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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 21,Lesson 3,Epidemics Explained,Unit 21,1,Do you still remember,SARS,?,Do you still remember SARS ?,2,How did you feel when,SARS,was spreading?,How did you feel when SARS was,3,Whats the,outcome,of,SARS ?,Whats the outcome of SARS ?,4,Besides SARS, what other diseases can be epidemic?,Besides SARS, what other dise,5,AIDS,SARS,Influenza(=flu),Bird Flu,Swine Flu,Hand-Feet-Mouth Disease,Tuberculosis(=TB) 肺结核,AIDS,6,Death silently leapt(跳跃) from house to house,till he nearly lost his prey (被掠食者,).,-Francis Macnamara British,People dropped dead like flies (苍蝇).,Grief-stricken(极度忧伤的) mothers mourned their sons death, till their tears,ran dry.,画家笔下的中世纪黑死病景象,Death silently leapt(跳跃) from,7,Dr Garcia,no matter how good modern science is, a future epidemic is inevitable.,Dr Garciano matter how good mo,8,*epidemic,cancer,wipe out,urban,*rebuild,empire,trial,*prohibit,unite,pause,n. 流行病, 传染病,n. 癌,癌症,彻底毁灭,adj. 城市的,vt. 重建,n. 帝国,n. 实验,vt. 禁止,vt. 联合,团结,n. 暂停,停顿,New Words,*epidemicn. 流行病, 传染病New Words,9,*acute,statistics,symptom,routine,press,parallel,tissue,*adaptation,foresee,mourn,adj. 剧烈的,严重的,n. 统计资料,统计数字,n. 症状,n. 常规,惯例,n. 新闻界,报界 v.按, 压,n. 平行线,极相似之处,n. 组织,n. 变化,变种,vt. 预见(foresaw-foreseen),vt. 感到悲痛,表示哀悼,New Words,*acuteadj. 剧烈的,严重的New Words,10,carrier,prescription,*tablet,underline,*thorough,*systematic,*teamwork,faith,stop sth. in its tracks,pill,n. 带菌者,n. 处方,n. 药片,vt. 强调, 下划线,adj. 彻底的,adj. 系统化的,n. 协作,配合,n. 信心,终止,消灭,n. 药丸,药片,New Words,carriern. 带菌者New Words,11,Work in pairs. Do you think these statements are true (T) or false (F)?,1) Flu kills,millions of,people every year.,2) Most diseases are very,new,.,3) Epidemics have affected,historical events,.,Work in pairs. Do you think th,12,5) Epidemics can,wipe out,up to,half of the population,in urban areas.,6),More,people died of a flu epidemic in 1918/1919 than died in World War I.,4) It takes,years,for a disease to spread worldwide.,Unfortunately, they are all bloody truth.,5) Epidemics can wipe out up t,13,Reading,Reading,14,Reading strategies:,Sequencing of information,1. Read the text with,gaps,to get the,general idea,.,2.,Read the sentences,before and after,the gaps,.,3. Read the,missing paragraphs.,4. Put the missing paragraphs in the gaps.,5. Reread the,whole passage.,Reading strategies:1. R,15,Skim the passage to get the main idea,Skim the passage to get the ma,16,Read the text to find how the passage develop?,In order of time,In order of space,In order of logic,Read the text to find how the,17,Reading,Match the five paragraphs (A-E) with gaps 3,5, 8, 10 and 12 in the text.,A,B,C,D,E,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 8,Paragraph 10,Paragraph 12,ReadingMatch the five para,18,How many epidemics in the human history are mentioned in this text?,Para. 1 & 13:,_,Para. 3&4:,_,_,Para. 5&6:,_,Para. 7&8:,_,Para. 912:,_,Bird Flu,Epidemic in Roman Empire,=(Justinians Plague) 查士丁尼瘟疫,Black Death,Spanish Flu,SARS,How many epidemics in the huma,19,time,epidemic,areas,number of the people died,Justinians Plague,North