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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section B 2a-3b,Whats the song about?,fruit/fr,u:,t/,banana,s,apple,s,strawberr,ies,orange,s,pear,s,vegetables /ve,d,t,bl/,tomato,es,carrot,s,/k,r,t/,others,hamburger,rice,/r,ai,s/,milk,/m,i,lk/,salad,chicken,/t,i,k,i,n/,ice-cream,/.,ai,skr,i:,m/,bread,/br,e,d/,egg,s,/,eg,/,/h,mb,:,(r)g,(r)/,/,s,l,d/,H,ea,lthy ? Unhealthy?, h,e,li, adj.,健康的,Food,Yes,Maybe,No,fruit,vegetables,eggs,chicken,hamburgers,ice-cream,Which food do you think is,healthy,?,Check (,),Yes,Maybe,or,No,.,2a,Do you think is/are healthy?,Yes. I think is/are healthy./,Maybe its/theyre healthy./,No, I dont think is/are healthy.,a sports,star,eating,habit,a volleyball,star,Cindy Smith,eat,healthy,food,eat well,饮食习惯,/st,a:,(r)/,/,h,b,i,t,/,/,i:,t/,/w,e,l/,David-,a reporter (,记者,),1. Does Cindy like fruit for breakfast?,2. Does she like salad for lunch?,3. Does she like hamburgers for dinner?,Guess before reading,.,Cindy Smith,Sports Star Eats Well!,First reading,2b,Read the magazine article and circle the food words.,Cindy has good eating habits. She lives a happy life.,Cindy is a volleyball star.,Second reading,.,Cindy likes,.,She doesnt like,.,For breakfast,For lunch,For dinner,fruit (oranges and apples),bananas,salad,hamburgers,chicken,eating ice-cream,ice-cream,Reading,2c,Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.,Cindy likes healthy food.,1. Cindy _,2. She _,3. She _,4. Cindy doesnt _,5. She doesnt _,likes fruit for breakfast.,likes salad for lunch.,likes chicken for dinner.,like bananas.,like hamburgers for dinner.,Retell 复述,Cindy Smith is a . She has a good ,Cindy eats . She loves She thinks its ,For breakfast, she . For lunch, she.,For dinner, .She doesnt Cindy likes .,but she . She doesnt ,Cindyseatinghabits,A summary,Cindy Smith is a volleyball star . She has a good eating habit. Cindy eats well. She loves fruit. She thinks its healthy. For breakfast, she likes oranges and apples, but she doesnt like bananas. For lunch, she really likes salad. For dinner, she likes chicken. She doesnt like hamburgers. She thinks theyre not healthy. Cindy likes ice cream ,but she doesnt eat it. She doesnt want to be fat.,Cindyseatinghabits,Memory game,For breakfast ,Yao Ming like,s,_,but he doesnt like _ .,Memory game,apple,s,banana,s,Memory game,For lunch ,Xie,Na like,s,_,but she doesnt like _ .,Memory game,hamburger,s,rice,Memory game,For dinner ,S.H.E like _,but they dont like _ .,Memory game,chicken,carrot,s,Writing,Tell your partner what your likes for breakfast/,lunch/dinner. Then write down your parnters,the sentences like this,.,For breakfast, _ like,s,_,but he,/she doesnt _.,For lunch, _,but _.,For dinner _.,For breakfast, I likebut I dont like,For dinner, I likebut I dont like .,Howcanwekeephealthy?,Discussion小组讨论,An,apple,adaykeepsthe,doctor,away.,Eat,healthy,foodandkeepa,balanced,diet.,Do,sports,every day.,Get up and go to bed,early,.,which group is the winner?,根据首字母和图片补充完整短文。,Jack is my good friend. He has a good e_habit,. For,breakfast ,he l_ fruit. For lunch, he likes,_ and _ . For dinner he likes,_ ,b_ he doesnt like _ . He,thinks they are not h_.,Exercise,ating,ikes,chicken,tomatoes,salad,ut,hamburgers,ealthy,Homework,2.Write about what you like and dont like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.,(写出你自己一日三餐喜欢吃什么,不喜欢吃什么。),eg,:,For breakfast ,I like _,but I dont like_.,For lunch. _.,For dinner._.,


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