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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Do it yourself,自己动手,Do it yourself自己动手,关于题目,DIY,:,originated in America,Do it yourself,文化迁移:,well-off people in Europe and Asia tend to hire mermaid,显示气派,,which is rarely seen in U.S.A or Great Britain,医生、教授、律师、商人:,cook for their families as well as themselves,修剪草坪,整理车库、油漆屋顶,不仅不厌烦,反而乐此不疲,关于题目DIY: originated in America,Vocabulary,Plead,1,乞求,L39 plead with sb. to do,2,辩解 以,为理由,提出以,为借口,Plead sth. for,He pleaded family problems for his lack of concentration,.,VocabularyPlead,Vocabulary,Keen adj.- eager, anxious,Be keen on,Be keen to do,VocabularyKeen adj.- eager,Vocabulary,Outlet,用武之地 感情的宣泄口,Outlay,开支、花销,Outlook,前景、远景,Output,产量,Outset,开端、开头,Outcome,结果,VocabularyOutlet 用武之地 感情的宣泄口,Vocabulary,Inlet,液体的入口,Income,收入,Input,输入,Intake,投入量,Inflow,流入量,VocabularyInlet 液体的入口,Vocabulary,Handyman VS craftsman,前者家里简单的修修补补,后者真的有一门手艺的艺人,VocabularyHandyman VS craftsma,Vocabulary,Fuse,Defuse vt.,缓和、平息,To defuse a bomb,拆除炸弹的引信,To defuse racial tension in the community,缓和这个社区的种族间的紧张局面,To defuse a dangerous situation,缓和危险局面,VocabularyFuse,Vocabulary,De-,表示前缀:,1,使脱离,Derail,的意思是:,to run off the railway line.,出轨,2,反面动作,defuse , defrost,VocabularyDe- 表示前缀:,Vocabulary,Delusion,见,L41 illusion,Insurmountable,不可克服的,难以应付的,Surmountable,可以克服的,Surmount,克服;在,顶上,Mount,登上、骑上、跨上、爬上,Insurmountable problems/obstacles,VocabularyDelusion 见L41 illusi,课文精讲,So great is our passion,So + adj.,that,分句结构中,如将,so + adj,至于句首表强调,则部分倒装,她激动得一句话也说不出来,So moved was she that she couldnt say a word.,课文精讲So great is our passion,课文精讲,So+ adv.,that,分句结构,也要倒装,他声音那么大,连隔壁屋子里的人都听得见。,So loudly did he speak that even the people in the next room could hear him.,光速如此之快,我们很难想象,So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.,课文精讲So+ adv. that 分句结构,也要倒装,课文精讲,Embark on/upon: to start (especially sth. new or difficult),开始,着手,从事,The actress is about to embark on a diplomatic career.,他将开始他的外交生涯。,课文精讲Embark on/upon: to start (,课文精讲,Go so far as to do sth.,竟到了,的程度,= go to the length of doing sth.,他竟然说我骗了他的钱,!,She went so far as to say that I had cheated her out of her money!,The united States government has gone so far as to interfere in Chinas internal affairs.,课文精讲Go so far as to do sth. 竟到,课文精讲,Provide an excellent outlet for sth.,为,提供了一个很好的用武之地,Be born,天生丽质,she was born beautiful,天生如此:,I was born this way/like that,天生的演员:,She is a born actress,天生的赢家:,He is a born winner.,课文精讲Provide an excellent outle,课文精讲,Some people believe interpreters are born not made.,怎么翻译?,天生一对:,they are made for each other.,He is not made for it=he is not cut out for it.,他不是做这事的料子,课文精讲Some people believe interp,课文精讲,I was not born yesterday.,First-born,French-born,Born and raised,课文精讲I was not born yesterday.,课文精讲,Not all of us,关于部分否定,表示全部概念的词:,all, both, every, altogether, entirely, wholly, everywhere,等, 如果用,not,否定就产生部分否定,不都,并非都,1,、,Not everyone likes his novel.,2,、,Both methods are not practical.(,重点:这是部分否定!),全否怎么说? 这两个都不实用,Either of it is practical.,课文精讲Not all of us,课文精讲,3,、,all that glitters is not gold.,发光的不一定都是金子。,4,、,such a thing is not found everywhere.,5,、我并不完全同意,I dont wholly agree.,注意:,all,等词加上含否定意义的词(谓语动词没有,not),表示全部否定,All germs are invisible to the naked eye.,一切细菌都是肉眼看不见的。,We all dislike him.,我们都不喜欢他。,课文精讲3、all that glitters is not,课文精讲,Tend to do sth.= be likely to do sth.,倾向于做某事,常常做某事,It tends to rain a lot here in the spring.,He tends to get angry when people disagrees with him.,表示倾向的词:,be apt to, be prone to, tend to.,课文精讲Tend to do sth.= be likely,课文精讲,As adj/adv as anything,(,加上,else,理解,),It was as dark as anything outside.,外面非常黑,As easy as anything else,非常容易,工作非常努力,Work as hard as anything.,课文精讲As adj/adv as anything,


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