新概念英语1B Unit18单元课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,1,dinner,/ din/,晚餐,2,dinner / din/ 晚,pan,/pn/,平底锅,3,pan /pn/平底锅3,2004,年春晚经典相声如此指导,_clip.flv,买四个萝卜,切,吧,切,吧,切,吧,chop,/tp/,切开,spoon,/spu:n/,勺子,4,2004年春晚经典相声如此指导_clip.flv买四个萝卜切,fork,/f:k/,叉子,knife,/naif/,刀,5,fork /f:k/ 叉子knife /naif,6,6,dry,干燥,wet,湿的,7,drywet7,rice,大米,8,rice8,sugar,/ug/,Unit18.flv,9,sugar /ug/Unit18.flv9,drawer,/dr:/,抽屉,10,drawer10,jug,11,jug11,New words and Expressions,c,oo,k k,k 做饭菜 hand hnd 手,dinner dn 晚餐 wetwet 湿的,help help 帮忙 You,see 你看.,r,i,ce r,a,s 大米 open pn 开办waterw:t 水,rest,au,rant,rst,rnt, 餐馆,pan pn 平底锅 Oh,yeah! 噢,是的,ch,o,p t,p 切开 must mst 必须,o,ni,o,n ,nj,n 洋葱 jug d 罐子,sp,oon ,sp,u:n 勺子 dry dra 干燥的,get et 得到,拿来 foodfu:d 食物,fork f:k 叉子,su,g,ar, 食糖,dr,awer,dr,:, 抽屉 milk mlk 牛奶,12,New words and Expressionscook,Challenge your eyes,挑战你的眼睛,(比比谁最快),onion,chop,water,dinner,water,rice,pan,help,pan,water,pan,onion,cook,help,dinner,13,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛on,Challenge your eyes,挑战你的眼睛,(比比谁最快),wet,wet,get,get,spoon,fork,You see,hand,spoon,drawer,spoon,drawer,You see,fork,hand,14,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛we,1. b),1.What s in the jar?,2. Who can chop two onions?,3.Whose hands are wet?,4. Who can cook, too?,There s some rice in the jar.,Robert can.,Roberts hands are.,Men can cook, too.,15,1. b)1.What s in the jar?Ther,Finish P21-a c d,16,Finish P21-a c d 16,Let / can / Give / Theres,Lets cook dinner, Robert.,You can help me.,Give me some rice, please.,Theres some rice in that jar,.,17,Let / can / Give / TheresLet,Grammar:,man - men woman women,cook,n.,厨师,v.,烹调,做菜,a/an,修饰可数名词单数,,an,用于以,元音音素,开头的单词前,a university,18,Grammar:man - men wom,cook dinner,做晚饭,Give me some rice, please!,请给我一些大米,Theres some,rice,in that jar.,不可数名词,There are some,apples,on the tree.,可数名词,Some,既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词,。,19,cook dinner 做晚饭Give me some r,car,bicycle,apple,onion,tea,coffee,sugar,field,policeman,water,bottle,university,umbrella,hour,orange,a,a,a,an,a,an,an,an,an,some,some,some,some,a,a,20,carbicycleappleonionteacoffees,a/an,修饰可数名词单数,,an,用于以,元音音素,开头的单词前,some/any,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,some,用于肯定句,,any,用于否定句和疑问句,21,a/an 修饰可数名词单数,an用于以元音音素开头的单词,Practice:,a,a,an,any,any,some,some,any,any,any,a,some,a,any,some,an,some,a,any,22,Practice:aaananyanysomesomeany,Put .in and pass /Which / table / Here ,Put some water in the pan,And pass me a knife, please.,Which one?,That one on the table.,OK, Dad.,Here it is.,23,Put .in and pass /Which /,put in .,把,.,放进,里面,pass me a knife,pass+,人,+,物 递东西给某人,Here it is !,Here you are!,24,put in .把.放进里面pass me,5.put in,把,放入,里,6.Pass sb sth=pass sth to sb.,Eg:pass a knife to me.,(,give sb. sth = give sth to sb.,给某人某物),7.Kni,fe,- kni,ves,(,类似的还有,housewi,fe-,housewi,ves,),25,5.put in 把放入里25,Chop /Ok,Chop two onions, please,.,OK, Dad.,Chop two onions,26,Chop /OkChop two onions, ple,William,:,_two _, please.,Robert,:,OK, Dad.,_ two _,Chop,Chop,onions,onions,祈使句,表示命令,建议或者是劝告,27,William: Chop Choponionsonions,Is there? / Yes / Pass / get .and ,Is there a big spoon over there?,Yes ,Dad.,Pass me the big spoon ,please.,I cant get a spoon and chop an onion ,Dad!,28,Is there? / Yes / Pass / ge,Right / plates / on the shelf . in the drawer / wet,Youre right.,What about some plates?,Dad, There are some plates,on,the shelf.,There are some knives, some forks and some spoons in the drawer.,And my hands are wet.,29,Right / plates / on the shelf,8.What about= How about,Eg: What about you?