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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 114,Ive got none.,Lesson 114Ive got none.,1,Revision:,As as:,A is as as B,sweet,sour,Revision:As as:A is as a,2,old,young,oldyoung,3,beautiful,lovely,beautifullovely,4,not as(so) as:,A is not as as B,A is not so as B,sweet, sour,not as(so) as:A is not as ,5,expensive,cheap,expensivecheap,6,There is,nt,any,milk in this bottle.=,There is,no,milk in this bottle.,There is,nt any,beer in that bottle.=,There is,no,beer in that bottle.,There isnt any milk in this b,7,There are,nt,any,students in the classroom.=,There are,no,students in the classroom.,教室里没有学生。,There arent any students in t,8,Penny has,nt,got,any,money. =,Shes got,no,money.,Penny hasnt got any money. =S,9,not,any,body=,no,body,It did,nt,see,any,body in the street.,It saw,no,body,in the st,r,eet.,not anybody=nobodyIt didnt se,10,三种方式表示没有:,notany +名词,no + 名词,None,三种方式表示没有:notany +名词no + 名词N,11,Have you got any apples?,No, I have,nt,got,any,apples.=,Ive got,no,apples.=,Ive got,none,.,Have you got any apples?No, I,12,Has the cat got any fishes?,No, it has,nt,got,any,fishes.=,Its got,no,fishes.=,It has got,none,.,Has the cat got any fishes?No,13,Has the dog got any bones?,No, it has,nt,got,any,bones.=,Its got,no,bon,es.=,It has got,none,.,Has the dog got any bones?No,14,Have they got any homework?,No, they have,nt,got,any,homework. =,Theyve got,no,homework. =,Theyve got,none,.,Have they got any homework?No,15,Have you got any apples?,Ive got some.,So,have,I .,Have you got any apples?Ive g,16,Have you got any chocolate?,Ive got some.,So,_,my sister .,has,Have you got any chocolate?Iv,17,My grandfather likes cakes.,My grandmother likes cakes too.=,So,_,my grandmother.,How about your grandmother?,does,My grandfather likes cakes.My,18,Jack will buy some books.,I will buy some books too.=,So,_,I,.,will,Jack will buy some books.I wil,19,Have you got any apples?,I havent got any.,I havent get any,either.,Neither,have,I .,Have you got any apples?I have,20,Have you got any biscuits?,I havent g,o,t any,either,.,Neither,_,the bear.,has,Have you got any biscuits?I ha,21,The boy didnt go to the zoo,the year before last.,I didnt go to the zoo,either,.,Neither,_ I.,did,The boy didnt go to the zooI,22,Summary!,There isnt any milk in the bottle.= There is no milk in the bottle.,not any,+名词,=,no,+名词,2. So/neither引导的简短回答:要用_句式。,其前若是肯定句:后面用_,_,_+_,_,_+主语。,其前若是否定句:后面用_,_,_+_,_,_+主语。,而且前后两句的时态要_.,倒装,So,助动词,Neither,助动词,保持一致,Summary!There isnt any milk i,23,Lesson 113 Small change,a one hundred-yuan note,small change,coins,Lesson 113 Small changea one,24,except,除了,New words,except除了New words,travel to many places,tra+m+p,tramp,流浪者,millionaire,百万富翁,New words,travel to many placestramp流浪者,conductor,售票员,fare,车票,New words,conductor售票员fare车票New words,change,零钱,兑换,New words,change零钱兑换New words,Vocabulary:Lets read!,conduct,or,n.,f,are,n.,change,note n.,a ten-yuan note,passeng,er,n.,none pron.,neither adv.,get off,get on,tramp,except,Vocabulary:Lets read!conducto,29,从方框中选出合适的词,将其适当形式填入空格内。,1. _,_,_,_,_will travel on a bus or in a car.,2. _ sell tickets on a bus.,3. _ usually beg money from other people.,conductor,change,passenger,note,T,ramp,s,except,tramp,P,assenger,s,C,onductor,s,get off,从方框中选出合适的词,将其适当形式填入空格内。conduc,从方框中选出合适的词,将其适当形式填入空格内。