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,2020/6/16,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/6/16,#,How to write a good composition,How to write a good compositi,1,2016,衡阳市书面表达,荣光学校九年级(,2,)班就“环境问题”召开了一次班会,并且以“,Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse?”,为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学对未来表示乐观,但也有些同学对未来有些担心。请根据表格中的内容提示,用英语写一篇短文。,乐观者的观点:,1.,越来越多的人将成为环保主义者。,2.,政府将采取更多的措施改善环境。,担心者的观点:,1.,大量的树木仍将被砍伐。,2.,私家车将越来越多。,你的观点及你的打算学生自拟(至少两点),提示:,1.,短文中不得出现真实的人名和地名。,2.,短文中应包含至少,4,个要点。,3.,书写工整、语句通顺、连贯,词数不少于,80.,注意:文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。,参考词汇:,optimistic adj.,乐观的,government n.,政府,take measures to,采取措施,private adj.,私有的,Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse?,Many students are optimistic about our environment in ten years.,_,_,2016衡阳市书面表达,2,2017,年衡阳市书面表达,书面表达。中国日报(,China Daily,)教育版近期举办英语征文竞赛,其主题为构建和谐社区(,Harmonious Community,)。假设你是,Tony,,住在湘江社区,请以,How to Create a Harmonious Community,为题,谈谈你的看法:,创建和谐社区,家人之间的和谐相处尊敬长辈,听取家人建议,(补充一点),邻里之间的和谐相处对邻里友善,互帮互助,(补充一点),人与环境的和谐共存爱护花草树木,不乱扔垃圾,(补充一点),提示词:,harmonious,:,和谐的,要求:,1.,短文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、地址、学校等相关信息。,2.,文中应写出自己的补充的三个观点。,3.,书写工整、语句通顺连贯、词数不少于,80,。,注意:文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。,How to Create a Harmonious Community,My name is Tony. I live in Xiangjiang Community. _,_,2017年衡阳市书面表达,3,2018,年衡阳市书面表达,假如你是刘伟,你在英国的笔友Jim对中国的传统节日很感兴趣,他来信询问有关情况。请你给他回一封电子邮件,简单介绍中国的传统节日。今天是端午节,请你重点介绍中国人一般是如何过端午节的。,注意:1. 80100词左右。,2.可以结合自己的情况适当增加细节,以便行文连贯。,3.开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,Dear Jim,Im glad to receive your e-mail,.,_,_,What do you think of the Dragon Boat Festival? Looking forward to your reply.,Yours,Liu Wei,2018年衡阳市书面表达,4,keys,英,语,写,作,基,本,技,能,分成合理三段,想到简单内容,造出正确句子,进行句式升级,keys英分成合理三段想到简单内容造出正确句子进行句式升级,5,1,2,3,常见问题,词汇量不足;句式单一,组织结构不清,语法结构混用,123常见问题词汇量不足;句式单一组织结构不清语法结构混,6,词汇量不足;句式单一,1,句式;短语表达多样化,词汇量不足;句式单一1句式;短语表达多样化,7,Key,1,表达多样化,我喜欢英语,I like English,I am crazy about English,I am fond of English,my favorite language is English,I fall in love with English at the first sight.,Key 1表达多样化我喜欢英语I like English,8,Key,1,表达多样化,我喜欢英语因为它是一门重要的课程,I like English because it is important for our lessons,The reason why I like English is that it is important for our lessons,我热爱运动因为它有利于我的健康,I like exercise because it is good for our health,The reason why I like exercise is that it is good for our health,I like exercise because it has good influence on our health,Key 1表达多样化我喜欢英语因为它是一门重要的课程I li,9,Key,1,表达多样化,她是一个,多么,漂亮的女孩,.,She is such a nice/good-looking/eye-catching girl,What a good-looking girl she is,What an eye-catching girl she is,How beautiful she is,Key 1表达多样化她是一个多么漂亮的女孩.She is s,10,Key,1,表达多样化,她是一个,多么,漂亮的女孩,,有着长长的卷发;圆圆的脸,She is such a nice girl with long curly hair and a round face,She is such a nice girl who has long hair and a round face,阅读一个提升自我能力的好方法 ;既有用又高效,Reading is a good way to improve our ability,,,it is both useful and effective,Reading is a good way to improve our ability,,,which is helpful and effective,Key 1表达多样化她是一个多么漂亮的女孩,有着长长的卷发;,11,Key,1,表达多样化,复习和预习对于学习很重要,Preview and review is important to study,It is necessary for our study to preview and review,I think it necessary for our study to preview and review,Key 1表达多样化复习和预习对于学习很重要Preview,12,Key,1,表达多样化,复习和预习对于学习很重要,因为他们在学习中扮演着关键的作用,Preview and review is important to study,,,because they play an key role in studying,保护环境很重要,因为自然环境对于我们的日常生活不可或缺,protecting the environment is important,,,for the reason that natural environment plays an important role in our daily life,Key 1表达多样化复习和预习对于学习很重要,因为他们在学习,13,组织结构不清,2,逻辑连接词;开头;结尾万能公式,组织结构不清2逻辑连接词;开头;结尾万能公式,14,Key,3,逻辑连接词,First,second,to begin with,first of all,first and foremost,at the outset,then,furthermore,moreover,whats more,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3逻辑连接词Firstsecondto begin,15,Key,3,逻辑连接词,third,So,last but not least,lastly,as a final point,last of all,hence,thus,therefore,as a result,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3逻辑连接词thirdSolast but not,16,Key,3,万能开头句,当谈到,;涉及到,When it comes to,When it comes to getting things done, hes useless,When talking about ,When we talk about how teenagers are getting worse and worse now, most young people dont agree.,When we talk about ,When talking about the Mid-autumn Festival, we think of mooncakes and family reunion.