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“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。,BEIJING SUNSTEK PETROLEUM SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO.,LDT. Co.,Ltd,.,Telephone No,:,010-84895130,Facsimile,:,010-84895130,E-mail,:,bjstek,Address,:,Room 512 JinMeng Building, Xiaoying Road No.17, Chaoyang District, Beijing China,仪表风撬培训资料,training documents of Instrument air skid,BEIJING SUNSTEK PETROLEUM SCIE,1,2,3,4,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,工作流程介绍,Introduction of workflow,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,设备维护,Equipment maintenance,目录,catalog,1234 设备组成及介绍,仪表风撬组成,Instrument air skid composition,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,dryer,PLC control box,Power box,Pipe,Air compressors,Base,Compressed air export,Refrigeration dryer,Compressed air imports,Filters,Ball Valves,instrument air export,仪表风撬组成 设备组成及介绍dryerPL,空压机技术参数,Air compressor technical parameters,Type,名称,Oil-injected Screw Air Compressor,微油螺杆空压机,Mode 型号,R110I_A10,Manufacturer,制造商,Ingersoll-Rand,Capacity 容积流量,m,3,/min,17.5,Discharge pressure 排出压力,MPa(G),1.0,Motor Nominal power 电机名义功率,KW,132,Driving mode 驱动方式,Direct connection with gear,Cooling method 冷却方式,Air-cooled,风冷,Discharge air Temp. from Aftercooler,冷却后排气温度,Environment Temp. + 8,Max Environment Temp.,最高环境温度,55,(太阳直射温度,85,),Noise level 噪音,dB(A),74,Power requirement & start-up mode,电源及启动方式,V/Hz/Ph,400/50/3,Y-,Motor protection class 防护等级,IP55,通信方式,RS485,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,空压机技术参数TypeOil-injected Screw,启动器,Starter,IR,典型螺杆压缩机系统结构,IR system structure of a typical screw compressor,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,启动器StarterIR 典型螺杆压缩机系统结构 IR sy,仪表风撬培训课件,双塔无热再生式干燥机技术参数,Twin Towers without heat regeneration dryer technical parameters,序号,No.,项,目,Item,技术指标,Technical indicators,1,型,号,Type,DE0200,2,空气处理量,Air handling capacity,17.5Nm3/min,3,工作压力,Working pressure,1.0MPa,4,进气温度,Intake air temperature,45,5,成品气常压露点,atmospheric pressure dew point,-40,-70,6,再生耗气量,generation air consumption,14%,7,压力损失,Pressure loss,(,Inlet pressure,)进口压力的3%,8,吸附剂,Adsorbent,分子筛、氧化铝,Molecular sieve, alumina,9,电源,Power supply,230V/50HZ,10,再生方式,Regeneration mode,无热再生,Heatless,11,工作方式,work mode,两吸附筒交替连续工作,Two adsorption tube alternately continuous work,12,工作周期,Duty cycle,10,分钟,min,13,控制方式,Control mode,PLC,14,耗电功率,Power,40w,17,维护周期,Maintenance cycle,20000h,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,双塔无热再生式干燥机技术参数 Twin Towers wit,双塔无热再生式干燥机结构,Twin Towers without heat regeneration dryer structure,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,双塔无热再生式干燥机结构 设备组成及介绍,双塔无热再生式干燥机工艺流程,Twin Towers without heat regeneration dryer process,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,双塔无热再生式干燥机工艺流程Twin Towers with,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,双塔无热再生式干燥机工作原理,Operating Principle of Twin-tower Heatless Regeneration Dryer,利用变压吸附,再生循环,使压缩空气交替流经,A,,,B,两个充满吸附剂的干燥罐,即一个罐体在高分压(工作压力)状态下吸附水蒸汽时,另一个罐体在低分压(接近大气压)下解析,然后按设定的时间程序切换。,By pressure swing absorption and regeneration cycle, compressed air flows through two drying tanks (A and B) full of adsorbent alternately, i.e.: one tank carries out desorption,under low partial pressure (close to the atmospheric pressure) when the other tank absorbs water vapor under high partial pressure (operating pressure), and then switchover will be conducted according to the preset time program.,吸附,湿空气从下管系经三通单向阀由,A1,方向进入,A,干燥罐,自下向上流过吸附剂床,干燥后的空气从上管系排出。