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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中国英语教师网,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中国英语教师网,*,德育在英语教学中的渗透,德育在英语教学中的渗透,1,English,around the world,Unit 2,reading,Englisharound the worldUnit 2,2,Pre-reading,Why do people all over the world want to learn English?,Pre-readingWhy do people all o,3,Trade,Tourism,Internet website,Learn in western university,Entertainment(,娱乐,),Diplomacy(,外交,),why?,TradeTourismInternet websiteLe,4,Its more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.,From these we can see .,Its more and more important t,5,The Road to,Modern English,reading,The Road to reading,6,Pre-reading,Read the title “,The Road to Modern,English,” and predict (,预测,) what the,passage is mainly about?,The road to,modern English,The road,the,development,of,English language,Pre-readingRead the title “The,7,Task 1: skimming,1. Whats the main idea of the passage ?,The history and development(,发展,) of English.,Task 1: skimming1. Whats the,8,Task 2: scanning,Find out the,key sentence,of each paragraph,Task 2: scanningFind out the,9,Main ideas of each paragraph :,More and more people speak English.,Native English speakers can understand each other but not everything.,English is changing over time.,English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,The two big changes happened in English spelling.,Main ideas of each paragraph,10,Time,How is English developed?,Between about _ and _,Spoken in _ and based more on _.,Between about _and _,_and _ enriched the English _ and especially its _,At the end of _ century,About _ people spoke English,In the _ century,Used by more people as the result of the _ to conquer other parts of the world,Later in the _ century,Began to be spoken in _ and _,By the _ century,Settled by two _,AD450,1150,England,German,AD800,1150,Danish,French,language,vocabulary,16th,five to seven million,17th,voyages,18th,America,Australia,19th,dictionaries,TimeHow is English developed?B,11,Time,How is English developed?,now,Spoken in countries such as China,_, _, _ and _ as a foreign or second language,In a word, English is _ and _ over time and is spoken _ the world.,India,Singapore,changing,South Africa,developing,all over,Malaysia,TimeHow is English developed?n,12,Why does English change over time?,Because of cultural communication.,Read Para 3 and answer,the question:,communication,Why does English change over t,13,Read,p4,and answer :who played the important role between British English and American English,Read p4 and answer :who play,14,Samuel Johnson,Born,: September 18, 1709,One of the English languages most profound influences.,Two important persons,Samuel Johnson Two impo,15,Noah Webster,Born,: October 16, 1758,Died,: May 28, 1843When Noah was 43, he started writing the first American dictionary. He did this because Americans in different parts of the country spelled, pronounced and used words differently.,Noah Webster,16,Answer following questions. (Para.5),India was ruled by Britain from 1765 to 1947. And during that time English became the language for government and education.,Why does English become a second language in India?,Answer following questions. (P,17,English had the most speakers in the 17,th,century.,T F,English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain.,T F,Languages frequently change,. T F,frequently,English had the most speakers,18,4. The language of the government is always the language of the country.,T F,5. English is one of the official languages used in India.,T F,6. This reading describes the development of the English language.,T F,4. The language of the governm,19,人教版高一英语必修一unit2-Reading-课件,20,English,is,used,as,A first,language,A second,language,A foreign language,in,the UK, USA, Canada,Australia, South Africa, Ireland,and New Zealand and so on.,in,India, Pakistan, Nigeria the Philippines, and HK and so on.,in,China, and so on.,English is used as A first la,21,time,place,Language can change with time.,Language can change,when cultures,communicate with,each other.,Conclusion,timeplaceLanguage can change w,22,At first, only people in _ spoke English. Later, people from England _ to other parts, so English began to be spoken in _ _ _. Today, _ people speak English as their _, second or foreign language. _ English speakers _ understand each other but _ _.,Retell the text.,England,moved,many,other,countries,more,first,Native,can,not everything,At first, only people in _,23,All languages change when _,communicate with one another. So there are British English, American English, Australian English and so on. They all have their own _. English is also spoken as a foreign or second language in _ _ _. Maybe one day Chinese English will become one of the world English.,cultures,identity,many other countries,All languages change when _,24,1.,As we all know, more and more people all over the world now want to learn Chinese.,Do you think,Chinese will become an international language all over the world in the near future? And why?,Please list the reasons.,Task 6: discussion,1. As we all know, more and mo,25,First, Chinese culture is full of magic and legends. Second,mandarin is spoken by the largest population in the world.,Third, China has surprising economic strength and,potential. Fourth, enterprises are increasingly entering,China.,In my view, while Chinese is a fever among foreigners,the language is neglected on its native land. As a Chinese ,I pride myself on the popularity of Chinese learning. It,reflects our economic development in