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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Employee Fire Prevention And Fire Extinguisher Training,员工防火和灭火器使用培训,SECCO PRODUCTION TECHNICAL TRAINING TEAM,SECCO,生产技术培训组,1,重大特大火灾案例,1994,年,12,月,8,日下午,新疆克拉玛依市、新疆石油管理局为迎接自治区教委工作检查,在克拉玛依市友谊馆由克拉玛依市教委组织现场文艺汇报演出,由于光柱灯烤燃纱幕而引起火灾,当时七个安全出口仅有一个打开,造成,325,人死亡、,130,人受伤、经济损失,211,万元,其中,280,多名中小学生死亡。,1994,年,11,月,27,日下午,1,时,30,分,辽宁省阜新市面积,200,多平方米的艺苑歌舞厅营业时由于一,17,岁男青年点烟后将燃烧的报纸随手扔到沙发座下,造成特大火灾,死亡,233,人、烧伤,20,人。,1995,年,12,月,8,日晚,21,时,40,分,广东省广州市装修豪华的“广涛阁芬兰浴”大楼发生火灾,烧死,18,人,经济损失,145,万元。,1993,年,8,月,12,日,22,时左右,北京十大商厦的隆福大厦发生火灾,造成直接经济损失,2149,万元,,34,人受伤。,2,重大特大火灾案例,1989,年,3,月,5,日下午,3,时许,西安煤气公司液化气发生泄露着火,引起储罐爆炸,造成,44,人伤亡(其中死亡,11,人,消防人员,7,人、液化气站工作人员,4,人),1989,年,8,月,12,日上午,9,时,55,分,山东省黄岛油库雷击引起火灾,火灾中发生喷溅、爆炸,造成死亡,19,人(消防官兵,14,人、油库职工,5,人),伤,78,人(消防官兵,66,人、油库职工,11,人),直接经济损失,3540,万元。并因原油流入海洋使,130,公里海岸线受到污染,海产品损失和清理污染也需要数千万元。,3,Fire Prevention,预防火灾,The Fire Triangle needs three elements to exist; which are oxygen, heat and fuel.,燃烧有三个因素,他们分别是:氧气,热量和燃料。,Fuel is anything that will burn when it is exposed to heat. Fuel sources could include paper, wood, oil, grease, chemicals, and flammable liquids. The leading heat sources that result in fires include electricity, welding and cutting, sparks from tools, and friction.,燃料是遇热后能燃烧的任何物质。燃料包括纸张、木材、油、油脂、化学物品和易燃液体。产生热量并导致燃烧的因素包括电、焊接、切割、工具产生的火花和摩擦,To prevent a fire, you need to eliminate any of the elements needed for a fire to exist. Since oxygen is all around us, successful fire prevention normally relies on keeping heat sources away from fuel sources.,要预防火灾,就要消除任何燃烧所需要的因素。因为氧气是无处不在的,因此要预防火灾就要避免热源与燃料接触。,4,Fire Prevention,预防火灾,Fire prevention is everyone,s responsibility, if we prevent the,three elements of the of fire triangle,from combining simultaneously a fire,will not occur.,防火是每个人的责任。如果我们能防止引起燃烧的,三个因素同时发生则可防止火灾。,Know your work area.,了解你的工作区域。,Follow all the sites hot work procedures.,遵守所有高温工作的程序。,When in doubt or if conditions change, STOP and re-check the area with an approved gas tester.,如果不能确定或者条件有所改变,立即停止工作,用经认可的气体测试仪对工作区域进行重新测试。,5,Fire Classification,火灾分类,Fires within our area are normally classified into three main groups according to the fuels involved.,根据燃料的不同,我们周围的火灾通常分为三种类型:,Class “A” - These fires involve solid combustibles such as wood, paper, and cloth. We would normally use a water fire extinguisher on these types of fires.,A,类: 这类火灾由易燃的固体引起,比如木材、纸张和衣物。我们通常只要用喷水灭火器灭火就行了。,Class “B” - These fires involve combustible and flammable liquids, greases, and gases. We would normally use dry chemical, water and foam on these fires.,B,类:这类火灾由易燃的液体,油脂和气体引起。我们通常使用干粉,水和泡沫进行灭火。,6,Fire Classification,火灾分类,Class “C” - These fires involve electrically energized circuits and equipment. We would normally use carbon dioxide to extinguish these types of fires. Do Not Use Water On Live Electrical Circuits!,C,类:这类火灾由电器引起。我们通常使用二氧化碳进行灭火。注意:不要往带电的电器上浇水。,Class “D” - These fires involve combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, etc.,D,类:这类火灾由易燃的金属引起,比如:镁、钛等。