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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/11/18,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/11/18,0,世纪英语,综合教程,新世纪高职高专教材编审委员会组编,主编龚耀,审校,澳,Adam Gunnar Kassir,I,(第七版),世纪英语综合教程新世纪高职高专教材编审委员会组编I(第七版,1,1.,如有“”音频图标按钮,可点击音频图标,调用外链音频文件进行播放。,2.,如有“”视频图标按钮,可点击按钮外链音频文件进行播放。,使用说明,注意:,如可点外链文件时,弹出阻止对话框时,请点击“确定”按钮。,1.如有“”音频图标按钮,可点击音频图标,调用外链音,Unit 3,Sports,Objectives,In this unit, students are required to:,1. learn something about the Olympic Games,and a variety of sporting events;,2. learn to understand conversations about,sports and talk about favorite sporting,events;,3. understand the two reading passages and,master important words and,phrases in,them;,4. learn English grammar: adjective and,adverb;,5. complete the writing task: write a letter of,complaint.,Unit 3ObjectivesIn this unit,Warm-up,PART 1,Listening & Speaking,PART 2,Reading A,PART 3,Reading B,PART 4,Skill Development,PART 5,Writing,PART 6,Mini-project,PART 7,Warm-upPART 1Listening & Speak,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 1,My favorite sports.,Look at the following pictures and learn the names of these sporting events.,Tennis,Wrestling,Part 1 Warm-upTask 1 My f,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 1,My favorite sports.,Look at the following pictures and learn the names of these sporting events.,Boxing,Fencing,Part 1 Warm-upTask 1 My f,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 1,My favorite sports.,Look at the following pictures and learn the names of these sporting events.,Marathon,Rock Climbing,Part 1 Warm-upTask 1 My f,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 1,My favorite sports.,Look at the following pictures and learn the names of these sporting events.,Skating,Sailing,Part 1 Warm-upTask 1 My f,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 1,My favorite sports.,Look at the following pictures and learn the names of these sporting events.,My Favorite Sports:,1) _,2) _,3) _,4) _,What are your favorite sports? List them in the following table and tell them to your classmates.,Part 1 Warm-upTask 1 My fav,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 2,Sports on campus.,We often take part in the following events at the sports meeting held by our college. Give their,names.,_,_,_,100-meter race,shot put,high jump,Part 1 Warm-upTask 2 Sports,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 2,Sports on campus.,We often take part in the following events at the sports meeting held by our college. Give their,names.,_,_,_,javelin,basketball,relay race,Part 1 Warm-upTask 2 Sports,Part 1 Warm-up,Task 2,Sports on campus.,We often take part in the following events at the sports meeting held by our college. Give their,names.,_,_,long jump,badminton,Part 1 Warm-upTask 2 Sports,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,1.,What is SPORT?,The word sport first meant something that people did in their free time.,Later, “sport” often meant hunting wild animals and birds.,About a hundred years ago, the word was first used for organized games. This is the usual meaning of the word today.,People spend a lot of their spare time playing football, basketball, tennis and many other sports.,Sport is no longer just something for peoples spare time.,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识1. What i,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,篮球,basketball,足球,football,网球,tennis,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,乒乓球,ping-pong/table tennis,羽毛球,badminton,橄榄球,rugby,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,板球 cricket,排球 volleyball,沙滩排球,beach volleyball,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,水球,water polo,链球,hammer throw,铅球,shot put,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,台球,billiards,铁饼,discus,标枪,javelin,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,跳高,high jump,跳远,long jump,三级跳远 triple jump,撑高跳,hold high jump,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,击剑 fencing,游泳swimming,花样游泳Synchronized swimming,跳水,diving,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,帆板,panels,皮划艇canoeing,冲浪,surfing,花样滑冰figure skating,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,滑雪,skiing,摔跤wrestling,拳击,boxing,山地自行车,mountain bike race,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,蹦极,bungee jump,攀岩,rock climbing,射击 shooting,射箭,archery,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,短跑,sprint,长跑,long distance run,接力赛跑relay race,马拉松 marathon,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,竞走,race walking,曲棍球 hockey,体操 gymnastics,艺术体操,rhythmic gymnastics,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 1 Warm-up,拓展知识,2.,Sport events,举重,weightlifting,高尔夫,golf,马术,equestrianism,Part 1 Warm-up拓展知识2. Sport,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 