Africa, middle East, Europe,up to 50% of the areas population,In the 1330s,Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East,up to one half of the population,1918,Spanish Flu,up to 50 million in 18 months,2002,SARS,China, Canada, Vietnam, Singapore,500-550AD,The Black Death,The whole world,774,Bird Flu,1997,more than a hundred lives,First in HK,the earliest on record,Great Flu,modern adaptation,time epidemic areasnumber of,20,Match each epidemic with the,statements,Bird Flu,Para.1&13,Its a modern adaptation of Spanish Flu,Thorough and systematic,medical research will,lead to,a,cure,as soon as possible.,It has become a global epidemic,彻底而系统的,导致, 产生,n.治愈的方法,Match each epidemic with theBi,21,Justinians,Plague,Para.3&4,one of the earliest,on record,The most acute worldwide,epidemic,It was one of the main causes of the,fall,of the Roman Empire,记录在案,n. 衰落,empire, emperor, empress,affected historical events,Justinians one of the earlies,22,The Black,Death,Para.5&6,Perfect conditions,were provided,for the disease to spread worldwide,Crowded,urban areas,were more,severely affected,It was,completely new,Para.E. Line 5,Line 6,_, _ and,_.,War,crowded cities,a lack of basic health routines,缺乏基本的卫生习惯,The Black Perfect conditions w,23,The Great Flu,Epidemic,Para. 7&8,It,struck,near the end of the,First World War,The most,acute,worldwide,epidemic,The young and fit were more,likely to be affected,More people died of the flu,than died in the war,It was completely new,V. (疾病、灾难等)侵袭;攻击,年轻力壮者,The Great Flu It struck near t,24,SARS,Para.912,It was completely new,It began with a lung disease,Most people had no,natural,defenses,against the disease,Yet , it has been forgotten by,history,天然防护(抗体),Spanish Flu,There were no _ drugs or _ to treat it.,prescription,tablets,SARSIt was completely newIt be,25,“With recent,press,reports,drawing parallels between,Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith,looks through,the history of epidemics for clues(线索) about what the future might,hold,.”,draw parallels,between,A. to draw the sign “=”,B. to show two different things are similar,What does the writer tell us in the background introduction?,look through,A. to examine sth. carefully,B. to look at sth. with a glance (一瞥),The introduction intends to show us that:,Bird Flu is similar to a killer epidemic in the history;,Scientists are looking for clues to help future study.,“With recent press reports dra,26,Read the second paragraph and find out why scientists look through the history of epidemics.,Scientists hope _.,to find out how epidemics have happened,to predict and prevent epidemics in the future,to see how bacteria and viruses have been affected human life,to see what the future of the world will be like,“to discover the,causes and effects,(因果关系),of epidemics, and hopefully,foresee and prevent,them in the future.”,Read the second paragraph and,27,Read the last paragraph and see if the writer presents a solution? If he does, what is it or what are they?,Yes, he does.,“Countries,will need to,work together,to do this”;,We have to,have faith,that there will be solutions in time to,stop,a bird