,7,Class,“,B,”,Fires Are Divided Into Two Subclasses,B,类火灾又可以分为两种类型,Two Dimensional Fires - This is one where,the fire and fuel are basically in a single,plane and on a flat surface, as in a spill,tank, or trench. These fires may be fought,with almost any extinguisher that has,sufficient fire fighting agent to cover the,area. We would normally use a dry,chemical extinguisher on these fires.,二维火灾:这类火灾是火和燃料在一个平面或物体的表面,进行燃烧,比如在木片、容器、沟渠内。可以使用任何类型,的灭火器来扑灭类火灾,灭火器的灭火剂要充足,,可以覆盖整个区域。我们通常使用干粉,灭火器扑灭这类火灾。,8,Class,“,B,”,Fires Are Divided Into Two Subclasses,B,类火灾又可以分为两种类型,Three Dimensional Fires - This is one where the fire is complicated by a jet or falling stream of fuel or free vapor as in a LPG fire. To safely extinguishing these fires you should shut off the flow of fuel prior to attempting to extinguish them. Once the fuel flow is secured, we would normally use a dry chemical extinguisher on the remaining fire.,三维火灾:由于其他燃油或自由气体喷射而至或者连续降落而导致火灾加剧的情况,比如,LPG,火灾。要安全的扑灭这类火灾,应在灭火前截断油流。一旦油流得到控制,我们通常使用干粉灭火器扑灭余火。,9,Class,“,C,”,Fires Pose Special Hazards,C,类火灾引起的伤害,If possible, kill the live electrical circuit PRIOR to attempting to extinguish these types of fires; this reduces the hazards posed to personnel during fire fighting efforts. We would normally use carbon dioxide (CO2) or Halon on these types of fires; although a dry chemical extinguish could also be used if the others were not available.,如果可能,在开始灭火前应先切断电源,这会减少在灭火过程中可能产生的对人的危害。我们通常使用二氧化碳扑灭这类,火灾。当然,如果没有这些灭火装备,用干粉灭火器也可以。,Do Not Use Water On An Electrical Based Fire!,千万不要往着火的电器上浇水!,10,Fire Control,火势控制,Limiting the spread of a fire can dramatically reduce extinguishing efforts, potential injuries, and property damages. This involves the protection of equipment (tanks, pipelines, etc.) that may be affected by either direct flames or radiant heat.,控制火势的蔓延可以有效地降低灭火难度,减少,伤亡和财产损失。这包括保护容易被明火或散发,的热量影响的设备(油罐、管道等)。,11,Fire Control,火势控制,Proper placement of cooling water streams with minimum water waste is important to both control and extinguishment. Wind velocity and direction could hinder or enhance placement of cooling water streams.,正确喷射冷却水流,尽量减少水的浪费对控制和灭火非常重要。风速和风向可以妨碍或利于冷却水流的喷射。,Proper maintenance of fire scene drainage ensures that floating burning fuel doesnt move into other secure areas.,正确的维护火灾现场的排水装置,确保燃烧着的浮油不会飘到其它安全地区。,12,Fire Extinguishment,灭火,Anyone who discovers a fire should notify the involved facility control room or immediately call applicable site emergency phone number and the Fire Department will respond to the scene.,任何人发现了火灾都应当通知相关设备控制室或立即拨打紧急电话号码,(,119,),, 消防部门将赶至火灾现场。,You should take steps to extinguish the fire; but, only if,you have successfully completed fire training efforts. Only do this if you can do it SAFELY and you have the appropriate equipment and PPE.,如果你接受过消防培训,你可以采取灭火行动。但你必须确认你能 安全的进行并且有合适的工具和安全防护设备.,13,Fire Extinguishment,灭火,If you can not safely extinguish the fire, you should immediately move to a safe area.,如果你不能安全的灭火,你应当立即转移到安全的地点。,No one should attempt emergency response actions if they have not been properly trained to do so.,如果没有经过专门的培训,任何人不要采用应急措施。,To extinguish a fire, you must eliminate at least one of the three elements (fuel, oxygen, or heat) required for a fire.,要成功地灭火,你必须消除至少一个起火因素(燃料,氧气或热量)。