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How may I help you? 我能帮你什么吗,6.,How old will she be, and what is her name?,她过几岁生日,叫什么名字?,7.,Do you want a smoking or non-smoking table?,您需要有烟区还是无烟区?,8.,I will reserve a tale on terrace for you.,我会为您预订一个露台上的桌子。,9.,May I take your name and phone number?,我能留下你的名字和联系方式吗?,10.,We look forward to seeing you and Samantha tonight.,我们期待你和,Samantha,今晚的到来。,4,-,6. How old will she be, and wh,Unit 2 Seating Guests,:,Seating the Guests,领 位,1.,How may I help you?,我能帮你什么吗?,2.,May I take your name, sir?,请问你的名字,先生?,3.,A table for two. Is that correct?,一共两位,对吗?,4.,Can I take your coats?,我来为你们拿外衣,好吗?,5,-,Unit 2 Seating Guests:Seating,5.,Here is your table. Is it OK?,这是你们的桌子,可以吗?,6.,I,m sorry, they were booked in advance.,How about on the terrace,?,对不起,靠窗的桌子事先订出去了。,露台上怎么样?,7.,Would you like to see a wine list?,你需要看一下酒水单么?,8.,Enjoy your meal. A waiter will be along soon to take your order.,祝你们用餐愉快。服务员一会儿过来为你们点餐。,6,-,5. Here is your table. Is it O,Chapter 3 Taking Orders and Serving Food,点餐与上菜,Unit 1 Taking Chinese Food Orders: Recommending Chinese Dishes,中餐点餐服务,7,-,Chapter 3 Taking Orders and Se,1.Chinese Food,中餐,2.Western Food,西餐,3.fish,鱼肉,4.pork,猪肉,5.beef,牛肉,6.chicken,鸡肉,7.mutton,羊肉,8.bean,豆,9.tofu,豆腐,10.rice,米饭,11.noodles,面条,12.fish slices,鱼片,13.spicy soup,辣汤,8,-,1.Chinese Food中餐2.Western Food,14.knife,刀,15.fork,叉,16.chopsticks,筷子,17.spoon,勺子,18.plate,盘子,19.stir-fry,煸炒,20.popular dish,大众菜肴 人气美食,21.northern cuisine,北方菜,22.home-style,家庭风味,23.vegetable,蔬菜,24.sour sweet bitter hot salty,酸甜苦辣咸,25.green tea,绿茶,26.Enjoy your meal,祝您用餐愉快!,9,-,14.knife刀15.fork叉16.chopsticks,1.,Are you ready to order?,你们准备点菜了吗?,2.,That is called,“,shui zhu yu,”,. It is fish slices in spicy soup.,这道菜叫作,“,水煮鱼,”,。就是香辣汤煮鱼片。,3.,Stir-fried green beans are called,“,si ji dou,”,.,That dish is very popular.,“,四季豆,”,,就是炒青豆。这道菜很多人点。,4.,I can also recommend a stir-fried tofu dish called,“,jia chang dou fu,”,. It,s a home-style tofu dish with some vegetables.,我还可以给您推荐一道,“,家常豆腐,”,。这是一道由豆腐和其他蔬菜一起烧的家常菜。,10,-,1. Are you ready to order? 你们准,5.,Would you like noodles or rice with that?,你主食想要面条还是米饭呢?,6.,What would you like to drink with your meal?,您要点酒水吗?,7.,Mineral water, purified water, or carbonated water like Evian?,您要矿泉水、纯净水还是依云苏打水?,8.,Is there anything else I can get you?,还需要别的什么吗?,9.,Your food will be here soon. Can you use chopsticks?,你们的菜很快来。你们会使用筷子吗?,10.,If you need a fork and knife, let me know. Enjoy your meal!,如果你需要刀叉的话,请告诉我。