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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Revision,Unit 5,What are the shirts made of?,一、,Review the,words,of unit5,(被动语态),二、,Review the important phrases and sentences, train,studentsabilities,to fill in the blanks.,三、,学习策略:,通过小组合作来完成本节课任务。,四、,情感教育,:,加强小组合作,兵带兵,发挥专家团队的作用。,Learning and teaching aims,教学目标,1.,看课本单词表,背单词并,标出不会的单词,筷子,_,硬币,_,餐叉,_,女衬衣,_,银器,_,玻璃,_,棉花,_,钢铁,_,展览会,_,自然环境的,_,草,_,叶子,_(,复数,)_,生产,_,广泛地,_,以,闻名,_,加工,_,包装,_ 33.,鸭舌帽,_,产品,_ 34.,手套,_,法国,_ 35.,国际的,_,无论,_ 36.,参赛者,_,当地的,_ 37.,形式,_,品牌,_ 38.,陶土,_,避免,_ 39.,庆祝活动,_,小手提包,_ 40.,气球,_,可移动的,_ 41.,剪纸,_,每天的,_ 42.,剪刀,_,老板;上司,_ 43.,生机勃勃的,_,德国,_ 44.,童话故事,_,表面;表层,_45.(,有关,),历史的,_,材料,_ 46.,加热,_,31.,交通,_ 47.,磨光,_,32.,邮递员,_ 48.,完成,_,筷子,_,硬币,_,银器,_,玻璃,_,棉花,_,钢铁,_,叶子,_(,复数,)_,生产,_,广泛地,_,产品,_,11.,法国,_,12.,当地的,_,13.,避免,_,14.,老板;上司,_,15.,德国,_,16.,邮递员,_,17.,手套,_,18.,国际的,_,19.,剪刀,_,20.,生机勃勃的,_,单词拼写检查,task1,1.,背诵学案上,任务,2,3,4,和,5,2.,完成学案上,task2,task3,task4,和,task5,1.,小组讨论不会的疑难点,2.,核对有疑问的答案,P: China _ (,因,而著名,) tea, right?,L: Yes, both _ (,在过去和现在,).,P: Where _ tea _(,生产于,)in China?,L: Well, _(,在许多不同的地区,). For example,Anxi,and Hangzhou _ (,因,而著名,) their tea. P: How is tea produced?,L: Well, _(,据我所知,), tea plants _(,被种植,)_(,在山坡上,). When the leaves are ready, they _(,被手工采摘,)and then _(,被送去加工,),P: What happens next?,L: The tea _(,被打包并送到,)many different countries and places around China.,in the past and now,is produced,in many different areas,are widely known for,is famous for,as far as I know,are grown,on the sides of mountains,are picked by hand,are sent for processing,is packed and sent to,task2,复习,2d,重点短语和句子,P: _ (,好像,),many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.,L: Yes, people say that tea_(,对,有意,) both health and business.,is good for,It seems that,1.,由制造,2,2.,因而出名,2,3.,不论,你买什么,4.,发现它是有趣的,5.,在当地的商店,6.,即使,尽管,7.,避免买中国制造的产品,8.,日常用品,9.,制造高科技产品,10.,在世界各地,task3,复习,3a,重点短语,1.be made,of/from,2.be known /famous,for,3.no matter what you buy,4. find it interesting that,5.In the local shops,6.even though/if,7.avoid buying products made in China,8.everyday things,9.make high-technology products,10.In all parts of the world,If you go to another country, what kinds of things would you buy? Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he _(go) to San Francisco. He _(find) it interesting that so many products _(make) in China. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid_(buy),products_(make,) in China. Kang Jian thinks its great that China is so good at _(make) these everyday things. However, he _(wish) that in the future China _(get) better at _(make) high-technology products that people _(buy) in all parts of the world.,went,found,were made,made,buying,making,wishes,will get,making,can buy,task4,链接中考,-,动词填空,1.,已经存在,2.,处于困难,3.,被。覆盖,4.,被变成,5.,被看做,6.,被折叠,7.,用剪刀剪,8.,用手捏出造型,9.,被高温烧制,10.,被磨光和润色,be folded,be cut,with scissors,be shaped,by hand,be fired,at a very high heat,be polished and painted,be seen,as,be covered with,be turned into,be,in trouble,have/has been around for,+,一段时间,task5,复习,2b,重点短语,语法再现,1.,被动语态的构成:,一般现在时:,一般过去时:,一般将来时:,当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为,am / is / are done,was / were done,will be done; be going to be done,情态动词,+be done,can / must / have tobe done,be +done,2.,The boy uses knives for cutting apples.(,变被动语态,) _ _ _ for cutting apples by the boy.,3.Students cleaned the classroom.(,改为被动语态),_ _ _ _ _ _ .,Knives are used,The classroom is cleaned by students,task6,Writing,书面表达(配套,unit5 P35,页),List your favorite things you use every day .Write a short passage according to the chart below.,列出一些你喜欢的日常用品,根据下面的表格信息,写一篇,80,词左右的英语短文。,things,Made of/from,Made in,Be used to do,Reasons you like them,alarm clock(,闹钟,),wood and glass,Fujian,tell the right time,wake me up,task7,1.,先构思,2.,讨论作文思路,3.,写作文,Writing,书面表达(配套,unit5 P35,页),Here are some things,that I like,. They are ring, sunglasses and bottle.,My ring,is made of,silver. It,is made in,Shanghai. Its very beautiful, I like wearing it.,The sunglasses,are made of,glass and plastic. It,is made in,America. I think,it is cool,to wear it. It,is used to,keep off,the sun.,The bottle,is made of,plastic. It is blue and made in Beijing. It,is used to,drink water. I like it very much because it,is lik,e my friend,with me,all the time.,1. The table is _(,cover)with,a piece of cloth.,2. Zhang,yueying,is good at,paper_(cut,).,3.,_(,German)is,a country in Europe.,4.Lots of _(,postman)work,hard every day.,5.The,food_(not,produce) in America.,6.This kind of car _(make) in Shanghai every month.,7.Nobody can,avoid_(do,) wrong things.,8.He picked some _(leaf) from the tree.,9.Mobile phones are _(wide) used in every country.,covered,cutting,Germany,postmen,is not produced,made,doing,leaves,widely,当堂检测,task8,1. Finish,Baozhi,unit5,.,2. Review unit4 words and try to dictate them according to,Zhuxue,.,Homework,


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