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She _ a book to me last week.,2. She _ a book from the library yesterday.,3. Dont _ money from me. I have no money with me.,4. I will _ you some money, but please return it to me soon.,精选ppt,精选ppt,12,13,decision n.,决定,make a decision,作出一项决定,make a big/great decision (big,:重大;,great,:伟大,更重大,),昨晚我做了一个重大的决定。,Last night I made a big decision.,decide v.,决定,decide to do sth,决定去做某事,精选ppt,13decision n. 决定精选ppt,13,14,whole adj.,整个的,一整瓶牛奶,a whole bottle of milk,整天,whole day,整整两星期,two whole weeks,on the whole,总的来说,总的来说,你是一个好学生。,On the whole, you are a good student.,精选ppt,14whole adj. 整个的 on the who,14,15, single,adj.,单身的, 单程的, 单一的,single,单一的,double 双倍的,single room,单人间,double room,双人间,single,单程的, return,往返的,single ticket,单程票,return ticket,往返票,single 单身的,married已婚的,single man/woman,单身男人,/,女人,married man/woman,已婚男人,/,女人,single dog,单身狗,single day,光棍节,精选ppt,15 single adj. 单身的, 单程的, 单一的精,15,Fill in the blanks.,1. I forgot to take my pen. Can you _ me yours?,2. A lot of people will come to China in 2008. We Chinese people should be _ to them.,3. In a restaurant, if you want something, you can ask the _.,4. At last, I made a big _.,5. There is a _ library in the city. You can read a lot of books there.,lend,friendly,waiter,decision,public,精选ppt,Fill in the blanks.lendfriendl,16,6. He gave his homework to the teacher. But there is not a _ word in it.,7. We are going to visit the _ next week. We can learn a lot there.,8. He did his homework in his bedroom the _ morning.,9.,If you give everything the child wants, youll _ him.,10. Dont be so rude. You should be _ to your neighbors.,11. My friend _ me a _ last week from abroad.,single,museum,whole,spoil,friendly,sent,postcard,精选ppt,singlemuseumwholespoilfriendly,17,动词,+,双宾语,He gave me a book.,双宾语:间接宾语(人) 直接宾语(物),v.+,间接宾语,+,直接宾语,give sb sth ; buy sb sth,v.+,直接宾语,+to/for+,间接宾语,give sth to sb ; buy sth for sb,to:,对,而言,;,给,(,某人,).,for:,为,(,某人,),Grammar:双宾语,精选ppt,动词+双宾语Grammar:双宾语精选ppt,18,bring,take,give,lend,send,write,pass,hand,show,sth,to,sb.,Grammar:双宾语,精选ppt,bringsth to sb.Grammar:双宾语精选pp,19,order,buy,make,do,cook,find,leave,sth,for,sb.,Grammar:双宾语,精选ppt,sth for sb.Grammar:双宾语精选ppt,20,He,lent,me a book.,He,lent,a book to me.,He,sent,me a card.,He,sent,a card to me.,Please,give,him another chance.,Please,give,another chance to him.,He,bought,his son a present.,He,bought,a present for his son.,Grammar:双宾语,She,made,me a breakfast.,She,made,a breakfast for me.,She,showed,her friends her new dress.,She,showed,her new dress to her friends.,精选ppt,Grammar:双宾语精选ppt,21,一般过去时表示过去发生,现在已结束的事、动作或情况。,一般过去时常指动作何时发生,不指动作持续多久。,She worked as an English teacher last year.,Who,told,you this?,He,suffered,a lot when he was a child.,I,didnt,know her at that time.,Grammar:Simple Past Tense,精选ppt,一般过去时表示过去发生,现在已结束的事、动作或情况。Gram,22,规则动词过去式一般动词后面+ed,ask play plant,ask,ed, play,ed, plant,ed,以不发音的字母,e,结尾的动词只加d,hope arrive,like,hope,d,arrive,d,like,d,动词过去式变化规则,末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ed,stop plan beg,stop,ped,plan,ned,beg,ged,辅音字母+y结尾,要把y变成,i,再加-ed,study carry,cry,stud,ied, carr,ied,cr,ied,精选ppt,动词过去式变化规则精选ppt,23,动词过去式读音规律,清辅音,p k s,等后,,ed,要读,t,worked finished,元音或浊辅音,b g v z,等后,,ed,要读,d,lived played,t,或者,d,后,,ed,读,id,started needed,精选ppt,动词过去式读音规律清辅音p k s等后,,24,2.句子结构,A.肯定句,主语+was/were+其他,主语+动词的过去式+其他,B.