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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 42,Not very musical,Lesson 42,What animals can you see from the movie,What animals can you see from,lion,(s),dangerous,lion (s)dangerous,monkey,(s),What do you think of monkeys?,clever,monkey (s)What do you think of,elephant,(s),strong,elephant (s) strong,deer,beautiful,deerbeautiful,giraffe,(s),tall,giraffe (s)tall,A hippo,ugly,A hippougly,fish(dolphin),smart,fish(dolphin)smart,bird,cute,birdcute,horse,helpful,horsehelpful,ostrich,large,ostrichlarge,zebras,friendly,zebrasfriendly,Do you like snakes?,Are you afraid of them? Why or why not?,Do you like snakes?,New words:,musical mju:zikl,market m:kit,Snake-charmersneikt:m,pipe paip,tune tju:n,glimpse glimps,snake sneik,movement mu:vmnt,continue kntinju:,dance d:ns; dns,obviously bvisli,difference difrns,Indian indin,New words:musical mju:zikl,1,,,musical /mju:zikl/ adj.,精通音乐的,1,),adj.,音乐的,a musical instrument,乐器,a musical performance,音乐演奏,a musical score,乐谱,2,),adj.,喜爱音乐的,精通音乐的,musician / mjuzin/ n.,音乐家,1, musical /mju:zikl/,2,,,market / ma:kit/ n.,市场,集市,market price,市场价,sales price,销售价,2, market / ma:kit/,3,,,snake charmer / sneik-,ta:m/,玩蛇者,charm n.,魅力,e.g. He has a lot of charm.,Her happy smile is one of her charms.,charmer n.,有吸引力的人,charming / delightful,adj.,令人高兴的,迷人的,可爱的,a charming village / a charming song,3, snake charmer / sneik-,4,,,pipe / paip / n.,(吹奏的)管乐器,1,) 管子 (,tube ),a water-pipe,排水管,a gas-pipe,排气管,2,) 管乐器,a bamboo pipe,竹笛,piper,吹笛者,4,pipe / paip / n. (,5,,,tune /tju:n/ n.,曲调,曲子,play a tune,吹奏一支曲子,e.g. The tune of this song is easy to remember.,in tune,和谐,协调,他的思想适合时代的潮流。,His ideas are in tune with the times,out of tune,走调,不和谐,她唱歌爱走调儿,Her singing often gets out of tune,5, tune /tju:n/ n. 曲调,曲子,6,,,glimpse / glimps/,n.,一瞥,一看(通常做单数),看他一眼就够了。,One glimpse on him is enough.,我窥见到他的真实感情。,I had a glimpse of his true feelings,have a glimpse of,瞥见了,catch a glimpse of,一眼瞥见某人或某事物,get a glimpse of,瞥见,;,窥见,6, glimpse / glimps/,7,,,snake / sneik / n.,蛇,snack /snk/ n,小吃,7, snake / sneik / n. 蛇,8,,,movement / mu:vmnt/ n.,动作,move,1) v.,移动,改变位置,e.g. Dont move, stay still.,2),使(某人)感动,使动心,e.g. The story moved us deeply.,moving adj.,令人感动的,moved adj.,感到感动额,8, movement / mu:vmnt/,9,,,continue / k ntinju / v.,继续,continue to do / continue doing sth /,go on doing sth.,继续做某事,9, continue / k ntinju /,10,,,dance / da:ns/ v.,跳舞,make a song and dance,小题大做,你或许有些苦恼,但实在不必小题大做。,You may be a bit upset, but its really nothing to make a song and dance.,10, dance / da:ns/ v.,11,,,obviously / bv isli/ adv.,显然,这是明摆着的事实。,It is an obvious fact.,把这样明显的错误都忽略过去了,多窝囊呀,How stupid to overlook such an obvious mistake!,这么明显的错字他都没看出来,可见他很粗心。,The character was obviously wrong but he didnt pick it out. It shows how careless he was.,11, obviously / bv isli,12,,,difference /difrns/ n.,差别, 差异,difference between A and B.,A,与,B,的,不同之处,12, difference /difrns,13,,,Indian / indin/ adj.,印度的,india n.,印度,the Indian ocean,印度洋,13, Indian / indin/ ad,Enjoy the story,What can the snake do?,Where is the snake?,What do you think of this snake?,Enjoy the storyWhat can the sn,reading aloud and quick answer,Where had the writer had a long walk?,Why did he stop at a square?,Who did he notice after a time?,How many baskets did a snake charmer have?,What was his pipe covered with?,When did the writer have the first glimpse of the snake?,Did the snake rise out of the basket?,What movement did the snake begin to follow?,What kind of music did the snake charmer play?,How did the writer feel?,reading aloud and quick answer,Discuss:,What kind of music do like?,When you want to relax?,when you are dancing at a,concert?,Give reasons for your choice.,Discuss:What kind of music do,


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