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标题文本,正文级别 1,正文级别 2,正文级别 3,正文级别 4,正文级别 5,#,如何读?,如何读?,1,A Vacation with My Mother,A Vacation with My Mother,2,Interpretation of the Text,文本解读,A story,how,where,when,why,who,what,Interpretation of the Text 文本解,3,I,Interpretation of the Text,文本解读 (Who),mom,brother and sister,David,Dad,IInterpretation of the Text 文本,4,Interpretation of the Text,文本解读(When),1.As the first day of our trip approached,(,para.2),2.,F,inally, the moment of our departure arrived,(para.2),3.,O,n the fourth or fifth night,(para.4),4. the next day,(para.4),Interpretation of the Text 文本解,5,Interpretation of the Text,文本解读(How),情感线:,1.,本中“unwillingly”,“nervous”,“to our great relief”体现了“我”和David心情的变化。,2.,在起程前,“我”和David是不情愿的,,在路途中,,因担心妈妈会把“我们”落在路上,一路上“我们”都很紧张。,而当爸爸拒绝妈妈,搭帐篷的提议的时候“我们”松了一口气。,Interpretation of the Text文本解读,6,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11月读后续写真题(教学课件)-高考英语作文新题型【,7,Interpretation of underlined words and given information,划线词和续写首句解读 (G-N策略),1. Interpretation of given information,首句解读:,Para. 1,The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.,Given,Information,We finally found a vacancy in the next town.,(,para. 4),2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Interpretation of underlined w,8,Interpretation of underlined words and given information,划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略),New Information,What did we do with the tent?, What happened to the tent?,What did my brother David and I do?,What did my mum do?,1. Interpretation of given information,首句解读:,Para. 1,The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us.,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Interpretation of underlined w,9,Interpretation of underlined words and given information,划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略),1. Interpretation of given information,首句解读:,Para. 2,We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.,We finally found a vacancy in the next town.,(para.4),Given,Information,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Interpretation of underlined w,10,Interpretation of underlined words and given information,划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略),New Information,What sights did we see on the journey?, What did we do on the journey?, How did we feel?,How did I feel about my mother?,1. Interpretation of given information,首句解读:,Para. 2,We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Interpretation of underlined w,11,2. Interpretation of underlined words,下划线词解读:,absent-minded,forgetful,trip,David,camping,tent; Dad,Mom;,trouble,nice,Interpretation of underlined words and given information,划线词和续写首句解读,Characters,人物,David; Dad; Mom,Personality,个性;品格,absent-minded,; forgetful; nice,Events,事件;项目,trip; camping; tent; trouble;,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2. Interpretation of under,12,I,Interpretation of writing ideas,写作思路解读 1,Dad,Mom,suggested that we go camping in the next village,had already lain on the grass comfortably in front of the tent,were asked to pick up some branches to build a fire.,David,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,I Interpretation of writing i,13,I,Interpretation of writing ideas,写作思路解读,2,Mom,suddenly said with a firm tone,had a great time trying all the camping equipment.,David,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,I Interpretation of writing id,14,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11月读后续写真题(教学课件)-高考英语作文新题型【,15,The Micro-skills Training in writing,表达微技能:,之,准确的动作神态描写:兴奋篇,We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. We were attracted by the blue sky, the sun and the stars. But what impressed me most during the journey was that tent, which was forgotten deliberately by Mom. Though she did love going camping, she presented that poor boy with the tent out of sympathy. That was my mom, who was sometimes absent-minded, forgetful, yet always loving and sweet.,上面这一段文字虽然情节完整,但是叙事平铺直叙,语言简单,人物动作不够生动,人物情绪描写不到位,整体形象不够丰满。在描述妈妈的“兴奋”时只用了一个“excited”来直白地体现。我们可以通过对人物的动作、语言、神态等的细节描写来体现人物的情绪。,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,The Micro-skills Training in w,16,I. 词的积累,名词:excitement, delight, happiness, ecstasy,动词:laugh, smile, jump, skip, hop, dance,形容词:excited, joyful, cheerful, pleased, thrilled,The Micro-skills Training in writing,表达微技能:,之,准确的动作神态描写:兴奋篇,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,I. 词的积累The Micro-skills Traini,17,II. 词块和句的积累,1. He was so excited that he could hardly speak.,2. She could hardly contain her excitement.,3. Both Mark and I are feeling on the top of the world.,4. His eyes glittering with excitement.,5. The children were thrilled with joy at the sight of the Christmas tree.,6. Hearing the news, he jumped up and down with excitement.,7. I couldnt help but grin from ear to ear.,8. The player jumped for joy when he scored the winning goal.,9.A slow smile worked its way across his face and into his eyes.,10. Bubbling over with happiness, she hummed as she strode through the corridor in search of Raymond.,The Micro-skills Training in writing,表达微技能:,之,准确的动作神态描写:兴奋篇,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,II. 词块和句的积累The Micro-skills Tr,18,Have a try,牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换,1.