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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 40 Whos who,Lesson 40 Whos who,hoax n.,骗局,戏弄,play a hoax/trick,on,sb.,戏弄(,=play a joke on sb.,开玩笑),-The boy student is thinking how to play a hoax on his classmate.,hoax n.骗局,戏弄,deception n.,欺骗(指,无关紧要,的欺骗,有时也指利已的不诚实行为),-She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them.,【,辨,】,deceit,强调一个人对另一个的,故意,欺骗,-We are incapable of deceit.,deception n.欺骗(指无关紧要的欺骗,有时也指利已,self-respecting adj.,自重的,self-,表示“自,.,”:,self-abuse,自责,self-,abandon,ment,自暴自弃,self-,discipline,自律,self-,abase,ment,自卑,self-centered,自私的,self-,indulge,nt,自我放纵的,self-respecting adj.自重的,indulge v.,使沉迷,indulge oneself,in,-He indulged himself in,playing computer.,be indulged in,-He was indulged in playing computer.,indulge v.,纵容,迁就,-Nowadays,,,parents indulge their children too much.,indulge v.使沉迷,Drill n.,钻,电钻,electric drill,v.,练习,操练,fire drill,消防演习,-The soldiers are being drilled how to deal with an emergency.,-,士兵们正在进行处理紧急事件的演练。,Drill n.钻,pneumatic adj.,气动的,pneumatic tyre,充气轮胎,充气垫,pneumatic mat,风钻,pneumatic drill,pneumatic adj.气动的,silly a.,无意义的,无聊的,无知,的,-Dont play such a silly game.,【,辨,】,1,),foolish,强调,愚蠢,的,笨的,不明智的,-I told him not to do anything foolish.,silly a.无意义的,无聊的,无知的,2,),stupid,强调人及言行缺乏良好的判断力,及一般的智能(主要指,天生迟钝,),-His son is born stupid child .,3,),dull,指,理解迟钝,,或健康状况不佳、工作过度而导致的缺乏敏锐的头脑,-The old mans hearing has become dull.,-She is a dull girl.,(表示人很呆),2)stupid 强调人及言行缺乏良好的判断力,及一般的智能,advance a./n.,预先的,事先获得的,advance information,预先获得的信息,in,advance,提前,advance,d,adj.,高级的,先进的,前进,先进的技术,advanced technology,advance a./n.预先的,事先获得的,remonstrate v.,规劝,告,诫,(非常正式的用词),remonstrate sb.,to do,sth.,-I remonstrated him not to do anything foolish.,remonstrate v.规劝,告诫(非常正式的用词),permission n.,许可,special permission,特许,without permission,未经许可,-Parents always told us not to take others things without permission when we were young.,ask,sb.,for,permission,寻求许可,give,/,grant,sb. permission,给与许可,permission n.许可,grant v.,同意,准予,grant a request,答应请求,-The police granted the prisoners request.,take,.,for,granted,想当然,认为,.,理所当然,-,不要把成功认为是理所当然的事。,-Dont take success for granted.,grant v.同意,准予,Text,:,(L1),It has never been explained why,university students,seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else.,Text:,(L1) university student,大学生,相关词汇:,College student/,freshman / sophomore/ junior/ senior/,大专生,junior college student /,under,graduate /,post,graduate/,doctor/,post,doctor,(L1) university student 大学生,Text,:,(L2),Students,specialize in,a particular type of,practical joke,: the hoax.,Text:,(,L2,),specialize,in,擅长,同,:,be good,at,be skilled,in,be expert,in,be adept,at,be accomplished,in,(L2)specialize in擅长,(,L3,),practical joke,恶作剧,相关:,play,the fool /,get,into mischief,做恶作剧,恶作剧者,prankster,make,a spectacle of sb.,出某人的洋相,Laughing,stock,笑柄,(L3)practical joke 恶作剧,Text,:,(L3),Inviting the fire-brigade to put out a non-existent fire is a crude form of deception which no,self-respecting,student would ever,indulge in,.,Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims.,Text:,(,L5,),self-respecting,有自尊心的,培养自尊心,foster,ones self-respect,丧失自尊,lose,ones self-respect,hold up,ones head,昂起头,/,感到骄傲,swallow,ones pride,抑制,自尊心,/,忍气吞声,hurt ones pride,伤害自尊心,(L5)self-respecting 有自尊心的,(,L5,),indulge,in,沉迷于,同:,be addicted,to,abandon oneself,to,be on the,burst,to,(L5)indulge in 沉迷于,Text,:,(L7),When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students,dressed up,as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill.,Text:,(,L9,),dress,up,装扮 ,化妆,相关:,over,dress up,过分打扮,prink,精心打扮,do,up,oneself,打扮自己,perform ones toilet,梳洗打扮,(L9)dress up 装扮 ,化妆,Text,:,(L9),As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously.,Text:,Text,:,(L11),He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people.,Both the police and the workmen,were grateful to,the student for this piece of advance information.,Text:,(,L12,),be grateful to sb. for sth.,“,感谢某人,”,express,ones gratitude/,do,gratitude to sb. /,thank sb ./express one s thanks /,appreciate sb./,do,appreciation to sb./,acknowledge sb.,with,sth.,(L12)be grateful to sb. for st,Text,:,(L13),The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on.,Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away.,When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force.,Text:,Text,:,(L15),The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and,remonstrated,with the workmen.,Text:,(,L17,),remonstrate,“,劝说某人做某事,”,talk sb.,into,doing sth./,persuade sb.,to do,sth./,lead sb. into doing sth./,guide sb. into doing sth.,(L17)remonstrate,Text,:,(L17),As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill.,The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper.,He threatened to call the police.,At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest.,Text:,


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