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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 47,Too high a price?,Lesson 47Too high a price?,pollution,n.,污染,Synonym:contamination,N-pollution,nuclear pollution,核污染,air pollution,空气污染,culture pollution,(,指颓废文化的,),文化污染,environment pollution,环境污染,eye pollution,视觉污染,indoor air pollution,室内空气污染,(= IAP),noise pollution,噪音污染,ozone pollution,臭氧污染,sound pollution,噪音污染,pollution n.污染Synonym:contam,Pollute:,及物动词,vt. contaminate,垃圾使大小河流遭受污染。,Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.,她认为这些书腐蚀儿童的心灵。,She thinks these books pollute the minds of children.,Pollute:及物动词 vt. contaminate垃圾,overpopulated,adj.,人口多的,over-industrialized,adj.,过度工业化的,Over-:excessive; too much,Overcharge:,charge too high a price,Overstaffed:,a company or an organization having too many staff to work unefficiently.,overpopulated adj.人口多的over-i,Over-,例句,The elavator was overloaded.,你如果吃的过多的话,就会容易发胖。,If you overeat, you are likely to become overweight.,overbalance,Over- 例句The elavator was overl,sheer,adj. unmixed complete ;absolute,sheer hapiness;sheer stupidity,His suggestion was sheer nonsense.,It was because of sheer luck that he succeeded.,The sheer size of the country makes communication difficult.,他纯粹靠意志力达到了目的。,He achieved his aim by sheer strength of will.,sheer adj. unmixed complete ;,worldwide: adv.,globally,all over the world,worldwide,形容词,adj.,全世界的,世界范围的,这本书在全世界畅销。,This book has,worldwide,sales.,This book sells well,worldwide,.,他的名声享誉全世界,.,His fame is,worldwide,.,He is well-known,worldwide,.,worldwide: adv. globally, al,overwhelm:make it difficlut or impossible to deal with,whelm,及物动词,vt.,压倒,压垮,Invading armies overwhelmed the town.,入侵的军队控制了这个城镇。,一个巨浪吞没了那只小船。,A great wave overwhelmed the boat.,overwhelm:make it difficlut or,be,overwhelmed by/with,be,overwhelmed by/with,emotion/something:feel that emotion strongly,He,was overwhelmed by/with,the death of his father.,他为父亲的去世而悲痛至极。,be,overwhelmed,with,admiration for sb.,为之倾倒,Be,overwhelmed,with,sorrow,悲痛至极,be overwhelmed by/withbe overw,pesticide,pest,害虫;害兽;害鸟,以,-,icide,结尾,读音为,/isaid/,suicide,自杀,insecticide,杀虫剂,pesticidepest害虫;害兽;害鸟,fertilizer,名词,n.,肥料,化肥,Get some more fertilizer for the garden.,给花园再多施些肥料。,The peasant bought a bag of chemical fertilizer in the market place.,这位农民在集市上买了一袋化肥。,fertilize,及物动词,vt.,施肥,使肥沃,fertilizer名词 n. 肥料, 化肥 Get s,insidious:harmful,;,dangerous,Insidious,rumors,阴险的谣言,an,insidious,disease,隐伏,的恶疾,Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it.,所有和集团犯罪有关的人都会不知不觉地受坏影响。,insidious:harmful;dangerousIns,scream,及物动词,vt. &,不及物动词,vi.,1.,(因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫,发出尖叫声,She,screamed,when she saw the robber.,她看到强盗时尖叫了起来。,He,screamed,to go with you.,他大声嚷着要跟你一起去。,A newsboy was,screaming,an extra.,一个报童正在尖声叫卖号外。,She,screamed,that there was a snake under the bed.,她大声喊叫床下有蛇。,The child,screamed,himself red in the face.,这个孩子尖叫得脸都红了。,scream及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1,scream at,朝,大叫大嚷,;,责备,He screamed at the children for making noise.,他因孩子们发出吵闹声而朝他们大叫大嚷。,scream at朝大叫大嚷; 责备 He screame,Profound:deep,Profound change/effect,profound,friendship,深,厚的友谊,I give you my profound thanks for saving my life.,我对您的救命之恩深表谢意。,Profound:deepProfound change/e,irritation,名词,n.,激怒,;,恼怒,;,生气,;,令人恼火的事,I felt a sudden irritation against Darren.,我突然对达伦感到气恼。