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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,I. Expository Essay,II. Comparison and Contrast,III.,Description,IV. Argument,V. Abstract,I. Expository EssayII. Compari,1,An essay is a piece of writing several paragraphs long instead of just one or two paragraphs. It is written about,one topic, just as a paragraph is. However, the topic of an essay is too complex to discuss in one paragraph. Therefore, you must divide the topic into,several paragraphs, one for each major point. Then you must tie all of the separate paragraphs together by adding,an introduction and a conclusion.,I. Expository Essay,An essay is a piece of writing,2,The most common type of essay writing is expository essay or exposition. The purpose of this writing,is to inform or explain,. he writer appeals to the readers understanding with provable facts and well-based information, and explains the material so that the reader will,accept his point of view,. Exposition is used to explain anything difficult to understand, for example, the explanation of a natural law, a scientific discovery, an invention, or a solution to a problem.,I. Expository Essay,The most common type of e,3,An expository essay has three main parts:,(1)An introductory paragraph,(2)A body (at least one, but usually two or more paragraphs),(3) A concluding paragraph,I. Expository Essay,An expository essay has three,4,The introductory paragraph,consists of two parts:,a few general statements,about your subject to attract your readers attention and a thesis statement to state the specific subdivisions of your topic and/or the “plan” of your paper.,A thesis statement,for an essay is just like a topic sentence for a paragraph: It names the specific topic and the controlling ideas or major subdivisions of the topic.,I. Expository Essay,The introductory paragraph co,5,The body,consists of,one or more paragraphs,. Each paragraph develops a subdivision of your topic, so the number of paragraphs in the body will vary with the number of subdivisions or subtopics. The body is the longest part of the essay and can contain as many paragraphs as necessary to support the controlling ideas of your thesis statement. You can organize the paragraphs in an essay just as you organize the ideas in a paragraph, by,chronological order,logica,l,division of ideas, comparison and contrast, etc.,I. Expository Essay,The body consists of one or m,6,The conclusion,in an essay, like,the concluding sentence,in a paragraph, is a summary or review of the main points discussed in the body.,I. Expository Essay,The conclusion in an essay, li,7,The only additional element in an essay is the,linking expressions,between the paragraphs of the body. These are just like transitions within a paragraph. You use transitions within a paragraph to connect the ideas between two sentences.,Similarly, you use transitions between paragraphs to connect the ideas between them.,I. Expository Essay,The only additional element i,8,Paragraph,Essay,I. Expository Essay,Topic Sentence,A. Support,B. Support,C. Support,Concluding Sentence,I. Introduction,II. Body,III. Conclusion,General Statement,Thesis Statement,A. Topic Sentence 1. Support,B. Topic Sentence 1. Support,C. Topic Sentence 1. Support,Restatement or summary;,final comment,ParagraphEssayI. Expository Es,9,1. The introductory paragraph,All writers (even professionals) complain that the most difficult part of writing is getting started. Getting started, or writing an introductory paragraph, can be easy if you remember that an introduction has four purposes:,*,It introduces the topic of the essay,*,It gives a general background of the topic,*,It often indicates the overall “plan” of the essay,*,It should arouse the readers interest in the topic,I. Expository Essay,1. The introductory paragraphA,10,The introduction has two parts:,General Statements,A Thesis Statement,I. Expository Essay,The introduction has two parts,11,Notice the two parts of the introductory paragraph in the following model.,Any person who has lived in the twentieth century has seen a lot of changes take place in almost all areas of human existence.,Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others want to return to the simpler life-style of the past.,The twentieth century has certain advantages such as higher standard of living for many, but it also has some disadvantages such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the weakening of spiritual values.,I. Expository Essay,Notice the two parts of the i,12,1-1 General Statement,The first sentence in an introductory paragraph should be a very general statement about the subject. Its purpose is to attract the readers attention and to give background information on the topic. Each subsequent sentence should become more specific than the previous one and finally lead into the