。,_ his service to our company.,2. 大多数人都承认存在一场危机。,Most people _ .,3. 他们公认彼特是足球队里最优秀的队员。,_ in the football team.,Key: 1. We must acknowledge,2. acknowledge there is a crisis,3. They acknowledge Peter (to be) the best player,考点,2. worthwhile adj.,值得的;花时间去做某事是值得的,【典型例句】,1. Writing is tough work, but I hope it will all be worthwhile. 写作是很辛苦的工作,但是我希望它完全是值得的。,2. Its worthwhile to visit / visiting the museum. 参观这个博物馆是值得的。,3. They dont think it worthwhile to do that. 他们认为不值得那么做。,【用法提示】,1. Its worth ones while to do sth. 值得某人花时间(金钱,努力)干.,2. Its worthwhile to do sth. 值得做某事,3. Its worthwhile doing sth. 值得做某事,4. make it worth sb.s while 给某人报酬,酬谢某人,【比较辨析】 worth, worthy, worthwhile,worth“价值.”,后接价值数量词;也可表示“值得”,后接名词、代词和动名词 。 “很值得做” 用 be well worth doing;,worthy “值得”,be worthy to be done 或 be worthy of being done;,worthwhile 可在句中作表语、 定语和补足语。可构成句型: Its worthwhile to do or doing sth.。,【及时训练】,用 worthwhile, worth, worthy 填空。,1. The song is well _ listening to.,2. Those experts are _ to be respected.,3. It is _ to consider the suggestion.,Key: 1. worth 2. worthy 3. worthwhile,考点,3. starve vt. & vi.,挨饿;饿死;渴望;极需要,【典型例句】,1. He is starving himself to try to lose weight. 他在节食以图减肥。,2. The tiger was left in the hole to starve to death. 老虎留在洞里等着饿死。,3. Ive been starving to meet you. 我渴望与你会面。,【用法提示】,1. starve to death 饿死,2. starve for sth. 渴望得到某物,3. starve to do sth. 渴望做某事,4. be starved of sth. 缺乏.;渴望.,5. be starving / starved 饿极了,【及时训练】,根据句意用 starve 完成下列句子。,1. 这些植物极需要水。,These plants _ .,2. 这个男孩因饥饿而开始哭叫。,The boy began to cry _ .,3. 他在沙漠中迷了路,挨饿而死。,He got lost in the desert and _ .,Key:,1. are starving for water 2. because he was starving 3. starved to death,考点,4. possess vt.,具有; 控制,支配,【典型例句】,1. He never possessed much money, but he always possessed good health. 他从来不富裕,但身体一直健康。,2. Fear possessed him and prevented him from moving. 恐怖控制着他,使他不能动弹。,【用法提示】,1. possess oneself of取得,把.占为己有,2. be possessed of 拥有,享有,具有,3. possess sb. of sth. 使某人拥有某物,4. be possessed with 被.迷住心窍,5. possess sth. 具有 / 拥有.,6. possess sb. to do sth. 支配某人做某事,7. 拓展词语:,possession n. 拥有,享有,具有;possessive adj . 所有格的,表示所属关系的; be in possession of 拥有,享有,具有.(强调状态); be in the possession of 某物为某人所有; take possession of 占领,夺取(动作),【比较辨析】 own, possess,这两个词的意思都表示“拥有”,但是 own 强调合法占有、继承某物作为财产, 所占有的财产必须有相当的价值;possess表示不管采取任何方式得到。,【及时训练】 单句改错(一句只有一个错)。,1. He is possessing of many good qualities.,2. The old house was in possession of my grandma then.,3. The country possess rich mineral deposits.,Key: 1. 将 possessing 改为 possessed 2. 在 possession 前加 the,3. 将 possess 改为possesses,考点,5. vacant adj.,空的,空闲的,空缺的;空虚的,【典型例句】,1. Are there any positions vacant available? 还有空缺的岗位吗?,2. We can practice in the vacant room there. 我们可以在那个空房子练习。,3. They do not know what to do with their vacant time. 他们不知道空闲时间该干点什么。,【用法提示】,1. a vacant position 空缺职位,2. a vacant chair / house / lot / look 空椅子 / 房子 / 地 / 茫然的表情,3. a vacant expression on his face 他脸上一副茫然的表情,【比较辨析】 vacant, empty, blank,这三个词都有“空着的”之意,但含义不同,区别如下:,vacant 较为正式, 指 “(暂时)没被占用而空着的”。 a vacant room / house 空房间 / 空房子;a vacant seat / table 空的、没人占用的座位/桌子;a vacant job / position 空缺职位。,empty 是常用语,指“空间内无人无物的”,an empty wallet 一个空钱包;an empty house 空无一人的房子;an empty bus 无乘客的公共汽车。,blank 指表面上没有任何东西或表面是空白的,a blank page / form 空白的一页 / 表格;a blank sheet of paper 一张白纸;a blank check 空白支票。如:,The top post in the delegation was still vacant. 代表团中的最高职位仍然空着。,Is the box empty? 那箱子是空的吗?,When I tried to remember his name, my mind was completely blank. 当我尽力回忆他的名字时,脑子里是一片空白。,【及时训练】,根据所给汉语,用vacant 完成下列句子。,1. He _ (租了一套空房子) last week.,2. My sister applied for _ (空缺岗位) in the company.,Key:,1. rented a vacant apartment 2. a vacant position,考点,6. fit in (with),适合,适应,符合,与.一致,【典型例句】,1. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in. 在国外学习需要很好的适应能力,这要花上一段时间。,2. This information does not fit in with what I was told yesterday. 这条消息和我昨天获悉的不一致。,【用法提示】,1. fit in 适合,使处得融洽,2. fit in with sb. 与某人处得融洽,3. fit in 安排时间做某事,4. 拓展词语:,fit. on 把.安在.上;fit on. 试穿; fit to 与.相配;与.相称(to match),【及时训练】,用适当的介词填空。