祝你们用餐愉快!,11,-,5. Would you like noodles or r,Unit 2 Taking Western Food Orders: Starter and Main Course / The Dessert Course,西餐点餐服务,12,-,Unit 2 Taking Western Food Ord,1.,starter,头盘,2.,sppetizer,开胃菜,3.,main course,主菜,4.,dessert,甜点,5.,shrimp,cocktail,虾仁杯,6.,potato,土豆,7.,tomato,番茄,8.,pasta,通心粉,13,-,1.starter 头盘13-,9.,salad,沙拉,10.,steak,牛排,11.,rare,一分熟,12.,medium,五份熟,13.,well,done,全熟的,14.,side,order,小菜 配菜,15.,pudding,布丁,16.,sorbet,冰沙,14,-,9.salad 沙拉14-,1.,Are you ready to order?,你们需要点菜了吗?,2.,What would you like to start?,你的头盘吃什么?,3.,The steak is cooked rare, is that OK?,牛排三分熟可以吗?,4.,What would you like to eat?,你要吃点什么?,15,-,1. Are you ready to order? 15-,5.,Would you like potato, too?,土豆也要吗?,6.,Would you like to order any vegetables?,你需要点些蔬菜吗?,7.,Let me repeat your order.,让我来重复一下你点的菜。,8.,I will be back with a wine list right way.,我这就去拿酒水单。,16,-,5. Would you like potato, too?,9.,Did you enjoy your meal?,您吃得还满意吗?,10.,Would you like to see the dessert menu?,您需要看一下甜点单吗?,11.,What would you like to order?,你要点些什么?,12.,It,s sweet bread with raisins baked in an egg pudding mix.,面包布丁有葡萄干,加鸡蛋布丁一起烤。,17,-,9. Did you enjoy your meal? 1,13.,We have a rich dark Black Forest Cake, or maybe you prefer the chocolate mousse?,我们有一款浓味黑森林蛋糕,对你来说或许更喜欢巧克力慕斯?,14.,Cream or vanilla ice cream, whichever you like.,配奶油或是香草冰激凌,任您选择。,15.,Would you like coffee as well?,咖啡也需要吗?,16.,I will bring your desserts and coffee to you in a moment.,我马上为您带来甜点和咖啡。,18,-,13. We have a rich dark Black,Unit 3 Serving Dishes to Individuals: Serving Dishes,上菜服务,19,-,Unit 3 Serving Dishes to Indiv,1.,May I serve your dinner now?,我能为您上菜么?,2.,This is the pork in red wine sauce.,这道是红酒烩肉。,3.,This is the crispy dark with apple and sage stuffing.,这道是鼠尾草填料脆皮鸭。,4.,This is the red cabbage and saut,ed potatoes.,这是紫甘蓝和炒土豆。,20,-,1. May I serve your dinner now,Unit 4 Serving Wine to Individuals: Taking and Serving a Wine Order,上酒服务,1.,Cabernet Sauvignon,索维农红酒,2.,Chateau Montfort,梅勒酒,3.,a good vintage,酒的好年份,4.,a nice bouquet,一种酒的芳香,5.,pour away,倒酒,21,-,Unit 4 Serving Wine to Individ,6.,red / white wine,红,/,白葡萄酒,7.,wine house,酒窖,8.,fruity flavor,水果味,9.,cork screw,螺旋开瓶器,10.,let it breathe,醒酒,22,-,6. red / white wine 红/白葡萄酒22-,1.,Have you decided which wine you would like?,您想好要点什么酒了吗?,2.,The sweeter Cabernet Sauvignon would go better with the sauce that comes with the lamb.,稍微甜些的索维农红酒配羊肉汁可能更好。,3.,Did you want to order a white wine with your starter as well?,您想为开胃菜也配一些白葡萄酒吗?,4.,Here is the Chateau Montfort 1999.,这个是,1999,年,Chateau Montfort.,5.,Please taste the wine, sir.,请品尝,先生。,6.,Would you like me to bring the wine now, madam?,夫人,我现在能为您斟酒吗?,23,-,1. Have you decided which wine,


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