Flu epidemic,in its tracks.,find “,a cure for Bird Flu as soon as possible,”,Read the last paragraph and se,28,How does he support his solution?,By analyzing the epidemics in history.,The structure of this discursive essay,1. Statement:,Bird Flu=Spanish Flu,2. Problem:,How to foresee and prevent it,3. An analysis of the problem,4. Solution:,International effort & faith,How does he support his soluti,29,Complete these sentences about the text in your own words.,We know that epidemics have been with us for thousands of years because,2. An epidemic may have been one of the key causes of the fall of the Roman Empire because,Complete these sentences about,30,3. The “Black Death” spread rapidly in Asia and Europe because,4. SARS spread from Hong Kong to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore because,5. Many doctors and nurses became ill with SARS because,3. The “Black Death” spread ra,31,About the Plague,550AD, Roman emperor Justinian, 25%-50%, the main reason why the Roman empire fell,About the Black Death,1330s, in Asia, providing perfect conditions for the spreading. to 1/3 was lost to,About the Plague,32,About Great Flu Epidemic of 1918,The most acute worldwide epidemic in the history,SARS,Liu Jianjun came to Hongkong, passed the virus to people. Then carriers carried it to Canada,About Great Flu Epidemic of 19,33,Language points,Language points,34,1.,draw parallel,between,把两者相比较 (找相似之处),e.g.,He,reached a conclusion,after,drawing parallels,between,these two cases. 他比较这两起案件之后得出了结论。,be parallel,to,与平行;与相似,=,be similar,to,e.g.,你的看法和我相似。,Your opinion,is parallel,to,mine.,parallel,虽为,adj.,但无比较级、最高级。,(perfect,favorite),=,compare,A,with,B,*parallel,n.,相似物,平行线,*parallel,adj.,类似的,平行的,1. draw parallel between = com,35,2.,look through,浏览,e.g.,He often,looks through,several newspapers before breakfast.,逐一查看,仔细检查,e.g.,There are some papers that I have to,look through,tonight.,穿过 看,e.g.,Look through,the window and youll see a beautiful garden.,看穿某人,e.g.,I can,look through,her thought by her reaction.,=go through,2. look through 浏览=go thro,36,3. ,what the future might hold,. 将来会是怎样,hold,v.,容纳; 持有(观点); 承受; 保持; 仍然有效,e.g.,The concert hall,holds,1,000 audience.,Other students,hold,the opinion that staying,up is harmful to our health.,Is that branch strong enough to,hold,you?,Bolt,holds,the 100-metre world record.,The offer I made to you last week still,holds,.,hold,a meeting 举行,hold,on a second 稍等,容纳,持有,承受,保持,有效,3. what the future might hol,37,4.,take ones life,夺走某人生命,e.g.,The earthquake in Yaan, Sichuan province has,taken the lives,of nearly 200 people.,Unable to pay off the debts, he _ _,_ _.,无力偿还债务,他,自杀,了。,5.,be around,存在;在附近,e.g.,任何时候你需要帮助,我都会在你身边。,Anytime you need help Ill,be around,.,took his,own,life,= commit suicide,4. take ones life 夺走某人生命too,38,6.,as long as,只要;和一样长久,e.g.,With the development of medicine, human beings are likely to live,as long as,150 years in the future.,e.g.,You are allowed to go to the party tonight,as,long as,you come back before 10 oclock.,7.,cause and effect,因果,e.g.,Every thing that happens has its,cause and effect.,每件事的发生都有它的前因后果。