,Absorption wet air enters the drying tank A along the direction A1 through the three-way check valve from the lower pipe system, and then flows through the absorbent bed from bottom to top. The dried air is discharged from the upper pipe system.,再生,部分干燥空气(约,10%,)通过上管系再生气调节阀(,Throttle valve,)进入,B,干燥罐。减压后的干燥空气(称为再生气)自上向下对,B,干燥罐内的吸附剂解析再生,恢复吸,附剂的干燥能力,再生气通过下管系,B2,阀和消音器,排放到大气中。,Regeneration Part of the dried air (about 10%) enters the drying tank B through the regenerated air throttle valve of the upper pipe system. The decompressed dried air (called regenerated air) desorbs and regenerates the absorbent in the drying tank B from top to bottom, restores the drying ability of the absorbent, and is discharged into the atmosphere through the B2 valve and silencer of the lower pipe system.,均压,吸附剂再生结束后,,B2,阀关闭,,B,干燥罐升压至在线工作压力,准备切换。,Pressure equalizing After the completion of absorbent regeneration, the B2 valve is closed, and the drying tank B is pressurized to the online operating pressure to be ready for switch.,切换,下管系,B1,打开,,A1,关闭,,A2,阀打开,,A,、,B,两个干燥罐体完成切换,,B,罐进入吸附,,A,罐卸压再生。工作顺序及工作时间由控制器自动控制完成。,Switch In the lower pipe system, the B1 is opened, the A1 is closed, and the A2 valve is opened. The switch between the drying tanks A and B are completed. The tank B starts to absorb, and the tank A performs pressure relief and regeneration. The operating sequence and time are automatically controlled and accomplished by the controller.,设备组成及介绍双塔无热再生式干燥机工作原,冷干燥机技术参数,Refrigerated dryer technology parameters,序号,No.,名称,Name,单位,Unit,数据,Data,1,型号,type,SYCD-20F,2,处理量,Handling capacity,Nm,3,/min,23,3,压缩机功率,Compressor power,kW,5,4,制冷剂,Refrigerant,R22,5,工作压力,Work pressure,MPa,1.0,6,压力损失,Pressure loss,MPa,0.02,7,进气温度,Intake air temperature,75,8,出气温度,Outlet temperature,45,9,压力露点,Pressure dew point,2-10,10,冷却方式,Cooling method,风冷,Fan,11,风机功率,Fan power,W,180*4,12,电源电压,Power s,upply,400V/50Hz,13,安装,Installation,无基础安装,No basis for the installation,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,冷干燥机技术参数序号No.名称Name单位Unit数据Dat,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,冷干燥机工作流程图,Work Flow Diagram of Cold Dryer,1.,预冷器,Precooler,2.,蒸发器,Evaporator,3.,汽水分离器,Steam-water separator,4.,排水防堵过滤器,Drainage and block-prevention filter,5.,自动排水器,Automatic drainer,6.,制冷压缩机,Refrigeration compressor,7.,吸气过滤器,Suction filter,8.,汽化器,Vaporizer,9.,分液器,Liquid separator,10.,气液混合器,Gas-liquid mixer,11.,热力膨胀阀,Thermostatic expansion valve,12.,示镜,Indicator mirror,13.,干燥过滤器,Drying filter,14.,储液器,Liquid accumulator,15.,能量调节阀,Energy regulating valve,16.,水量调节阀,Water regulating valve,17.,水质过滤器,Water filter,18.,冷凝器 (风冷),Condenser (wind),19.,冷凝器 (水冷),Condenser (water),20.,前置预冷器(水冷),Preposed precooler (water),21.,前置预冷器(风冷),Preposed precooler (wind),设备组成及介绍冷干燥机工作流程图Wor,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,冷干燥机工作原理,Operating Principle of Cold Dryer,如图可知道冷干机大体分为四部分,1,、制冷;,2,、总成;,3,、压缩空气;,4,、排水部分。