妈妈建议我们在下一个路过的村庄搭帐篷,她的眼中闪着兴奋的光芒。, Mom suggested that we go camping in the next village,_,_,_. (运用with 复合结构) (_,_,_, mom suggested that we go camping in the next village. (运用独立主格),when he thought of the wolfs bloody mouth,with her eyes glittering with excitement,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Have a try 牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换when,19,2.一到露营地点,妈妈就立即打开车门,迅速下车,催促我们搭帐篷。, When we arrived at the camping place, Mom opened the door immediately, _.(运用连动句句型), When we arrived at the camping place, Mom opened the door immediately, _.(运用非谓语作状语),and stormed out of the car, urging us to put up the tent,stormed out of the car, and urged us to put up the tent,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.一到露营地点,妈妈就立即打开车门,迅速下车,催促我们搭帐,20,Possible version 1,Paragraph 1,The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. Thinking of the tent,Mom,suggested that we go camping in the next village,with eyes glittering with excitement,.,Considering her enthusiasm,we all agreed. When we arrived at the camping place, Mom,stormed out instantly and urged,us to put up the tent.,David,and I were asked to pick up some branches to build a fire. And when we came back,Dad,and Mom had already lain on the grass comfortably in front of the tent,talking merrily with,a local boy at our age, who always cast glimpse at this tent curiously. Soon we learnt that the boy in rags was homeless. Once again, Mom “forgot” to take the tent with us again.,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Possible version 1 Paragraph 1,21,Possible version 1,Paragraph 2,We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. The bright blue sky, the limitless green grass, the setting sun and the countless stars all kept me spellbound. But what impressed me most during the journey was that tent, which was forgotten deliberately by Mom. Though she did love going,camping, she presented that poor boy with the tent out of sympathy. That was my mom, who was sometimes,absent-minded, forgetful, yet always loving and sweet.,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Possible version 1Paragraph 22,22,评点:妈妈在建议的同时眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒,这一描写使人物的形象更加的丰满。动词“storm”和“urge”的使用,从动作上更加凸显出妈妈的迫切和兴奋。从人物神情、动作等进行细节刻画,可以使人物形象更加立体化,更具画面感。,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,评点:妈妈在建议的同时眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒,这一描写使人物的,23,Possible version 2,Paragraph 1,The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brought with us. “Were not going to stay in hotels any more.”,Mom,suddenly said with a firm tone, “or our,tent,would be of no use.” With all our objections in vain, we finally stopped on the front doorstep of a house with a big backyard.,Mom could hardly contain her excitement and exclaimed,“What a beautiful yard!”,A big smile spread over her face,and she knocked at the door. To our relief, the owner received us. It turned out that it was a much better experience than we had imagined.,David,and I,had a great time trying,all the,camping,equipment and mom was,chatting happily with,the kind family. Though we didnt have the tools for cooking since mom was so,forgetful, we still had a good meal as there truly was someone who was as nice as mom.,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Possible version 2Paragraph 12,24,Possible version 2,Paragraph 2,We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. During the camping nights, we,were thrilled at the sight of,the boundless night sky and the sparkling stars. When we were about to reach Colorado, mom asked, “How do you feel about our trip, my sweetheart? Is it interesting?” “Well, I cant say its a perfect one, but its great, especially at night when we enjoyed meals with others.” The sun cast a warm golden glow on moms face. She was still our childlike mom, but at that moment I realized that she was the one who could enjoy life to the best.,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,Possible version 2Paragraph 22,25,评点:妈妈坚持要在别人家院子搭帐篷,但遭到“我们”的多次反对,在“我们”最终妥协之后,她的兴奋感可想而知,因此文中“Mom could hardly contain her excitement”准确地传达了妈妈激动的心情。“A big smile spread over her face”也生动地描述了妈妈的面部神情,体现了的开心与兴奋。,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,评点:妈妈坚持要在别人家院子搭帐篷,但遭到“我们”的多次反对,26,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11,月读后续写真题(教学课件),-,高考英语作文新题型,【,精美版,】,2.3 11月读后续写真题(教学课件)-高考英语作文新题型【,27,1.,第一,眼看到你会被那抢眼、近乎妖艳的色彩震撼,更会迷醉于她独特的,蕴涵巫女般迷幻魔力的风格之中。,2.,她,选择以代表强烈欲望的紫色来包装其化妆品系列,以黯紫色为主色的包装,周围布满了红艳的蔷薇,像极了年代妩媚的面粉盒;复古俏丽的化妆品系列让城中女子爱不释手。,3.,古,琦品牌时装一向以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿,一向被商界人士垂青,时尚之余不失高雅。古琦现在是意大利最大的时装集团,。,4.,继承,着法国高级女装的传统,始终保持高级华丽的设计路线,迎合上流社会成熟女性的审美品味,象征着法国时装文化的最高精神。,5.,多年,过去了,这个名字依然引领着世界的流行时尚。然而在这些辉煌的业绩后面,我们所看到的是一个活生生的,他充满着深情,极为害羞,又极为幽默,他便是永远的。,6.,迪,奥的设计,注重的是服装的女性造型线条而并非色彩。他的时装具有鲜明的风格:裙长不再曳地,强调女性隆胸丰臀、腰肢纤细、肩形柔美的曲线,打破了战后女装保守古板的线条。这种风格轰动了巴黎乃至整个西方世界,给人留下深刻的印象,。,7.,服装,与其他名牌做法不同,它从不将任何“”或“”等明显的标志放在衣服上,而衣标上的字样,则是其唯一的,辨识方法。,8.,推出,的服装款式向顾客传递积极、开放的生活理念,倡导时尚的生活方式。专为,成熟时尚的都市女性设计。她们的着装风格典雅、性感;精于对服装款式、颜色、面料及配饰的,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,1.第一眼看到你会被那抢眼、近乎妖艳的色彩震撼,更会迷醉于她,28,


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