1,Badminton and the Olympic Games.,1) Where did the name “badminton”come from?,A. An Englishmans estate Badminton House.,B. Bath Badminton Club.,C. A royal society.,D. One of the other countries in Europe.,John and Wang are talking about badminton. Listen to their conversation and choose the best answers.,Script,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 1,Badminton and the Olympic Games.,2) When did badminton become an Olympic event?,A. In the 1820s.,B. In the 1990s.,C. In 1820.,D. In 2004.,John and Wang are talking about badminton. Listen to their conversation and choose the best answers.,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 1,Badminton and the Olympic Games.,3) When did John begin to play badminton?,A. In 1920.,B. In America.,C. In primary school.,D. When playing in his backyard.,John and Wang are talking about badminton. Listen to their conversation and choose the best answers.,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 1,Badminton and the Olympic Games.,4) What was Wangs father?,A. A professor.,B. An athlete.,C. A master of sport.,D. A pioneer.,John and Wang are talking about badminton. Listen to their conversation and choose the best answers.,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 1,Badminton and the Olympic Games.,5) What do you know about John?,A. A badminton player who knows everything about the game.,B. An American who is good at playing badminton.,C. A badminton coach from America.,D. A young American who is a professional bad- minton player.,John and Wang are talking about badminton. Listen to their conversation and choose the best answers.,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,听力原文,John: Badminton is really popular among the Chinese. Do you know where the name came from?,Wang: Didnt it come from an Englishman?,John: Yes, the name came from his estate Badminton House in England.,Wang: When did the game become an Olympic event?,John: In the 20th century.,Wang: John, I know you are good at playing badminton. How old were you when you began to play badminton?,Back,听力原文 John: Badminton is really,32,听力原文,John: Well, I started to play badminton while I was in primary school. Badminton is a well-liked game in America, but at that time the game was played in ones backyard or on the beach for fun, not for competition. Hey, Wang! How about you?,Wang: I am not good at it. But my father was a professional athlete.,John: Thats interesting!,Wang: My father once trained Chinese badminton players and brought them to the world sports stage.,John: Oh, Youre lucky to have such a father!,Back,听力原文John: Well, I started to p,33,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 2 Badminton is popular among the Chinese.,Listen to the conversation in Task 1 again and tick () the correct information.,Script,Tick (),Information,Most of the Chinese like playing badminton.,The game“badminton”was named after an Englishman.,Badminton came to the world sports stage in ancient times.,Wang, like John, is quite good at playing badminton.,Wang began to play badminton in primary school.,Americans like badminton, too.,Now badminton is played both for fun and for competition in America.,Wang,s father contributed a lot to the training of American badminton players.,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,听力原文,John: Badminton is really popular among the Chinese. Do you know where the name came from?,Wang: Didnt it come from an Englishman?,John: Yes, the name came from his estate Badminton House in England.,Wang: When did the game become an Olympic event?,John: In the 20th century.,Wang: John, I know you are good at playing badminton. How old were you when you began to play badminton?,Back,听力原文 John: Badminton is really,35,听力原文,John: Well, I started to play badminton while I was in primary school. Badminton is a well-liked game in America, but at that time the game was played in ones backyard or on the beach for fun, not for competition. Hey, Wang! How about you?,Wang: I am not good at it. But my father was a professional athlete.,John: Thats interesting!,Wang: My father once trained Chinese badminton players and brought them to the world sports stage.,John: Oh, Youre lucky to have such a father!,Back,听力原文John: Well, I started to p,36,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 3 James likes football.,Script,James and Mary are talking about football. Listen to their conversation and judge whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,( ) 1) James is crazy about all the ball games.,( ) 2) James is on the collegesfootball team because he plays football very well.,( ) 3) Mary is also a football fan.,( ) 4) Maryscountry has never hosted the World Cup.,( ) 5) James and Mary are both looking forward to watching the World Cup.,F,F,F,T,F,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,听力原文,Mary : Do you like watching football matches, James?,James: Certainly I do.,Mary : Many people, especially men, are crazy about football. Is it true for you?,James: Yes, but Im not very good at playing football.,Mary : Are you a member of our colleges football team?,James: Not yet, but the captain says he will take me in.,Back,听力原文Mary : Do you like watchin,38,听力原文,Mary : Thats good.,James: Thank you, Mary.,Mary:Do you know our country is applying forhosting the World Cup? Its the,first time we do that.,James: Really, its very exciting.We are all looking forward to it.,Back,听力原文Mary : Thats good.Back,39,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 4 The inactive lifestyle of college students.,Script,Two classmates are talking about their counselors comment on the inactive lifestyle of college students. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks with the correct information.,The Inactive Lifestyle of College Students,For college students, there is a trend of,1) staying in _;,2) unhealthy _;,3) lack of _.,dorms,diets,exercise,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 4 The inactive lifestyle of college students.,Script,Two classmates are talking about their counselors comment on the inactive lifestyle of college students. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks with the correct information.,The Inactive Lifestyle of College Students,They are often,1) engaged in playing _;,2) engaged in online _;,3) engaged in micro _;,4) found staying up _;,5) reluctant to go out into _.,video games,chatting,blogging,late,the playground,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,听力原文,M: Our counselor said that some college students were becoming lazy.,W: What did he mean by saying that?,M: He said many students chose to live an inactive campus life. There is a,trend of staying in dorms, unhealthy diets and lack of exercise.,W: What takes up their time instead ofexercise?,M: Playing video games, online chatting, micro blogging, and so on. They stay,up late and are reluctant to go out into the playground.,W: Lack of exercise is likely to cause many diseases.,M: Youre right, but many students dont realize that.,W: I dont want to have these diseases. So Illhave more exercise from today,on.,Back,听力原文M: Our counselor said that,42,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 5 Sailing is one of the oldest sports.,Listen to a short passage twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.,Sailing is one of the oldest sports of the Olympic 1) _. It is said that as early as in the 2nd century B.C., sailing, music, and swimming contests had already 2) _ in ancient Greece in honor of their gods. In ancient 3) _, sailing was also closely associated with a country,s 4) _. Many coastal countries, through sailing and navigation over the seas, expanded their territories into other 5) _ or other parts of the world.,Movement,taken place,history,growth,regions,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 5 Sailing is one of the oldest sports.,Listen to a short passage twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.,The first sailing competition was the Cumberland Cup which started in,6) _, and is still being held today. The first 7) _ competition was the Hundred Guineas Cup which was held in 1851. Later the name was changed to“America,s Cup”, named after the first 8),_,_,_,_,_,_,“America”.,1715,international,w,in,ning boat,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 6 Did you take part in the college sports meeting?,Wendy meets Bob in front of the teaching building before Evening Self-study begins. She asks Bob about the college sports meeting held last weekend. Have a conversation.,Student A (Wendy),Student B (Bob),Ask Bob if he took part in the college,sports meeting held last weekend.,Tell Bob you didnt take part in the sports meeting because you had a cold.,Ask Bob what game he took part in and,what position he got in the game.,Tell Wendy you took part in the mens 100-meter race and the mens 400-meter relayrace.,Tell Wendy you got third place in the 100-meter race and got a silver medal in the 400-meter relay race.,Tell Wendy you have been trained to be a sprinter for a few years.,Sample,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Task 6 We have the same hobby.,Ask Bob why he is so good at sprinting.,Say that Bob is really terrific.,Say you were once in a race at the provincial high school sports meeting for your school.,Sample,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingT,听力原文,Conversation:,Wendy: Hi, Bob! Nice to see you again.,Bob: Nice to see you, too, Wendy.,Wendy: Did you take part in the college sports meeting held last weekend?,Bob: Yes, I did. What about you?,Wendy: I didnt because I had a cold.,Bob: Have you got over it?,Wendy: Yes, thank