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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 35,Justice was done,Lesson 35Justice was done,New words and expression,justice,n.,正义,公正;司法,-Justice is done.,正义得到伸张。,bring justice to the criminal.,把罪犯缉拿归案。,do justice to sb.,公正对待某人。,do oneself justice.,公正对待自己。,give oneself up to justice.,自首,in justice to :,为了对,公正起见,the ministry of justice,司法部,injustice,不公平,不公正,New words and expression justi,law,n.,法律,take law into ones own hand :,无法无天,take the law of sb :,控告,within the law :,合法,outside the law :,不合法,lawyer :,律师,lawful :,有法可依,lawfully adv,lawless:,没有法律的,lawlessly adv at law :,在诉讼中,law n.法律take law into ones ow,innocence,n,无辜,innocent,a.,无辜的,undertake,v.,承担,着手做,undertake to do,-He undertook to inform everyone concerned.,-We undertake a investigation.,承担,着手做:,start to do sth,take off doing sth,be engaged in sth,set out to do,set about doing,carry on doing,perform sth ., on the way,innocence n无辜undertake v.承担,着手,arduous,a.,艰苦的,艰难的,-Studying English is a arduous job.,ous,结尾的形容词,industrious,a,勤劳的,laborious,a,劳神的,费力的,吃力的,strenuous a.,费力的,精心的,须全力以付的,比,arduous,强烈的多,同时表示奋发的,arduous a.艰苦的,艰难的-Studying En,mete out,给予,处置,mete out reward,进行奖励,mete out punishment,进行惩罚,accord,n/vi,一致,-Justice was meted out to them.,他们得到了公正的处理。,in accord with :,和,一致,out of accord with :,和,不一致,of ones own accord :,自然而然地,-Justice is done of its own accord.,according to :,依据,根据,in accordance with :,依据(法律),mete out 给予,处置 accord n/vi一致-,premises,:,n.,房屋,disused,:,a.,不再用的,废弃的,disused house,废弃的房子,residence,:,住处,居住地,非常正式的用词,dwelling,:,供人居住的地方,也是非常正式的用词,house,:,住房,housing :,房(总称),the housing problem,住房问题,misused :,弄错了的,used :,用过了的,second-hand :,二手的,premises : n. 房屋disused : a.不再,chip,v.,砍,削,凿,chip a hole,凿了一个洞,chop head,砍头,chop,:,砍,chip v. 砍,削,凿 chip a hole 凿了一个,Text,The word justice is usually associated with courts of law.,be associated with = be connected with , be related to :,与,相联系,Text The word justice is usual,We might say that justice has been done when a mans innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.,We might say that,:我们也许会说(重点框架)一种不太肯定的口气,-We might say that justice has been done.,我们也许会说正义得到了伸张。,beyond,prep.(,介词,),:超出某种范围,限度,主要是和名词进行搭配,beyond doubt,无可怀疑,-He has been proved to be innocent beyond doubt.,他已经被证据确凿的证明无罪了。,We might say that justice has,beyond belief,难以相信,beyond words,难以形容,beyond description,难以描述,beyond question,难以质疑,beyond hope,没有希望,beyond recovery,康复无望,beyond dispute,无可争议,beyond controversy,无可争辩,beyond imagination,难以想象,beyond measure,难以衡量,beyond understanding,难以理解,beyond comparison,无与伦比,beyond ones,超出某人的,-Your beauty is beyond my description.,你的美是我无法用言词形容的。,beyond belief 难以相信,Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.,part of,:部分,前面没有冠词,-Only part of his story is true.,他的话有一部分是真实的,parts of :,几部分,若干部分,-Parts of the log book were recognized.,航海日志的若干部分还是能被辨认出来的,.,-Large parts of the house were destroyed in the fire.,房屋的大部分在火灾中烧毁了。,无论是,part of,还是,parts of,后面都要带单数名词,Justice is part of the complex,Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.,那些追寻正义的人,可以说是踏上了一条漫长崎岖而且艰难的道路。,Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes.,法官无论如何聪明与有名,毕竟也是人,也会出差错的。,however = no matter how,Those who seek it, undertake a,There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept.,在个别情况下,正义不再是一种抽象概念。,There are rare instances when,:在极个别的情况下。,-There are rare instances when women are not equal to men.,在极个别的情况下,女士和男士是不平等的。,cease:,(正式)彻底的停止,暗指动作的突然性,-His heart suddenly ceased to beat.,他的心脏突然停止了跳动。,ceased to do,与动词不定式连用,stop:,(广泛,不正式)不强调方式,只强调结果,-The car suddenly stopped.,车突然停了。,There are rare instances when,Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.,At such times, justice acts like a living force.,奖惩的实施是不受人意志支配的,quite independent of human interference,-,形容词短语做定语,说明主句的状况。,He deserves it. / It serves him right.,罪有应得,在有的时候,正义像一种有生命的力量行使其职能。,At such times,:在有的时候,Reward or punishment are meted,When we use a phrase like it serves him right, we are, in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.,当我们说“他罪有应得”这句话的时候,我们部分承认了某种特定的环境使得正义自动地起了作用。,把握句子主干:,we are , in part , admitting that,我们部分的承认了,enabled sb. to do,使什么能够做某事,of its own accord,自然而然的,When we use a phrase like it,When a thief was caught on the premises of large jewellery store on morning, the shop assistants must have found it impossible to resist the temptation to say it serves him right.,一天上午,当一个小偷在一家大型珠宝店里被人抓住的时候,店员一定会忍不住说:“他罪有应得。”,二三自然段衔接相当紧密,再次提到,it serves him right.,found it impossible to resist the temptation to say,(双否)背诵,When a thief was caught on the,


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