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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.做定语从句试题的基本方法,请看下面这道定语从句考题,In fact the man didnt understand the three questions _ were asked in French.,A.,where,B.,who,C.,in which,D.,which,此题应选 D。从句子成分看,修饰 questions 的定语从句缺主语,所以不能选 A (where),C (in which)。又因为这里的先行词(questions)是指事不是指人,所以只能选D (which)不能选B (who)。,做定语从句试题时,大体上要分清以下几点:,是,定语从句,还是其他从句,( 从句意和句法功能等方面去考虑)。,D,1,If a book is in English, _ may mean slow progress for you.,that,B.,which,C. as,D.,and it,此题应选,A,。容易误选,B.,许多考生一看到空格前的逗号,就想当然地认为这是非限制性定语从句,,,从而误选了,B,。,可以想一想,假若此题选B(which),,which 用以引导一个非限制性定语从句,而其前又是一个以if 引导的,条件状语,从句,,那么请问此句的主句在哪里?,2,2.,是,用关系代词还是关系副词,。关系代词和关系副词的选择主要看关系词在句中的句法功能。一般说来,关系代词(that,which,who,whom 等)主要用作,主语和宾语,;关系副词(when,where,why)主要,用作状语,;作定语时用whose,。,This is the factory,where,I want to work.,这就是我想工作的工厂,This is the factory,that,I want to visit.,这就是我想参观的工厂,3,3.受定语从句修饰的先行词是指人(who whom,that) 还是指物(that,which);是作主语(who,that,which)还是作宾语(which,whom,who)等。,4.,关系代词可否省略(在通常情况下,只有限制性定语从句中用作宾语的关系代词才能省略)。,5.,是,限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句,(关系代词that以及关系副词why等均不能引导非限制性定语从句),。,6.,在“介词which”结构中,介词的正确选择(主要看相关名词和动词的习惯搭配)。,4,2.使用定语从句的几个误区(一),有的英语初学者在使用定语从句时,有时会在从句,中误加与关系代词同义的人称代词,这是不对的。如:,This is the book that I have read _ dozens of times.,But I have never read _.,A. it, B. ,itC. it, it D. ,,此题应选B。容易误选C.本题第二句填代词 it, 这容易理解。而第一句不能填 it, 则是考生很容易忽视的.显然第一句中的 that I have read dozens of times 是修饰 the book,5,我们昨晚看的电影很精彩。,误:The film we saw it last night was wonderful.,正:The film we saw last night was,wonderful,.,刚才同你讲话的那个人是谁?,误:Whos the man you just talked to him?,正:Whos the man you just talked to?,他就是去年死了妻子的那个人。,误:He is the man,whose,his wife died last year.,正:He is the man whose wife died last year.,6,使用定语从句的几个误区(二),请看下面的题目:,Is this room _ he lived in last year?,Is this the room _ he lived in last year?,that, thatB. the one, the one,C. that, the oneD. the one, that,此题应选,D,。容易误选,A.,为了便于分析,我们先将以上两句还原成陈述句,(,注意,is,的位置,),。如:,7,(1)This room is _ he lived in,last year,.,(2)This is the room _he lived in last year.,第(1)句填the one, 用作表语,其后的 (that) he lived in last year是用以修饰the one 的定语从句。此句若直接填that, 则不是定语从句(因为没有先行词),而是表语从句。,但是由于引导表语从句的that不能充当句了成分,而其后的介词in又缺宾语,所以导致错误。,第(2)句填 that, 它是关系代词,用以,引导定语从句,(he lived in last year)修饰the room。,8,使用定语从句的几个误区(三),有的同学一看到先行词是表示时间、地点、原因的名词,就认为一定要用关系副词,其实也不一定。在此情况下,还要看关系词在定语从句中是用作什么成分,若是用作状语,则用关系副词,若不是用作状语(如用作主语、宾语等)则不能用,关系副词,,而用关系代词。比较:,The reason,why,he cant come is that he is ill. 他没来的是因为他病了,The reason,that,he put forth is very important. 他提出的理由很重要,(put forth为及物动词,that在定语从句中用作其宾语),及,9,误区4.误认为关系代词whose只用于修饰人。whose用作疑问代词时,主要用于指人;但用作关系代词时,它既可指人也可指物。如:,It was an island, whose name I have forgotten. 它是一座岛,名字我忘了,The factory, whose workers are all women, is closed during the holidays. 这家工厂工人都是妇女,在假期中工厂关门了。,误区5.