ITIL 相关资料 培训 理论 考试72651710

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Slide,*,Configuration,Management,1,Goal Primary Objective,To provide a,logical model,of the IT infrastructure by,identifying,controlling, maintaining,and,verifying,the versions of,ALL,Configuration Items in existence.,2,Types of CIs,4,CI Types,Hardware,Software,Documentation,Processes and Procedures,Technical documentation,Diagrams/Charts,4.IT Staff,NOT,USERS,3,Account for,ALL,IT assets,Provide,accurate,information to support other Service Management processes,Provide a sound basis for all other Service Management disciplines,Verify,records against the infrastructure and to correct exceptions,Why Configuration Management?,4,Planning,- Strategy, policy, scope, objective, roles & responsibilities,- Config Mgt processes, activities and procedures,- CMDB, Relationships with other processes and 3,rd,parties,- Tools and resource requirements,Identification,- Selection, identification and labelling of all CIs -,Relationships,Control,- Authorised additions, modifications and removal of CIs,Status,Accounting,-,The reporting of all current and historical data of each CIOrdered, Under Repair, Live, Test .,Verification,&,Auditing,- Reviews and audits to verify physical existence of CIs,5 Activities of Configuration Management,5,Configuration Items,(CIs),Component of an infrastructure that is (or is to be) under the control of Configuration Management,Configuration Management Database,(CMDB),A database that contains all relevant details of each CI and details of the important,relationships,between CIs,Base Level,The,lowest level,at which CIs are uniquely identified,Baseline A SNAPSHOT,The configuration of a product or system established at a specific point in time, capturing both structure and details,Key,Considerations,6,Programme,C,Example Software Structure,Software,System,Subroutine,2,Programme,B,Application,2,Module,1,Application1,Application,3,Programme,A,Subroutine,1,BASE LEVEL,(CI Level),The lowest level at which CIs are,uniquely identified,7,Attributes,Attributes,-,Unique Identifier,- CI Type ID,- Name,- Version Number,- Model / type identification,- Place / location,- Supplier,- CI History,- Status,-,Relationships,-,VARIANTS,8,Relationships,Relationships,- .is a,parent/child,of.,- .is a version of.,- .is connected to.,- .applies to.(e.g. documentation),- .is used for. (CIs related to service),- .is a variant of. (MS Dictionary English vs. Dutch),Any others that are meaningful and useful to the organisation can be used,9,Benefits,Provides accurate information on CIs and their documentation to support all other Service Management disciplines,Facilitates adherence to legal and contractual obligations,Improves security by controlling the versions of CIs in use,Setting up Configuration Management,The planning process for setting up could take up to 6 months. Actual implementation may take much longer, but the benefits of Configuration Management should outweigh the cost,10,Exam Tips,The key to configuration management is that it identifies,RELATIONSHIPS,between CIs,Configuration Activities,Planning,Identification of Configuration item (CI),Control,Status Accounting (ordered, delivered,tested, installed, under repair, retired),Verification & Audit,Configuration Management Database,Hardware,Software,Documentation,IT Staff,CFig,11,Exam Tips Continued,Documentation CIs,Processes and Procedures,Technical Documentation,Organisational Charts / Diagrams,All CIs have a number of,ATTRIBUTES,CISs,ALWAYS,have,Unique ID,and,CI Type ID,attributes,Base Level,lowest level a CI is uniquely identified,Baseline,=,Snapshot,of CMDB structure and detail,CI,Variant,is an additional CI attribute e.g. Keyboard CI may have French and English variants,12,Exam Questions,What,information,does Configuration Mgt provide to the IT management of an organisation?,AVariations from agreed,service levels,(IM),BTime spent on,investigation,and diagnosis by each support group (IM),C,Number of incidents,and problems per category (IM),D,Details and history of the,IT infrastructure,13,Exam Questions,A,C,onfiguration,M,anagement,D,atabase (CMDB) can contain different,C,onfiguration,I,tems (CIs). Which of the items below would,NOT,normally be regarded as a CI?,A,A,user,name,BA video monitor (SW),CA bought-in software package (HW),DA procedure (DOC),14,Exam Questions,What is the,main,difference between a,CMDB,(Configuration Management Database) and a typical,asset register,?,AA CMDB is a computerised system most asset registers are not,BThere is no difference,COnly hardware and software is recorded in a CMDB,D,A CMDB is a database that shows the,relationships,between items,15,Exam Questions,Which of the following can be regarded as CIs?,Hardware,Documentation,Staff (NOT USERS),Software,Network components,A1,4 & 5,B1,2,4 & 5,C1 & 4,D,All of them,16,


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