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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/8/11,#,Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Period1 Section A 1a-2c,Unit 3 Could you please tell,1,1. ask for information politely;,2. provide information politely and,follow instructions.,At the end of the class, students will be able to:,Teaching objectives:,1. ask for information politel,2,post office,bookstore,newsstand,bank,restaurant,library,post officebookstorenewsstandb,3,shopping mall,department store,restroom,drugstore,cafe,shopping malldepartment storer,4,buy some stamps/,post office,buy some stamps/post office,5,get some books / dictionaries/postcards/,bookstore,get some books / dictionaries/,6,buy a newspaper/ some magazines,newsstand,buy a newspaper/ some m,7,get some money,bank,get some money bank,8,have dinner,restaurant,have dinner re,9,get some information about the town,library,get some information about the,10,get a pair of shoes/,shopping mall department store,get a pair of shoes/shopping,11,restroom,restroom,12,cafe,cafe,13,drugstore,get some medicine,drugstoreget some medicine,14,Classification,a place where you can buy clothes:,a place where you can have dinner:,a place where you can stay:,a place where you can take the bus, subway, train and airplane:,a place where you can get some money:,Classificationa place where yo,15,get some money,get some magazines,have dinner,get a dictionary,get some information about the town,buy a newspaper,buy some stamps,get a pair of shoes,b,f/c,a,f,d / f,f,e,c,DEANS RESTAURANT,KILLEENS BOOKSTORE,f,get some moneyget some informa,16,TPR,Go down this street until you reach the end.,Turn right at the first crossing.,Go straight.,Go past the bank.,Turn left at the second crossing.,TPRGo down this street until y,17,Listening (1b),Intentions,The way to the destination,The girl,She wants to go to _ because she wants to _.,_the bank and then _ _. Its on the right, _the library,.,a post office,Go past,turn right,next to,buy some stamps,Listening (1b)IntentionsThe wa,18,Listening (1b),Intentions,The way to the destination,The boy,He wants to go to _ because he wants to_.,_Center Street and then _ _on Main Street. The bookstore is _of the street.,a bookstore,Go along,turn left,on the other side,get a dictionary,Listening (1b)IntentionsThe wa,19,Retell the conversation (1),The girl asks the boy,The boy tells her to,Retell the conversation (1),20,Retell the conversation(1),The girl asks the boy where she can buy some stamps. Then she asks the boy how to get to Center Street.,The boy tells her to go past the bank and then turn right.,Retell the conversation(1),21,Retell the conversation(2),The boy asks the girl where he can get a dictionary. Then he asks the girl how he can get there and when the bookstore closes. She tells him to go along Center Street and then turn left on Main Street .,Retell the conversation(2),22,A:Could you please tell me where I can_?,B:Yes. Theres a _on_.,Complete the conversation:,A:Could you please tell me whe,23,A:Could you please tell me where I can,buy some stamps,?,B:Yes. Theres a,post office,on,Center Street,.,Complete the conversation:,A:Could you please tell me whe,24,A:Excuse me. Do you know where I can_?,B:Sure. Theres a _on_.,Complete the conversation:,A:Excuse me. Do you know where,25,A:Excuse me. Do you know where I can,get a dictionary,?,B:Sure. Theres a,bookstore,on,Main Street,.,Complete the conversation:,A:Excuse me. Do you know where,26,人教版英语九年级上册Unit3(Period-1)公开课课件,27,A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can,_ ?,B: Sure. Theres a _on _.,PAIRWORK,A: Thanks. Do you know how to get to_?,B: Yes, just go along_ until you pass _. The_ is _,.,A: Thanks. Can you tell me when the closes today?,Complete the conversation:,A: Excuse me. Could you please,28,2a.Number the directions.,Go to the third floor.,Turn left.,Go to the second floor.,Turn right.,The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.,Go past the bookstore.,2,4,3,1,2a.Number the directions.Go to,29,2b Draw a line to show the way to the supermarket.,FLOWER,SUPERMARKET,2b Draw a line to show the wa,30,Listening (2a),The boy asks about a place_.,The other boy tells him to go to _in,the shopping center. He also tells him the way there:,go to _ and then _.,Then _ the bookstore. Its _ the,flower store and the bookstore,.,to buy some medicine,the supermarket,the second floor,turn left,go past,between,Listening (2a)The boy asks abo,31,A: Excuse me , do you know where I can,get some postcards?,B: Sure. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn left. The bookstore is next to the bank.,Pairwork,A: Excuse me , do you know whe,32,Retelling,The boy wants to know where he can buy some medicine , how he can get there and when the shopping center closes.,The other boy tells him theres a supermarket in the shopping center. He also tells him the way there. But he doesnt know when the shopping center closes . He suggests he should ask for information over there.,Retelling The boy wants,33,Summary,Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can send a postcard?,Pardon me, do you know where I can send a postcard ?,Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to the post office ?,Pardon me, do you know if there is a post office around here ?,SummaryExcu,34,Thanks for listening!,35,


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