thesis statement.,Introduce the topic of the essay,Give background information on the topic,I. Expository Essay,1-1 General StatementI. Exposi,13,1-2 Thesis Statement,The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction. It states the specific topic and often lists the major subtopics that will be discussed in the body of the essay. Furthermore, it may indicate the method of organization such a chronological order or order of importance.,I. Expository Essay,1-2 Thesis StatementI. Exposit,14,1.States the main topic,2.Often lists the subdivisions of the topic or subtopics,3.,May indicate the method of organization of the entire paper,4.Is usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph,The thesis statement:,I. Expository Essay,1.States the main topic The th,15,Here are three examples of thesis statements with no subtopics mentioned:,Being the oldest son has more disadvantages than advantages.,Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the United States.,The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major effects on cities.,I. Expository Essay,Here are three examples of the,16,In the following thesis statement, the subtopics are named:,The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major effects on a citys ability to provide housing, employment, and adequate sanitation services.,I. Expository Essay,In the following thesis statem,17,When listing two or more subtopics in a thesis statement, a colon (:) is often useful:,Prejudice arises from three basic causes: childhood conditioning, ignorance, and fear.,I. Expository Essay,When listing two or more subto,18,Correlative conjunctions,(bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor, eitheror),are also useful in thesis statements listing two subtopics:,Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the United States,not only,in,their choice of life-style,but also,in,their choice of careers.,Children need,both,love,and,discipline to become responsible citizens.,I. Expository Essay,Correlative conjunctions (bot,19,To sum up, an introductory paragraph is like a funnel: very wide at the top; increasingly narrow in the middle, and very small at the neck or bottom.,General Statement,These Statement,I. Expository Essay,To sum up, an introductory par,20,2. The Essay Body,Because an essay is longer and more complex than a paragraph, it is even more important to organize your thoughts and to plan the body of your essay before you begin to write. The best way to do this is to make an outline.,The principles and techniques that you have learned for paragraph outlining can be applied to essays. The number/letter system for a formal outline is illustrated in the model outline that follows.,I. Expository Essay,2. The Essay BodyI. Expository,21,Notice that subtopics that form the body of the essay are indented to the right. As you move to the right, the ideas become more and more specific.,Study the following model outline for an essay on modern technology. In this outline, the introduction contains only the thesis statement, and the conclusion is abbreviated. The body of the essay, however, is developed in detail.,I. Expository Essay,Notice that subtopics that,22,3. The Concluding Paragraph,Study the following concluding paragraph for the previous introductory paragraph:,Is the concluding paragraph a summary of the main points of the essay?,Is it a paraphrase of the thesis statement?,Is there a final message for the reader?,I. Expository Essay,3. The Concluding ParagraphI.,23,The Concluding Paragraph:,In short, although the twentieth century had indeed given some of us a lot of advantages by making us richer, healthier, and freer to enjoy our lives, it has, in my opinion, not made us wiser. The twentieth century has also made our earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spiritual lives poorer. We wish to continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancement because they free us to pursue our other interests and goals.,However, we must make a concerted(joint) effort to preserve our natural environment for future generations.,Moreover, we should take the time now to make our lives more meaningful in our increasingly impersonal, mechanized world.,I. Expository Essay,The Concluding Paragraph:I. Ex,24,3-2 Elements of the Concluding Paragraph,The final paragraph in an essay is the conclusion, which tells the reader that you have completed an essay,. First, you write a summary of the main points discussed in the the body of the essay or rewrite the thesis statement in different words. Then you add your final comments on the subjectfood for thought (something to think about). Take this opportunity to make a strong, effective message that the reader will remember.,I. Expository Essay,3-2 Elements of the Concluding,25,The concluding paragraph consists of,A summary of the main points, or a restatement