,8.,on record,有记录的, 有历史记载的,介词短语,做,后置定语,e.g.,I rent a house,with garage,.,(带车库的房子)。,He was talking to the man,in black,.(穿黑衣的人),She is a girl,of great kindness,. (非常善良的女孩),6. as long as 只要;和一样长久e.g.,39,9.,attempt,to do,v.,试图,企图做,make an attempt,to do,e.g.,他试图谋杀国王但没有成功。,He,attempted to,murder the King but,in vain.,10.,sweep,v.,打扫,清扫,Tomb Sweeping Day, on April 4,th,or 5,th,sweep through,流行,迅速传遍,e.g.,这首歌曾经风靡大江南北。,The song once,swept through,the country.,swept-swept,n.,尝试,试图,= spread,9. attempt to do v. 试图,企,40,11. ,up to,50% of the population died from this epidemic,making,it one of the main causes of the,fall,of the Roman Empire.,up to,+ 数量词,: (数目),高达,多达,fall,(n.),衰败,没落,rise and fall,(指人生)起伏, 兴衰,making,的主语是_, 在句中作_状语。,e.g.,European football is played in 80 countries, _ (make) it the most popular sport in the world.,e.g.,His parents died, _(leave) him and his brother alone.,整件事,making,leaving,ups and downs,结果,= which makes it,相当于非限制性定从,= which makes it,= which left him,e.g.,He cut off the electricity immediately, _ (prevent) a terrible accident.,e.g.,It rained heavily, _ (cause) serious flooding in that country.,preventing,= which prevented,causing,= which caused,11. up to 50% of the populati,41,12.,a lack of,缺乏,e.g.,The company closed down (由于缺乏资金) _.,lack,vt.,缺乏,lacking,adj.,缺乏的,不足的,be lacking,in,在方面不足,欠缺,e.g.,The report says that most of people today,are lacking in,social responsibility.,lack,n.,due to a lack of money,because it lacked money.,12. a lack of 缺乏lack n.due,42,13.,strike,v.,struck struck/striken,(灾难疾病等)侵袭;,e.g.,The area was,struck,by a heavy storm.,打动;,What,struck,me most,was their passion for work. 使我深受感动的是他们对工作的热情。,罢工;,The Labor Union is,striking,for,a pay rise of 10%. 工会正,为,提薪10%,而罢工,。,想到,It suddenly struck me,how to work it out.,= It suddenly _ _ me ,occur,red,to,13. strike v. struck struck,43,14.,leave,doing,: 让sth./sb.一直处于状态,e.g.,别让水一直流。,Dont,leave,the water,running,.,leave,sth./sb. +,adj.,/,adv.,/,V-ing,(主动)/,V-ed,(被动),e.g.,Luke出去了但作业没做完。,Luke went out but,left,his homework _.,e.g.,他的双亲去世了,留下他独自一人。,His parents death,left,him _.,e.g.,隔壁的噪音让我一夜无眠。,The noise from next door,left,me _.,alone,unfinished,adv.,V-ed,awaken,adj.,14. leave doing: 让sth./sb.一直,44,16.,a tendency,to do,带有的倾向,=,tend to do,往往,倾向于, 易于,e.g.,People,have a tendency to,make mistakes when they do things in a hurry.,tend to,15.,the young and fit,年轻力壮的人,the + adj.,表示一类人,反,the old and weak,年老体弱者,16. a tendency to do 带有的倾向,45,17.,Its said/reported/believed that,sb./sth. ,= sb./sth.,is,said,to,+,be doing,have done,e.g.,He is said to _ to the South this winter. 据说他今年冬天要搬到南方去。,His company is said to _. 据说他的公司遇到了困难。,The children are said to _ by the river. 据说孩子们,正在,河边玩。,They are said to _ London. 据说他们,已经,离开伦敦。,They were said to _ in the battle. 据说他们,已在,战斗中被杀死了。,do,未发生/现在状态,正在进行,(在say之前)已完成,move,be in trouble,be playing,have left,have been killed,17. Its said/reported/believe,46,18. “,Having killed,up to 50 million people , the Spanish Flu,is believed to have been,the most acute epidemic in history. ”,kill,的主语是_, 由主语(主动/被动)完 成。,be believed to have been,“被认为是”,表示 (未发生/正在进行/已经完成)的动作,是在,kill,(之前/之后)发生, 所以用,having killed,表示 主语主动做的这一动作在另一动作之前发生。