,4. Have you got any small _?,5. We will _,_,_ in People Square.,6. Can you change this _ for me?,7. I like all the fruits _ apples.,conductor,get off,change,passenger,note,except,note,tramp,get off,except,change,从方框中选出合适的词,将其适当形式填入空格内。conduc,note,Quick response,快速反应,passenger,neither,get off,conductor,change,fare,none,except,tramp,noteQuick response快速反应passeng,32,Watch the video,and answer!,1.Who has got some small change?,The two tramps.,2. where does the man want to go?,He wants to go to Trafalgar Square.,3.Can the conductor change the ten-pound note?Wholl he ask for help?,No,he cant. Hell ask some of the passengers.,Watch the video and answer!1.W,33,4.How many passengers does he ask?Can they change the note?,He asks four of them. No, they cant.,5.Why does the conductor say they are all millionaires?,Because they all cant change the ten-pound note.,4.How many passengers does he,34,听一听,写一写,CONDUCTOR: Fares, please!,MAN: Trafalgar Square please.,CONDUCTOR: Im sorry, sir. _ cant change _ ten-pound note. Havent _ got _ small change?,MAN: Ive got no _ change, _ afraid.,CONDUCTOR: _ ask _ _ _ passengers.,I,Ill,of,some,the,small,any,Im,you,a,听一听,写一写CONDUCTOR: Fares, pleas,听一听,写一写,CONDUCTOR: Have _ _ _,small,change, sir?,1ST PASSENGER: _ sorry. Ive got none.,2ND PASSENGER: _ havent got _ either.,CONDUCTOR: _ _ change _ ten-pound note, madam?,3RD PASSENGER: _ afraid _ cant.,4TH PASSENGER: Neither _ _.,you,you,Can,any,I,got,Im,any,this,I,can,I,Im,听一听,写一写CONDUCTOR: Have _ _,听一听,写一写,CONDUCTOR: _ _ sorry, sir. _,_ get off _ _.,None _ _ _ _ change _ note. _ _ millionaires!,TWO TRAMPS: Except _.,1ST TRAMP: Ive got _ small change.,2ND TRAMP: So _ _.,Im,Theyre,all,this,of our passengers can,the bus,must,You,very,us,some,I,have,听一听,写一写CONDUCTOR: _ _,Fill in the table,conductor,man,1st passenger,3rd passenger,4th passenger,1st tramp,2nd tramp,/,2nd passenger,Fill in the tableconductorman,Who has got some small change?,The two tramps.,Who has got some small change?,超级情景背诵图,Now,,,Lets go over the whole passage together!,超级情景背诵图Now,Lets go over the w,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,新概念英语第一册-113课ppt课件,Grammar points:,1. a ten-pound note,next-door neighbour,a five-year-old girl,2. Ive got no small change, Im afraid,.,宾语从句提前,Im afraid(that) Ive got no small change.,3. none,既可以指人,也可指物。,4. either,“也” ,用于否定句中。,5.,Neither,can I,.,两者中任何一个都不:三者或者三者以上用none。,Grammar points:1. a ten-poun,50,Havent you got any small change?,否定,疑问句,表示人的惊奇不满或愤怒等情绪。,难道你自己不会做吗?,Cant you do it yourself?,难道你不想和我们一起去吗?,Dont you want to go with us?,Have got = have,Change 零钱,Havent you got any small chan,51,Im very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this note. Theyre all millionaires!,get off the bus 下车 / get on the bus上车,get into the car 上小汽车 /get out of the car 下小汽车,all 所有人(三个或三个以上的人或物):他们都喜欢巴黎.,They all like Paris.,both都(用在两个人或物中):他们两个都喜欢巴黎。,They both like Paris.,Im very sorry, sir. You must,52,Except us.,except 除了,除了我每个人都去了图书馆。,Everybody went to the library, except me.,Ive got some small change.,So have I.,若后一句要表示“也”, 要用so引导,时态要保持一致。,他们已经离开去马德里了。史密斯先生也是。,They have left for Madrid. So has Mr. Smith.,Except us.,53,Now , you try read it loudly and then show it out before the class!,Now , you try read it loudly a,54,


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