混淆定语从句与并列句,1) He has two children, and both of _ are abroad.,A. themB. whichC. whomD. who,10,(2) He has two children, both of _ are abroad.,themB. whichC. whomD. who,第,(1),题选,A,,第,(2),题选,C,。由于第,(1),题中用了,并列连词,and,,从而使整个句子为并列句,,and,后应是一个独立的简单句,所以选,A,不选,C,;第,(2),题没有并列连词,and,,,both of whom are abroad,为非限制性定语从句。,He has two children, both of _ being abroad.,A. themB. whichC. whomD. who,答案为,A),11,6.误认为逗号后一定是非限制性定语从句,有的同学一看见,逗号,,就以为一定要选which而不选that,但问题是有时根本就不是定语从句。,如,:,If a book is in English, _ means slow progress for you.,A. asB. whichC. whatD. that,(2) When I stay two hours, _ includes time for eating.,asB. which C. what D. that,以上两题均应选,that,12,关系词代词和关系副词的意义与用法,依照关系词在从句中的用法差异,可分为关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有who, whom, which, that, whose等,在定语从句中作主语、宾语、定语等,关系副词有when, where, why等,在定语从句中作状语。具体用法如下:,关系代词的用法,先行词是人,在从句中作主语用,who,,作宾语用,whom,或,who,,作定语用,whose,;先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语都用,which,,作定语用,of which,或,whose,均可。在限制性定语从句中,which, who, whom,都可用,that,代替。关系代词作宾语时,关系代词常被省略。如,:,13,A man who sells books in a shop is called a bookseller。开店售书的人叫做书商。,He is the man whom you have been looking for. 他就是你要找的那个人。,You are the only one whose advice he might listen to. 你是唯一可能使他听从劝告的人。,He was not on the train,which,arrived just now. 她不在刚才到达的那列火车上。,14,2. 关系副词的用法,关系副词有when, where,why,等,在定语从句中作状语,分别表示时间、地点和原因。when 通常放在 time, day, season, age, occasion 等时间的名词后;where 通常放在 place, city, town, village, house, case, point, situation 等地点名词后;why 通常只放在 reason 后。如,Have you set the day,when,you will move?,你搬迁的日子定了吗?,The book is on the table,where,you left it.,书在桌子上,你放在那里的。,We dont know the reason,why,he didnt show up.,我们不知道他为什么没有来。,15,使用关系副词的三点注意,how,不能用作关系副词,不要想当然地将,how,用作关系副词置于,the way,后表示方式,他说话就是那个样子。,误:,This is the way how he spoke.,正:,This is how he spoke. / This is the way (that, in which) he spoke.,2.,关系副词,when,和,where,既可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句,但,why,只能引导限制性定语从句,不能引导非限制性定语从句,(,若引导非限制性定语从句,可用,for which reason,),。,16,3. 引导定语从句时,when 的先行词为时间,where 的先行词为地点,why 的先行词为原因(主要是 the reason),但是反过来却不一定:,Dont forget the time (that) Ive told you. 不要忘记我告诉你的时间。,This is the house (that) he bought recently. 这就是他最近买的那座房子。,Please tell me the reason (that) you know. 请告诉我你所知道的原因吧。,17,whose 和 of whom 和 of which 之间有什么区别,?,关系代词,whose,,引导定语从句时,既可指人,又可指物,在从句中只能作定语;,of whom,只能指人;,of which,只能指物,如:,The house whose doors are green is an office building.,门是绿色的那座房子是办公楼。,在下列情况下,一般只用,of whom,和,of which,。,定语从句的主语是,few, little, some, most, many, much,等时,一般只用,of whom,和,of which,。,In the room are lots of people, many of whom I dont know.,房间里有很多人,很多人我不认识。,He has a lot of story-books, a few of which I have never read.,他有很多故事书,有几本故事书我还从未看过。,18,(,2) 定语从句的主语是数词、形容词的最高级时,一般只用of whom和of which。如:,The old man has three children, two of whom are college students and one of whom is a manager. 那个老人有三个小孩,其中两个是大学生,另一个是经理。,(3) 定语从句的主语是all, none, both, neither, each等不定代词时,一般只用of whom和of which。