服务台 - ITIL Processes

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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Built on Service,Click to edit Master title style,*,ITIL and the Service Desk,“Using ITIL to Build an Effective Service Desk”,Brady Orand,Column Technologies,The Business,What is ITIL?,ITIL The IT Infrastructure Library,Set of books outlining best practices,Operational processes (Service Support),Tactical processes (Service Delivery),Applications Management,The Business Perspective,ICT Infrastructure Management,Security Management,The Business Perspective,Owned by the Office of Government Commerce in the UK (OGC),Publicly licensed (no fees to use or adopt),Developed in late 1980s,de facto,standard in Service Management by 1990s,The Technology,The Business,Perspective,Planning to Implement Service Management,ICT,Infrastructure,Management,Service Management,Service,Delivery,Service,Support,Security,Management,Application Management,The Technology,The Structure of ITIL,The Business,The Business,Perspective,Planning to Implement Service Management,ICT,Infrastructure,Management,Application Management,Service Management,Service,Delivery,Service,Support,Security,Management,The seven books in the IT Infrastructure Library describe the processes that lie between the technology and the business that the technology enables.,ITIL Processes & Function,Service Delivery,Service Support,ITIL process are divided between Service Support and Service Delivery with the Service Desk being the primary point of contact between IT and the Users of IT services.,Service Support,Operational processes,Day to day management of the environment,Service Delivery,Tactical processes,Planning processes,Core ITIL Processes,Operational Processes,Tactical Processes,ITIL Defines two core books that describe the best practices for Service Support (Operational) and Service Delivery (Tactical) processes. Security Management, having had its roots in Availability Management is now described in a separate book.,Security Processes,Service Support,Service Desk,Function that is integral to Service Support,Incident Management,Problem Management,Configuration Management,Change Management,Release Management,Service Delivery,Service Level Management,Financial Management,Capacity Management,Availability Management,IT Service Continuity Management,Security Management,Service Support Processes,To restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on business operations thus ensuring that the best possible levels of service quality and availability are maintained,To act as a central point of contact between the User and IT Service Management.,To minimize the adverse impact of Incidents and Problems caused by errors in the infrastructure and to proactively prevent the occurrence of Incidents, Problems and errors,To provide a logical model of the IT infrastructure by identifying, controlling, maintaining and verifying the versions of all Configuration Items in existence,To ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all Changes, in order to minimize the impact of any related Incidents upon service.,To take a holistic view of a Change to an IT service and ensure that all aspects of a Release, both technical and non-technical, are considered together,Service Desk,Incident,Management,Problem,Management,Release,Management,Configuration,Management,Change,Management,Service Delivery Processes,To maintain and gradually improve business aligned IT service quality through a constant cycle of agreeing, monitoring, reporting and reviewing IT service achievements and through instigating actions to eradicate unacceptable levels of required services in a cost effective and justifiable manner,To provide cost-effective stewardship of the IT assets and financial resources used in providing IT Services,To optimize the capability of the IT Infrastructure, services and supporting organization to deliver a cost effective and sustained level of availability that enables the business to satisfy its business objectives,To ensure that cost-justifiable IT Capacity always exists and that it is matched to the current and future identified needs of the business,To support the overall Business Continuity Management process by ensuring that the required IT technical and services facilities can be recovered within required and agreed business time scales,Service Level,Management,Financial,Management,Capacity,Management,Availability,Management,IT Service Continuity,Management,ITIL Processes and the Service Desk,Incident Management ownership,Coordination of Incidents,Coordination of Resources to resolve Incidents,Service Desk,Incident,Management,Problem,Management,Release,Management,Configuration,Management,Change,Management,Root cause determination,Resolved Incidents/Problems,Publication of Known Errors,Publication of work,arounds,Knowledge base development,Service Modeling,Impact Assessment,CI Identification,Notification of Changes,Forward Schedule of Changes,Updated CMDB,Change-related Incidents identified,Completion of Service Requests,Release Notification,Training,Documentation,Release Acceptance,ITIL Processes and the Service Desk,Service Levels,Required response times,Business priority,Business impact,Service Desk,Financial constraints,Funding,Budgeting,Agreements to support,SLAs,OLAs,UCs,Service Level,Management,Financial,Management,Opportunities for improved service at lower cost,Capacity,Management,Availability,Management,IT Service Continuity,Management,How to Get Started,Strategic Approach,Education,ITIL Foundations,ITIL Practitioner,ITIL Service Manager,Establish Vision,Service Development,Roadmap and Vision,Project plan to implementation,Awareness plan,Culture Transformation,Tactical Approach,Integrate Service Desk and Incident Management,Develop Problem Management process,Develop Configuration Management process,Approach other individual processes,Change Management,Service Level Management,Release Management,Education!,The best approach to IT Service Management is to have all stakeholders on board and have cooperation from the entire organization. However, this is not always an option,Improving a Process,Where do we want to be?,Where are we now?,How do we get where we want to be?,How do we know when we have arrived?,Vision and business objectives,Assessments,Process Improvement or re-engineering,Metrics & Measurement,Source: IT Service Management,itSMF,Figure - Process Improvement Model,Process improvement is a process itself involving constant assessment and measurement.,People,Process,Technology,Documentation,Service Definition,Education,Awareness,Communication,Design,Communication,Documentation,Process Implementation,Measurement,Reporting,Service Manager,Certification,ITIL Learning Path,Practitioner Certifications,Service Desk/,Incident Management,Problem,Management,Change,Management,Availability,Management,Configuration,Management,Service,Delivery,Security,Management,Financial,Management,Service Level,Management,Capacity,Management,Service,Support,ITIL,Awareness,ITIL,Foundation,ITIL Foundation,Certification Test,ITIL Manager,Certification,Test,ITIL Practitioner,Certification,Test,The ITIL certification path starts with the Foundations exam and can lead to in-depth certifications in specific areas or overall mastery through the Managers certification.,Recommended for Service Desk,Managers & Leads,How the Service Desk can Benefit from ITIL,Improved first-call resolution rates,Knowledge provided by Problem Management,Improved impact assessment,CMDB provided by Configuration Management,Improved response in accordance to business priority,Business priorities determined by Service Level Management,Improved ability to manage Changes,Service Request definitions provided by Change Management,Improved communication to Users,Assurance that no request is lost, forgotten, or ignored,Improved perception of IT & higher quality of IT Services,All processes work together to ensure high quality of service,ITIL helps alleviate many of the main challenges in IT today specifically understanding and communicating the value that IT adds to the business.,


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