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,单击此处编辑母版标题,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,.,*,单击此处编辑母版标题,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,.,*,Through the forest,.,Through the forest.,1,If you want to have a picnic, where will you choose ?,.,If you want to have a picnic,2,take a risk,.,take a risk .,3,Enjoy the story and find out the answer,What was Mrs. Ann doing in the forest?,What happened to her?,What do you think of her?,.,Enjoy the story and find out,4,Repeat: What did Mrs. Anne Sterling do?,Two men had rushed up to her while she was _ at eh edge of a forest with her children.,She _ a forest after two men.,In the _, the strap _ and Mrs. Sterling _ so angry that she _ them.,She was soon _, but she _ to run.,When she _ them, she _ that two men had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she _ them.,having a picnic,ran through,struggle,broke,got,ran after,out of breath,continued,caught up with,saw,ran straight at,.,Repeat: What did Mrs. Anne Ste,5,Mrs Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees.,.,Mrs Anne Sterling did not thin,6,Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. The strap needs mending, said Mrs Sterling later, but they did not steal anything.,.,Mrs Sterling got so angry that,7,New words and expressions,.,New words and expressions.,8,【,New words and expressions,】,forest n.,森林,risk n.,危险,冒险,picnic n.,野餐,edge n.,边缘,strap n.,带,皮带,possession n.,所有,breath n.,呼吸,mend v.,修,contents n.,(常用复数)内有的物品,What happened?,.,【New words and expressions】Wha,9,forest n.,森林,go through a forest,.,forest n. 森林go through a fores,10,中考链接,The young man walked _the forest and came to a big river at last.(,福建漳州,),A. on B. over C. through D. across,解析,选,C,。,across,与,through,都是介词,都有“穿过”的意思,但用法不同。,across,表示从某一物体的表面“穿过”,through,表示从某一物体的空间里“穿过”。,.,中考链接The young man walked _,11,Risk,n.,危险,风险,He saved her life,losing his own.,他冒着生命危险救了她的性命。,v. 1.使遭受危险,冒.的风险+v-ing,1) She,risked losing,her life to save the girl.,risk ones health/fortune/life,at the risk of,.,Risk at the risk of.,12,take the risk,冒险,Are you sure _?,你肯定你想要冒这个风险吗?,take/run the risk of,冒险做,Well_setting out in such weather.,我们准备在这样的天气下冒险出发?,you want to take the risk,take/run the risk of,.,take the risk冒险you want to tak,13,risky adj. 充满冒险的,充满风险的,danger n.危险,adventure n.冒险,dangerous adj.冒险的,adventurous adj.充满危险的,刺激的,.,risky adj. 充满冒险的,充满风险的.,14,picnic n.,野餐,have a picnic,be no picnic,Bringing up a family when you are out of work is no picnic.,有困难、有麻烦,.,picnic n. 野餐have a picnicbe no,15,edge n.,边缘,at the edge of 在的边,The park lies at the edge of the town.,他从悬崖上掉下去了。(cliff),.,edge n. 边缘at the edge of 在,16,give sb. the rough edge of ones tongue,be on edge,.,give sb. the rough edge of one,17,strap n. 带(用皮,布等做成,通常有扣),.,strap n. 带(用皮,布等做成,通常有扣).,18,eg.,我的照相机带子坏了,需要修理。,belt,腰带,裤带;地带;地区,tighten ones belt,系紧腰带,省吃俭用,leash li:,系狗用的带子或绳索,lead,eg. You must keep your dog on a leash in the park.,thong,(用作系物,作鞭子)窄长的皮带,string,细绳,My camera strap broke, it needs mending.,.,eg. 我的照相机带子坏了,需要修理。My camera s,19,possession n. 所有-possess v.-possessor n.,健康的身体是一个人最大的财富。,Good health is persons most valuable possession.,be in ones possession,为,所有,.,possession n. 所有-possess v.-po,20,The clavicord_,for year.,我们家已经拥有这架古钢琴很多年了。,The property_last year.,去年这笔财产落到了我的名下。,How did you_of the document.,你是怎么,得到(拥有),这些文件的?,has been in my familys posession,came into my possession,get possession of,.,The clavicord_,21,breath n.呼吸-breathe bri: v.,take a deep breath,深呼吸,.,breath n.呼吸-breathe bri: v,22,breath n.,呼吸,be out of breath 上气不接下气(lose ones ),hold ones breath 屏住呼吸,catch ones breath (因恐惧震惊等)一时停止呼吸,屏息,waste ones breath 白费口舌,Let me,get my breath back,.,eg. There is not a breath of wind today.,feel a breath of spring,让我踹一口气。