如:,He planted two trees last year, both of which are growing well. 去年他栽了两棵树,这两棵树都长得好。,19,关系代词as,suchthat还是suchas呢?,Mr Smith is _ a good teacher _ we all respect.,such, thatB. such, as,C. so, thatD. so, as,在,such that (,如此,以致,),结构中,,that,引导的是结果状语从句,并且,that,在从句中不充当句子成,as,用作,关系代词,,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词,teacher,,同时,as,在,定语从句,中用作动词,respect,的宾语,,20,3,.,as 引导的,定语从句,只表示一个众所周知或意料之中的事,但 which 不受此限制。如,He married her, which was unexpected. 他和她结婚了,这是出乎意料的。(不可用as),4. as有“正如”之意,而which则意为“这(件事,一点)”,可用and this/that/it来代替。,5. as多用于固定搭配中:as is often the case(这是常有的事),as was expected(不出所料),as often happens(正如经常发生的那样),as is known to all(众所周知),as has been said before(如上所述),as is mentioned above(正如上面所提到的)等。,21,限定性与非限定性定语从句的不同,1. 结构不同,限制性定语从句,常紧接在先行词后,主、从句间没有逗号分开;而非限制性定语从句与先行词之间常用逗号分开,并且as所引导的非限制性定语从句还可放在主句之前。如:,His friend who works in Guangdong telephoned him last night. 他在广东工作的朋友昨天来了电话。(限制性),His father, who works in Guangdong, telephoned last night. 他父亲在广东工作,昨天给他来了电话。(非限制性),As you know, I dont like drinking or smoking. 你知道,我不喜欢喝酒、抽烟。(非限制性),22,2. 功能不同,限制性定语从句,对先行词进行修饰、限制,如果去掉定语从句,整个句子的意思就不完整、不准确;非,限制性定语从句,对先行词进行补充、说明,即使去掉定语从句,对句子的意思没有影响。如,:,He asked me a question which was about my study at school. 他问了一个有关我在学校学习的问题。如果去掉后面的定语从句,句子的意思显然不清楚。,This is my motorbike, which was sent to me by my uncle. 这是我的摩托车,它是我叔叔送的。显然去掉后面的定语从句对句子的意思没有影响,23,3. 先行词不同,限制性定语从句,的先行词一般是名词或代词;非,限制性定语从句,的先行词可以是名词、代词、短语、甚至是整个句子。如:,I know nothing that happened last night. 昨天晚上所发生的事情,我一点也不知道。(修饰前面的nothing),He has made great progress, which made us happy. 他进步了,这使我们大家都很高兴。(说明前面句子的整个内容),24,4。关系词的使用不同,that, why只能引导限制性定语从句,关系词有时可以省略。而其他的关系词可引导非限制性定语从句,且关系词不可以省略。如:,He told us the reason why he wanted to drop his math. 他告诉了我们他为什么要放弃数学的原因。本句若改写为非限制性定语从句,应该是:He told us the reason, for which he wanted to drop his math,.,25,as 与which引导非限定定语从句的区别,1. which 引导的,定语从句,只能位于主句后,但as引导的从句可位于主句前、中、后。如:,David, as you know, is a photograopher. 戴维是个摄影师,你是知道的。(不可用which),Li Ming is late, as is often the case. 李明迟到了,这事是经常发生的。(不可用which),2. as在,定语从句,中作主语时,从句谓语通常要有be或别的系动词,但which不受此限制。如,Li Ming was late, which (=and this) made Mr. Zhang very angry. 李明迟到了,这件事使张先生非常生气。(不可用as ),26,定语从句考点:,关系代词,that,与,which,的选择,只用,that,的情况,:(,that,充当主语,宾语),先行词为不定代词时,.,all, everything, nothing, none, something,等,先行词被,only, very, just, last, all, no, little, few, any ,等,先行词由序数组成或被序数词修饰时。,先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时。,先行词既有人又有物时。,27,e.g. I hope that,the little,that,I have been able to do,does good to them all.,e.g. The foreign guests spoke highly of the,children,and,their shows,that,they saw in the kindergarten.,只能用which的情况:,(,which 充当主语,宾语),关系代词前有介词时,引导非限定性定语从句,e.g. His movie won several awards at the film festival, which was beyond his wildest dream.,28,2.介词+关系代词,它可引导限定性定语从句,也可引导非限定性定语从句。