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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,以李明的名义给,Mr. Foster,写一封信。 内容:已收到他寄来的礼物(一件精美的雕塑),非常喜欢这礼物,把它们放在书架上正合适。得知他将来上海参加你的婚礼,十分高兴。请他将航班告诉你。你将去机场接他。 注意:必须包括对收件人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式。,Words for reference:,sculpture,航班:,flight number,1,June 7, 2010,Dear Mr. Foster,I have received the elegant sculpture you sent me as a gift. I feel a special sense of gratitude to you. The sculpture is really something special. I love it very much. It is appropriate to put it on my book shelf. Im glad to know that you will come to Shanghai to attend my wedding. Please tell me your flight number and Ill pick you up at the airport. Thanks again for your gift. Im looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Ming,2,以John Brown的名义写一封给ABC公司的推荐信。 内容:李小姐从,2003,至,2006,年在你公司担任秘书工作。她打字及速记能力极强。其他工作也很好。是一名优秀的秘书。工作勤奋,待人和善,深受同事的尊敬。她现在想从事责任更大,薪水更高的工作。 注意信函格式。,Words for reference:,速记:shorthand,reference,3,Reference:,Miss Li has been working as a secretary in this company for four years, from 2003 to 2006. She is very competent at typing and shorthand and has fulfilled her other duties well. As her immediate supervisor for the last two years I can state that she is a very good secretary. She is hard-working, pleasant and is well like,by the other members of our staff. She now wants to move on to a job with more responsibility and higher pay, for which she is surely qualified. I can give her a wholehearted recommendation.,4,以某公司总经理秘书李华的身份写一则公司内备忘录。 内容:通知公司员工在本周五之前把个人的夏季休假计划交到总经理办公室,以便公司统一安排。员工们可以享受两周的带薪休假,今年一月份以后来公司工作的员工可以享受1周的带薪休假。如果有疑问,可以直接向李华询问。 注意:正确使用所提供的备忘录格式。,Words for reference:,人员/员工:personnel 提交:hand in 对享有权利:be entitled to 带薪休假:paid leave,5,备忘录格式:,INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Date March 20th, 2006 To _ From _ Subject _ _,6,以求职人张华的身份给 Daniel公司的人事部主任 Jones 先生写一封面试后续信。感谢 Jones 先生给予你的面试机会,并表示你对该公司的好感。最后表示自己能够胜任该公司的工作。,Words for reference:,表达对的感谢:express ones appreciation for 对印象深刻:be favorably impressed with 有信心:feel confident,7,说明:假定你是李伟先生,根据下列信息写一封投诉信。 内容:你通过ASD中介公司租了一套公寓,但一个月前,屋内的暖气坏了,你打电话要求公司派人来修理。但至今没有人来修理。你写信投诉,并要求公司立刻派人来修理。,Words for reference:,中介公司:agency 暖气:heating system,8,请按下列内容出一通知: 标 题: 您的未来就在你手中! 演 讲 人: 江海博士 (GHB公司首席执行官) 演讲对象: 2004届毕业生 时 间: 2004年6月20日 地 点: 科学楼演讲厅 (638号) 内 容: 你就要离开学校踏上征程了吗?你想拥有一个光辉美好的未来吗? 江海博士(GHB公司首席执行官) 将通过他本人数十年来国内外求学、创业、成功的经历向您细述人生的真谛,指点未来成功之路。,Words for reference:,演讲人:lecturer 首席执行官:CEO 光辉的:splendid 真谛:true meaning,9,Will you leave school for a trip? Would you like a splendid and better future? Dr. Jiang Hai (CEO of GHB Company) will tell you the true meaning of life in details with his experiences of study, entrepreneurship and success in the past decades and guide your future success.Why not join us to spend an exciting day! You will enjoy a fruitful day.Lecturer: Dr. Jiang Hai (CEO of GHB Company)Audience : 2004 graduatesTime: June 20, 2004Place: The lecture hall in science building (No. 638),Your future is in your hands!,10,I.,说明:一家名为燕山的宾馆即将开业,为吸引外国宾客入住,希望在网上进行宣传。现在请你用英语为其写一篇介绍。