作用分别如下:,It can be known from the diagram that the cold dryer consists of four parts: 1. refrigeration; 2. assembly; 3. compressed air; 4. drainage. Their functions are as follows:,制冷部分:通过制冷压缩机的运行,在蒸发器(即总成)里产生冷量;,Refrigeration part: It implements refrigeration in the evaporator (the assembly) through the operation of the refrigeration compressor;,总成:将热的压缩空气集合在一密闭的容器里进行深度脱水降温处理;,Assembly part: It gathers the hot compressed air in a sealed container to conduct in-depth dehydration and cooling treatment;,压缩空气部分:为用户提供连续的气源,通过管路送到总成里面脱水;,Compressed air part: It provides continuous air source for the user, and delivers the air to the assembly for dehydration through pipelines.,排水部分:将压缩空气中析出的水分排出设备。,Drainage part: It discharges the water separated out from the compressed air.,当高温压缩空气送到总成里面时,高温空气开始降温、水分析出;并通过排水系统排出设备,从而得到干燥的中温压缩空气供用户使用。,When high-temperature compressed air is delivered into the assembly, it begins to cool down and separate out water; it is then discharged through the drainage system, so that the dried compressed air at a medium temperature can be utilized by the user.,Assembly part,Compressed air inlet,Refrigeration part,Compressed air part,Compressed air outlet,Condensate water,Condensate water outlet (drainage part),设备组成及介绍冷干燥机工作原理Oper,动力柜配电原理,power supply drawing,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,动力柜配电原理 power supply drawing,动力柜配置,Power cabinet configuration,进线总开关,Master switch,熔断器,Fuse,电流互感器,Current transformer,铜排,Copper Row,冷干机配电开关,Refrigeration dryer Switch,空压机,A,配电开关,Air compressor A switch,空压机,B,配电开关,Air compressor B switch,干燥机配电开关及备用,Dryers switch and the spare,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,动力柜配置 Power cabinet configurat,PLC,控制系统组成,PLC control system,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,PLC控制系统组成 PLC control system,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,PLC,控制功能描述,Description of PLC Control Function,1.,空压机和干燥机的启停控制和状态读取。,S,tartup/shutdown control,of air compressor and drier and state,read,.,2.,仪表数据读取和报警。,Instrument data reading and alarming.,3.,与,DCS,通信,上传设备运行状态和参数。,By DCS communication, upload equipment operation state and parameters.,4.,接受远程指令,对设备进行自动操作。,Receive remote instructions and conduct automatic operation for equipment.,5.,定期对主,/,备用设备进行切换。,Periodically switch over between main/standby equipment.,6.,根据用气量大小,自动启动和停止备用设备。,Automatically start and stop standby equipment according to the air consumption.,7.,自动控制模式和手动控制模式切换。,Switch over between automatic control mode and manual control mode.,设备组成及介绍PLC控制功能描述1. 空,触摸屏主界面,HMI main interface,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,触摸屏主界面 HMI main interface,触摸屏用户登录界面,HMI,User login screen,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,触摸屏用户登录界面 HMI User login scre,触摸屏参数修改界面,HMI Parameter settings interface,设备组成及介绍,Equipment composition and presentation,触摸屏参数修改界面 HMI Parameter setti,工作流程介绍,Introduction of workflow,to the factory wind tank,From the factory wind tank,To instrument air tank,去工厂风储罐,去工厂风储罐,去工厂风储罐,工作流程介绍 to the factory wind,工作流程介绍,Introduction of workflow,当设备处于自动控制模式时,按下控制柜面板上的自动启动按钮,设备自动进入工作状态。主工作空压机和干燥机投入运行。如果压缩空气温度过高,可手动开启冷干机。,如图红色为运行中的设备。