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能开头句当谈到;涉及到When it come,17,Key,3,万能开头句,古语有云,.,As an old saying goes,It goes without saying that.,Well goes an old saying,,,It is an old saying that.,As an old saying goes,,,knowledge is power,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能开头句古语有云.As an old sa,18,Key,3,万能开头句,据报道,;,据研究,; ,显示,According to a survey/study/report,,,According to a new survey, students safety has become a big problem,A survey/study/report shows that,A survey/study/report shows that exercise is,important for us,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能开头句据报道;据研究; 显示Accord,19,Key,3,万能开头句,随着,的发展;进步,With the development/advance of,With the development of technology, smartphone is becoming more and more popular and important in peoples daily life.,As science and technology develop,As science and technology develop , we can enjoy,more conveniences.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能开头句随着的发展;进步 With the,20,Key,3,万能开头句,很明显,.,It is obvious that,It is obvious that he has been at home (because she phoned us with his home telephone,),很清楚;很明显,It is clear that,It is clear that the effects of these environmental pollutants are very real .,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能开头句很明显. It is obvious,21,Key,3,万能开头句,毫无疑问的是,.,There is no doubt that,There is no doubt that we will be successful.,不容否认的是,No one can deny that,No one can deny that the fact that smoking,could lead to cancer.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能开头句毫无疑问的是. There is no,22,Key,3,万能结尾句,我认为,,As far as I am concerned,,,.,From my point of view,In my opinion,,,As far as I know,,,To my mind,,,In my opinion,,,keeping healthy is of great importance,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能结尾句 我认为,As far as I am,23,Key,3,万能结尾句,因此,可以得出这样的结论:,Hence, it can be concluded that.,因此,我们能够发现,;,Therefore, we can find that.,我们可以得出结论,;,we can draw the conclusion that.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3万能结尾句因此,可以得出这样的结论:Hence,24,Key,3,Advantages,1.,挣钱,We can earn some pocket money to buy our favorite books,.,2.,利用好时间,We can make good use of our spare time,to do some valuable things.,4.,交朋友,Not only our English but also our interpersonal skills can be improved.,3,.,提高能力,We can make some close friends with common interests to share our life experience with each other.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3Advantages1.挣钱We can earn,25,Key,3,Advantages,5.,有益于身心健康,It is beneficial for our physical and mental health.,6.,既有意义又有趣,It is not only meaningful but also interesting.,7.,培养兴趣,开阔视野,丰富课余生活,It can cultivate our interests, broaden our horizons and enrich our afterschool life.,8.,面对困难,克服挑战,达成目标,实现梦想,It can enable us to face difficulties, overcome challenges, achieve our goals and realize our dreams.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3Advantages 5,26,Key,3,Disadvantages,1,.,浪费时间,浪费精力,Not only our precious time but,also our energy will be wasted.,2.,浪费金钱,It costs so much money that many ordinary families cannot even afford it.,3.,影响身心健康,It never fails to do a lot of harm to our physical and mental health.,4.,影响学习,Our study also be negatively affected.,5.,影响人际关系,It is also bad for our,interpersonal relationship.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3Disadvantages 1 .浪费时间,浪费精,27,Key,3,Disadvantages,6.,让人上瘾,It may gradually/eventually get you addicted to it.,7.,污染环境,It may cause serious air pollution to this world, which is already far from perfect.,8.,导致无法预测的麻烦和问题,It may end up with some unexpected troubles and problems.,9.,让我们忘记,XXX,的真正意义,We may forget the true meaning of XXX.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3Disadvantages,28,Key,3,paragraph,(,1,)重要性,Needless to say, XXX is of great significance/importance for our life/society. As for the reasons, first and foremost,. Additionally, Last but not least,(,2,)我的观点,As far as I am concerned,. The reason is simple: just as an old saying goes, ,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3paragraph(1)重要性 Needless,29,Key,3,paragraph,(3,)解释原因,There are three main reasons why sb do sth. First,and foremost, Additionally, Last but not least,.,(,4,)建议措施,Here are some suggestions. 1 2 3,Practical and effective measures must be put into practice immediately to improve the current situation. 1 2 3.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3paragraph (3)解释原因 There a,30,语法结构混用,3,先写主干;再添枝叶,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),语法结构混用3先写主干;再添枝叶初中英语作文复习课件(PPT,31,Key,4,语法结构,我喜欢这个男孩,I like the boy,I like the boy very much,I like the boy very much because he is both lively and lovely.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 4语法结构 我喜欢这个男孩I like the bo,32,Key,4,语法结构,他正在画画,He is drawing.,He is drawing in the class.,He is drawing in the English class.,He is drawing a horse seriously in the English class.