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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,New words and expressions,once,曾经,以前,once upon a time,Once upon a time, there is no war on earth.,= long time ago,I just met him,once.,Once,Ive decided, I will let you know.,As long as I need him, he will come to me,at once.,New words and expressionsonce,temptation,诱惑,The temptation to play computer games is greater than before.,give into temptation,He is so weak that he gave into temptation.,You have,to resist the temptation,if you want to be successful.,temptation 诱惑The temptation to,article,物品,东西,small article,personal article,article,文章,passage/composition,This is an interesting article which talk about love.,article 物品,东西 small article,wrap,打包,pack your bag,un+wrap = dis+cover=,unwrap discover,simply,仅仅,= only,He killed himself simply because of the money.,I only need knowledge.,我只知道他是我们的老师。,I only know that he is our teacher.,wrap 打包pack your bag,arrest,逮捕,catch,He was caught last night,because he stole 10 RMB.,You are under arrest.,bust,抓住,暴露,Busted!,You are busted.,arrest 逮捕 catch,Nce L32,Nce L32,新概念第三册第32-课时课件,Do you like shopping?,Do you like shopping?,Lets talk about shopping,What do you think of shopping?,Is it fun? Interesting? Difficult?,How can you make shopping easy?,Lets talk about shoppingWhat,Fast reading,Go through the passage and find out the answers,Stealing often happen in small shops or large ones?,Who watched the well-dressed woman? Why?,Did the woman buy anything?,Why did the woman was arrested?,Does she really a thief? If not, why?,Fast readingGo through the pas,新概念第三册第32-课时课件,True or false:,1.One Monday,there were more people in the shop than usual when the woman came in.,2.After a little time,she chose one of the most cheapest dresses in the shop.,3.The woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.,4.The girl gave her mother a free dress twice a week.,True or false:,so as,与,as as,比较以下两句:,He is not so tall as John.,She is not as tall as John.,so as,通常用于否定句比较多,他和他哥哥考试考得一样好。,He did as well as his elder brother in exam.,他并没有,Tank,那么聪明。,He is not so smart as Tank.,so as 与 as as 比较以下两句:,without doing sth,He left the room without saying anything.,Anmina went for shopping yesterday without taking any money.,Tank has kept working for 3 day without sleeping.,他不吃早餐就去上课了。,He went to school without eating breakfast.,John,不刷牙就睡觉了。,John went to bed without brushing his teeth.,without doing sth He left the,once a week,once a day,twice a week,three times a month,5 times a year,-How often do you go to the bookstore?,-,Once a month.,他一个月要去两次医院,He has to go to hospital twice a month.,once a weekonce a day,比较状语从句,:,与,相比,:,than ,morethan,less than,(,当句子里两个动词相同、时态也一样时,第二个动词可以省略,如果对比的东西很明显,为了避免重复,从句中有些成分可以省略,比较完整的句子读起来要正规些),比较状语从句:,( )1. The yellow shoes are_ than the blue ones.,A. expensiveB. expensiverC. more expensi,ve,( )2. A cow is _bigger than a mouse.,A. much B. moreC. Many,( )3. Whos the_ ,Jean, Joan or Jennet?,A. thinnerB. Thinest,C. thinnest,( )4. Tim is_ than Jack.,A. funny,B.much funny,C. funnier,( )5. Im taller than others in my class. Im_.,A. tall,B. tallest,C. the tallest,( )1. The yellow shoes are_,( )6. Who can sing better_ Rose?,A.,t,han,B. Then,C./,( )7. I have_ books than you have.,A. many,B. much,C.,m,ore,( )8. His uncles house is very_ .,A .old,B. older,C. Oldest,( )9. My bike is_ ,but his bike is_.,A. new, new,B.new, newer,C. new, newest,( )10. Please clean your room. Its_ now.,A .clean,B.,d,irty,C. tidy,( )6. Who can sing better_,as adj/adv as,not as/so adj./adv. As,Example:,People are,nt,so,kind,as,they used to be.,He is,as,quick in answering,as,his sister.,as soon as,一,就,as soon as possible,尽快,as adj/adv as,


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