you. What game did you take part in?,Bob: The Mens 100-meter race and the mens 400-meter relay race.,Wendy: What position did you get?,Bob: In the mens 100-meter race, I clocked 13.1 seconds to get third place.,Back,听力原文Conversation:Back,47,听力原文,Wendy: Thats really wonderful, Bob!,Bob: It was more wonderful when we got a silver medal in the 400-meter relay race.,Wendy: Congratulations! By the way, why are you so good at sprinting?,Bob: I have been trained to be a sprinter for several years.,Wendy: You mean you began training when you were in middle school?,Bob: Right. The year before last, I was in a race at the provincial high school sports meeting for my school.,Wendy:Youre really terrific, Bob!,Back,听力原文Wendy: Thats really wonde,48,Part 2 Listening & Speaking,Useful Expressions,Did you take part in the college sports meeting held last weekend?,I didnt take part in it because I had a cold/had something important to do/was not,in the college.,What game did you take part in?,What position did you get?,I clocked 13.1 seconds to get third place.,We have won a gold/silver/bronze medal for our department.,Thats really wonderful! Congratulations!,I have been trained to be a for a long time/for several years.,Youre really good/terrific!,Part 2 Listening & SpeakingU,Part 3 Reading A,Background Information,Passage Learning,Passage-related Exercises,Part 3 Reading ABackground I,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Olympic Games are the international games sponsored by the International Olympic Committee. They are held once every four years, including a variety of sports.,Olympic logo: five rings.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Olympic Hymn(圣歌): written by Kostis Palamas and composed by Spyros Samaras.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Host Organization headquarters: Lausanne, Switzerland.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Olympic spirit: Fair competition, mutual understanding, friendship and solidarity.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Flag: the five-ring Olympic flag. Five colors of the five rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red, representing the five continents.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Host organization: International Olympic Committee (IOC).,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Olympic Motto (also called Olympic Slogan): faster, higher and stronger.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,The earliest Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece (776 BC).,From April 6th, 1896 to April 15th, the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,1. Olympic Games,Since 1896, the Olympic Games have been held once every four years and interrupted three times in the two World Wars in 1916 , 1940 and 1944 respectively.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,2. The Winter Olympic Games,The Winter Olympic Games are a sporting event. The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France, in 1924. The Games were held every four years from 1924 until 1936, after which they were interrupted by World War. The Olympics resumed in 1948. The Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same years until 1992.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,2. The Winter Olympic Games,The Winter Games have been hosted on three continents, but never in a country in the southern hemisphere. The United States has hosted the Games four times; France has been the host three times; Austria, Canada, Italy, Japan, Norway and Switzerland have hosted the Games twice. In 2014 Sochi was the first Russian city to host the Winter Olympics. Pyeongchang, Korea hosted the 2018 Winter Olympics.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Background,Information,2. The Winter Olympic Games,Beijing will host the 202,2,Winter Olympic Games,.,Part 3 Reading ABackground,Part 3 Reading A,Passage Learning,1,Beijing has won the,bid,for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and,is set to,become the first city in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.,2,Beijing 2022 will,build on,the,legacies,of the landmark Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and expect to encourage millions of people across China to take part in winter sports.,Chinese,Welcome to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games,Part 3 Reading APassage Lear,Part 3 Reading A,Passage Learning,3,The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics, the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice. The first Winter Olympics, the 1924 Winter Olympics, were held in Chamonix, France.,Chinese,Part 3 Reading APassage Lear,Part 3 Reading A,Passage Learning,4,The Games were held every four years fr


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