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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Studying aims,:,1.,能够准确,说出,特殊疑问词,的中文意思。,2.,能够根据语境,,选择,恰当的,特殊疑问词,。,Studying aims:,1,Hello, everyone,!,我的名字叫,特殊疑问句,。我的特点是,用疑问词开头,,由于疑问词是,w,或,h,作词首,所以有人给我起了个绰号,wh,疑问句,。我的用途是对句子的某一成分进行提问,问具体的人或事、时间、地点、原因等,因此,问什么答什么,。,认识,Hello, everyone!认识,2,What,1.,What,s your name?,你叫什么名字?,2.,What,does your father do?,你爸爸是做什么的?,3.,What,is in your schoolbag?,你的书包里面是什么?,问是什么,叫什么,做什么等,什么,What1.Whats your name? 你叫什么名字,3,What time,1.,What time,is it?,几点了?,2.,What time,is it now?,现在几点了?,用来问时间,几点,What time1.What time is it? 用,4,What colour,1.,What colour,is your bag?,你的书包是什么颜色?,2.,What colour,is your book?,你的书本是什么颜色?,问颜色,什么颜色,What colour1.What colour is yo,5,What about,用来,征求意见,或,询问感受,等,1.What bout,this pair of shoes?,这双鞋子怎么样?,2.What about,you?,你呢?,3.What about,your dad?,你爸爸呢?,怎么样?,What about用来征求意见或询问感受等1.What b,6,What date,1.What,s the date today?,今天是几号?,2. What date is tomorrow?,明天是几号?,用来问具体的日期,什么日期,What date1.Whats the date tod,7,When,1.,When,do you get up?,你什么时候起床?,2.,When,are you going?,你准备什么时候去?,问时间,什么时候,When 1.When do you get up?问时间,8,Where,1.,Where,is my nose?,我的鼻子在哪?,2.,Where,are my shoes?,我的鞋子在哪里?,3.,Where,are you from?,你是哪里人?,4.,Where,are you going ?,你打算去哪里?,问地点,哪里,Where问地点哪里,9,Which,1.,Which,season do you like best?,你最喜欢哪个季节?,2.,Which,class are you in?,你在哪一个班?,3.,Which,one is my pen,?,哪一个是我的钢笔?,问具体哪一个,哪一个,Which1.Which season do you lik,10,Who,1.,Who,is that boy?,那个男孩是谁?,2.,Who,are you going to with?,你打算和谁一起去?,3.,Who,is that beautiful girl?,那个漂亮的女孩是谁?,问人是谁,谁,Who1.Who is that boy?问人是谁谁,11,Whose,1.,Whose,bag,is this?,这是谁的包?,2.,Whose,bike,is yellow?,谁的自行车是黄色的?,问东西是谁的,谁的,一般后面跟名词。,Whose1.Whose bag is this? 问东西是,12,Why,1.,Why,do you like spring?,你为什么喜欢春天?,Because I can fly kites in spring.,因为在春天我可以放风筝。,2.,Why,do you go to school by bus,?为什么你坐公共汽车来学校?,Because my home is far.,因为我家很远,.,问原因,为什么,Why1.Why do you like spring?问原,13,How,询问身体等状况,询问乘交通工具等,1.,How,are you?,你好吗?,2.,How,is your mother?,你妈妈好吗?,3.,How,do you go to school?,你如何去上学的?,4.,How,can I get to the post office?,我怎样到达,邮局,怎么样,How询问身体等状况,询问乘交通工具等 1.How are,14,How old,用来问年龄,1.How old,are you?,你几岁了?,2.,How old,is your father?,你爸爸多大了?,几岁,How old用来问年龄几岁,15,How many,用来问数量,(+,可数名词复数,),,可用一二三回答。,1.How many,books,do you have?,你有多少本书?,2.How many,people,are there in your family?,你家里有多少人?,多少,How many用来问数量(+可数名词复数),可用一二三回答,16,How much,用来问价格,(+,可数名词复数,),1.How much,is this dress?,这个连衣裙多少钱?,2.How much,are these desks?,这些桌子多少钱?,多少钱,How much用来问价格(+可数名词复数)1.How mu,17,How about,1.I want to go to the park.,How about,you?,我想要去公园。你呢?,2.This shirt is too small.,How about,that shirt?,这件衬衫太小了。