,.,breath n. 呼吸让我踹一口气。.,23,More contents!(,口语,),在吃饭时要求再加些饭菜时可以这样说,.,content n.,内容,(,抽象,),content of the text,文章的内容,contents n. (,常用复数,),内有的物品,(,具体的东西,),the contents of,the bag,.,contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品t,24,content kntent adj.满足的, 满意的,甘心的(表语),eg. Are you content with your salary?,eg. Since he has apologized, I am content.,be content to do sth 满足于做, 甘心做,eg. He was content just to sit in front of the television all day.,contented kntentid adj.满意的, 满足的; 知足的(定语),a contented person /cat /smile,a couch potato,常坐沙发上看电视的懒人,.,content kntent adj.满足的, 满意,25,mend v.,修理,1,、,repair,:“修理” 破损、毁坏或发生故障不能正常使用的物体。,When I got home, my brother was repairing his radio.,当我到家的时候,哥哥正在修理收音机。,2,、,mend,:“修理” 一些琐碎的物品。如玩具,要缝补的衣物等。,My kite is broken. Can you mend it?,我的风筝坏了,你能修吗?,3,、,fix,:要重新“调”物体的结构,把部件固定结实,将物体各部分装配。,Please fix a lid on the box.,请给这盒子装上盖子。,.,mend v. 修理1、repair:“修理” 破损、毁坏或,26,Could you show us _ a bike?A. how to mend,B. what to buyC. where to go,D. how many to buy,中考链接,Never too late to mend.,改过不嫌迟。,.,Could you show us _ a,27,【课文讲解】,1,、,Mrs. Anne Sterling did not,think of,the,risk,she,was taking,when she,ran,through a forest,after,two men.,think of,考虑,思考,Have you ever thought of settling down in this town?,run after,追赶;追随;追求,The police are running after a thief.,run behind,在某人后面跑,I ran behind him.,run to,跑向,.,【课文讲解】1、Mrs. Anne Sterling di,28,2,、,They had,rushed up to her,while she was,having a picnic,at the edge of,a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag.,rush up to sb.,迎面冲向某人,up to,可以表示地点、时间等“一直到,”,The child ran up to his mother when he saw her.,He worked up to nine oclock in the evening.,.,2、They had rushed up to her wh,29,4,、,She was soon,out of breath, but she,continued to,run.,out of breath,上气不接下气,喘不上气,Tom ran to the shop to get some salt for his mother. When he reached there, he was quite out of breath.,continued to do sth.,接着做,他继续工作,好像什么也没发生似的。,He continued to work as if nothing had,happened.,.,4、She was soon out of breath,30,3,、,In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag,in their possession,both men started running through the trees.,in ones possession = in the possession of sb.,为某人所拥有,I went out of the book shop with book in my possession.,The house used to be in my possession, but now it is in the possession of an old lady.,.,3、In the struggle, the strap b,31,5,、,When she,caught up with,them, she saw that they had sat down and were,going through,the contents of the bag,so she,ran straight at,them.,catch up with,表示,赶上、追上,强调,从落后状态往前赶,;keep up with,表示,跟上,不落在,的后面,强调,保持同步,。如,:1.,这孩子跟不上妈妈。,The child couldnt_ _ _his mother. 2.,休学一学期后,我必须努力用功,以赶上其他同学。,I had to work hard to _ _ _the others after missing a term.,keep up with,catch up with,.,5、When she caught up with them,32,go through,(仔细地)搜查,在,中搜寻,浏览,翻看,(,速度较快的看,),She went through her bag, but she couldnt find her key.,He has gone through many hardships.,run (straight) at,(,at,强调瞄准,一般与,straight,相连都用,at,),经历,.,go through (仔细地)搜查,在中搜寻,,33,6,、,The strap,needs,mending, said Mrs. Sterling later, but they did not steal anything.,need,作“需要”为讲时,后面接的动名词有被动的含义。,.,6、The strap needs mending, s,34,中考链接,The library needs_, but itll have to wait until Sunday.,A. cleaning,B. be cleaned,C. clean,D. being cleaned,答案:,A. need (,实意,) +n /to do,,,need (,情态,)+ do,,当为被动语态时,还可,need + doing.,本题考最后一种用法,选,A,。如有,to be clean,则也为正确答案。,.,中考链接The library needs_, but,35,考虑,思考,冒。风险,追赶,吃野餐,在。边缘,为,所有,上气不接下气,赶上,追上,翻看,搜查,包里的东西,向。