a sense. I also realize,that we should learn our mother tongue well first, and then,take the responsibility to popularize it.,First, Chinese culture is f,26,1.Read the,passage as fluently as,you can.,HOMEWORK,1.Read the passage as fluently,27,At the end of the 16,th,century, about five to seven million people,spoken English.,at the end of. by the end of. in the end,By the end of 2006, they had enlarged 200 square kilometers,of forest.,By the end of this month, we surely will have found a satisfactory,solution to the problem.,By the end of last week, we _ about 3000words.,had learnt,Taiwan will turn back to our motherland,in the end,.,At the end of the 16th century,28,2,. . . .,because of,that, English began to be spoken in many other countries,The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair,_,he wanted to sit next to his wife.,because,2. . . . because of that, Eng,29,3.,than,ever,before,“,比以往任何时候更,”,如,:,Youll speak English much better,than,ever before.,Jane looks much prettier,than ever before.,3. than ever before “比以往任何时候更,30,4. Id like to,come up,to your apartment.,阅读下列句子,在括号中标注出,come up,的汉语意思,Mr. Smith came up(_)and said, “Glad to meet you. ”,A number of questions came up_at the meeting.,Ill let him know in time if anything comes up_,The seeds I sowed last week havent come up_yet.,I like to get up early and watch the sun come up_.,走过来,),(,被提出,),(,发生,).,(,发芽,),(,上升,).,4. Id like to come up to your,31,Many questions,in todays English class, which was more than the new teacher had expected.,2011,长春高一检测,came up,B. came up with,C. rose,D. was come up,A,The manager,came up with,a solution to the problem.,A solution to the problem,came up,in the meeting.,Many questionsin todays E,32,come up,走近;上来;发芽;,(,被,),提出;发生;上升,come on,加油;,(,催促)快点来吧,come about,发生;造成,come across,碰见;(偶然)发现,Yesterday I,an old college friend in the restaurant, who is a government,.,A. came up; official,B. came to; office,C. came out; office,D. came across; official,D,come up 走近;上来;发芽;(被)提出;发生;,33,5. It was,based,more,on,German than the English we speak,at present,. (P,10,),base,v.,意为“以,为根据,base sth. on/upon sth,be based on,。如,This novel is,based,on fact.,Swan Lake is a famous ballet in four acts,_ on a German,fairy tale.,A basing B based C bases D to base,B,_ on a true story, his first book will be published (,出版,),next month.,Based,5. It was based more on German,34,拓展,base,还可用作名词,意为“底部,基地,基础”等。如,:,How many military(,军事,),bases,are they maintaining(,维持,) on foreign soil?,Many languages have Latin as their,base.,This vase falls over a lot because the,base,is too small.,basic adj.,基本的,baseball,basement,拓展How many military(军事) base,35,2)at present,现在;目前,present,adj.,当前的,现在的,(,作前置定语,),Can you tell us something about the,present,situation?,Whats your,present,job?,出席的,在场的,(,作表语或后置定语,),Our teacher was,present,at the meeting.,All the people,present,agree to my plan.,2)at present 现在;目前present,36,n.,礼物,What,present,did you receive from your parents on your birthday?,vt.,赠与,给, 提出,present sb. with sth.,或,present sth. to sb,They,presented,a sum of money,to,the poor village.,n. 礼物vt. 赠与,给, 提出They presen,37,6. So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to,make use of,a wider vocabulary than ever before. (P,10,),We must make use of every minute to study. (,英译汉,),我们必须利用每一分钟去学习。,make good use of,好好利用,make full use of,充分利用,make the best of,善用;充分利用,make the most of,尽量利用;最大限度地利用,take advantage of,利用;运用,6. So by the 1600s Shakespear,38,Rubbish will be made use of _ light after this kind,of new machine is invented. (give),to give,7.The latter,gave a separate identity to American English spelling.,Rubbish will be made use of _,39,.,根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。,He is always ready to help us_,(,即使他很忙,). (even if ),2. The headmaster,(,昨天出席会议的,)was my uncle. (present),3. He suggested that _(,我们应好好利用,)the reading materials of the library.,even if he is very busy,who was present at the meeting yesterday,we should make good use of,. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。even if he i,40,4. _(,因为这部电影是以一个真实的故事为依据的,), it is exciting to the audience. (base),5. _(,你认为谁会得到,) the job? (think),Because the film is based on a real story,单句改错,Where do you think has he put the dictionary?,_,Who do you think will get,has he,改为,he has,4. _,41,.,单项填空,1.,90, 000 people were reported to have entered the Guangzhou Olympic Center to watch the opening ceremony(,开幕式,) of the 16th Asian Games.,A. Other than,B. Rather than,C. Less than,D. More than,选,D,. 单项填空,42,2. She became the first woman to enter the school but dropped out after a few days,poor health.,because of,B. instead of,C. because,D. since,选,A,2. She became the first woman,43,3. A girl,and asked me the way to Chinese Pavilion.,A. came up with,B. came about,C. came up,D. came across,选,C,3. A girland asked me the w,44,4. Actually, his new novel,more,his own experience.,2011,天津高一检测,A. is based; on,B. was based; at,C. based; on,D. bases; at,选,A,4. Actually, his new novel ,45,8. They keep horses and pigs, the former for riding,for food.,latter,B. the latter,C. later,D. the later,选,B,8. They keep horses and pigs,46,9,. Every minute,spoken English.,A. was made use of to practising,B. was made use of practising,C. was made use to practise,D. was made use of to practise,选,D,9. Every minutespoken Engl,47,10,. The number of people invited,fifty, but a number of them,absent for different reasons.,2011,福州高一检测,were; was,B. was; was,C. was; were,D. were; were,选,C,10. The number of people invit,48,


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