,e.g.,_(realize) his mistake, Tom,apologized,to his teacher.,_(help) so many times, the old man,could,do nothing but,thanked,the volunteers.,Spanish Flu,Having realized,Having been helped,被动: Having been done,18. “Having killed up to 50 mi,47,1. _ a reply, he,decided,to write again.,A. Not receiving B. Receiving not,C. Not having received D. Having not received,2. _ many times, he finally,understood,it. (09四川10),A. ToldB. TellingC. Having toldD. Having been told,3. I hear theyve promoted Tom, but he,didnt mention,_ when we,talked,on the phone.(08江西24),A. to promote B. having been promoted,C. having promoted D. to be promoted,4. _around the Water Cube, we,were then taken,to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.(08陕西14),A. Having shown B. To be shown,C. Having been shown D. To show,C,D,B,C,1. _ a reply, he decided,48,5. _to reach them on the phone, we,sent,an email instead. (08重庆29) ,A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed,6. _ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly,realized,he had left the cheque in the car. (08福建22),A. Waiting B. To wait,C. Having waitedD. To have waited,D,C,5. _to reach them on the,49,19. these statistics are much less impressive than,those,for the Spanish Flu.,those,:,代词, 替代上文出现过的,复数名词,The watches in this shop are cheaper than _ in the shop across the street.,that,: 替代上文出现过的同类事物, 常指代,不可数n.,The weather in Hainan is much warmer than _ in Shanghai at this time of the year.,one,: 用法同that, 但常指,单数可数n., Ipad was quite handy to use., Really? I will get _ , too.,it,: 替代前文中提到的同一事物, 为,单数n.,;或整件事。,that,= statistics,those,= watches,= weather,one,= an Ipad,19. these statistics are much,50,it,: 替代前文中提到的同一事物, 为,单数n.,;或,整件事,。,I have lost my purse.,It,was black.,James got married last month. Have you heard about,it,?,= the whole thing,= my purse,= the whole thing= my purse,51,20.,do trials,on,对进行试验,e.g.,医院对这种新药已经进行了许多次试验。,The hospital has,done,many,trials,on,the new medicine.,(be),on,trial,(在)试用(期间),e.g.,他被雇来,试用,两周。,He was employed for two weeks,on trial,.,21.,prohibit,v.,禁止, 阻止;限制, 妨碍,prohibit,sb.,_,doing,sth.,e.g.,The new law,prohibits,people,from smoking,in the public places.,from,/,forbid,/,ban,+,doing,=,carry out,experiment,on,20. do trials on 对进行试验from/,52,22.,outbreak,n.,(战争、疾病、灾难等) 爆发,break out,(战争、疾病、灾难等) 爆发,e.g.,The sudden attack of Germany on Poland marked the,outbreak,of World War II.,德国突袭波兰标志着二战的爆发。,23.,have faith,_ sth. 对有信心,反,lose faith,in,sth. 对失去信心,in,22. outbreak n. (战争、疾病、灾难等),53,Language Points,1.,wipe out,彻底毁灭,e.g.,洪水彻底淹没了整个村庄。,The floods,wiped out,the whole village.,抹去,消除,e.g.,没有什么能够抹去他过去痛苦的记忆。,Nothing could,wipe out,his bitter memories of the past.,2.,up to,(数量等)高达,多达,e.g.,多达3000个人去听了这场演唱会。