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Remember not to put into the cross knife and fork, Westerners are taboo,tbu:,将刀叉并排放于盘中,表示该菜已食用完可撤盘。切记不可将刀叉摆成十字形,西方人很忌讳,If at a formal Western dinner knife and fork should start with access to the outside to the inside, as applicable,plikbl,on the order of the dishes.,如出席正式的西餐宴会,使用刀叉应先从外侧往内侧取用,以适用按顺序所上的菜品。,imins,sen,wine-tasting,西餐品红酒的正确方法是将酒杯倾斜,慢慢将酒送入口中,小口细细品味。,Western goods is the proper way to wine glass tilted, the wine slowly into the mouth, small mouth savor.,eat soup,吃西餐饮用汤时首先要注意汤勺应从内向外舀喝。喝汤时闭嘴咀嚼,不要发出声响。,Western food first thing to note when drinking soup spoon to scoop the inside out from drinking. Shut up and chew the soup, do not make noise,wine wan,taste test,不,Coffee,black tea,要用咖啡匙舀着一匙一匙地喝,应将咖啡匙取出再饮用,而且要一小口一小口地品,Use a spoonful of coffee spoons with a spoonful of drinking, coffee spoon should be removed to drink, but also to a small place products and a small mouth,kfi,6、去西餐厅应注意一下的问题,1、去高档的西餐厅,男士要穿整洁,To high-end restaurant, the men wear clean .,2、女士要穿晚礼服或套装和有跟的鞋子,Ladies wear evening dress or a suit and heels hi:lz.,3、上高档的西餐厅不能穿牛仔裤,On the high-end restaurant can not wear jeans di:nz .,4、西餐中酒的种类有:餐前酒、餐中酒、餐后酒。 Western types of wine are: aperitif ,periti:, meal wine, dinner wine.,5、先生们喝的餐前酒一般是马丁尼(Martini)而女士一般喝雪莉酒(Sherry),这是一种非常清淡的白葡萄酒。,Gentlemen drink aperitif generally Martini m:ti:ni while women generally drink sherryeri , this is a very light white wine.,Western food culture 西餐饮食文化,Classification of western 西餐的分类,(,1)按照国家的不同分类分:,Western food in the first 西菜之首法式大餐,Both simple and etiquette 简洁与礼仪并重英式西餐,Western food ancestor 西菜祖始意式,Nutrition fast 营养快捷美式菜肴,Western food classic 西菜经典俄式,Beer buffet 啤酒、自助德式菜肴,klsifikein,etiket,nsest,nju:trin,klsik,French delicacies,British meal,An Italian dinner,American cuisine,Russian meal,German type dinner,(,2)按照每天用餐的不同时段:,A、dinner 正餐(午餐、晚餐),B 、 breakfast早餐,C、 bruch 早午餐,D、 afternoon tea 下午茶,F、 dot,dt,小点,(,3)按照制作正式与否分:,A、home cooking 家常菜,B、fast food 快餐,C、restaurant menu 餐厅菜,吃西餐应讲究以下,6个“M”,meau,吃西餐应讲究以下,6个“M,”,Meal,Manner,Meeting,Mood,Music,Menu,mu:d,Menu(菜谱),menju,menju,Music (音乐),Mood (气氛),Meeting (会面),Manner (礼节),Meal (食品),mil,Western serving order 西餐上菜顺序,(1)头盆(Appetizers),(2)汤(Soup),(3)色拉(Salads),(4)主菜(Main Course),(5)奶酪(Cheese)、甜点,(dessert,dzt,),(6)咖啡或茶。,(coffee,kfi,or tea),pitaizs,k:s,The content of western-style breakfast西式早餐的内容,(1)英式早餐(English breakfast),Coffee, tea or cocoa; fruit juice, tomato juice or vegetable juice; all kinds of bread; butter, jam,dm,honey; cold or hot cereal, eggs and fish; meats such as sausage,ssid, bacon and so on. 咖啡、茶或可可;果汁、蕃茄汁或蔬菜汁;各式面包;黄油、果酱、蜂蜜;冷或热的谷物食品,鸡蛋及鱼类;肉类如香肠、熏肉等。,(2)欧陆式早餐(,continental breakfast),Content is simple, no eggs ,no meat. Including: coffee, tea or cocoa; fruit juice, tomato juice or vegetable juice; bread, croissants or buns (one); butter, jam (limited).,内容简单,无蛋无肉。包括:咖啡、茶或可可;果汁、蕃茄汁或蔬菜汁;面包、牛角面包或小圆面包(其中一种);黄油、果酱(限量)。,kntent,siril,beikn,kntinentl,krw:s,bnz,rare 三分熟,Medium rare 四分熟,medium 五分熟,Medium well 七分熟,well done 全熟,几分熟,r,mi:dim,这是菜单,请您看看,Here is menu, please,.,你们有套餐吗?,Do you have table dhote,Dialogue,G:Guest,W:Waitress,W,:,早上好,请问您现在要点餐吗?,Good evening. Would you like to order now?,G,:Yes, Id like to start with shrimp cocktail虾尾小菜(虾仁杯), then the veal,vi:l,cutlet,ktlit,(炸小牛排), Ill have a vanilla,vnil,ice-cream for dessert, and some coffee with cream.,W:,很抱歉,今天的炸小牛排还没开始销售,但我们拥有的腰眼牛排,很好吃的。