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一轮,历史,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,*,必备知识,拓展补遗,核心价值,创新提能,课时作业,巩固提升,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit1Womenofachievementppt课件新人教版,Unit 1,Women of achievement,Unit 1Women of achievement,课前写作话题积累,读后续写之身边榜样,场景背诵,体会黑体表达并背诵全文,With her dad,s permission, she spent the next two years researching online and conducting trials to get a recipe that was both tasty and tooth,friendly. She also approached dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning. Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria.,课前写作话题积累读后续写之身边榜样,Moore then used her savings to get her business off the ground. Afterwards, she and her father secured their first business meeting with a supermarket owner, who finally agreed to sell Moore,s product,CanCandy. (2019,高考北京卷,B),Moore then used her savings to,话题运用,根据提示进行写作,1,脑海中想着这件事,,Moore,询问她的父亲,她是否可以开一家自己的糖果公司。,_,2,凭借她的天赋和决心,爱丽丝,摩尔,(Alice Moore),似乎不受限制,前途无量。,_,With that in mind, Moore asked her dad if she could start her own candy,company.,With her talent and determination, it appears that the sky could be the limit,for Alice Moore.,话题运用根据提示进行写作With that in m,一单元课标单词重温,阅读单词,请在认识词义的单词前打上对号,welfare,n,institute,n,specialist,n,specialize,v,i,bond,n,.,career,n,. rate,n,. landmine,n,. emergency,n,. determination,n,.,outspoken,adj,. chimp,n,. nest,n,. project,n,. modest,adj,.,一单元课标单词重温,重点单词,1._,n,运动;战役,v,i,.,作战;参加运动,2._,adj,.,值得的;值得做的,3._,n,童年;幼年时代,4._,v,t,.&,n,尊敬;尊重;敬意,5._,n,人群;观众,v,t,.,挤满;使拥挤,campaign,worthwhile,childhood,respect,crowd,重点单词campaign worthwhile chil,6._,n,观众;听众;读者,7._,n,一代;一辈,8._,v,t,.,递送;生,(,小孩儿,),;接生;发表,(,演说等,),9._,v,t,.,鼓舞;激发;启示,_,n,灵感;鼓舞,_,adj,.,能力卓越的,_,adj,.,鼓舞人心的,10._,v,t,.,打算;计划,_,n,目的;意图,audience,generation,deliver,inspire,inspiration,inspired,inspiring,intend,intention,6._ n观众;听众;读者 audi,11._,v,t,.&,v,i,.,举动;,(,举止或行为,),表现,_,n,行为;举止;习性,12._,v,t,.,观察;观测;遵守,_,n,观察;观测,13._,v,t,.&,v,i,.,讨论;辩论;争论,_,n,争论;争辩;争吵,behave,behaviour,observe,observation,argue,argument,11._ vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行,14._,n,款待;娱乐;娱乐表演,_,v,t,.,款待;使快乐,15._,v,i,.,谈到;查阅;参考,_,n,参考;参照;涉及,16._,adj,.,考虑周到的,_,v,考虑;认为,_,n,考虑;体谅,_,prep,.,考虑到,17._,n,成就;功绩,_,v,t,.,完成;达到,entertainment,entertain,refer,reference,considerate,consider,consideration,considering,achievement,achieve,14._ n款待;娱乐;娱,18._,n,连接;关系,_,v,t,.,连接,19._,n,组织;机构;团体,_,v,t,.,组织,20._,n,疾病;恶心,_,adj,.,生病的,21._,n,&,v,t,.,支持,拥护,_,n,支持者,22._,n,仁慈;好意,_,adj,.,仁慈的,和蔼的,connection,connect,organization,organize,sickness,sick,support,supporter,kindness,kind,18._ n连接;关系_,根据所给提示,,,用适当形式填空,,,the top student of our class,,,thinks studying is a very _,(,值得做的,) thing.,2.The old story has been passed along to us by one _ (,一代,) after another.,3.In his _ (,童年,),,,Li Ming lived a happy life though his family wasn,t rich.,worthwhile,generation,childhood,根据所给提示,用适当形式填空 worthwhile gen,,,the police launched a _ (,运动,) to stop taking drugs.,5.Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests _ (crowd) with small trees that compete with big trees for resources.,(2019,高考浙江卷,),6.The teenager from the United States was widely _ (respect) for what she had done.,campaign,crowded,respected,,the police launched a _,7.Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street _ (entertain),(2018,高考全国卷,),s more,,,don,t be surprised when your friend takes food for you,,,which is a tradition in China to show host,s _ (kind),(2018,高考全国卷,),9.The child _ so well in class that the teacher praised his good _ in front of others.(behave),entertainment,kindness,behaved,behaviour,7.Wander among a variety of sh,10.There was a heated _ about whether he was suitable for the position,,,and most of the people _ for him.(argue),11.I hold the firm belief that you are bound to _ your dream of being admitted to a key university,,,which will give you a wonderful sense of _,(achieve),12.The rich man went abroad with the _ of trying his fortune,,,while the poor man _ to learn some skills of earning money.,(intend),argument,argued,achieve,achievement,intention,intended,10.There was a heated _,13.Listening to his _ speech,,,we were _ to make great efforts.It gave us not only hope but also _,(inspire),14._ by a great many _,,,he hold the firm belief that he is bound to achieve his dream as long as he doesn,t lose heart.(support),inspiring,inspired,inspiration,Supported,supporters,13.Listening to his _,词汇拓展,熟词生义,写出加黑词的词性及词义,1.The governments argue that this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures. _,_,_,vt,.,主张,词汇拓展 vt.主张,2.With the development of the society,,,Internet voting has become more and more popular,,,gradually affecting peoples life in all respects.,_,,,rules should be worked out and strictly observed.,_,n,.,方面,vt,.,遵守,2.With the development of the,“,鼓舞;激励,”,动词家族,inspire,v,t,.,鼓舞;激发,encourage,v,t,.,鼓励;激励,motivate,v,t,.,激发;激励,stimulate,v,t,.&,v,i,.,鼓舞;激励,“鼓舞;激励”动词家族,二单元核心短语重现,第一组,先记牢,1.move _,离开;起程;出发,2._ a,.life,过着,的生活,3.crowd _ (,想法、问题等,),涌上心头;涌入脑海,4.look down _,蔑视;瞧不起,e _ (,偶然,),遇见;碰见,off,lead/live,in,upon/on,across,二单元核心短语重现 off lead/live in,再用准,The other day,,,I _ an old friend in the street,,,who is _ hard _. Both of his parents died in the accident,,,leaving him an orphan. As his good friend,,,I am willing to give him a helping hand rather than _ him.,came across,leading/living a,life,look down upon,再用准 came across leading/l,第二组,先记牢,1.refer _,查阅;参考;谈到,2._ chance,碰巧;凑巧,3.carry _,继续;坚持,4.devote._ .,献身于,;专心于,5.work _,解决;锻炼身体;结果是,to,by,on,to,out,第二组 to by on to out,再用准,_ her career,,,Mary,,,my best friend,,,has little time to spend with her family. When she is faced with difficulties,,,she would _ relevant learning materials or web pages rather than lose heart. If she _ working hard like this,,,I hold the firm belief that she will succeed in time.,Devoted to,refer to,carries on,再用准 Devoted to refer to,2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit1Womenofachievementppt课件新人教版,2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit1Womenofachievementppt课件新人教版,2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit1Womenofachievementppt课件新人教版,点拨,“,only,状语,(,从句,),”,位于,句首时的部分倒装。,can you behave properly,点拨“only状语(从句)”位于can you be,点拨,once,引导条件状语从句,,,意,为,“,一旦,就,”,。,once you master the,methods,点拨once引导条件状语从句,意once you ma,点拨,“,It hits/hit sb.,从句,”,表示,“,某人突然想起,”,。,it hit me that,点拨“It hits/hit sb.从句”表示it,词汇精研,1.,behave vt.& vi.,举动;,(,举止或行为,),表现,(act, conduct),(1)behave well/badly to/towards sb.,对待某人好,/,差,behave oneself,守规矩;表现得体,(2)behavio(u)r,n,举止;行为;习性,词汇精研,经典例句,Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.,应当鼓励学生养成良好的习惯,行为更加规范。