内容:,1.,宾馆地点:在北京西郊,距离最近的地铁大约,500,米;,2.,房间及价格:单人间,,160,元,/,天;双人间,,280,元,/,天;,3.,房间设施:有热水淋浴,因特网接口等;,4.,餐饮:餐厅(中西餐全天供应),咖啡厅(茶,咖啡,下午和晚间营业);,5.,游泳池全天免费开放。,Words for reference:,因特网接口,: Internet access,11,Hotel site: located in the West of Beijing, about 500 meters far away from the nearest subway;,Rooms and rates,:,single room (160 yuan per day), double room (280 yuan per day);,Room facilities,: hot showering and Internet access are available,;,Catering: Dining room (Chinese and western food are available around the clock/throughout the day); Caf (tea and coffee are available in the afternoon and evening),The swimming pool is open 24 hours for free.,Yanshan Hotel,12,说明:就下列内容写一封信给孙良先生:,感谢他,12,月,20,日来函询问有关全自动洗衣机的情况。答复如下:,型号:,Model FH-150A,型,价格:每台,$160,交货日期:收到订单,60,日内,付款日期:装运后,30,日内,若订购,100,台以上,可享受,15%,的数量折扣。,另附洗衣机使用说明。若还需其他信息,请随时与我方联系。,请注意书信格式。,Words for reference:,装运:,shipment,数量折扣,quantity discount,使用说明,operating instructions,13,III.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:假设你是某公司销售部员工王华,请给公司技术部写一份电子邮件。,内容:,1.,说明自己的部门、姓名;,2.,描述一下你的电脑发生的故障,(,可说明故障原因,),;,3.,请对方尽快派人帮忙检查并修复;,4.,请对方通知你何时能来;,5.,表示感谢。,14,To: Engineering Department,From: Wang Hua, Sales Department,Subject: Checking and fixing the computer,Date: June. 20, 2010,Dear Sir/Madam,Im sorry to bother you with this e-mail.,Im Wang Hua from Sales Department. There is something wrong with my computer. It cant start now. Before that, it has made a buzzing noise and started very slowly. It makes me inconvenient in my work because it makes me not be able to contact with my customers.,15,Please send one person to check and fix it as soon as possible. Would you please tell when you can come?,Im looking forward to a quick solution. Thanks for your time.,Yours sincerely,Wang Hua,16,IV.,说明:假定你是某公司的销售经理,给,Luton,公司的,Jack James,先生写一封信,内容如下:,1.,感谢对方,12,月,11,日有关数码相机的询价,;,2.,现在为对方提供产品的情况并随函附上所需商品的价格和详细信息;,3.,我厂生产的数码相机质量好,性能可靠,价格低;,4.,如果订货量大于,10,台,可享受,5%,的折扣;,5.,如果定货量更大,还可打到最多为,10%,的折扣;,6.,望从速订购。,Words for reference:,1.,数码相机,: digital camera,2.,荣幸,: be honored,3.,询价,: inquiry,4.,折扣,: discount,17,Dear Jack James,Thank you for your inquiry of Dec. 11 about our digital camera. We are honored to send you a copy of catalogue of the camera. Enclosed here please find the price list and detailed information you require.,The digital cameras produced in our factory are of high quality, reliable performance and low price. If you order more than 10 cameras, you can enjoy a discount of 5%. If your order is larger, you can even enjoy a maximum discount of 10%.,Im looking forward to your formal order soon.,Yours sincerely,XXX,Sales manager,18,V.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:假定你是一家办公设备进出口公司的经理王刚,给某公司写一封信。,内容:,1告诉对方你获得信息的渠道:从城市商报(Urban Commerce)上看到对方公司的介绍;,2说明你去信的目的:询问对方是否有你需要的产品,是否有现货供应,等等,并想和对方建立贸易联系;,3介绍你公司的情况,如:多年从事进出口贸易,在中国设有6家分公司,与国内许多大商店有联系,等等;,4希望尽快得到回复。,19,Dear Sir,We got the information about your firm from Urban Commerce .We are now writing to you for the purpose of establishing trade relations with you.,Wed like to introduce ourselves as a giant corporation handling import and export of office equipment. We have six subsidiary companies in China. Besides, we have been engaged in import and export trade for years and have business connections with many big shops.,Please let us know if you have products we need and are able to supply merchandise on hand.,We look forward to your early reply.,Yours sincerely,Wang Gang,Manager,20,VI.