,irritate,vt.,使发怒,使急躁,His words irritated me.,他的话使我很生气。,irritated,adj.,恼怒的,生气的,look,irritated,面有愠色,He was,irritated,with you.,他在生你的气。,irritation名词 n.激怒;恼怒;,Incessantly adv.,不断地,不停地,constantly,continually,continuously,Her tongue was incessantly scolding.,她嘴里不断地训人。,The machines roar incessantly during the hours of daylight.,机器在白天隆隆地响个不停。,雨不间断地下了整整两个星期。,It rained incessantly for the whole two weeks.,Incessantly adv. 不断地,不停地 cons,offender,1.,罪犯,I think the courts are too soft with these young offenders.,我认为法院对这些犯法的年轻人太宽厚了。,2.,冒犯者,犯规者,The offender apologized when he sobered up.,冒犯者醒酒后道了歉。,offender1.罪犯,offend,(1) commit a crime or crimes,犯罪,;,触犯,The driver offended against the traffic regulations.,这个司机违反了交通规则。,(2),得罪;冒犯,I think I never offend you.,我想我从没有触犯过你。,offend(1) commit a crime or cr,Staggering adj.,难以置信的,;,令人震惊的,Profits have shot up by a staggering 25%.,利润惊人地攀升了,25%,。,The public response was absolutely staggering.,公众的反应非常令人惊愕。,Staggering adj. 难以置信的;令人震惊的Pr,stagger vt.,使,感到震惊,/,担心,The difficulty of examination staggered him.,考试的难度使他很担心。,stagger vt. 使感到震惊/担心The diffi,pay,cost,spend,take.,这些词有什么区别?,1,、,Sb. spend + time/money + on sth.,(某人花费,多少钱,/,多少时间,在某物上),Sb. spend + time/money + (in) doing sth.,(某人花费,多用时间,来做某事),2,、,It takes sb. + time + to do sth.,(做某事花费某人,用时间,),3,、,Sb. pay for sth.,(某人为某物付款),Sb. pay + money + for sth. (,某人为某物付,多少钱,),4,、,Sth. cost sb. + money. (,某物花费某人,多少钱,),Sth. cost + money. (,某物价值,多少钱,),pay,cost,spend,take.这些词有什么区别?1,Come to think about /of sth.,Come to think about /of sth. : If you really think about it, you will realize,Come to think about /of sth.Co,Turn,into,The witch cast a spell on the prince and turned him into a frog.,女巫念了一个咒语,于是把王子变成了青蛙。,叶子落了,天气由夏天转为秋天。,The leaves fell, and summer turned into autumn.,Turn intoThe witch cast a sp,attempt,试图,;,尝试,He attempted the exam but failed.,他试图通过考试,但失败了。,He,attempted to,get in touch with them but without success.,他试图和他们联系,但未成功。,attempt试图; 尝试 He attempted the,Volume:amount,1.,体积,容量,The volume of traffic has dramatically increased in Beijing in recent years.,2.,音量,响度,He turned up the volume on the television.,3.,卷,册,书卷,For that article he has worked over some 30 volumes of Chinese history.,Volume:amount1.体积,容量,ever-increasing,不断增长的,The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress.,把欧洲分为作战集团产生了越来越大的离心效果。,ever-,前缀,pref.(,构成形容词,),表示,永远,持续,(,如,:ever-increasing, ever-present),ever-increasing不断增长的 The divis,abandon:desert;give up,The car badly damaged, so they abandoned it.,那辆车坏得太厉害了,所以他们丢弃了它。,她暂时放弃了旅行。,She abandoned her journey temporarily.,很抱歉我那样突然抛下你走了,.,Im sorry I abandoned you like that.,abandon:desert;give upThe car,Abandon (oneself),放纵,使沉溺于,He abandoned himself to his emotions.,他受自己情感的驱使。,She abandoned herself to the serene landscape.,她沉浸在景色的宁静中。,Abandon (oneself) 放纵,使沉溺于He ab,have the choice of A or B,have the choice of A or B:you can choose from A or B,=have the choice between A and B,have the choice of A or Bhave,innocent:,childlish;guiltless,I was very young, and very innocent.,我那时非常年轻,幼稚无知。,They have imprisoned an innocent man.,他们监禁了一个无辜的男子。,innocent:harmless,innocent:childlish;guiltless,affect:influence,affect:Lead to a certain kind of,a negative action,及物动词,The tax increases have affected us all.,加税已经影响了我们所有的人。