,经典例句,基础检测,单句语法填空,Personally,,,it is completely wrong of him to behave _ others and life with such an attitude.,I am constantly telling her to behave _ (her),towards/to,herself,基础检测单句语法填空 towards/to her,能力提升,单句写作,就我个人而言,我们大家都应该注意在公共场所的举止。,(2018,高考全国卷,),_,As far as Im concerned, all of us should mind our behaviour in public places.,能力提升单句写作As far as Im conc,2.,observe vt.,观察,,,观测,(watch attentively),;注意到;遵守,(follow in practice),;庆祝,(celebrate),(1)observe sb. do sth.,观察某人做某事,(,全过程,),observe sb. doing sth.,观察某人正在做某事,observe that.,观察到,(2)observe the traffic rules,遵守交通规则,observe Christmas,过圣诞节,(3)observation,n,观察;观测,2.observe vt.观察,观测(watch atten,高考例句,After years of observing human nature, I have decided that two qualities make the difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance: curiosity and discontent. (2020,高考天津卷,),经过多年对人性的观察,我认为有两种品质决定了你是成就非凡的人还是平庸的人:好奇心和永不满足的精神。,高考例句,基础检测,写出下列各句中,observe,的含义,We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made an impact on our lives in many ways.,(2019,高考天津卷,),_,观察,基础检测写出下列各句中observe的含义观察,Having lived in America for years,,,many Chinese Americans still observe the traditional customs.,_,It is a tradition for the people here to observe the Spring Festival.,_,The thief was observed to open the window and run away.,_,遵守,庆祝,注意到,Having lived in America for y,能力提升,一句多译,你可以看到我们学生每天都在体育馆里参加各种各样的活动。,(2018,高考全国卷,),_,_,_,_,(,被动语态,),You can observe us students take part in various activities in the stadium,every day.,We students can be observed to take part in various activities in the stadium,every day .,能力提升一句多译You can observe us,3.,respect vt.,尊敬;尊重;敬意,n,方面,,,细节,(detail),;敬意,,,问候,(polite greeting),(1)respect sb. for sth.,因某事而尊重某人,(2)have/show respect for sb.,尊重某人,out of respect for.,出于对,的尊敬;顾及,(3)respectable,adj,.,可敬的,,,值得尊敬的,3.respect vt.尊敬;尊重;敬意 n方面,细节(,经典例句,Mr. Liu is a very respectable teacher indeed! I do thank him for what he did for me.,刘老师确实是一个非常值得尊敬的人。我特别感谢他为我所做的一切。,经典例句,基础检测,单句语法填空,In China,,,we attach great importance to _ (respect) the elderly. (2018,高考全国卷,),Living in a town can,t compare with living in the country in many _ (respect),respecting,respects,基础检测单句语法填空 respecting res,能力提升,词汇,/,句式升级,We respect our English teacher. Her modesty and good behaviour make a deep impression on us.,We _ our English teacher _,_,(,升级加黑词;升级为定语从句,),show respect for,whose modesty and good,behaviour make a deep impression on us,能力提升词汇/句式升级 show respect f,4.,argue vi.& vt.,讨论,(discuss),;争论,(quarrel),;说服,(persuade),;辩论,(debate),(1)argue with sb. about/over sth.,与某人争论某事,argue for/against sth.,据理力争,/,反对某事,argue sb. into/out of doing sth.,说服某人做,/,不做某事,(2)argument,n,论证;论据;争吵,beyond argument,无可争辩,4.argue vi.& vt.讨论(discuss);争论,名师指津,“,说服某人做某事,”,的其他表达形式:,persuade sb.to do sth.,persuade sb. into doing sth.,convince sb. to do sth.,talk sb. into doing sth.,名师指津,基础检测,单句语法填空,After a long time of discussion they accepted the agreement without _ (argue),As our family income decreased,,,father argued _ an increase in our pocket money.,argument,against,基础检测单句语法填空 argument again,能力提升,一句多译,我们想方设法劝说他接受我们的建议,但都是徒劳。,We tried many ways _ our advice,,,but in vain.(argue),to argue him into following,能力提升一句多译 to argue him into,We tried many ways _,our advice,,,but in vain.(persuade),We tried many ways _ our advice,,,but in vain.