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(literary works),More (advertising),If you leave “,Managing Money”,alone,Money will manage to leave,you,alone.,What can be imagined can be realized.,We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty.,The tradesman, the attorney,comes out of the din(喧嚣) and craft(算计) of the street,and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again,商人和律师,走出纷扰的市街,搁下处世的机心,,抬头看见天空树木,就会觉他的人性又恢复了.,Some people wear trendy clothes to attract attention. Others drive flashy cars. A glass of Cutty Sark wont turn any heads. But if you insist on creating a stir, you can always ask the bartender for one of them. ( advertising texts),Crash joins short list of Oscar upsets . ( “Crash”film: news headline),Chinese Cooks: masters at turning turnip into flower. (News headline),He described the claim in alliterative fashion as a composite of “fantasy, fallacy, and fiction”. (Alliteration-rhetoric),他以头韵的方式来,形容,这种要求-即,集“ 荒唐,荒谬,谎言,”,/,“虚幻,虚妄,虚构”,于一体,。,more,Thousands of people,flocked,to the hospital to pay their respects to,the,remains,of the great film star.,成千上万的人涌进医院,瞻仰这位伟大的影星的,遗容,。,His daughter is rather,weak in the head,.,More,Everyone has his inherent capacity, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.,每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨.,More,Grain sale expected to fall at,Euromart,Southwest passengers find love in an empty seat,More,With his go-it-alone approach on Iraq, President Bush is flouting Congress and the public, so angering lawmakers that some consider impeachment over his war policy an option, a senator from Bushs own party said Sunday,From set time to anytime. From one place to a million places.,不再有时,空,的界限。,More examples,In an interview with radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh Wednesday, Bush said China should become a society in which therere consumers. Because now theyre a society of too many savers. (news report),Very often Asian exports are accompanied by the oddest written instructions. Unfortunately, when shoddy English reaches the customer, he may judge the product to be shoddy too. (advertising slogan),Section 2 Render the following sentences into English,胡布会三大焦点,分析,希望美共同反对和遏制台独,Key Issues With Hu-Bush Summit, Taiwan High on the list,Taiwan issues expected to top Hu-Bush talks,Taiwan Issues to,央行调整六项外汇管理政策 个人购汇限额提高,China Relaxes Forex Control,地方误解政策GDP增长目标过高 发改委急令减速,NDRC: Local GDP targets too high,宏观调控初步遏制经济过热势头。(News headline),Macro control slows down growth,客观现实世界的变化,,永远没有完结,。我们在实践中对于真理的认识也,永远没有完结。,- 毛泽东,The changing movement of the objective world will never end;,neither,will our knowledge of truth in our practice.,一个地方有一个地方的,全局,。一个国家有一个国家的,全局,。一个地球有一个地球的,全局,。,A locality has its own,overall interests, a nation has,another,and the earth yet,another.,中国人民历来是,勇于,探索、,勇于,创造、,勇于,革命的。,The people of China have always been,courageous,enough to probe into things, to make inventions, and to make revolutions.,顾,主满意的服务,客,观合理的价格,至,为可靠的质量,上,乘效率的交货 (advertising slogans),胡锦涛同布什会谈:我们绝不容忍“台独” (news headline),地方误解政策GDP增长目标过高 发改委急令减速.,于是,暮色匆匆地人群里,总有我赶路的身影, 雨,里,,雾,里,,风,里,,雪,里,。只盼着早些回家。 (云飞扬恋家),上海的许多大公司都专门设有售后服务中心,接受维修业务,处理各户投诉,目的在于,与国际接轨,。,to be geared to international,conventions,合同制将工人,推向市场,,从根本上斩断了根深蒂固的传统劳动制度。,pushed the workers into the market,competition,More examples,超女、好男儿、梦想中国我发了好多短信为支持的选手投票.,10月28日,北京推出男同性恋门诊,为在京居住生活的男同性恋人群开展为期一年的性病、艾滋病免费检测及性病免费治疗。,More,生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江,Business booms far and near, profits net there and here.,汲取生物精华,焕发生命潜能。(太阳神广告),Essence of living beings/Energy for life,国务院常务会议部署扩大内需促进经济增长的措施,New measures unveiled to spur growth (标题),国务院总理温家宝12日主持召开国务院常务会议。为落实中央关于扩大内需,促进经济平稳较快增长的决策部署,会议研究决定四项实施措施。 (报道),An executive meeting, presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, approved projects designed to help boost domestic demand.,Part III Paragraph Translation (20%),Section 1 E-C,Section 2 C-E,E-C,The mission of the Special Olympics (lecture 8),Johnsons Letter to Chesterfield,Glories of the storm,Saggy pants,Ugly is only skin deep,Obamas speech,I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew hands,C-E,一个女人就是这样衰老的,专八考题翻译段落部分,谢司长致辞,陈良宇社保案,我国将于本月底实行新住房政策,我国首颗直播通信卫星“鑫诺二号”发射成功 (L 11),About our Final Test,Questions?,Have a great day,结束语,谢谢大家聆听!,51,


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