,Up to,3,000 people attended the concert.,+ 数量词,Language Points+ 数量词,54,3.,die of,/,die from,死于,内部原因,(情感、冻饿等):_,外在原因,(外伤、事故等):_,died,_ hunger/cold/illness/old age.,died,_ wound/accident/overwork/,carelessness/drinking.,He died _ lung cancer.,_ smoking.,die of,die from,of,from,of,from,3. die of / die from 死于die,55,Phrases,1. draw parallel between,be parallel to,2. look through,3. take ones life,4. cause and effect,5. on record,6. attempt to do,7. sweep through,swept swept,8. a lack of,在两者之间比较,与相似,浏览;仔细检查,夺走某人的生命,因果关系,有历史记载的,尝试做,席卷,蔓延,缺乏,Phrases,56,9. leave doing,10. with a tendency to do,11. do trials on,12. prohibit sb. from doing,13. have faith (in),lose faith in,14. It suddenly strike me that ,让处于某种状态,带有的倾向,对进行试验,禁止某人做某事,对有信心,对失去信心,我突然想起 ,9. leave doing让处于某种状态,57,Practices,1. It must be the coldest winter _ _ in history. 这肯定是有历史记载以来最冷的冬天。,2. His sight _ him _ _a pilot. 他的视力,阻止,他成为一名飞行员。,3. The crops is dying due to _ _ _ rain.,4. The government is trying to _ _ drug dealing on the boundary.政府竭力,清除,边境毒 品交易。,5. The scientist _ many _ _ the liquid and finally got a result. 这个科学家对液体,做,了多次,试验,,最终得到了结果。,on record,prohibited,from being,a lack of,wipe out,did,trials on,Practiceson recordprohibite,58,6.,Its said that,the old library,will be,rebuilt.,= The old library _ _ _ _ _.,7.,Its reported that,an earthquake,happened,last night in Italy.,= An earthquake _ _ _ _ _ last night in Italy.,8. He _ _ escape from the prison but _ _. 他,试图,越狱但,没有成功,。,9. At that moment, _ _ _ _ _ I was wasting my time. 那一刻, 我突然意识到自己是在浪费时间。,is said to,is said to,have happened,attempted to,in vain,be rebuilt,it suddenly struck me,that,6. Its said that the old libr,59,10 . The war _ over 10, 000 _. 战争,夺走,了十多万人的,性命,。,11. The mother _ _ _ doing housework and _ her baby _ by itself. 妈妈,开始,做家务,,让,小孩子自己一个人,玩,。,12. Keep on trying! Dont _ _ _ yourself! 继续尝试!不要,对,自己,失去信心,!,13. The financial storm which began last year has _ _ the globe.去年开始的金融风暴已经,席卷,全球。,14. The house price in Shanghai is much higher than _ in Fujian.,took,got down to,left,playing,lose faith in,swept through,lives,that,buildings,taller,those,10 . The war _ over 10, 0,60,1.,从,“非典”疫情结束后,科学家们就在,做,治疗,实验,以,防止,将来的再次爆发。,Since,the SARS epidemic,ended, scientists,have been,do,ing,trials on,treatments to,prohibit,any future outbreaks.,“,since,+,过去时,”与,现在完成时,连用;,do trials on,:对做实验,1. 从“非典”疫情结束后,科学家们就在做治疗实验以防止将来,61,2. 西班牙流感,被认为,是,历史上最严重的一次传染病。,The Spanish Flu,is believed to,have been,the most acute epidemic in history.,sb./sth.,is believed to,+,have done,=,Its believed that,+,sb./sth.,is believed to,+,do,=,Its believed that,+,一般过去时,一般现在时,2. 西班牙流感被认为是历史上最严重的一次传染病。一般过去时,62,3. 它,爆发,于第一次世界大战末期,结果,使,世界各地的许多家庭,陷入,(失去亲人的),悲痛,中。,It,struck,near the end of the First World War and,left,families,mourning,worldwide.,strike struck struck,:,leave,sb./sth.,doing,:,leave, make, get, have,袭击,爆发,使sb./sth.,处于某种状态,使役动词,3. 它爆发于第一次世界大战末期,结果使世界各地的许多家庭陷,63,1.,从,“非典”疫情结束后,科学家们就在,做,治疗,实验,以,防止,将来的再次爆发。,2. 西班牙流感,被认为,是,历史上最严重的一次传染病。,3. 它,爆发,于第一次世界大战末期,结果,使,世界各地的许多家庭,陷入,(失去亲人的),悲痛,中。,1. 从“非典”疫情结束后,科学家们就在做治疗实验以防止将来,64,6.,死于 : die of /die from,This is because each year millions of smokers,die from,smoking.,die from/ die of 均可表示“因而死亡”;,指疾病造成的死亡用die of 和die from均可。,6. 死于 : die of /die from,65,die from还可表示因外部,创伤,或间接的原因而死。如: die from a wound, die from overwork, die from polluted air,die of 常指因内部原因造成的死亡, 如:疾病、饥渴、年老、悲伤、事故等。 die of disease/hunger/old age/sadness/ accident,die from还可表示因外部创伤或间接的原,66,die by 指死于暴力, 刀或剑等凶器。如: die by the swo


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