你想要试试它吗,先生?,Im sorry, the veal cutlet is not being served today, but we have sirloin,s:lin,steak(腰眼牛排), its very delicious. Would you like to try it, sir?,rimp,kk,teil,G:,That sounds like a good idea, Ill have a sirloin steak,W:,请问要怎样做这牛排?,How do you like your steak done, sir?,G:,Rare, please,W:,OK,G:,Please bring me two slices of bread and butter with the soup.,W,:,好的,先生。请问您需要饮料吗?,Yes, sir. What would you like to drink?,G:,I want to Lichi juice,slais, li:ti:,常用英语句型,一、 询问是否可以开始点菜,1、Here is the menu / wine list / dessert menu, sir,The waiter will be here to take your order.,2、Please take your time, Ill be back to take your order,.,请慢慢选择,我一会儿来为您点菜。,3、Excuse me, sir. May I take your order now?,4、Are you ready to order, sir?,5、Are you ready to order or you need another minute?,二、 关心客人的饮食禁忌、喜好及特殊需要,1、Would you like to have table dhote, or a la carte?,您选择套餐还是零点呢?,2、We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes, which would you prefer?,我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种?,3、Are you allergic,l:dik,to any particular,ptikjul,food, sir?,先生,请问您对某些食物过敏吗,?,4 Are you on a special diet?,您对饮食有什么特别的要求吗?,5、Would you like your crabs,krbz,steamed,sti:md,or fried with ginger and,spring onion?,您要的红蟹是清蒸还是姜葱炒?,dind,三、 解释菜品,1、Its crisp / tasty / tender / clear / strong / spicy / aromatic.,它很酥脆,/可口/鲜嫩/清淡/浓烈/辣/香味扑鼻。,2、It looks good, smells good and tastes good.,这道菜色、香、味俱全。,3、Its a well-known delicacy in Chinese cuisine.,它是中国菜的一道有名的佳肴,。,4、The stewed mutton is stewed in wine with carrot, onion,炖羊肉是用葡萄酒炖的,还配有萝卜和洋葱。,5、Have you tried fried garoupa with mayonnaise sauce? Its our chefs,special.,您尝过红斑鱼配蛋黄酱吗?这是我们的名厨制作。,rumtik,deliksi,kwizi:n,stju:d,krt,meineiz,ef,House Specialty 招牌菜,Bacon 熏肉,French fries 炸薯条,cocktail,kk,teil,开胃菜,cream 奶油,Salad 色拉,salmon,smn,三文鱼,Sausage,ssid,香肠,be sold out 卖完,table dhote 套餐,take order 写单,take your time 满满来,Words,Western restaurant wine culture,The origin and development of wine,酒的起源和发展,1、brewing wine 酿造酒,(1)Red wine 葡萄酒,(2)beer wine 啤酒,(3)sake,seik,日本清酒,ridin,bru:i,2、Distilled蒸馏酒,(1)白兰地Brandy,(2)威士忌whsiky,(3)伏特加wodka,(4)金酒 gin,din,(5)老姆酒 old rum,rm,(6)特奇拉酒 tequila wine,distild,【tki:l】,Which kind of Cocktail would you like?,Screwdriver,Tequila Sunrise,apple Martini,(伏特加+橙子),特奎拉酒,橙汁和一种好喝的红色糖浆混合而成。,(青苹果马丁尼酒),kk,teil,skru:,draiv,【tki:l】,snraiz,The types of western food, wine,Aperitif wine 餐前酒,About 30 minutes before eat, drinking aperitif wine drinking in the sitting room, most main purpose,p:ps,was to appetizing,pitaizi,大约在餐前,30分钟左右时饮用,餐前酒大多在客厅里饮用,主要目的是为了开胃,periti:,Meal wine,餐中酒,At the diner process,pruses, specifically,spisifikli,as the main dish and drinking, red wine and white wine with the points, mean wine,在用餐过程中饮用,专门为主菜而配,有红酒和白酒之分,指的都是葡萄酒,Postprandial wine,餐后酒,General postprandial wine is in a cup of brandy, body squat,skwt,and cup foot short cup to drink. Postprandial wine can use palm,p:m,temperature,temprit,cup, this glass of wine is more can send out a mellow,melu,flavor.,一般的餐后酒是白兰地,用一种杯身矮胖而杯脚短小的酒杯喝。餐后酒可以用手心温杯,这样杯中的酒就更能散发出香醇的味道。,pustprndil,


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