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They were first allies of Celts to fight against Picts and Scots, but then they became new conquerors.,Angles, Saxons and Jutes all have their dialects. The Saxons were numerically superior to the Angles, the latter were influential enough to impose their name on the whole.,Old English are almost monogeneous and entirely Germanic with only a few borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. It was a highly inflected language, of which nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs had complex systems of endings or vowel changes or both.,整理课件,9,The first peoples known to inh,Middle English (1150-1500),The Norman Conquest and its influence on England,A new and larger continental culture was brought to England.,It forced on England “The national idea”.,The situation of the simultaneous existence of three languages:,English -,French -,Latin -,a despised language used by boors and serfs,Those in power, including those who held political or social power and those in powerful Church positions.,Those who want to make a living as a scribe and those in churches,整理课件,10,Middle English (1150-1500)The,Features:,A period of great changes, changes more extensive and fundamental than those that had taken place at any time before and since.,Steady erosion of the Old English inflectional systems: endings of nouns and adjectives marking distinction of number and case and often of gender lost their distinctive forms.,整理课件,11,Features:整理课件11,Modern English(1500 up to the present),Modern English,Early Modern,(1500-1700),Late Modern,(1700 up to the present),Bourgeois and Industrial Revolution,Renaissance,整理课件,12,Modern English(1500 up to the,Modern English,Began with the establishment of printing in England,The Renaissance: more than 25% of Modern English came from Latin and Greek,The Industrial Revolution & Colonization: absorbing words from all major languages of the world,After WWII: New words multiplied in all walks of life,English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present analytic language,整理课件,13,Modern English 整理课件13,A comparison of three phases,Old English,A period of full endings,Middle English,A period of leveled endings,Modern English,A period of lost endings,整理课件,14,A comparison of three phasesOl,2.3 General Characteristics,Receptivity, adaptability and heterogeneity,Variety, heterogeneousness with foreign elements,Simplicity of inflection:,Old English is a synthetic language,Modern English is a analytic language,Relatively fixed word-order,整理课件,15,2.3 General CharacteristicsRec,synthetic language,synthetic language, in,linguistic typology, is a,language,with a high,morpheme,-per-,word,ratio, as opposed to a low morpheme-per-word ratio in what is described as an,isolating language,. This linguistic classification is largely independent of morpheme-usage classifications (such as,fusional,agglutinative, etc.), although there is a common tendency for agglutinative languages to exhibit synthetic properties.,整理课件,16,synthetic languagesynthetic la,Synthetic languages are numerous and well-attested, the most commonly cited being,Indo-European languages,such as,Sanskrit,Spanish,Persian,Greek,Latin,Lithuanian,German,Italian,French,Romanian,Russian,Ukrainian,Polish,and,Czech, as well as many languages of the Americas, including,Navajo,Nahuatl,Mohawk,and,Quechua,.,整理课件,17,Synthetic languages are numero,In,derivational synthesis, morphemes of different types (,nouns,verbs,affixes, etc.) are joined to create new words. For example:,反对解散国教主义,English,:,antidisestablishmentarianism,= against-ending-institutionalize-condition-advocate-ideology meaning the movement to prevent revoking the Church of Englands status as the official church (of England, Ireland, and Wales).,整理课件,18,In derivational synthesis, mor,Isolating language,or,analytic language,is a,linguistic typology,category that defines a,language,with a low,morpheme,-per-,word,ratio in the extreme case of,isolating language,or,analytic language,words are composed of a single,morpheme,.,整理课件,19,Isolating language or analytic,Since words are not marked by,morphology,showing their role in the sentence, word order tends to carry a lot of importance in isolating languages. For example,Chinese,makes use of word order to show subjectobject relationships. Mandarin Chinese (of all varieties) is perhaps the best-known analytic language.,整理课件,20,Since words are not marked by,The term,analytic, referring to a morphological type, is synonymous with the term,isolating,in most contexts. However, it is possible to define,analytic,as referring to the expression of,syntactic,information via separate grammatical words instead of via morphology (with,bound morphemes,). Obviously, using separate words to express syntactic relationships would lead to a more isolating tendency while using,inflectional,morphology would lead to the language having a more synthetic tendency.,.,整理课件,21,The term analytic, referring t,2.4 Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary,The major contributors to English are Latin, Greek, French and Scandinavian.,整理课件,22,2.4 Foreign Elements in the En,2.5 Growth of Contemporary English Vocabulary,Three main sources of new words:,Rapid development of modern science and languages,Social, economic and political changes,The influence of other cultures and languages,整理课件,23,2.5 Growth of Contemporary Eng,2.6 Modes of Vocabulary Development,Creation,The formation of new words by using the existing materials, using roots, affixes and other elements,Semantic change,An old form takes on a new meaning,Borrowing:,Borrowed words constitute six to seven percent of all new words.,整理课件,24,2.6 Modes of Vocabulary Develo,Assignment,Questions:,Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family?,What characteristics of English make the English language heterogeneous?,Account for the popularity of English in the present world from a linguistic perspective.,Describe the characteristics of contemporary vocabulary.,What are the major modes of vocabulary development in contemporary English?,整理课件,25,Assignment Questions:整理课件25,


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