你怎么样?,30,8.What about= How about30,men / open / Oh,You see, Robert,men can cook ,too.,Perhaps we can open a restaurant!,Oh, yeah!,31,men / open / OhYou see, Robert,You see,对某事物进行解释时使用的固定短语。,Oh, yeah!,表示假装同意,即怀疑。,32,You see 对某事物进行解释时使用的固定短语。32,P21- a,33,P21- a33,1.c),1. Must Robert put some water in a jug?,2.Is there a knife on the table?,3.Are there any plates in the drawer?,4.Are Roberts hands dry?,No ,he neednt. He must put some water in a pan.,Yes, there is.,No, there arent . There are some plates on the shelf.,No, they arent. They are wet.,34,1.c)1. Must Robert put some wa,1. d),1.What is there in that jar?,2.How many knives are there on the table?,3.Who cant get a spoon and chop an onion?,4.Whose hands are wet?,There is some rice in that jar.,There is one.,Robert cant.,Roberts hands are.,35,1. d)1.What is there in that j,P24-3,P25-选择填空,36,P24-3,P25-选择填空36,Lesson 36,s,c,a,nners,k,n 扫描仪 bottle btl 瓶子,computerkmpju:t orange juice,电脑 rind du:s 橙汁,p,a,ck,e,tp,k,t 小包 fridgefrd 冰箱c,o,ffeek,f 咖啡 seasi: 海,tea,ti:,茶叶,37,Lesson 36scannerskn 扫描仪,Is there a scanner /skn/ in the office ?,No , there isnt.,Is there a computer in the office ?,Yes,,,there is.,38,Is there a scanner /skn/ i,Is there a scanner /skn/ in the office ?,No , there isnt.,Is there a computer in the office ?,Yes,,,there is.,39,Is there a scanner /skn/ i,Is there a scanner /skn/ in the office ?,No , there isnt.,Is there a computer in the office ?,Yes,,,there is.,40,Is there a scanner /skn/ i,Is there a scanner /skn/ in the office ?,No , there isnt.,Is there a computer in the office ?,Yes,,,there is.,41,Is there a scanner /skn/ i,Whats in the packet /pkit/,?,Is it coffee,?,No ,it isnt. Its tea.,42,Whats in the packet /pkit/?I,Whats in the packet /pkit/,?,Is it coffee,?,No ,it isnt. Its tea.,43,Whats in the packet /pkit/?I,Whats in the packet /pkit/,?,Is it coffee,?,No ,it isnt. Its tea.,44,Whats in the packet /pkit/?I,Whats in the packet /pkit/,?,Is it coffee,?,No ,it isnt. Its tea.,45,Whats in the packet /pkit/?I,I,cant,see,a,computer.,I can,. Theres,one,in the office.,I,cant,see,any,tea.,I can,. Theres,some,in the packet.,46,I cant see a computer. I can.,I cant,see,a,computer.,I can.,Theres,one,in the office.,I cant,see,any,tea.,I can.,Theres,some,in the packet.,47,I cant see a computer. I can.,I,cant,see,a,scanner in the office.,No , there isnt one,.,I,cant,see,any,coffee in the packet.,No , there isnt any,.,48,I cant see a scanner in the o,I,cant,see,a,scanner in the office.,No , there isnt one,.,I,cant,see,any,coffee in the packet.,No , there isnt any,.,49,I cant see a scanner in the o,I,cant,see,a,scanner in the office.,No , there isnt one,.,I,cant,see,any,coffee in the packet.,No , there isnt any,.,50,I cant see a scanner in the o,Pass me a cup, please.,A cup? Of course. Here you are.,51,Pass me a cup, please. 51,Give me some milk, please.,Some milk ? Of course. Here you are.,52,Give me some milk, please. 52,Pass me a cup, please.,A cup? Of course. Here you are.,53,Pass me a cup, please. 53,Give me some milk, please.,Some milk ? Of course. Here you are.,54,Give me some milk, please. 54,Pass me a cup, please.,A cup? Of course. Here you are.,55,Pass me a cup, please. 55,Give me some milk, please.,Some milk ? Of course. Here you are.,56,Give me some milk, please. 56,Pronunciation:,/m/,m,y,M,um,m,other,m,eet bedroo,m,fa,m,ily handso,m,e ca,m,era,/n/,n,ame,n,eighbour,n,ight,kn,ife spoo,n,o,n,io,n,stude,n,t husba,n,d,57,Pronunciation:57,Listening:,mp3U18-4 Listening.mp3,58,Listening: mp3U18-4,Thank you,59,Thank you59,


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