说明:学校新装修的图书馆即将开放,请你为图书馆写一份通知。,内容:,1.本学期图书馆开放时间:,星期一至星期五:上午8:00至晚上10:00,星期六/ 日: 上午8:00至下午5:00,2.阅览室增添了一些新期刊杂志,欢迎大家借阅。,3.上学期借书超期未还的老师和同学,请办理续借或还书手续,否则将不准继续借阅任何图书。,Words for reference:,新装修的: newly-decorated,21,The newly-decorated library will be opened soon!,Library opening hours for this semester:,8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.,8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.,Some new periodicals and magazines are added in the reading room. Everyone is welcome to borrow the books.,The teachers and students, whose books have been overdue but not been returned, please renew or return the books. Otherwise, you are not permitted borrowing any more books.,Thanks!,22,VII.,以,John Brown,的名义写一封给,ABC,公司的推荐信。,内容:李小姐从,1995,至,1999,年在你公司担任秘书工作。她打字及速记能力极强。其他工作也很好,是一名优秀的秘书。工作勤奋,待人和善,深受同事的尊敬。她现在想从事责任更大,薪水更高的工作。,注意信函格式。,23,VIII.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:假设你是某旅行社员工Mark,给有意向的客户写一份回信。,内容:,1.感谢对本旅行社推出的夏季旅行线路感兴趣;,2.请明确参加旅游的具体人数、时间安排等事宜;,3.随信将寄上行程安排及价目单等;,24,June, 8,Dear sir,Thanks for your letter of May 29, in which you said you were interested in the travel routes of this summer made by our travel agency . For our appropriate arrangement and your nice trip, would you please tell us that the specific number of the tourist,and the time arrangement and so on.,We are enclosing the schedule and the price list for your reference.,Looking forward to your early reply!,Best wishes!,Sincerely Yours,Mark,AAA Travel Agency,25,IX.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:请给某旅行社写一份投诉信,反映对此次旅行的不满意之处。,内容:,1.原本安排的接机服务根本没有,你只能自己打出租车去旅店;,2.在前台登记住宿时被告之要六点以后才能进房;,3.离店结帐等候时间长,差点误了班机。,4.要求旅行社给予解释及赔偿。,Words for reference:,接机服务 pick-up service,26,Dear Sir or Madam,I am one of the customers in your travel agency,.,Im sorry to bother you with this letter, but I cant wait to let you know my dissatisfaction with some services provided by your travel agency. They are as follows: There was no pick up service which was originally arranged,and I had to take a taxi by myself to the hotel. Besides, we were required to enter the guest room after 6 oclock when we checked in at the reception desk, and I think it was too late. Whats more, we had to wait for a long time to check out, which made us nearly missed my flight.,I hope you can give me an explanation and make a reasonable compensation,Looking forward to your favorable reply as soon as possible.,Yours truly,xxx,27,X.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:假设你是某公司人事部职员王林,为安排一次职工的假期旅行,向某旅行社写信询问有关事宜。,内容:,1.询问旅游信息(如:线路、价格、折扣等);,2.告诉对方参加旅游的人数和时间安排;,3.索要相关的资料,特别是行程安排;,4.告之联系方式。