of your thesis in different words.,Your final comment on the subject, based,on the information you have provided.,(Be sure to introduce the concluding paragraph with a conclusion transition signal.),I. Expository Essay,The concluding paragraph consi,26,4. Transition Signals between Paragraphs,Transition signals are important not only within paragraphs but also between paragraphs. If you write two or more paragraphs, you need to show the relationship between your first and second paragraph, between your second and third paragraph, and so on.,Think of transitions between paragraphs as the links of a chain. The links of a chain connect the chain; they hold it together. Similarly, a transition signal between two paragraphs links your ideas together.,I. Expository Essay,4. Transition Signals between,27,Two paragraphs are linked by adding a transition signal to the topic sentence of the second paragraph. This transition signal may be a single word, a phrase, or a dependent clause that repeats or summarizes the main idea in the first paragraph.,Study the following model, and notice how the paragraphs are linked by a single word, a phrase, or a clause.,I. Expository Essay,Two paragraphs are linke,28,Model Paragraph Transitions,Aggressive Drivers,Introductory Paragraph,The number of vehicles on freeways and streets is increasing at an alarming rate. This influx of motor vehicles is creating hazardous conditions. Moreover, drivers,are in such a rush to get to their,destinations that many become angry or impatient with other motorists who are,too slow or who are in their way.,Aggressive drivers react foolishly toward others in several dangerous ways.,I. Expository Essay,Model Paragraph Transitions A,29,Transition Words,One way an angry driver may react is to,cut off another motorist. ( + supporting sentences) -,-,Transition Words,Another way is to tailgate(drive closely behind) the other car. (+supporting sentences) -,-,Body Paragraph 1,Body Paragraph 2,I. Expository Essay,Transition Words,30,Body Paragraph 3,Body Paragraph 4,Transition Phrase,In addition to cutting off and tailgating,other cars, aggressive drivers often use rude language or gestures to show their anger. (+ supporting sentences)-,Transition Clause,Although law enforcement authorities warn motorists against aggressive driving, the number who act out their angry impulses has not declined. (supporting sentences)-,I. Expository Essay,Body Paragraph 3Body Paragraph,31,Concluding Paragraph,To conclude, aggressive drivers are,endangering everyone because they create,hazardous conditions by acting and,driving foolishly. They should control,their anger and learn to drive safely. After,all, the lives they save could be their own.,I. Expository Essay,Concluding Paragraph To conclu,32,1. Basic Sentence Patterns for Comparison and Contrast,Sentence Patterns for Comparison:,(1) the same.as/the same as.,A has the same weight as B.,A weighs the same as B.,(2) as.as,A is as large as B.,(3) to be similar to.in.,A is similar to B in size.,(4) in common,A and B have the height in common.,II. Comparison and Contrast,1. Basic Sentence Patterns for,33,Sentence Patterns for Contrast:,(1) comparative + than,A is more/less expensive than B.,(2) to be different from/to differ from,B is different from A in price.,B differs from A in volume.,Sentence Pattern for Comparison of More Than Two Things:,the + superlative + range of comparison,C is the lightest of the three.,She is the best student in the class.,II. Comparison and Contrast,Sentence Patterns for Contrast,34,2. Qualification of Comparison,In comparison, certain adverbs and adverbial phrases can be added to the above patterns for the degree of comparison.,II. Comparison and Contrast,2. Qualification of Comparison,35,Examples,1) A is,considerably/much/a lot/somewhat/a bit/a little/slightly/ hardly/ only just,smaller than B.,(2) A is,exactly/precisely/just/practically/more or less/almost/nearly/approximately/about,the same as B.,(3) A is,not exactly/entirely/quite,the same as B.,(4) A is,not quite,as/so big as B.,(5) A is,totally/completely/entirely/quite,different from B.,(6) A and B are different,in every way/in every respect.,(7) A and B are,totally/completely/entirely/quite,different.,II. Comparison and Contrast,ExamplesII. Comparison and Con,36,Organization for Comparison and Contrast Order,Make a sentence-by-sentence comparison of the features in any order that seems appropriate for the topic.,Block Organization,Discuss all of the similarities in one block( which can be one or more paragraphs), and all of the differences in another block (which can be one or more paragraphs).,Point-by-point Organization,II. Comparison and Contrast,Organization for Comparison an,37,Model Outline,(,Block Organization,),Thesis Statement,One way to decide between two job offers is to evaluate what the,similarities and differences,are