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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,1,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,人教版英语二年级下册Unit1Playtime,人教版英语二年级下册Unit1Playtime人教版英语二年级下册Unit1Playtime,play,football,-What are they doing?,-They are,play,ing,football,.,-,Can you play football?,-Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,foot,+,ball,football,足球,play football,踢足球,play,football,踢足球,I can play football.,我会踢足球。,r,i,de,a b,i,ke,-,Can you ride a bike?,-Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,/,ai,/,ride a bike,骑自行车,I can ride a bike.,我会骑自行车。,We can ride a bike.,我们会骑自行车。,sw,i,m,-,Can you swim?,-Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,/,i,/,swim,游泳,He can swim.,他会游泳。,I can swim.,我会游泳。,Can you swim?,Yes, I can.,New phrases,新词组,play football,踢足球,ride a bike,骑自行车,swim,游泳,I can .,我会,读一读,连一连,swim,ride a bike,play football,fl,y,a kite,/,ai,/,-,Can you fly a kite?,-Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,放风筝,fly a kite,I can fly a kite.,我会放风筝。,风筝,k,i,te,放风筝,fly a k,i,te,fly a kite,m,a,ke,a m,o,del pl,a,ne,/,ei,/,/,/,/,ei,/,-,Can you make a model plane?,-Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,make a snowman,-,Can you make a snowman?,-Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,snow,+,man,堆雪人,make a snowman,Can you make a snowman?,Yes, I can.,I can make a snowman.,fly a kite,放风筝,make a snowman,堆雪人,Look,listen and chant.,play football,make a snowman,make a model plane,swim,fly a kite,ride a bike,Bill can _ .,Me too, me too.,Yaoyao _ .,Me too, me too.,Joy can _ .,Me too, me too.,Binbin can _ .,Me too, me too.,Andy can _ .,Me too, me too.,Lily can _ .,Me too, me too.,play football,can fly a kite,ride a bike,swim,make a model plane,make a snowman,Listen and do.,Look,listen and repeat.,Bill: Can you play football?,Joy: No, I cant.,Can you ride a bike?,Bill: Yes, I can.,Bill: Can you _ ?,Joy: Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant.,Can you _ ?,Bill: Yes, I can.,/,No, I cant,.,Lets practice.,Lets survey.,Lets play.,-Tiger, can you make a snowman?,-No, I cant.,-Bird, can you fly a kite?,-No, I cant.,-Fish, can you swim?,-Yes, I can.,-Monkey, can you ride a bike?,-Yes, I can.,Lets write.,Can you play football?,Yes, I can.,Can you play football?,Yes, I can.,Can you play football?,Can you play football?,Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can.,Can you ride a bike?,No, I cant.,Can you ride a bike?,No, I cant.,Can you ride a bike?,Can you ride a bike?,No, I cant. No, I cant. No, I cant.,Story Time,Thank You,世界触手可及,携手共进,齐创精品工程,


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