否定句,主语+was/were+not+其他,主语+did+not+动词原形+其他,C.一般疑问句,Was/Were+主语+其他?,Did+主语+动词原形+其他?,D.特殊疑问句 疑问词,(不作主语)+was/were+主语+其他?,疑问词(作主语)+was/were+其他?,疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其他?,精选ppt,2.句子结构A.肯定句 主语+was/were+其他精选pp,25,3.表示过去的时间状语,a moment ago, yesterday morning, last night,the day before yesterday,精选ppt,3.表示过去的时间状语 a moment ago, yest,26,I.,(用所给动词的正确时态填空)。,1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.,2. Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. So he _ (get) up late.,3. Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.,4. Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.,5. My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.,6. There _ a telephone call for you just now. (be),7. -When _ you _ (come) to china?,-Last year.,came,didnt go,got,read,began,didnt do,was,did,come,Exercises,精选ppt,I.(用所给动词的正确时态填空)。camedidnt go,27,8. _ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?,9. How many people _ (be) there in your class last term?,10. There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _ (have) no time to watch it.,11. Yesterday I _ (think) that you were not in Beijing.,12. Alice usually _ (sit) in the front of the classroom, but she _ (sit) at the back this morning.,13. He _ (tell) the news to us three days ago.,14. He_ (begin) to teach Chinese in 1990.,Exercises,was,were,was,had,thought,sits,sat,told,began,精选ppt,Exerciseswaswerewashadthoughts,28,15. There _ a telephone call for you just now. (be) 16. There _ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) 17. There _( be not) any hospitals in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. 18. There _ enough milk at home last week, wasnt there? 19. Eli _ to Japan last week. ( move) 20. When _ you _ (come) to china? Last year. 21. Did she _ (have) supper at home?,Exercises,was,were,werent,was,moved,did,come,have,精选ppt,Exerciseswaswerewerentwasmove,29,22. Jack _ (not clean) the room just now. 23. _ (be) it cold in your city yesterday? 24. How many people _ (be) there in your class last term? 25. It _ (be) hot yesterday and most children _ (be) outside. 26. There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _ (have) no time to watch it.,Exercises,didnt clean,Was,were,was,were,was,had,精选ppt,22. Jack _ (n,30,31,Text Study,精选ppt,31Text Study精选ppt,31,Last summer,I,went,to Italy.,A friendly waiter,taught,me a few words of Italian. Then he,lent,me a book.,I,read,a few lines,but,I,did,not understand a word.,Every day,I,thought,about postcards.,On the last day,I,made,a big decision.,I,spent,the whole day in my room,but,I,did,not write a single card!,My holidays,passed,quickly,but,I,did,not send cards to my friends.,time,event,Postcards always,spoil,my holidays.,I,visited,museums and,sat,in public gardens.,I,got,up early and,bought,thirty-seven cards.,中心句,精选ppt,Last summerI went to Italy. A,32,Last summer,I,went,to Italy.,last,:,adj.,上一个,last summer, adj.,最后一个,表示“最后一个”时要加冠词,the,the last day,最后一天 (具体到一天及一天的早中晚都要用,on,),I,visited,museums and,sat,in public gardens.,精选ppt,Last summerI went to Italy. I,33,teach sb. sth.,教某人某事,琼斯教授上学期教我们历史,Professor Jones taught us history last term.,teach sb to do sth,教某人做某事,他教导孩子们不要打架,He taught the children not to fight.,语言不可数,所以要用,a little Italian,或,a few words of Italian,I can speak a little English/a few words of English.,2,a few,可与复数可数名词连用,表示肯定,含有,some,,,a small number of,(,一些,少数几个)的意思。