,When the equipment is under automatic control mode, press down the automatic start button on the control cabinet panel, and then the equipment automatically enters into working state. The service air compressor and drier are put into operation. If the compressed air temperature is too high,refrigeration drier,can be started manually.,The red indicates the equipment under operation in the following diagram.,工作流程介绍当设备处于自动控制模式时,按下控制柜面板,工作流程介绍,Introduction of workflow,当当用气量过大,使管线压力低于,0.55MPa,时,如果主设备处于工作状态,则备用设备启动如下图。当压力达到,0.9MPa,时,备用设备停机,主设备继续工作。,当管线压力大于,1.05MPa,时,所有设备空压机将被强制停机。,如图红色为运行中的设备。,When air consumption is too large and the pipeline pressure is lower than 0.55MPa, the startup of standby equipment is shown in the following diagram if the service equipment is in working state. When the pressure reaches 0.9MPa, the standby equipment is shut down while the service equipment keeps working. When the pipeline pressure is higher than 1.05MPa, all equipment air compressors are forced to stop.,The red indicates the equipment under operation in the following diagram.,工作流程介绍当当用气量过大,使管线压力低于0.55M,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,PLC,控制柜面板说明,PLC control cabinet panel Description,电源指示,报警指示灯,Alarm indicator,手动,/,自动模式转换开关,自动模式启动按钮及指示,自动模式停止按钮及指示,空压机,A,手动启停按钮及指示,空压机,B,手动启停按钮及指示,干燥机,B,手动启停按钮及指示,干燥机,A,手动启停按钮及指示,备用,spare,触摸屏,HMI,Power indicator,Manual / automatic mode changeover switch,Automatic mode start button and instructions,Automatic mode stop button and instructions,Air compressor A manually start and stop button and instructions,Air compressor B manually start and stop button and instructions,Dryer A manually start and stop button and instructions,Dryer B manually start and stop button and instructions,操作使用说明PLC控制柜面板说明电源指示报警指示灯手动/,干燥机控制器面板说明,Dryer controller panel Description,文本显示器,Text display,运行状态指示,Operation status indication,电源指示,Power indicator,A,塔启动按钮,Tower A start button,B,塔启动按钮,Tower B start button,停机按钮,Stop button,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,干燥机控制器面板说明Dryer controller pan,空压机控制面板说明,Air compressor control panel Description,起动按键,Start button,状态,/,功能,Status / Function,主菜单,main menu,加载键,load,卸载键,Unload,停机按键,Stop button,上下按键,Up and down,选择,/,确认,Select / confirm,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,空压机控制面板说明起动按键状态/功能主菜单main menu,冷媒高压表,冷媒低压表,进气压力表,出气压力表,冷干机控制面板说明,Refrigeration dryer control panel instructions,启动/停止,过载指示,低压保护,高压保护,运行指示,电源指示,工作状态,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,冷媒高压表,refrigerant High-pressure,冷媒低压表,refrigerant Low-pressure,进气压力表,Inlet pressure,出气压力表,out pressure,启动,/,停止,start/stop,过载指示,Overload alarm,低压保护,Low-pressure,protection,高压保护,high-pressure protection,运行指示,running Instruction,电源指示,power Instruction,工作状态指示,working Status indication,冷媒高压表冷媒低压表进气压力表出气压力表冷干机控制面板说明启,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,开机前准备,Preparation for Start-up,1,.,确认工艺阀门处于开启状态。,E,nsure that the process valve is in open state.,2.,检查空压机油箱(油气分离器)的油位,机器处于静止状态时,油面应处于油位计二红线中接近上线的位置。,C,heck oil level in the air compressor oil tank (oil-gas separator); when the machine is in static state, the oil level should be at the position close to the upper line of the two red lines on the oil level gauge.,3.,合上配电柜内总断路器。依次给压缩机、干燥机、冷干机、控制柜送电。,Close the main breaker in the power distribution cabinet and supply power for compressor, drier, refrigeration drier and control cabinet.,4.,将手动,/,自动转换开关切到自动侧,这时按下“自动启动”按钮仪表风撬进入运行状态,按下“自动停止”按钮则设备停机。