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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,后元音,Back Vowels,后元音的发音特点:,舌尖离开下齿;,舌后部抬高。, u ,牙床大开,口张大,双唇张开而不圆;,舌身平放后缩,舌后微升,舌尖不触下齿;,注意发音长度,不要发得太短;,发音时声带振动。,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,a,: grass basket tomato class rather,ar,: army party smart march,carnival,al,: half calm palm,au,: aunt laugh,ear,: heart hearten sweetheart,看音标读单词:,frns b,msk km,lf dns,mkt switht,knvl tmt,朗读句子:,1. He laughs best who laughs last.,笑到最后才是笑得最好的。,2. Father parks the car in the garden.,父亲把车停在了花园里。,3. It is very hard to start the last car.,最后那辆车子太难启动了。,双唇收得要小而圆,并向前突出;,舌身往后缩,舌尖不触下齿;,注意发音长度,不要发得太短;,发音时声带振动。,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,a,: salt water always almost,al,: ball hall talk chalk small,ar,: war warm wharf award quarter,au,: fault cause autumn cautious,exhaust,aw,: law awl draw awful strawberry,or,: horse corn order sport forty,ore,: more store adore before explore,oa,: broad abroad blackboard,our,: four source court,看音标读单词:,f dt,sn wdr,fsi hl,ks zst,blkbd strb()r,朗读句子:,1. Id like to order enough food for four.,我想点足够四个人吃的餐。,2. Paul was born on August the fourth.,保罗生于八月四日。,3. I am Paul. I am four. I am tall. Give me a call.,我叫保罗,今年四岁,我很高,给我打电话吧。,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆,发音短促,声带振动,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,a,: watch what wash wad,o,: offer fox across opera policy,au,: because sausage Austria,Australia,看音标读单词:,bkz kf,kwlt n,krs wt,fks pls,ht dkt,朗读句子:,1. Look at the frog on the log.,看那只趴在原木上的青蛙。,2. I bought a box in the shopping mall.,我在商场买了个盒子。,3. The boss lost a clock and a watch in the shop.,老板在商店里丢失了一个时钟和一块手表。,舌身后缩,舌后部尽量抬高,舌尖不触下齿,双唇收圆并向前突出,牙床近于半合,注意发音长度,不要发得太短,口腔肌肉要始终保持紧张状态,自然而有力,发音时声带振动,u,发音方法:,发,u,音的字母和字母组合:,o,: do move who whose improve,u,: rule June rude Susan sugar,oo,: spoon fool room moon smooth,ou,: youth group rout soup wound,ue,: blue true clue glue issue,ui,: fruit juice suit suitable suitor,ew,: shrewd threw blew drew chew,看音标读单词:,rul pul,dus blu,spun rud,pjupl ful,mpruv sutkes,朗读句子:,1. Give two true tools to the troops.,给军队两个真正的工具。,2. The news is too good to be true.,这个消息太好了,简直让人难以置信。,3. Sue has a loose tooth and a foolish goose.,苏有一颗松动的牙齿和一只愚蠢的鹅。,双唇稍收圆形并略向前突出,舌尖不触下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩,发音时声带振动,发音方法:,发,音的字母和字母组合:,o,: wolf woman,u,: put push full bull bullet,oo,: cook look wood football goodbye,ou,: could would should,看音标读单词:,d wmn,bl ,ndstd blt,bkp,wd,ftbl b,朗读句子:,1. A good cook could cook good cookies.,好厨师能做好饼干。,2. Mr. Woods took a good book and stood beside the wood.,伍兹先生拿了一本好书站在木头边。,3. The cook took some sugar and put it in the soup.,厨师在汤里放了些糖。,读一读,比一比,Carl call park pork,barn born,dark dog,pull pool full fool,look Luke odd awed,cock cork,chock chalk,good food full fool,would wood could cooed,cut cart,luck lark,hut heart duck dark,come calm much march,word ward,first fast,further father stir star,bark back shot short,hot heart,shop sharp,skirts sports bought bird,


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