unit3 (2)课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,I am more outgoing than,my sister.,Section A 1a-1c,Unit 3,big,small,My fathers hands are _.,My hands are _.,big,small,tall,short,The giraffe is _.,The dog is _.,tall,short,fast,slow,The plane flies _.,The car runs _.,fast,slow,tall loudly,thin boring,funny fat,quietly short,rude nervous,relaxed polite,Match each word with its opposite.,My fathers hands are _,than,my hands.,My hands are,smaller,than,my fathers hands.,bigger,The plane flies _,than,the car.,The car runs,slower,than,the plane.,faster,形容词或副词的比较级形式:,tall tall,er,fast,fast,er,nice nice,r,thin thin,ner,early,earl,ier,outgoing,more,outgoing,原形,比较级,tall tall,er,fast fast,er,nice nice,r,thin thin,ner,(,以不发音的字母,e,结尾的,+ r ),(,一般在词尾,+,er,),原形,比较级,(,重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母再,+,er,),Grammar,early earl,ier,outgoing,more,outgoing,(,以辅音字母,+ y,结尾的单 词,变,y,为,i + er ),(,多音节词和部分双音节词前加,more),一、按要求写出下列各词的正确形式,1easy(,比较级,),:,_,2different(,名词,),:,_,3many(,比较级,):_,4serious(,比较级,):_,5 friendly(,比较级,):_,easier,difference,more,more serious,friendlier,练 习,6 funny(,比较级,)_,7outgoing(,比较级,)_,8 quiet(,反义词,)_,9tall(,反义词,)_,10beautiful(,比较级,)_,more beautiful,more outgoing,loud,short,funnier,How about sentences?,His hair is,shorter,than,my hair.,I come,later,than,you.,He is,taller,than,me.,A + + + + B,be,动词,实意动词,比较级,than,1.If you want to be thinner and healthier, youd better eat _food and take _ exercise.,more, fewer B. more, less,C. fewer, more D. less, more,三,.,选择,2.Hes _ than his brother.,strong B. stronger,C. the stronger D. the strongest,3.Which do you like _, tea or coffee?,good B. better,C. best D. the better,4. Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a _one?,good B. better,C. large D. larger,A + + + + B,be,动词,实意动词,比较级,than,I am,more outgoing,than,my sister.,Thank you,


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