(talk),to persuade him to follow/into following,to talk him into following,We tried many ways _,5.,support n,& vt.,支持;拥护,(advocation),(1)support a family,供养家庭,support oneself,自力更生,(2)in support of,支持,(3)supporter,n,支持者,(4)supporting,adj,.,支持的,5.support n& vt.支持;拥护(advocat,经典例句,Only a few people spoke in support of his plan,,,which made him very disappointed.,只有少数人支持他的计划,这使他很失望。,经典例句,基础检测,单句语法填空,/,同义词替换,A true friend is someone who accepts your past,,,_ (support) your present and encourages your future.,Feeding such a large family is really a heavy load for her. _,supports,Supporting,基础检测单句语法填空/同义词替换 supportsS,能力提升,单句写作,汤姆很独立,除非他想得到父母的支持,否则他从不征求父母的意见。,(2019,高考天津卷,),_,Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents,opinion unless he wants,their support.,能力提升单句写作Tom is so independ,6.,intend vt.,计划,,,打算,(have in mind as a purpose),(1)intend doing/to do sth.,打算做某事,intend sb.to do sth.,打算让某人做某事,(2)be intended to do sth./for sth.,专门为,;专门给,(3)intention,n,意图;目的;打算,with an/the intention of,抱有,的目的;打算,6.intend vt.计划,打算(have in mind,经典例句,I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.,我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。,经典例句,基础检测,单句语法填空,This program was set up with an _ (intend) of providing help to homeless people.,The school being built at present is said to be intended _ the disabled children.,intention,for,基础检测单句语法填空intention for,能力提升,一句多译,这所大学以其面向国际学生的语言和文化课程而闻名。,(2018,高考北京卷,),The university is known for its language and culture courses _,_,(,定语从句,),The university is known for its language and culture courses _,_,(,分词短语作定语,),which is,intended for international students,intended for,international students,能力提升一句多译which is intended,7.,refer to,谈到,,,提到,(mention),;参考,,,查阅,(consult),;指的是,(1)refer to.as.,把,称作,refer.to.,把,提交给,(2)reference,n,提及;参考;查阅,reference book,参考书,7.refer to谈到,提到(mention);参考,查阅,经典例句,Study this example and refer to the explanation below.,研究这个例子并参考下面的解释。,经典例句,基础检测,写出下列各句中,refer to,的含义,If you don,t know the exact meaning of the word,,,you may refer to the dictionary. _,Your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. _,We have reached an agreement that we will not refer to the matter again.,_,查阅,参考,提及,基础检测写出下列各句中refer to的含义查阅 参,能力提升,补全句子,People who work in offices _ (,通常被称作,),“,white,collar workers,”,are usually referred to as,能力提升补全句子are usually referr,8.,look down upon/on,蔑视;轻视;瞧不起,look up to,尊敬;仰视,look forward to,盼望;期待,look into,调查;观察;窥视,look up,抬头看;查阅,look back on,回顾,8.look down upon/on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起,经典例句,The days are gone when women are looked down upon in many countries.,在许多国家妇女受歧视的日子已经过去了。,经典例句,基础检测,用,look,的相关短语填空,Therefore, there is no reason for us to _ ordinary jobs.,The reason why I _ the artist is that his works are inspiring.,I often _ the words I don,t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.,look down upon/on,look up to,look up,基础检测用look的相关短语填空 look down,能力提升,单句写作,我热烈欢迎你和你的演出。同时,我期待着尽快收到你的回信。,(2019,高考全国卷,),_,I,d like to express my warm welcome to you and your performances.,Meanwhile, I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.,能力提升单句写作Id like to expres,句式剖析,1.,Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.,我一旦停下来,,,所有的一切都会涌上心头,,,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。,教材原句,句式剖析,(1)once,引导条件状语从句,,,意为,“,一旦,就,”,。,(2),若,once,引导的从句的主语与主句主语一致,,,且从句中含有,be,动词的某种形式,,,可省略从句中的主语和,be,动词。,(1)once引导条件状语从句,意为“一旦就”。