,14,Fire Extinguishment,灭 火,There are three definite approaches that can be taken to extinguish a fire:,这里有三种方法可以用来灭火:,Removal of Fuel - This approach basically eliminates one side of the fire triangle and it interrupts the chemical chain reaction. Removal of fuel can be accomplished by:,排除燃料:这种方法消除了引起燃烧的三种因素之一,也终止了化学链反应。排除燃料包括:,w,Shutting off the fuel source.,切断燃料源;,w,Draining fuel from the equipment or holding area.,从设备或容器中排放燃料;,w,Removing combustibles from area.,从现场移开易燃物品;,wAllowing fuel to be consumed by the fire.,让燃烧消耗燃料;,w,Dilution of fuel.,稀释燃料。,15,Fire Extinguishment,灭 火,Removal of Heat - This approach basically eliminates one side of the fire triangle and it interrupts the chemical chain reaction. The high heat of vaporization of water is a reason for its effectiveness as an extinguishing agent:,排除热源:这种方法消除了引起燃烧的三种因素之一,终止了连锁化学反应。高温的水蒸气是这种方法可以有效灭火的原因。,One gallon of water will absorb about 1,000 Btu/minute.,一加仑的水可以吸收1000,BUT/,分。,Water expands about 1,750:1 greatly reducing oxygen in tight spaces,水以1750:1的比列膨胀,从而大大降低了空间中氧的含量。,Water conducts electricity and provides a shock hazard.,水能导电,因此可能造成突然的伤害。,Water may be ineffective in some situations.,水在某些场合并不管用。,Excessive use of water can deplete the water supply, spread the fire area, or otherwise hamper fire fighting efforts.,毫无节制的用水会导致水源枯竭,使火势蔓延或妨碍防火工作。,16,CAUTION: ALTHOUGH WATER WHEN APPLIED CORRECTLY IS A GOOD EXTINGUSIHING AGENT, CERTAIN PROPERTIES OF WATER CAN LIMIT ITS APPLICATIONS AND EFFECTIVENESS.,警告:虽然正确的使用水可以有效的灭火,但某些特定的用具可能会限制水的应用和灭火的有效性。,Removal of Oxygen - Removal of oxygen takes away one side of the fire triangle and interrupts the chemical chain reaction. Removal of oxygen can be accomplished by:,排除氧气:这种方法消除了引起燃烧的三种因素之一,终止了连锁化学反应。这种方法可以应用于:,w,Covering a burning pan of grease with a lid.,用盖子覆盖燃烧的有油脂的平底锅。,w,Shoveling dirt on burning grass.,铲泥土覆盖燃烧的草坪。,wUsing foam, CO2, Nitrogen, or steam on flammable liquids fires.,用泡沫、,CO2、,氮或者蒸汽扑灭易燃液体的火灾。,w,Limiting water usage on Class “A” fires to utilize steam. When working within enclosed areas.,在封闭的空间内用少量的水产生的蒸汽来扑灭,A,类火灾。,17,Fire Extinguishers,灭火器,Basically three (3) styles of fire extinguishers are used within this site; although they may come in various sizes.,尽管灭火器大小尺寸不同,但基本来说可以分为三种类型:,Dry Chemical - These extinguishers range in size from 2KG all the way up to a 24 KG wheeled extinguisher. These are commonly found throughout the facility.,干粉:这类灭火器的大小从2,KG,到,35KG,都有。应用也较为广泛。,Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - These extinguishers are normally found in either 3 or 15 KG sizes. These are commonly found in computer rooms, switchgear rooms and office buildings.,二氧化碳(,CO2):,这类灭火器的大小主要是,3,或,24KG,。他们主要应用于计算机房, 交换机房和写字楼里。,Water - These extinguishers will only be found within office buildings and they only come in the 2-1/2 gallon size.,水: 这类灭火器主要在写字楼里使用。大小通常在2-1/2加仑。,18,Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers,干粉灭火器,These extinguishers are normally located throughout,the facility. These extinguishers are filled with a,dry chemical agent and then pressurized with,nitrogen via an external gas cylinder. These,extinguishers must be checked monthly by the,facility having charge of them and they will be,serviced annually by the Fire Department.,这类灭火器的应用非常广泛。