before making a decision.,I. The salary and fringe benefits of Job X and Job Y are almost the same.,A. Salary (Job X and Job Y),B. Fringe benefits (Job X and Job Y),II. Comparison and Contrast,Model Outline (Block Organizat,38,II. Although the salary and fringe benefits are equal, there are big differences in the areas of workplace atmosphere and opportunity for advancement.,A. Workplace atmosphere,1. Job X,2. Job Y,B. Opportunity for advancement,1. Job X,2.Job Y,Conclusion,II. Comparison and Contrast,II. Although the salary and fr,39,Model Outline,(Point-by-point Organization),Thesis Statement,One way to decide between two job offers is to make a point-by-point comparison of their features.,I. The salaries of Job X and Job Y are approximately equal.,A. Job Xs salary,B. Job Ys salary,II. Job X offers the same fringe benefits as Job Y.,A. Job Xs fringe benefits,B. Job Ys fringe benefits,II. Comparison and Contrast,Model Outline (Point-by-point,40,III. In contrast to Job Y, Job X offers good opportunities for advancement.,A. Job Xs opportunities for advancement,B. Job Ys opportunities for advancement,IV. Unlike the high-pressure and competitive atmosphere at Company X, the atmosphere at Company Y seems congenial and supportive.,A. Atmosphere at Company X,B. Atmosphere at Company Y,Conclusion,II. Comparison and Contrast,III. In contrast to Job Y, Job,41,1. You could discuss the,differences,first and the,similarities,last. It is more usual, however, to discuss,similarities,first.,2. With both types of organization, as you discuss each feature of Job Y,refer back to the same feature of Job X,and use comparison and contrast structure vocabulary to show whether they are,the same or different,.,In other words, it is not sufficient simply to describe each job or each feature; you,must constantly refer back and forth to make the similarities and differences clear.,II. Comparison and Contrast,1. You could discuss the diffe,42,Description is a mental process; it is a way of picturing images verbally in speech or writing and of arranging those images in logical or associational pattern. In academic writing, descriptions help readers understand easily and clearly what an object, place, or mechanism looks like or how it works. The basic writing techniques used in writing descriptions are definition, static description and,process description.,1. Definition,A definition is usually necessary at the beginning of a description.,III. Description,Description is a mental,43,a precise, rigidly structured, logical construct.,term to be defined,word of,general class,distinguishing,characteristic,+,a tape-recorder is a machine which records sound,=,III. Description,a precise, rigidly structured,44,Sometimes a phrase or sentence is not enough to give a detailed explanation of a technical term. In this case, an expanded definition, a definition with more than one sentence, is required. This kind of definitions may be expanded with descriptions.,A telescope is an instrument for magnifying distant objects. It has two essential parts: the objective that collects light from the distant object and forms a real image, and the eyepiece that forms a magnified image of this image. Refracting telescopes use a convex lens as the objective and reflecting telescopes use a curved mirror of large diameter.,III. Description,Sometimes a phrase or sent,45,2.Static Description,Sometimes we need to describe the appearance or layout or structure of something, such as a camera, a computer or a refrigerator. We refer to this kind of description as static description. When describing such things a number of features have to be mentioned:,what kind of thing it is; how many parts it consists of; and how they are connected to each other.,III. Description,2.Static DescriptionIII. Descr,46,3.Process Description,A process is a series of actions, changes, functions, steps, stages, procedures, or operations that bring about a particular end or result. A process suggests on-going movement and continuous action. In academic writing, there are,two,common kinds of process descriptions:,how something works,and,how to do something,.,III. Description,3.Process DescriptionIII. Desc,47,bear in mind,describe the working principles and the process,not how to operate,you should,begin with a proper starting point,be careful not to miss any important steps,3-1 Describing How Something Works,III. Description,bear in mind describe the wor,48,3-2 Description How to Do Something,Instructional or operational description,arrange the information so that the process can be clearly understood and easily followed,move forward in a logical, step-by-step sequence,use transition signals,III. Description,3-2 Description How to Do Some,49,an argument,a set of statements in support of an opinion or proposed course of action,the


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