,The police would like to ask him a few questions.,警察要问他一些问题。,A friendly waiter,taught,me a few words of Italian. Then he,lent,me a book.,精选ppt,A friendly waiter taught me a,34,35,did,not understand a word = understood nothing,think about/of,考虑,思考,研究,我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。,Ill think about your advice and give you an answer tomorrow,你觉得天气怎么样?,What do you think of the weather today?,不要再考虑我。,Dont think about,me any more,I,read,a few lines,but,I,did,not understand a word.,Every day,I,thought,about postcards.,精选ppt,35I read a few lines, but I di,35,36,think of,还可指想到,关心,你想到什么了?,What do you think of?,雷锋总是为别人着想。,Lei Feng was always thinking of others,think over,仔细考虑,反复思考,I,read,a few lines,but,I,did,not understand a word.,Every day,I,thought,about postcards.,精选ppt,36I read a few lines, but I di,36,My holidays,passed,quickly,but,I,did,not send cards to my friends.,p,ass,1)经过,我们经过该镇而未停留,We passed the town without stopping.,2)经过,过去,自从他前往法国, 已过了两年,Two years have passed since he left for France.,3)(用手) 递; 传递 ,pass sb sth = pass sth to sb,请你把胡椒粉递给我好吗?,Will you pass me the pepper?.,精选ppt,My holidays passed quickly, bu,37,On the last day,I,made,a big decision.,I,got,up early and,bought,thirty-seven cards.,I,spent,the whole day in my room,but,I,did,not write a single card!,Spend,spend 花(时间),度过,人+spend+时间+地点 在什么地方花费 / 度过了多少时间,eg. I spend ten hours in the school everyday.,spend 花费(金钱,/,时间),人+spend+金钱,/,时间,+on sth.,人+spend+金钱,/,时间+ (in) doing sth.,eg. I cant spend any more on this car.,精选ppt,On the last dayI made a big de,38,过去一般时:动词发生变化,1. went _,2. visited _,3. sat _,4. taught _,5. lent _,6. read _,7. thought _,8. passed _,9. sent _,10. made _,11. got _,12. bought _,13. spent _,14. wrote _,go,sit,teach,visit,read,think,lend,make,pass,send,get,buy,spend,write,精选ppt,过去一般时:动词发生变化8. passed _,39,Last summer,I _(go) to Italy. I _ (visit) museums and _(sit) in public gardens.,A friendly waiter,_ (teach) me a few words of Italian. Then he_ (lend) me a book. I_ (read) a few lines, but I _ (not understand) a word.,Every day I,_(think) about postcards. My . holidays _ (pass) quickly, but I _(not send) cards to my friends.,On the last day I,_(make) a big decision. I _(get) up early and _(buy) thirty-seven cards. I _ (spend) the whole day in my room, but I _(not write) a single card!,Exercises,went,visited,sat,taught,lent,read,didnt understand,thought,didnt send,passed,made,got,bought,spent,didnt write,精选ppt,Exerciseswentvisitedsattaughtl,40,1. I paid some money to the shopkeeper.,2. The writer brought the man a bottle of beer.,3.He sold me all his books.,4. He did a favor for me.,5.She showed her new hat to her husband.,Exercise,I paid the shopkeeper some money.,The writer brought a bottle of beer to the man.,He sold all his books to me.,He did me a favor.,She showed her husband,her new hat.,精选ppt,1. I paid some money to the sh,41,6. He gave some advice to his son.,7. He is teaching us English.,8 I bought you this bunch of flowers.,9. Bring me that book.,10. Pass your father the mustard.,Exercise,He gave his son some advice.,He is teaching English to us.,I bought you this bunch of flowers.,Bring that book to me.,Pass the mustard to your father.,精选ppt,6. He gave some advice to his,42,Thank you!,精选ppt,43,Thank you!精选ppt43,


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