那件衬衫怎么样?,怎么样,How about怎么样,18,What,什么,why,为什么,What time,几点,how,怎么样,What color,什么颜色,how old,多少岁,What about ,怎么样,how many,多少,What date,什么日期,how much,多少,When,什么时间,how about,怎么样,Where,哪里,Which,哪一个,Who,谁,Whose,谁的,What 什么 w,19,When,Where,Who,Whose,What,Which,Why,What color,What time,谁,什么时候,谁的,什么,哪一个,哪里,什么颜色,几点,为什么,检测,When 谁检测,20,how,how many,how much how often,how old,多少(数量),多少(价钱),怎样,如何,多大,几岁,多久一次,how 多少(数量),21,When,Where,Who,Whose,What,Which,What color,What time,Ann,. (people).,At,six ,In,the morning,play football, a desk.,In,the park,At,school.,Red. Yellow.,Marys,. Mine.,The blue one.,Six oclock.,At,seven thirty.,找搭档,When Ann. (people). 找搭档,22,how,how many,how much how often,how old,Nine.,Eighteen yuan.,By,bike.,On,foot.,Six years old.Ten.,Twice a week.,Every day.,找搭档,how Nine.找搭档,23,尝试练习一:就划线部分提问,My name is,Tom,.,I am,13,years old.,I usually get up,at 6:00,.,My grandparents live in,Shanghai,.,5.,There are,three,pencils in my bag.,What,Where,How many,When,What time,How old,尝试练习一:就划线部分提问WhatWhereHow many,24,一、用适当的疑问词填空:,1,、,A: _ is the boy in blue? B:Hes Mike.,2,、,A: _ wallet is it? B:Its mine.,3,、,A: _ is the diary? B:Its under the chair.,4,、,A: _ is the Chirstmas Day? B: Its on Dec.25th.,5,、,A: _ are the kites? B:They are 25 yuan.,6,、,A: _ is the schoolbag? B:Its blue.,7,、,A: _ is it today? B:Its Sunday.,8,、,A: _ is it tomorrow? B: It is the 13th of October.,9,、,A: _ this red one? B:Its beautiful.,10,、,A: Can I have some paper and some crayons?,B: _ ? A: Because I want to make a kite.,11,、,A:_ season do you like best. B: Summer.,12,、,A:_ is your cousin? B: He,s 15 years old.,练习,一、用适当的疑问词填空:1、 A: _ is,25,13.A:_ do you have dinner? B: At 6 oclock.,14._ is it? -Its Monday.,15._ is flying a kite? -Jenny is flying a kite.,16._ books are there in the desk? -Twenty .,17._ is Mrs.Li? -She is thirty years old.,18.,are you going? -I am going to the Palace Museum.,19.,is the date? -Its May first.,20.,is the weather like today? -Its sunny.,21._ is this? Its a eraser.,22._ rubbers are there in the pencilbox?,23._ is your brother? Hes nine.,24._ are they? They are cows.,25. _ are you? Im fine.,一、用适当的疑问词填空:,练习,13.A:_ do you have dinne,26,( )1. How was your grandpa?,( )2. What will he do next week?,( )3. Who plays table tennis better?,( )4. Where are you going tomorrow?,( )5. How many books are there ?,A. Jim does.,B. He will play basketball.,C. Im going to the beach.,D. He was great.,E. Six.,眼疾手快,D,B,A,C,E,尝试,练习三:,( )1. How was your grandpa?眼,27,What color is it?,B. When do you have English?,C. Where is the post office?,D. How much is it?,E. How are you?,1.A: Can I help you?,B: Yes, Im looking for a dress. _,A: $200. B: Its too expensive.,2. A: I have a new bag. B: _.A: Its blue.,3. A: _ B: Fine, thank you. And you?,A: Im very well. Thank you.,4. A: I like English very much. B: _,A: On Monday and Friday.,D,A,E,B,What color is it?1.A: Can I he,28,谢谢!,谢谢!,29,特殊疑问词和特殊疑问句wh课件,30,


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