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 4语法结构 他正在画画He is drawing.H,33,Key,4,语法结构,我们老师将给我们做演讲,our teacher will give us a speech.,our Chinese teacher will give us a lesson about how to write a good passage.,our Chinese teacher with two big eyes and a pair of glasses will give us a lesson about how to write a good passage.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 4语法结构 我们老师将给我们做演讲our teach,34,真题练手,4,孰能生巧,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),真题练手4 孰能生巧初中英语作文复习课件(PPT45张)初中,35,Key,3,Example,我们应该多读书,There is no doubt that,we are supposed to read more books.,As for the reasons, first and foremost, it is obvious that,books are useful,which can cultivate our interests, broaden our horizons and enrich our afterschool life. Additionally, it goes without saying that,reading books is not only meaningful but also interesting.,Last but not least, no one can deny that,we need to pass a lot of exams; as a result, we need the knowledge learned from books.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3Example我们应该多读书There is no,36,Key,3,Example,我们要适当地玩手机,There is no doubt that,using telephones has some disadvantages,first and foremost, it is obvious that it,may gradually get you addicted to it if you use it improperly.,Additionally,It is clear that,not only our precious time but also our energy will be wasted.,Last but not least,no one can deny that,We may forget the true meaning of studying; as a result, It may end up with some unexpected troubles and problems.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 3Example我们要适当地玩手机There is,37,Key,5,真题练手,随着科技的发展和社会的进步,快速更新的智能手机受到全民热爱,人们的生活似乎已经离不开手机;智能手机的出现确实给人们的生活带来了很大的便利,但同时也带来了许多问题,作为中学生的我们,该如何正确及使用手机呢?,要点:,1.,智能手机带来的便利,2.,智能手机带来的问题,.,3.,我的观点,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5真题练手随着科技的发展和社会的进步,快速更新的智能,38,Key,5,真题练手,提纲,=,(分段,+,内容),-,利弊分析型,1.,总,-xxx,(随着,发展,,xxx,受欢迎,/,引发讨论),2.,分,-,赞同的观点,+,理由,1.2.3,反对的观点,+,理由,1.2.3,3.,总,-,我的观点(套话),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5真题练手提纲=(分段+内容)-利弊分析型初中英语作,39,Key,5,真题练手,With the development of technology and society,,,There is no doubt that,telephones,play an important part in,our daily life. Whether students can take telephone to school,different people have different opinions about this question.,On the one hand,,,Some people think,its great for students to use telephones, because,they,can make some close friends with common interests to share their,life experience,with others,.,Whats more,,,their parents can get to us quickly when they need.,On the other hand, some other people do not agree with them.,They hold the view that,the students who use the telephone will play games, watch movies, send messages and so on, even during the class, which will do harm to them .,and It never fails to do a lot of harm to our physical and mental health.,as far as Im concerned, bringing phone to school is not a bad idea, if we use it properly. To some extend, it would be good for our study. If we take it to school, we must sure that we wont use it during the class.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5真题练手 With the development,40,Key,5,真题练手,假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友,Ma,ry,将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括:,1,、到达时间,2,、合适的礼物,3,、餐桌礼仪,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5真题练手假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Mary将去中,41,Key,5,真题练手,提纲,=,(分段,+,内容),1.,问候,+,我听说,+,写信目的,2.,根据问题,我给的建议,+,加理由,1,2,3,a.,到达时间,-,早点到,-,准备食材,-,有趣有意义,b,、合适的礼物,-xxx-,增进关系,c,、餐桌礼仪,-,吃饭不出声,-,不礼貌,3.,我希望,我相信,(我感谢,),请回信,.,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5真题练手提纲=(分段+内容)初中英语作文复习课件(,42,Key,5,真题练手,Dear Mary,How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friends home. Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.,To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, youd better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. last but not least, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food.,Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. I am looking forward to your good news.,Yours,LiHua,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5真题练手 Dear Mary,初中英语作文复习课件,43,Key,5,summary,但凡应试书信,逃不出三种段落:,(一)开头段:四大内容,1,、问候;,2,、自我介绍;,3,、写信背景;为什么会写这封信,4,、写信 目的;写这封信想达到什么目的,(二)中间段:具体问题,+,具体分析;,(三)结尾段:客套话。,口诀:,开门见山说意图,咨询建议,123,,,感谢客气不可少,期待回信成老套,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Key 5summary但凡应试书信,逃不出三种段落:初中英,44,Thanks for your listening,初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),初中英语作文复习课件(,PPT45,张),Thanks for your listening初中英语,45,


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