他们主要填充干的化学粉末。这类灭火器每月都需要进行检查,每年都由消防部门保修一次。,An approved dry chemical fire extinguisher,will be located at all hot work job sites,在所有的高温工作场所都应当配备经过,检验的干粉灭火器。,19,干粉灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,20,干粉灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,21,干粉灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,22,Extinguisher Points Of Interest,灭火器需要注意的几点问题,The highest percentage of dry chemical extinguishers found within the site are 35 KG extinguishers that are not pressured until you puncture the attached nitrogen cylinder.,现场现有干粉灭火器中最多的是3,5KG,的灭火器,使用时需刺破附属的氮气瓶方可加压。,The 30 pound dry chemical extinguisher has an effective working range of 2.5,to 4 meter.,一个3,5 KG,的干粉灭火器的有效工作范围是,2.5 4,米,。,Dont crowd the fire, you need t stay back at least 2 meter,不要站在火的旁边,你应该离火至少,2,米。,If at all possible, you should approach fires from a upwind position. This is a safer position and it will allow the extinguisher to work more efficiently.,如果可能,你应该从逆风方向接近火。那里相对安全而且可以让灭火器有效工作,This extinguisher is basically used for hydrocarbon based (spill) fires.,这类灭火器主要是用于扑灭碳氢化合物引发的火灾。,23,35KG,Wheeled Dry Chemical Exting.,35KG,轮式干粉灭火器,These fire extinguishers are normally found at all,process facilities. The extinguisher is outfitted with 3 meter of hoseline so it can be setup in a safe area. it should be replaced. These extinguishers must be checked monthly by the facility having charge of them and they will be serviced annually by the Fire Department.,这种灭火器可用在多种场合。它还有一根,3,米长的软管,因此灭火器可以安装在安全的地方。灭火器必须每月进行检查,每年由消防部门保修一次。,Brace yourself when you go to use one of these extinguisher as they tend to have back pressure on the nozzle when being used.,因为此类灭火器有较强后坐力,因此使用的时候你需要支撑自己。,24,35KG,干粉灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,25,35KG,干粉灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,26,35KG,干粉灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,27,Carbon Dioxide (CO,2,) Extinguishers,二氧化碳(,CO,2,),灭火器,These extinguishers are normally found within buildings,and switchgear areas where they can be used more,effectively. These extinguishers tend to displace oxygen,to extinguish fires, so you should consider using supplied,Air respiratory protection when they are used it confined,areas. These extinguishers are not equipped with pressure,gauges, they must be weighted to verify if they are,full. These extinguishers must be checked monthly by the facility having charge of them and they will be serviced annually by the Fire Department.,这类灭火器通常用在楼房和接电装置地区才能更有效的使用。它主要是采用置换氧气的方法来灭火,因此在狭窄的范围内使用时,你应当考虑用呼吸机进行起我保护。这类灭火器没有配备压力缸,必须通过称重才能确定它是否装满了。,灭火器必须每月进行检查,每年由消防部门保修一次。,28,二氧化碳灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,29,二氧化碳灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,30,二氧化碳灭火器使用介绍,干粉灭火器的使用方法,适用范围:适用于扑救各种易燃、可燃液体和易燃、可燃气体火灾,以及电器设备火灾,.,31,Extinguisher Points Of Interest,灭火器需要注意的几点问题,If at all possible, you should approach fires from a upwind position. This is a safer position and it will allow the extinguisher to work more efficiently.,如果可能,你应该从逆风方向接近火。