,affect:influenceaffect:Lead to,affect&influence,This book affected a change in my opinion.,这本书使我的看法起了变化。,Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.,在一位中学生物教师的影响下,他从事医学研究。,affect,指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有“,对,.,产生不利影响,”的意思,.,influence,指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生,不易觉察到的,潜移默化,的影响,affect&influenceThis book aff,invade:,attack,1.,涌入,侵袭,Thousands of tourists invaded the old town.,数以千计的游客涌入那古老的镇上。,疾病侵袭了他们的身体。,The disease invades their bodies.,2.,侵犯,干扰,国王侵犯了我们的权利。,The king invaded our private rights.,invade:attack 1.涌入, 侵袭,that is,即,就是,换句话说,就是说,;,更确切地说,I would like a cup of coffee. That is, Id like it with sugar.,I have some trouble,that is, I cant find him and he will be in danger.,that is即,就是,换句话说,就是说;更确切地说,go off:,(警报器等)突然发出巨响,Id better have waited till the rain went off.,She went off with the gardeners son.,The headache went off quite suddenly.,Fish soon goes off in this hot weather.,The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now.,The alarm clock went off.,闹钟响了。,go off:(警报器等)突然发出巨响Id better,serve,1.,向,供应,The restaurant serves nice food.,这家饭馆供应的饭菜不错。,2.,提供,端上,The company will serve a meal at noon to all staff workers.,该公司将为所有职员提供午餐。,serve1. 向供应,assist,:,help,These tablets,assist,digestion .,这些药片促进消化。,Good glasses will,assist,you,to,read .,好的眼镜能有,助,于你阅读。,Assist,supervisor,to,run the station efficiently.,协,助,上级有效开展工作。,assist:helpThese tablets assis,be a source of,是,的源泉,成为,的原因,Books are a source of knowledge.,书籍是知识的源泉。,Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.,金钱常常是导致年轻的新婚夫妇关系紧张与不和的根源。,be a source of是的源泉,成为的原因,range from,to,在,到,之间,The liquid measuring cups can range in sizes that measure from 1 teaspoon or 5 milliliters to 8 cups or 2 liters.,液体量杯的大小不一,可以量一茶匙或,5,毫升,也可以量八杯或两升的量。,range from to 在到之,make a contribution to,捐赠,;,作出贡献,爱因斯坦对科学作出了伟大的,贡献,。,Einstein,make,a,great,contribution,to,science.,中国人应当对人类有较大的,贡献,。,The Chinese people should,make,a,greater,contribution,to,mankind.,make a contribution to捐赠;作出贡献爱,object to:,disapprove,dislike,反对,;,对,反感,I object to him.,我反对他。,They objected to me on personal grounds.,他们出于个人的原因反对我。,I dont object to a glass of beer.,我不反对喝杯啤酒。,I object to its smell.,我讨厌它的气味。,We objected to leaving in such a hurry.,我们反对这样匆忙地离开。,Do you object to my speaking to him about it?,我去和他谈谈这事,你有意见吗,?,I dont object to the children going with us.,我不反对孩子们和我们一道去。,object to:disapprove dislike反,turn out 1.,关灯,Dont forget to turn out the light when you leave the classroom.,你离开教室时别忘了关灯。,turn out 1.关灯 Dont forget to,turn out 2.,制造,;,培养,How many machines did you turn out last month?,上个月你们生产了多少台机器,?,This university has turned out some first-rate scholars.,这所大学培养了一些第一流的学者。,Many TV sets have been turned out by this factory.,这家工厂生产了许多电视机。,turn out 2.制造; 培养How many mach,turn out 3.,结果是,原来是,He said he was a doctor; but later he turned out to be a cheat.,他自称是个医生,结果证明他是个骗子。,The day turned out (to be) a fine day.,那天倒是好天气。,It turned out that he was never there.,原来他根本没去过那儿。,turn out 3.结果是, 原来是He said he,Against these figures, it was found,while the rest,against,表示对比,in comparison with,He was elected by a majority of 20 votes against 10.,他以,20,比,10,的票数当选了。,Now the factory has 2000 workers as against the 500 or so then.,现在这个厂现有,2000,工人,二那时才有,500,人左右。,Against these figures, it was,


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