,Words for reference: Travel Agency :旅行社,注意信函格式!,28,Dear Sir or Madam,I am Wang Lin from the Personnel Department of XX company. In order to arrange our holiday travel, I want to ask your travel agency for some information. Would you please tell us the main tourist routes and their corresponding price and discounts?,The number of tourists in our company is about 40 and wed like to have a holiday from June 10 to June 18. So please send us the related information according to what I mentioned above, especially the travel schedule arrangement. Please contact me at xxx.,Looking forward to your prompt reply!,Yours sincerely,Wang Lin,29,XI.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:以某公司总经理秘书李华的身份写一则公司内备忘录。,内容:通知公司员工在本周五之前把个人的夏季休假计划交到总经理办公室,以便公司统一安排。员工们可以享受两周的带薪休假,今年一月份以后来公司工作的员工可以享受1周的带薪休假。如果有疑问,可以直接向李华询问。,注意: 正确使用所提供的备忘录格式。,Words for reference:,人员,员工: personel;,提交: hand in;,对.享有权利: be entitled to;,带薪休假: leave with pay,30,XII.Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明:假设你是办公室秘书Susan,请按照经理的计划给美国某公司市场部写一份电子邮件。,内容:,1. 我公司销售部经理Mr. Clark Johnson一行3人将于本月25日抵达纽约;,2. 计划与贵公司市场部举行会谈,商议合作事宜;,3. 希望贵公司的产品能在中国大陆地区有很大的市场;,4. 表示感谢。,31,To: Marketing Department,From: Susan, Executive Secretary,Subject: Talks,Date: June 20, 2010,The sales manager of our company, Mr. Clark Johnson, together with other two clerks will arrive in New York on 25th of this month. They plan to negotiate the cooperation with the marketing department of your company. We sincerely wish you could have a large market for your products in Chinese mainland.,Thank you for your consideration.,Yours faithfully,Susan,Executive Secretary,32,XIII.Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,说明,假设您是某公司销售经理,代表公司向老客户写一封通知函。,内容:为了更好地推销本公司的新产品,公司特向所有老客户发出通知,告知他们本公司已把网站全部进行了更新,并在网上提供了一批新产品,供客户选购。欢迎客户访问已更新的网站。,写信日期:2009年12月24日,要求:按照书信的格式。,公司网站名:,Words for reference:,推销:promote the sales,更新:update,33,Dec.24, 2009,Dear Sir/Madam,We would like to inform you of our overall renewal for our website, . In order to better promote the sales of our new products, we have updated the website. We have also provided a batch of new products for customers to choose. Welcome all customers to visit our updated site.,Yours faithfully,XXX,Sales Manager,34,XIV.,假定你是,Media Hotel,的人事部经理李卫,你的秘书王芳打算到离她家较近的一家外贸公司应聘相应职位,请你为她写一份推荐信。,信中介绍王芳的基本情况:前进职业技术学院商务英语专业毕业,擅长英语,能熟练操作计算机。待人诚恳,与人相处和睦。工作效率高。有三年秘书工作经验。其他你认为应介绍的情况。,收信人:,John Brown,新秋外贸公司人事经理,请注意书信格式。,35,XV.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write according to the following information given in Chinese.,以湖滨饭店经理蔚然的名义写一封告顾客书。,内容:欢迎光临湖滨饭店,希望顾客对饭店的设施和服务提出宝贵意见。在顾客逗留期间,饭店愿为顾客提供良好服务。为帮助饭店不断改进服务工作,请顾客抽空填写一份意见表,并将该表交给前台收款员。对顾客光顾饭店表示感谢,希望再次光临。,Words for reference:,意见表,: the opinion form,36,Dear customers,Welcome to Linhubin Hotel. We sincerely hope that you could give valuable comments and suggestions on the hotels facilities and services. Our hotel would like to provide you with excellent services during your stay here. In order to constantly improve our service to you , please find some time to fill out the suggestion form,and give it to the Cashier at the reception desk. Many thanks for your coming to our hotel.You are welcome to come back next time.,Looking forward to seeing you soon!,Yours sincerely,Wei Ran,The manager of Linhubin Hotel,37,


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