,S,witch the manual/automatic change-over switch to the automatic side; press the “automatic start” button to turn the instrument air skid into operation state; press the “automatic stop” button to shut down the equipment.,正常工作时应让,PLC,控制柜处于自动状态。,Under normal operation, the PLC control cabinet should be in automatic state.,将手动,/,自动转换开关切到,自动侧,,自动控制失效,这时可单独手动控制撬内每一台设备。,S,witch the manual/automatic change-over switch to the automatic side; automatic control becomes invalid and the equipment in the skid can be controlled manually.,5.,检查设备启动是否正常。,Check whether the equipment is normally started up.,操作使用说明开机前准备1.确认工艺阀门处于开启状态。,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,开机,/,停机操作,Start-up/Shutdown,1,、开机,Start-up,每日开机前,应重复上述准备工作,然后按下启动按钮,机组开始运行。为谨慎安全起见,开机十分钟后应检查空压机油位,看其油面是否仍在油位计的二红线中的下线之上。并同时观察仪表、压力、温度和指示灯是否在正常状态。若发现有漏油、振动、异常声音等情况,应立即按下“紧急停止”按钮停机检查。,Prior to starting-up every day, the above preparation works should be repeated and then the start button should be pressed after which the unit starts to operate. For the sake of safety, oil level of the air compressor should be checked ten minutes after start-up to see whether the oil level is still above the lower line of the two red lines on the oil level gauge ; meanwhile, observation should be performed on instrument, pressure, temperature and indicator lamp to see whether they are in normal state. Where oil leakage, vibration or abnormal sound is found, “emergency stop” button should be pressed for inspection.,2,、停机,Shutdown,按下停机按钮,经延时卸载后,机组才会停下来。若出现异常情况时,应按下“紧急停机”按钮,进行紧急停机。,The unit will be stopped upon pressing of the stop button and delayed unloading. Where any abnormal condition occurs, the “emergency stop” button should be pressed for emergency shutdown.,操作使用说明开机/停机操作1、开机,操作使用说明,Operating instructions,空压机运行中注意事项,Notes during Operation of Air Compressor,1,、空压机应在额定的压力范围内运行,排气温度不得超过,110,;,The air compressor should operate within the rated pressure range, with a discharge temperature not higher than 110,;,2,、压缩机在运行过程中,不应有异常声音,也不得有漏气、漏油现象;,No abnormal noise, air leakage and oil leakage are allowed for the air compressor during operation.,3,、压缩机不得在油面低于油位计二红线中的下线之下的区域内运行。若出现这种现象,应立即停机加油;,The air compressor is not allowed to operate when the oil level is below the lower one of two red lines of the oil level gauge. If such a case occurs, shut down it and add oil immediately;,4,、压缩机在运行过程中,各类仪表、指示灯应处于正常状态;,All kinds of instruments and indicator lights should be normal during operation of the air compressor;,5,、压缩机在运行过程中,各控制元(部)件应正常工作,动作灵敏、可靠;,All control elements (parts) should be of normal operation, sensitive and reliable motion during operation of the air compressor;,6,、压缩机在运行过程中应注意运行状态,一般情况下应做好运行记录,压缩机工作站应保持每两小时记录一次电压、电流、气压、排气温度、油位等数据,供日后检修时参考。,Monitor the operation state of the air compressor during operation. Generally, make operation records, and record the voltage, current, air pressure, discharge temperature, oil level and other data at the air compressor workstation once in every two hours for reference in future maintenance.,操作使用说明空压机运行中注意事项Notes durin,设备维护,Equipment maintenance,设备必须做到日常维护和定期维护,详细操作参考设备说明书。,Daily and regular maintenance must be ensured for the equipment, and see the equipment specification for detailed operations.,设备维护设备必须做到日常维护和定期维护,详细操作参考设备说明,


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