此类关系代词which, whom 和关系副词where,介词的选择,:,介词与先行词是固定搭配,e.g. I still remember the day,on which,I first came to school. (on which= on the day ),介词与从句中动词的搭配,e.g. He is a man of great knowledge,from,whom much can be,learned,.,29,介词与从句中的形容词的搭配,e.g. China is a beautiful country,of,which we are greatly,proud,., 有时介词的选择有根据其与which 后的名词之间的搭配而定。,e.g. Call me at six oclock, by which time I should get up. (by which time =by the time),3. as 与 which引导的定语从句, 表达“正如”之意时, 用as. as引导非限定性定语从句时, 只能指代整个主句子内容.,e.g. She is a good doctor,as,her mother used,to be.,30,当从句位于主句前面,用as. 它可放句尾,句中句首。,e.g. As is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.,as 引导非限定性定语从句时,多用于这些习惯用语中:as anybody can see(正如人人都能看到的那样);as is well-known=as is known to all(众所周知);as we had expected( 正如我们所预料的那样);as often happens(正如经常发生的那样);as has been said before(如上所述);as is mentioned above(正如上面提到的);as is often case(常有的事),31,e.g. He was absent from school, as is often case.他缺课了,这是常事。, 限定性定语从句中有such, the same时, 其后常用as引导定语从句。(the same 后也可用that ,但意思不同),e.g. He is,such,a lazy man,as,nobody wants to,work with.,This is the same pen as I lost.,常考such as与such that 用法,结论:当从句中缺少句子成分时,用suchas,当从句不缺少句子成分时,用such that.,32,e.g,.,The new book is written in,such,easy,English,as,beginners can understand.,The new book is written in,such,easy,English,that,beginners can understand it.,which 只能放在主句之后,它既可指代整个主句内容,有可以指代先行词。,e.g. He went abroad,which,was unexpected.,4.关系代词和关系副词的选择,可采用“补全法”,即分析句子可缺少成分,缺成分,用that 或which ,不缺成分,如表示时间用when,表示地点用where.,33,e.g. This is the factory,that,we visited .,This is the factory,where,we worked.,5.where引导的定语从句,where引导的定语从句时, 在从句中充当地点状语,常可用介词+关系代词代替。, 当先行词为point, case, situation, position, stage 时,定语从句用where.,e.g. Today well discuss a number of cases,where,beginers of English fail to use the language properly.,Some pre-school children go to a day care center,where,they learn simple games and songs.,34,6. way 作先行词是的定语从句,当先行词是way,表示方式,方法时, 引导词可用in which, that 或什么都不填。,e.g. I dont like the way in which (that) (/) he talked to his parents.,7. 定语从句与强调句型,在it is /was +名词/代词/介词短语等结构后, 有可能跟定语从句修饰其前面的名词,也有可能是强调句型结构;更常考的是强调句型包含定语从句修饰强调部分。,如何区分? 去掉强调部分,剩余部分是完整句子则为强调句。,35,e.g. Where did you get to know her?,- It was on the farm,where,we worked.,(,It,was,on the farm,where we worked,that,I got to know her.),It,was in the park,where,they first met,that,the couple separated.,36,8. whose, of which 的区别,This is the book,whose,cover is blue.,This is the book,of which,the cover is blue.,This is the book,the cover of which,is,blue.,8. whose, of which 的区别,This is the book,whose,cover is blue.,This is the book,of which,the cover is blue.,This is the book,the cover of which,is,blue.,whose的先行词指物时, 可用of which代替,但是词序不同,,即 whose +名词=the +n + of which,= of which + the + n.,37,Anyone,_,breaks the law is punished.,Those,_,break the law are punished.,He,_,breaks the law is punished.,在,anyone, those, he / she / I / they,作先行词时, 用“who” 代替 “that”.,考点五:指人时 that 与who的区别,who,who,who,38,


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