那里相对安全而且可以让灭火器有效工作。,This extinguisher is basically used for electrical based fires.,这类灭火器主要是用在与电相关的燃烧。,You should consider using supplied air respiratory protection within confined areas, as this extinguisher dilutes oxygen concentrations.,因为灭火器隔断了氧气,因此在封闭的室内使用时你应当考虑用呼吸机进行保护。,Do not touch the discharge horn while its in use as frost will form on it during usage.,使用时喷嘴会结霜,不要去触碰它。,32,Fire Extinguisher Usage,灭火器的使用,You should receive initial hands on fire extinguisher training upon employment and then periodic refresher training. All hand held fire extinguishers are used in basically the same manner, while the 35KG wheeled extinguisher requires some additional actions.,受聘时,你将接受“手把手”的灭火器使用培训,之后还将接受定期的进修培训。所有手动灭火器的使用方法都大同小异,只有,35KG,带轮的灭火器需要一些其他的操作方法。,Step #1 Identify which style or type of fire extinguisher will work effectively with the material involved in the fire. Do you think you can safely extinguish the fire alone, or should you sound the appropriate alarm and call for Fire Department assistance.,步骤一: 根据起火的材料来判断应该使用那种类型或型号的灭火器才更有效。你认为自己可以一个人安全的灭火吗?如果不行,你就应当向消防部门报警请求援助。,33,Step #2 Prior to committing yourself, verify that you have identified a safe exit route out of the scene should you need to back out during your fire fighting efforts.,步骤二: 在你开始进行灭火前应当确认灭火过程中可以安全撤离火场的路线。,Step #3 Pull or remove the extinguishers operating lever safety pin .,步骤三:拔出或拆除灭火器的操作保险栓。,Step #4 Point the extinguisher nozzle so that agent hits about one (1) foot in front of the base of the burning material.,步骤四: 把灭火器的喷口瞄准,以便将灭火剂喷洒在燃烧的物体上。,Step #5 Briefly squeeze the extinguishers operating lever to verify that it functions properly and discharges fire fighting agent.,步骤五:快速挤压灭火器的压把,确认它的功能正常并且可以喷出灭火剂。,34,Step #6 Squeeze the operating lever and sweep the nozzle from side to side, making sure that you fully cover the entire fire with the extinguishing agent. If you fail to fully cover the fire, it could re-ignite.,步骤六:挤压操作杆,将灭火剂从一头喷到另一头,以确保覆盖了整个着火面。如果灭火剂全部覆盖着火面,可能会重新燃烧。,Remember, leave the area immediately if:,记住,有下列情况应马上离开现场:,(1),Your path of escape is threatened,1、,你的撤离线路出现危险时;,(2),The extinguisher runs out of agent,2、,灭火器里的制剂用完时;,(3),If the extinguisher proves to be ineffective,against the fire, or,3、,如果发现灭火器对灭火没有效果时,或者,,(4),If you are no longer able to safely fight the fire!,4、,你不能再安全的扑灭火灾时。,35,Special Notes:,特别注意:,Once you extinguish a fire, always back away from the scene.,在你灭火时要不断地后退;,If you are fighting a fire within an enclosure, consider wearing respiratory protection such as supplied air equipment.,如果你在一个封闭的空间内灭火,应当考虑佩戴呼吸保护装置,比如补给呼吸设备,Once a fire extinguisher has been activated, if must be sent to the Fire Department for applicable service. This would still apply even it wasnt used as it will tend to bleed down over a short period of time.,如果灭火器已经使用过了,应当送到消防部门进行适用性维修。就算灭火器暂时出现制剂泄漏的故障,还是可以使用。,36,Remember,Never Turn Your Back On Fires!,记住:千万不要用背对着火!,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,


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