直冲过去,下了一跳,逃走,catch up with,run after,have a picnic,think of,ran way,at the edge of,out of breath,take the risk of,in ones possession,go through,run straight at,the contents of the bag,get a fright,.,考虑,思考catch up with.,36,c 2. b 3.c 4. c 5. c 6. b,7. d 8.a 9. b 10. a 11. b,12. d,Check multiple choice,.,c 2. b 3.c 4. c 5. c 6. b,37,1. is my favourite sport.,2. I often fish for hours without anything.,3.Instead of fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.,4. After spent whole morning on the rive, I always go home with an empty bag.,5.You must give up !,6. Im not really interested in . I am only interested in in a boat and nothing at all.,Review u20,Fishing,catching,catching,having,fishing,fishing,sitting,doing,.,1. is my f,38,热身练习,1. The old men enjoy _ (listen) to the singing of the birds in the park.,2.My sister is interested in _ in her free time.,A. watch TV B. reading books,C. listening music D. plays basketball,3.Let me _(help) you _ (water) the flowers.,4. I saw him _ into the small store. A. went,B. going,C. to go,D. has gone,5.He is good at,_,.,A. singing B. sing C. sings D. to sing,listening,help,to water,.,热身练习1. The old men enjoy _,39,动名词特征与作用,在句子中充当了,主语,或者,宾语,,还可以受,形容词,,,代词,和,名词,的修饰,前面也可以加,冠词,.,动名词特征与作用 在句子中充当了主语或者宾语,还可以受形容,40,1.1,:,作主语,like that,is not polite.,那样谈话不礼貌。,from others,is important .,向别人学习很重要。,Talking,Learning,.,1.1:作主语 like tha,41,练一练,:,_stamps is interesting.,A. Collecting B. Collects C. To collect D. Have collected,2. Suns _ makes earth bright. A. shines B. shining C. to shine D. shined,3. Its a waste of_ apples.,A. packing B. to pack C. packs D. have packed,Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. A,.,练一练:_stamps is intere,42,1.2,作表语,His hobby is stamps.,他的爱好是收集邮票。,His aim is everybody,a good time.,他的目的是大家都玩得愉快,。,collecting,having,.,1.2 作表语His hobby is,43,例题分析,1.The teacher doesnt permit _ (smoke) in class.,smoking,being treated,2. I cant really stand _ (be treated) like that.,.,例题分析1.The teacher doesnt perm,44,1.3,作动词的宾语,动词后加动名词,doing,作宾语,V. + doing sth,enjoy,喜欢,finish,完成,admit,承认,appreciate,赞赏,avoid,避免,suggest,建议,consider,考虑,imagine,想象,.,1.3作动词的宾语动词后加动名词doing作宾语 enjoy,45,常用单词顺口溜:,完成实践值得忙,(finish, practice, be worth ,be busy),继续习惯别放弃,(keep on, be used to, give up),考虑建议不禁想,(consider, suggest, cant help, feel like),喜欢思念要介意,(enjoy, miss, mind),.,常用单词顺口溜:完成实践值得忙.,46,He,admitted,taking,the watch.,他承认拿了手表。,Would you,mind,my,turning,on the radio?,你不介意我开收音机吧?,.,He admitted taking the watch.,47,1.4,作介词的宾语,He is interested,in,singing,songs.,He left the room,without,saying,goodbye to us all.,.,1.4 作介词的宾语He is interested in,48,常见的词组包括:,give,up,depend,on,succeed,in,put,off,devote,to,get used,to,look forward,to,object,to,.,常见的词组包括:give up de,49,我盼望着能收到你的回信,I am looking forward to_ you.,hear from,hearing from,Lets do it together:,.,我盼望着能收到你的回信I am looking forwar,50,1.5,做定语及状语,A.,动名词有时也可以做定语。,No one is allowed to speak aloud in the,reading,room,.,阅览室,里不准大声说话。,A walking stick,拐杖,手杖,A stick for walking,.,1.5 做定语及状语A.动名词有时也可以做定语。A walk,51,B,.,虽然动名词本身不能做状语,但放在介词后面可起状语作用,。,1.,After,getting,up in the morning, he went out for a walk.,(表示什么呢?),(表时间,),.,B .虽然动名词本身不能做状语,但放在介词后面可起状语作用。,52,2.They went out to the front,by,riding,in truck.,3.Jim was praised,for,having,broken a record.,(表方式),(表原因),(表示什么呢?),(表示什么呢?),.,2.They went out to the front b,53,习题演练,1. I often hear people _(say) “_(see) is_(believe)”.,2._(tell) you the truth, I dislike making friends with him.,3. Would you like _(climb) the mountain with me?,4. The girl enjoys _(listen) to light music.,5. We couldnt help _(laugh) after we heard the funny story.,6. What about _(go) out for a walk?,7. Knives are used for _(cut) things.,8. Thank you very much for _(help) us.,9. I saw the boy _(break) the glass,10. _(be) ill, he couldnt go to school.,.,习题演练1. I often hear people _,54,From:,.,From:.,55,


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