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36,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,IDC DISK STORAGE SYSTEMS AND STORAGE SOFTWARE MARKET SHARE,Q4 2019 and CY 2019 Results,IDC DISK STORAGE SYSTEMS AND S,Q4 2019,Summary of EMC Rankings,#1 In External Storage,#1 In External RAID,#1 In Networked Storage,#1 In Open SAN,#1 In NAS,#2 In Iscsi,#1 In UNIX External RAID,#1 In Windows External RAID,#1 In Linux External RAID,#2 In OS/390 External RAID,#1 In Storage Software,#1 In Storage Replication Software,#1 In Storage Infrastructure Software,#1 In Storage And Device Management Software,#3 In Data Protection And Recovery Software,#4 In Archiving And HSM Software,Storage Hardware,Storage Software,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Q4 2019 Summary of EMC Ranking,Disk Storage Systems (Hardware) Market Share,Source:,IDC, “Q4 2019 Worldwide Disk Storage Systems Quarterly Tracker,” Published March 2019,Notes:,IDC Attributes OEM Revenue To The OEM, Meaning EMC Does Not Receive Share Credit For EMC Product Revenue Generated Through Dell Or Other Oems,IDC Excludes Connectrix Revenue From Its Disk Storage Systems Estimates,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Disk Storage Systems (Hardware,Worldwide External Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 29.4% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Total Revenue:,$6,556M,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.8%,Huawei0.6%,NEC,0.4%,Other,Suppliers,12.0%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide External StorageEMC,Worldwide External Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 28.5% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$23,495M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.4%,Huawei0.6%,NEC,0.6%,Other,Suppliers,12.1%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide External StorageEMC,Worldwide External RAID Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 30.6% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$6,296M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.9%,Huawei0.7%,NEC,0.4%,Other,Suppliers,11.3%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide External RAID Storag,Worldwide External RAID Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 29.6% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$22,606M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.5%,Huawei0.6%,NEC,0.7%,Other,Suppliers,11.4%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide External RAID Storag,Worldwide Networked Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 32.6% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$5,612M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.5%,Huawei0.7%,NEC,0.3%,Other,Suppliers,9.1%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Networked StorageEMC,Worldwide Networked Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 31.9% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$20,097M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.0%,Huawei0.6%,NEC,0.5%,Other,Suppliers,9.1%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Networked StorageEMC,Worldwide Open SAN Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 26.7% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$4,112M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.9%,Huawei0.8%,NEC,0.3%,Other,Suppliers,8.7%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Open SAN StorageEMC,Worldwide Open SAN Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 26.1% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$14,508M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.4%,Huawei0.8%,NEC,0.6%,Other,Suppliers,8.7%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Open SAN StorageEMC,Worldwide iSCSI SAN Storage,EMC Ranked #2 With 20.4% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$854M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,0.8%,Huawei1.6%,NEC,0.1%,Other,Suppliers,14.8%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide iSCSI SAN StorageEMC,Worldwide iSCSI SAN Storage,EMC Ranked #2 With 18.5% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$3,049M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,0.7%,Huawei1.5%,NEC,0.2%,Other,Suppliers,14.8%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide iSCSI SAN StorageEMC,Worldwide NAS Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 48.8% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$1,501M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,0.6%,Huawei0.5%,NEC,0.1%,Other,Suppliers,10.1%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide NAS StorageEMC Ranke,Worldwide NAS Storage,EMC Ranked #1 With 46.9% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$5,589M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,0.9%,Huawei0.3%,NEC,0.1%,Other,Suppliers,10.1%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide NAS StorageEMC Ranke,Worldwide Unix External RAID,EMC Ranked #1 With 29.3% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$2,033M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.0%,Huawei0.2%,NEC,0.2%,Other,Suppliers,8.0%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Unix External RAIDEM,Worldwide Unix External RAID,EMC Ranked #1 With 30.8% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$7,545M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.9%,Huawei0.2%,NEC,0.3%,Other,Suppliers,7.9%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Unix External RAIDEM,Worldwide Windows External RAID,EMC Ranked #1 With 32.6% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$3,325M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.4%,Huawei0.9%,NEC,0.3%,Other,Suppliers,12.4%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Windows External RAI,Worldwide Windows External RAID,EMC Ranked #1 With 30.4% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$11,801M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.6%,Huawei0.8%,NEC,0.6%,Other,Suppliers,12.5%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Windows External RAI,Worldwide Linux External RAID,EMC Ranked #1 With 27.6% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$546M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,1.9%,Huawei1.2%,NEC,0.3%,Other,Suppliers,21.5%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Linux External RAIDE,Worldwide Linux External RAID,EMC Ranked #1 With 25.4% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$1,961M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,Others,Market Share,Fujitsu,2.3%,Huawei1.0%,NEC,0.6%,Other,Suppliers,22.4%,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Linux External RAIDE,Worldwide OS/390 External RAID,EMC Ranked #2 With 25.4% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$274M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide OS/390 External RAID,Worldwide OS/390 External RAID,EMC Ranked #2 With 25.1% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$827M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide OS/390 External RAID,Storage Software Market Share,Source:,IDC, “Q4 2019 Worldwide Quarterly Storage Software Qview,” Published March 2019,Notes:,IDC Includes Both New-license Revenue And Maintenance Revenue In Their Revenue Estimates,Revenues Include Hosting Services Only If A Vendor Delivers Them Using Proprietary Software,OEM Revenues Are Not Attributed To The Reseller, But To The Original Owner Of The Intellectual Property,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Storage Software Market ShareS,Worldwide,Storage Software Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 25.7% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$3,790M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Storage Software Mar,Worldwide,Storage Software Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 24.6% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$14,156M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Storage Software Mar,Worldwide,Data Protection and Recovery Software Market,EMC Ranked #3 With 15.2% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$1,327M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Data Protection and,Worldwide,Data Protection and Recovery Software Market,EMC Ranked #3 With 13.3% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$4,915M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Data Protection and,Worldwide,Archiving and HSM Software Market,EMC Ranked #4 With 7.3% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$446M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Archiving and HSM So,Worldwide,Archiving,and HSM Software Market,EMC Ranked #4 With 5.8% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$1,687M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Archiving and HSM So,Worldwide,Replication Software Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 31.9% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$756M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Replication Software,Worldwide,Replication Software,Market,EMC Ranked #2 With 31.4% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$2,810M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Replication Software,Worldwide,Storage Infrastructure Software Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 45.0% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$376M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Storage Infrastructu,Worldwide,Storage Infrastructure Software,Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 41.6% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$1,398M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Storage Infrastructu,Worldwide,Storage and Device Management Software Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 46.6% Share,Q4 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$702M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Storage and Device M,Worldwide,Storage and Device Management Software,Market,EMC Ranked #1 With 49.2% Share,CY 2019 Revenue Market Share,Total Revenue:,$2,559M,Source:,IDC, March 2019,EMC Confidential (Internal,and Partner Use),Worldwide Storage and Device 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