,1. His plan to take vacation in August fits _ mine.,2. My dress-maker has asked me to fit _ the new suit tomorrow.,3. We have to fit ourselves _ the requirements of our jobs.,Key:,1. in with 2. on 3. to,考点,7. due to,应支付,应给予,应归于;由于,因为,【典型例句】,1. The teams success was largely due to her efforts. 这个 队的成功很大程度上是她努力的结果。,2. Acknowledgement is due to all who have lent a helping hand. 谨向所有伸出.手的人致谢。,【用法提示】,1. 作表语: It is due to the storm.,2. 作状语: I failed due to my carelessness.,3. 作定语: The money due to him will be paid.,4. 拓展短语:,owing to 因为,在句中作状语,间或作表语,意为“由.,造成的”; thanks to 由于,幸亏,在句中作状语,尤用于解释好事的成因; on account of 因为, 在句中作状语; because of 因为,在句中作状语; due to 因为,由于,常用在 be 之后,在句中作状语,作表语,偶尔作定语。,【及时训练】,根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。,1. Most of the problems were _ (由于人的粗心).,2. Have they been paid the money that is _ (他们应得的)?,Key:,1. due to peoples carelessness 2. due to them,考点,8. up to date,现代的,时新的;据目前所知的,【典型例句】,1. She should have several years of experience and be up to date with modern mens haircut styles. 她应该有几年的经验并了解现代男子时兴发型。,2. She wears clothes that are right up to date. 她穿着最时尚的衣服。,3. The headmaster is up to date in his thinking. 那位校长的想法很新颖。,【用法提示】,1. up to date (形)(副)在句中多作表语,如:It is up to date.,2. 也作定语,an up-to-date idea,3. 拓展短语:,out of date 过时的, 陈旧的; to date / up to now / till now / so far 到目前为止; updated 最新的; out of fashion 过时的,不时髦的,【及时训练】,根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。,1. Much of the information in the book is now _ (过时了).,2. They are very _ (新潮) in the method of language teaching.,3. Jim does some pieces of work on Sunday, but his earnings _ (至今) are small.,Key:,1. out of date 2. updated 3. to date,考点,9. send off,为.送行;寄出,【典型例句】,1. Take a photocopy of the finished form before sending it off. 在寄出前,把完成了的表格复印一份。,2. Mary complained about getting up early in the morning to send her husband off to work. 玛丽抱怨早晨得早起送她的丈夫去上班。,3. We will send the goods off early tomorrow morning. 我们明天一早就把货物寄出去。,【用法提示】,1. send off 寄出(信件等) 2. send off 发出(消息等),3. send sb. off 差遣某人去 4. send sb. off 为某人送行,5. 拓展短语:,send for 派人去请, 叫; send up 发射; send out 发送,派遣,发出,散布,【及时训练】 根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。,1. 骚乱一开始,警察就被叫来了。,The police _ immediately the disturbance began.,2. 这些花似乎只在夜间才发出香味。,The flowers seems to _ fragrance only during the night.,3. 据报道,最近又一艘太空飞船发射了。,It is reported that another spaceship has been _ recently.,4. 那封信你寄出了吗? 我有些话要加上去。,Have you _ that letter _ yet? Theres something I want to add to it.,Key:,1. were sent for 2. send out 3. sent up 4. sent. off,考点,10. hold back,阻碍,阻止;隐瞒,保留; 犹豫不决,【典型例句】,1. Be honest, but dont hold back or be too modest. 要诚实,但是不要畏缩不前或过于谦逊。,2. John held back from social activities because he felt embarrassed with people. 约翰犹豫是否参加社会活动,因为他跟陌生人一起感到尴尬。,3. The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood. 水坝不足以抵挡洪水。,4. I think he is holding something back; he knows more than he admits. 我认为他有所隐瞒,他知道的比他承认的要多。,【用法提示】,1. hold sb. back 阻碍 / 阻止某人,2. hold sth. back / hold back + 名词 隐瞒(情况、消息等),抑制(感情),3. sb. hold back (from) 犹豫不决,踌躇不前,4. 拓展短语:,hold on 继续,别挂断电话;坚持,抓住不放,hold up 支撑;使停顿;承受住;耽搁,hold off 拖延,抵抗;使.疏远,hold down 压低(物价),垂下头;限制,控制,【及时训练】,选用 hold的短语填空,使句意完整正确。,1. Ill stay in Mexico as long as my money _ .,2. Traffic on the bridge was _ for several hours because of the accident.,3. He was _ for two hours because of the rain.,4. The government has done something to _ food prices.,Key:,1. holds out / on 2. held up 3. held off 4. hold down,考点,11. I feel I am doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it.,我真的感觉我是在做值得做的事,而且我很高兴能这么做。,【用法提示】,have a great time doing sth. 是一个固定的结构, 意思是“做某事很愉快”。此外,have a time (费劲), have a good time (过得愉快), have a hard time (过得艰难), have an easy time (过得轻松愉快) 等后面都要接动名词。 类似的结构还有:have difficulty / trouble / problems (in) doing sth. 做某事很困难,费力地做某事等。,【典型例句】,1. John had a time passing his maths course. 约翰费了好大劲才通过数学考试。,2. Poor Susan had a time trying to get the children to go to bed. 可怜的苏珊费了好大劲才使孩子们上床睡觉。,【及时训练】,根据所给提示完成下面句子。,_ (他非常愉快地完成了那项任务) within two months. (have a. time),Key:,He had a great time in finishing the task,


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