,经典例句,Once I get him a job, he,ll be fine.,一旦我帮他找到了工作,他就会好的。,经典例句,基础检测,单句语法填空,You _ (be) successful in the interview once you have confidence.,_ in danger, he would hit on the way to escape.,will be,Once,基础检测单句语法填空will be Once,能力提升,句式升级,Once it is lost, the good chance may never come again.,_,,,the good chance may never come again.(,省略,),Once lost,能力提升句式升级 Once lost,2.,Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.,我突然想起在那个年代,,,一个女子去学医是多么困难。,教材原句,2.Suddenly it hit me how diffi,“,It hit/hits sb.,从句,”,表示,“,某人突然想起,”,it,作形式主语的其他常见句型:,It occurs to sb.that.,某人突然想到,It strikes sb.that.,某人突然想到,It happens that.,碰巧,“It hit/hits sb.从句”表示“某人突然想起,经典例句,After hospital life for a week, it suddenly hit me that nothing is more important than health.,住院一个星期后,我突然意识到没有比健康更重要的东西了。,经典例句,基础检测,单句语法填空,It _ (hit) me that this foreigner was the one I saw in the supermarket.,_ happens that he told me not to depend on fortune,,,but on conduct.,hit,It,基础检测单句语法填空 hit It,能力提升,一句多译,他突然想到第二天上午他要参加一个重要的会议。,_ he had an important conference to attend the next morning.(occur),_ he had an important conference to attend the next morning.(hit),_ he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (strike),It occurred to him that,It hit him that,It struck him that,能力提升一句多译It occurred to him,.,单句语法填空,1,The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don,t behave _ (they),2,Please give my _ (respect) to your parents the moment you go back home.,3,How I regretted arguing _ her about the important question,,,which made us all unhappy.,themselves,respects,with,.单句语法填空themselves respects,4,Making a full,length clay (,黏土,) figure would not exhaust my strength,and that is what I intend _ (do),!,(2020,高考天津卷,),5,You,d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _ (refer),6,I like to look back _ my high school days,,,which were the happiest in my life.,7,_ students settle down,,,the teacher will have the lecture given.,doing/to do,reference,on,Once,4Making a fulllength clay (黏,8,It suddenly occurred _ him that he had left his keys in the office.,9,With our teacher _ (support)us,,,we feel quite encouraged.,10,The man was observed _ (enter) the bank by the police.,to,supporting,to enter,8It suddenly occurred _,.,思维训练,Step 1:,先盲填,(,不看参考词汇只根据语篇逻辑,),My neighbor Pat Anderson always shows great kindness and consideration to others. One day we had an 1._ in our family. My sister Lily was going to 2._ a speech at an institute. I intended to take her there,emergency,deliver,.思维训练 emergency deliver,but our car would not start. I 3._ into the street to hire a taxi. Then suddenly I came across Pat. She was going to go to the hospital, 4._ that she had caught the sickness that was going around the local area. After she heard our problem, she rushed home 5._ her own car and took us there. The audience was already in the hall.We were only just in time!,rushed,fearing,to get,but our car would not start. I,Step 2,:再参考提供词汇,(,注意词形变化,有两个多余词汇,),deliver; behave; emergency; rush; get; fear; accident,Step 3,:核对答案并背诵短文,Step 2:再参考提供词汇(注意词形变化,有两个多余词汇),.,话题书面表达,假定你是李华,你校英文报正在征稿,题目是,“,The Most Impressive Woman in My Life,”,。请你写一篇稿件,投给校英文报,内容包括:,这位女士的特点;,这位女士给你的影响。,.话题书面表达,2022届高考英语一轮复习必修4Unit1Womenofachievementppt课件新人教版,she has devoted her whole life to teaching,Besides,are intended for students poor i


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